

LV 14

It has come to my attention that I have to stake a claim in my fics over here so my work wont be stolen. I do not enjoy using webnovel. Please go to fanfiction or QuestionableQuesting to see my work.

2018-10-12 Se unió Global
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Moments 122
24 days ago

Interesting Power System. ;)

1 years ago
Replied to Fantastic_Spirit

yo, check out the update if you still enjoy this story.

1 years ago
Replied to MCoronado

yo, check out the update if you still enjoy this story.

2 years ago

Great Story. I find some of these reviews to be highly strange. It seems like people just want to write a poor review simply because they want to be spiteful. The story is wonderful, to the point without drama, and even while i knew next to nothing about Fate, I understood everything. It's a real nice gem to add to the rare collection.

2 years ago

no matter how much time pass's, coming back to this gem for a re-read is incredibly satisfying. even though years have passed, i still hope for more. thanks for the time and effort author.

2 years ago

thats a shame author, it might have been very off topic from canon but you did some incredible OG work. in my opinion, you should leave the fic up. maybe on FF rather than here but it would be a shame to let your work just be deleted. it could be inspiration for someone else with the great quality writing you made.

2 years ago

On one hand, the very basic if understandable grammar is a bit of take away but on the other hand Alice is the best girl and I was very upset to have read till the current (chap 24). I 100% shamelessly demand more. MOAR

2 years ago

Get better soon. I'm 100% saying this to be heartfelt and not because you made a potential offer of writing more HP fics. Completely genuine I am. Yes. Kek, feel better dude, don't let life kick ya down. When life gives you lemons, throw them back with C4 attached.

2 years ago

Om Mani Padme Hum x108

2 years ago

Very simple and to the point story. Deserves the 5 stars. For webnovel, this is top quality work. You cut out the useless drama and strange character traits that so many have, made a mature MC, nice connections with the family, and the system is simplified and not spammed like crazy. it's a lovely bleach fic and i'm excited for more. If there was any request i had, and this is just a request which you can 100% ignore, besides wanting more chapters, it would be to limit the amount of skills the MC gets. When i read system stories and the MC just has this endless long list of skills, i feel exhausted. It's way more pleasurable to read about someone who can use less skills in more ways, than more skills in less ways. Thank you.

  • My Life with an S&M Maid original

    My Life with an S&M Maid

    Anime & Comics

    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account. And READ THE WARNINGS. Anime worlds are fun as a story, but what happens when that story becomes your reality? Join Dante on his journey through a world full of adventure, romance, immortals, magic, magical beasts, oh, and a S&M maid, can't forget that one. Join him as he takes the world by storm as the Ouroboros Potioneer! Slight AU Fairy Tail, starts years before canon. SLOW/Slice of life elements

    2 Chs 48 Colecciones

  • Rebirth in Toriko original

    Rebirth in Toriko

    Anime & Comics

    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account. And READ THE WARNINGS. I'm not sure if i'm satisfied but: Follow the disciple of the world's strongest as he transforms from a starved orphan into the Heavenly Emperor on his quest to satiate his hunger and enjoy everything the world has to offer.

    1 Chs 37 Colecciones

  • Child of Chaos - Multiverse original

    Child of Chaos - Multiverse

    Anime & Comics

    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account. And READ THE WARNINGS. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, otherwise known in Fanon circles as the great emperor troll, made a mistake in a magical experiment. The result of the mistake both surprised and amused Zelretch so much, he decided to roll with it. Join our MC on the ride of his life through the multiverse as he causes chaos, and gets thrown into chaos, at every turn. Rip-off jumpchain crackfic

    1 Chs 11 Colecciones

  • CD: The Ouroboros original

    CD: The Ouroboros


    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account. And READ THE WARNINGS. This fanfic is based off of ‘The Burning Fiend’ by ‘Vlad’. I have read Coiling Dragon, every chapter, but I like what Vlad changed. . Coiling Dragon made Linley the MC. ‘The Burning Fiend’ made Reynolds the MC. My fic is making George the MC. We have all read 'Coiling Dragon.' We know how the story went with Linley as MC. A fanfic author created a fic called 'The Burning Fiend' with Reynolds as MC. Well, here is my fic with George as MC. Enjoy the journey as George Walsh rises above all others. Better summary coming soon. Gradual OP MC. Single world, no plan for world travel.

    1 Chs 5 Colecciones

  • The King of Games RV original

    The King of Games RV

    Anime & Comics

    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account. And READ THE WARNINGS. P.S. I am the original author of this work contrary to the stolen version. For proof, please refer to the time stamps on my Fanfiction account. I posted this fic last year. A man wins a bet with GOD, awakens the memories of his past lives, and becomes the Seventh Campione. What else needs to be said? Go watch him on his journey to become something greater than he ever thought he could be, as he leaves behind his past to become a son of Pandora and Gaia. The child of the mother goddesses. Story starts a year before Canon, OP MC, World hopping later.

    1 Chs 6 Colecciones

  • The Dragonborn's Retirement original

    The Dragonborn's Retirement

    Video Games

    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account. And READ THE WARNINGS. Dying was easy, being reborn was simple, but having a lifetime worth of memories of fighting, surviving, learning, loving, and saving the world on numerous occasions tagged on was exhausting. This is the story of an OP demigod taking a break from responsibility and enjoying the retirement life with his two wives.

    1 Chs 9 Colecciones

  • Reaching for Divinity original

    Reaching for Divinity

    Anime & Comics

    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account. And READ THE WARNINGS. [Congratulations on being one of the lucky chosen for the annual Isekai promotion!] "Oh for the love of..." Join jake on his journey through the world of danmachi to reach the peak, to attain divinity. Danmachi world focus, Slight AU world, 2 years before canon - Timeline WILL BE CHANGED. 3-4 girl small harem. READ THE WARNINGS

    1 Chs 10 Colecciones

  • A Phoenix's Flight original

    A Phoenix's Flight

    Anime & Comics

    I am posting all the first chapters of my fics here to stake my claim. If you wish to read more, Please go to my Fanfiction account, same author and fic name. And READ THE WARNINGS. A man get's the Isekai dream, but dreams are often built from expectation. Sol Hearth learns the price that comes with that. Follow Sol on his journey through the world of Fairy Tail, and one day beyond. READ THE WARNINGS. AU world and characters. At the moment, single love interest, can change.

    1 Chs 5 Colecciones

  • The Shadow Monarch original

    The Shadow Monarch



    For anyone who wants to know, i'm also posting on fanfiction so if you see the same fanfic over there its me. Gary stu OP OC, son of Thanatos, journey through the harry potter world and then jumping into Danmachi. If this gets popular i'll write a real summary Slight crackfic Hey guys, this is my first fanfic and I really wanted to make this idea, so I tried it out. Be gentle with me. PLEASE READ THE WARNING'S BEFORE YOU BEGIN READING. Disclaimer: I do not own harry potter, solo leveling, overlord, danmachi, Pokémon, or any other anime/novel/manga that i may use.

    5 Chs 1.7k Colecciones