Webnovel Author: Donny_Manga - Fanfic Collection



male LV 13

A dood who wishes he signed up 2 years ago when he first found this site so he'd have more blue crystals....

2018-06-07 Se unió United States

Insignias 12

Moments 3176



Oh well... Seeing them charging at me... 'Let THE FIGHT Begin! ROUND 1!!!'

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe



Oh, if you're wondering where Olivia and NJ were, they were left back at their home, I can't in good conscience involve them in the supernatural world, the Volturi gave me a pass for Rosalie because she was my mate and we gave them quite a deal. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy to convince them to stay, NJ was full-on using her cuteness and pity-me-eyes at me, and Olivia was full-on crying and doing the woe-is-me Shtick... And I gotta say, I almost gave in, but luckily, Nasu was there to back me up, he pulled me back from looking at their pitiful faces... Maaaan... Women are scary. I did promise to visit again... So in the end, tho they didn't like it, they eventually agreed.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe



I first settled Olivia's divorce, and her adoption of NJ, normally, this would be a problem for a divorced woman, but did a little bit of °convincing°, and voila! Also, for those wondering what happened to the human-shaped excrement... Well, after letting him experience some firm caresses to his jewel{with gloves of course}, gentle pats on the face which gave him free tooth extractions, and some relaxing knuckle massages that put him to sleep for quite a while... I °convinced° him to agree to leave the mother and daughter alone and disappear from their lives.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe


Tesoro and Gimmghoul would be cool

Additionally, with Galdino and Mikita on board, the branch managers for the Four Seas were now complete. Dak just needed to pair them with strong Pokémon partners to ensure they could manage the branches effectively.

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum


If you can tell someone who's in their early 20's from someone who is exactly 25 the I believe you have some sort of super power


It's a pity, he knew that her daughter wanted to have Rosalie reach the age of 25 before she turns, so they would physically be of the same age when time froze for them.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe


It's finally time


Unbeknownst to me, somebody started following me after I left the office... Wearing a furious expression, and signs of alcohol intoxication...

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe



"What? It was a good suggestion, and at least the child would still have the Cullens blood right? Everybody is so beautiful, imagine how cute the child would be... But anyway, I was shot down, and she told me it was impossible... Because..." I gave him a pitying look."She shared with me about you being sterile, Please don't be mad at her, I was really being persistent with her, and she didn't have a choice but to do so."

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe


*Slow chip crunching sound*


What? It's not presumptuous, but a fact... Even if she has someone already, I won't give her up, I'd either steal her from her, or the woman would have to share... The thought of sharing her doesn't feel too good, but if it means I can be with her, why not? But I have to be her number 1 wife, I'm not conceding being the main wife, the legal wife, I'm not so naive as to not know about rich and capable men having their mistresses, and kings having their harem or concubines... However, I do wish that my Robin wouldn't get that big of several women... But remembering her exploits, I can't say for sure that she won't.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe


Yes. Nothing like having someone repeat the plan back to you for it to really sink in that it sucked smh


I already repeated the scenario in my head multiple times and had also realized how stupid I and Robin was... But mostly me... Truly... But hearing the father of my lover say it out loud hits different... I just nod and hang my head low in shame...

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe


Joy in the Boy eh?


"Look at the joy in the boy's eyes when he saw you stepping in to help him," Fisher Tiger said with a smile. "I envy you," he added.

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Anime & Comics · BlackStar_BH



Unbeknownst to me, there was someone who witnessed all this, and seeing me willingly get close to another man enraged him, his ego hit and bruised... Swearing that he'll get her later for this.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe

Replied to DevilDao97

The guy with 5 hearts from the Akatsuki. Hidan's partner. He was good with money and business stuff.


During such busy times, Dak can't help but wish he had access to the Naruto world. After all, there's the Shadow Clone Jutsu and talents like Kakuzu.

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum



"I understand, please don't take it the wrong way, I'm just honestly trying to look out for my friends woman. No hard feelings. If you need help with anything, you know where to find me. Don't be a stranger" He said smiling, turned his back, and left.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe



The man's face darkened for a bit, but it only lasted for a second, and went back to being friendly, smiling like he wasn't offended, so nobody other than me saw it.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe



"Whoa whoa whoa! That's a bit much ain't Missus, I'm just trying to be nice towards my dear friend's wife... I would be ashamed to face him if he heard that I wasn't taking care of you. So what do you say, huh?" He ignored my reply and the clear refusal on my expression and just smiled at me that most of the gullible and desperate women here would swoon over, mind you I was pertaining to the gossiping women.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe



"Truly... This is the only way for me Vera... And you know that. They've escalated their moves and the treatment is getting worse..." I replied I shared with her about the situation at my In-laws... My Father-in-law has been more touchy, and his wife has been more vocal and showing her growing contempt for my presence in her home.

Another Twilight fanfic

Another Twilight fanfic

Movies · EmphieIsMe

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