maybe an actor or singer and his partner will be jennie from bp or bella hadid
Now what job should adult Adrian have? I'm thinking of making him an actor and creating a side story for that. Maybe romance a celebrity. But what are your thoughts? It can be as mundane as a chef or a pilot (idk.
TV · Ugyo
author-kun pls be blair the main FL
please rhaenyra I really want it to happen or team black🖤
Love interest: Possibly Rhaenyra Targaryen
TV · SrCuervo
yes, make her the love interest
Should I add her?
TV · burakku
I really like the flow of this story! and I'm anticipating what will happen in the next few chapters.
Hi! can I suggest something if Maya and Haley will be a couple?
pls monica
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I won't complain if she is the one andrew end up with. But maybe when she have a character development
"Interesting. Not bad," murmured a girl with long, straight blonde hair sitting at Jason's table.
Modern Family: New Life
TV · Nathe07