see, in original show, bending affected the tempurature. the rocks that turned to lava was as hot as one. also, my friend tempurature is equal to half of the mass multuplied by the speed of molecules. if the molecules are slowed the matter get colder.
[Steaming: Boil water and turn it into steam.]
Anime & Comics · blazuki
But this is lightning, not normal electricity. Air also doesn't conduct electricity, but lightning make it through also. Also, lightning can ionize pure water into Oh- and H+ temporarily and create path for discharge.
Also, she's a lightning bender—my perfect counter.
Anime & Comics · blazuki
Yeah, Agree. But that's lightning and not electricity. You know, air also is pour conductor, but lightning still can go through. Pure water has resisivity of 20 million ohm, which isn't that much for lightning. Sure, it can lessen the power of lightning, but still, it's lethal.
you forget also Korra, Zahir and the guy that used to comminicate with Zahir in spirit world.
What was here was Unalaq's soul.
TV · blazuki
For now, it seems so. but personally idk.
typo. Meant earthbender
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Anime & Comics · blazuki
it's just used instead of grammaly.
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Anime & Comics · blazuki
Because it's sub-bending like ice-bending, which falls under the skill tree waterbending. Freezing is separate because it controls the coldness of the ice. There will be steaming skill in a chapter though.
i know them. steam burns, or scalds, are very nasty even compared to fire burns.
'So, I have Freeze, which is overkill. And if I level up my Steaming skill, I'll be able to burn my enemies. If I focus that steam on someone, I'm sure I could cook them.'
Anime & Comics · blazuki
Yes, even at 0 C it can get colder. But it stops at 0 Kelvin as the molecules stops moving
[Steaming: Boil water and turn it into steam.]
Playing Waterbending (Avatar: Last Aibender SI)
Anime & Comics · blazuki