firebreather999 - Profile



female LV 14

I like the beach

2018-12-28 Se unió Trinidad & Tobago

Insignias 8

Moments 1665


I imagined Adam but with a vengeful face


Their shock was palpable as I removed the grenade's safety pin. They likely assumed I was committing suicide, unaware of my ability to respawn.

Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

Movies · THE_V1S1ON


He is like ai drawing of (a cannibal) hisoka


Appearance: Alpha is 20yr old man with a tall, imposing presence. He has rich, red-violet hair that falls in soft waves around his face, giving him a charismatic and almost regal appearance. His eyes are a vivid red, glowing with a fierce intensity. His clothing is a sharp contrast to his savage nature, often appearing in dark, elegant attire that enhances his intimidating yet alluring persona.

Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

Movies · THE_V1S1ON


I’m just want to mention that he could kamikaze the killers as he will be revived anyway. He just has to take down the others with him.


Knowing that using my cooldown reducer would cut down the wait time by 80 percent, I felt really confident. With this advantage, I was totally ready to deal with whatever came my way. It was time to get moving and do something about it.

Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

Movies · THE_V1S1ON

Replied to Avi_Rohilla

That power will turn ppl into vegetarians 🥗 since you can understand animals a lot better like beast boy


Animal Empathy: This trait gives people a natural talent for talking to and understanding animals really well. With Animal Empathy, folks can easily connect with all sorts of creatures, knowing what they're trying to say just by watching them. This trait lets them become good friends with animals, making them trust each other and work together.

I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Anime & Comics · THE_V1S1ON


Doesn’t that mean toneri didn’t need hinata’s eyes at all to get the tensaigon


"In rare cases...", The Patriarch continued, his demeanor reflecting the secrecy of the matter, "An Elder may choose a pair of these high-purity Byakugan to replace those of a lineage member whose eyes have not awakened or do not meet the Main Branch's standards."

A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch

A Transmigrator's Story in the Hyuga's Main Branch

Anime & Comics · Hanma_Jack


I thought she spiked the drink with some mind controlling or love potion


Nephthys, left behind, wiped her tears and slowly packed up. As she departed, Seth reappeared at the same spot, a shiver running through him. Was it his imagination, or had he sensed the malevolent presence of Apep in the brew Nephthys had so lovingly prepared?

Reborn As An Egyptian God

Reborn As An Egyptian God

Fantasy · Rqmk

Replied to Habutheri

Thanks for the info

He was the son of one of his advisors, Akihito Shibuya, a man who had helped him in his own rise to the position of daimyo. And for his services, he had granted the man ample land, making him a jito.

Reborn in a daimyo's court-Naruto SI

Reborn in a daimyo's court-Naruto SI

Anime & Comics · Drkest


Kuroko: I’m number one


nonetheless, the number one in class 1A was me.

Naruto- Amaterasu

Naruto- Amaterasu

Anime & Comics · IMMORT_AL



He is none other than the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates, Kaido!

One Piece: The Defender of Justice

One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Anime & Comics · CosmicKaminari


I think the blonde lad is rosinate


As for why he asked the blond boy to help him cover, it was of course because Atlas knew that his devil fruit ability could perfectly cover up the traces of Atlas's actions!

One Piece: The Defender of Justice

One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Anime & Comics · CosmicKaminari

Replied to Chaos_Evil_Daoist

That should have put her on the fast track friendship with Loki

Thor, ever the charmer, had initially been captivated by Amora's beauty, much to her surprise and mine. However, his cavalier attitude towards romance and his tendency to treat women as conquests soon became apparent, causing Amora to recoil from his advances. In a fit of frustration, she cast a charm of seduction upon him, causing him to unwittingly attract the attention of men instead of women. The resulting chaos was both amusing and enlightening, leading to a temporary rift between Thor and Amora, which I eventually resolved by convincing her to lift the spell.

Baldur Odinson: God of Light

Baldur Odinson: God of Light

Movies · Lonely_Translator



Unlike the old Dipper, I won't let "Gideon" go to prison entirely.

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Anime & Comics · Herohero



"So you intend to touch my soul, huh?" Mahito, opening his eyes, suddenly found himself in the center of Sukuna's innate domain, the king of curses sitting on his throne of bones. "You amused me with what you did to the boy, and that's why I'll forgive you this time."

Jujutsu Kaisen: Becoming the strongest as Yuji Itadori

Jujutsu Kaisen: Becoming the strongest as Yuji Itadori

Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy


You forgot your contracted ally galactus


As Peter gazed at his new shadowy servant, a thought crossed his mind, 'I truly pity the next unfortunate soul who crosses my path...' After all, with a mere thought, he had the power to call forth three beings of immense strength from his shadow: Tiamut the Communicator, the Silver Surfer, and Knull, the God of the Abyss. 'They don't stand a chance, do they?'

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord

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