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LV 4
2018-07-29 Se unió Global

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Replied to Paradoxxed

"... spark conflict with Snezhnaya ..." They attack you openly in Mondstadt; openly attack Liyue harbour and try to destroy the city; start and fan a civil war; mind control the populace in Sumeru. That is at least what happens around the Traveler. So why all this hypocrisy in the game? They absolutely don't care, because there is nearly no consequences for the Fatui.

After knocking the agent out Ryuzu carried them off to a backstreet and placed them in a wooden crate with a heavy object placed on top of the lid, after poing some holes in the side of the box so the Fatui wouldn't suffocate, Ryuzu repeated the process, sometimes placing more than one agent per crate.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed


I never understood why Fatui aren't treated like Treasure Hoarders. I would kill them on sight.

After knocking the agent out Ryuzu carried them off to a backstreet and placed them in a wooden crate with a heavy object placed on top of the lid, after poing some holes in the side of the box so the Fatui wouldn't suffocate, Ryuzu repeated the process, sometimes placing more than one agent per crate.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to Croleoly

266448 Have fun!

[I'm a slime, so what?: God? Can I eat her?]

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Honkai impact: Dimensional Herrscher

Anime & Comics · AdamFlores


Yes, trust the ministry.

- Congratulations, Lord Potter, you are now considered an adult wizard in the magical world, and therefore the Ministry won't be able to trace you if you do magic outside of school.

I'm reborn as Harry Potter

I'm reborn as Harry Potter

Book&Literature · FanFictionForge



Maw was a techno mage, or so he was called by some writer, producer, or whatever bigshot he was that had some role in creating Avengers Endgame.

Marvel: I Need A New Body

Marvel: I Need A New Body

Anime & Comics · Marveller


So S, R, Q, P, O, N, M, L, K, J, I, H, G, F, E and D. I see.

According to her, the Intelligence Department Organizers were in charge of classifying tasks by rank, from S to D, to help newbies like me progress safely.

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty



After a long chat, we finally reached the bridge over the river that connected directly to the city's entrance. Suddenly the pigeons on the bridge took flight, as if they had sensed us approaching.

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty



Without realizing it, my eyes briefly lowered to her bubble butt outlined by the brown leather shorts, along with the red T-shirt, stockings and thigh-high white boots, decorated with gold accents.

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty



As she said that, she slapped her hand, wiping her palms. I killed four Hilichurls in total. I think it was a good performance considering it was my first battle.

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty

Replied to WarBacca_101


"Name? I haven't used it in a while, if I remember correctly it was? Ah yes, you can call me Astraia."

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty


All these isekai MCs died so young.

However, at my short 18 years, I did not expect my life to end so soon. If only I hadn't gotten sick... I really would have enjoyed that world more. There were so many things I wanted to do. Have fun... and maybe even get a girlfriend.

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty

Replied to Zailo95


Well, not that there was much to inflate in the first place... She was the flattest woman I've ever seen. Although if I'm being honest, small breasts deserve to get love too.

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty



"Pffft-." I spat out the tea I was drinking, splashing it all over the goddess' face.

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Genshin Impact: Fate Intertwined with Heroines

Video Games · OlwinMoriarty



The head of the guards had a small trinket with what appeared to be a rather large red marble with an emblem embedded within it. I am not sure what this trinket is supposed to signify having only seen a few individuals carrying similar items though they varied in color and design. Perhaps it was something akin to a badge showing one's relation to a particular faction?

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed



"-cough cough- yes I'm fine, it seems our gracious Archons, Lady Furina has seen fit to bless me with an overflowing amount of hydro energy" said Livre.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed


It isn't necessarily the fault of the mother, he is the product of r*pe after all.

Carman could feel his heart starting to beat faster, memories of his mother in this world's cold gaze and how she said "good riddance" as she turned her back, leaving him on the orphanage's doorstep. It felt like fire and ice were clashing in his veins as his usually calm feminine cracked and panic and terror made themselves known.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed


Venti wasn't seen for the last ~500 years, if they can't even remember one of the 4 guardians of Mondstadt then they will definitely not remember Venti, except Zhongli & Co.

"Yeah, I didn't think it was nice to just tell the hydro dragon to not cry, I didn't like it when the sitters told me not to cry, so I kinda revised something I heard a bard in green say." I say lying about the part about the bard, but since Venti was a well known traveling bard for using obsure and profound language from time to time it was a good excuse to use in this instance.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed



Taking some scrap parts, Carman constructed the toy as he waited for Livre to come back from lunch, as Livre walked in he saw Carman sitting on a chair looking at something I. The desk, it was an odd assembly of gears, meshed together to form a strange almost triangular shape. As he walked closer, Carman tilted his head back and spoke to him. "Hi Livre, welcome back. I hope you don't mind that I used some of the scrapped components to make a prototype for a new toy idea I had."

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

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