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87.65% Another Twilight fanfic / Chapter 71: Chapter 66

Capítulo 71: Chapter 66

AN: Writing this just a few hours after uploading chapter 65. I did say I was going to take advantage of the free time.

Well, I'm actually just trying to distract myself from buying a possible scam tablet online. Ugh. I do have chores to do, but they aren't urgent matters, so I'll write while the scene is still fresh in my mind, when I'll be able to upload this? Well.... Hopefully tomorrow.


Attempted SA, Suicide


Rosalie's POV

As I was reminiscing about my previous thoughts on having to share Robin, and also us adopting children on my way to my shared room.

I reached an area where there was no one around, and for some reason, I felt a sense of foreboding, like something was not right, like something was about to happen... And then that feeling grew when I heard heavy footsteps behind me... And it disgusts me to say this, but I know those footsteps, I've heard them multiple times, and try to avoid the owner as soon as I hear it.

I quickened my pace, not daring to look back, I don't trust myself to not trip while doing so. I just want to get back to my room as soon as possible, why was there no one around here?!!!!

As I walked faster, the footsteps seemed to have also matched my pace... No use, I was not 100% sure that I was in danger, but I decided to trust my instincts, I opened my mouth to scream for help, but before a sound could come out, it was covered by big rough hands, and I was dragged into an empty and unoccupied room.

I struggled to get free from his arms, but he was far stronger than me, I heard him lock the door and after freeing myself from one of his hands, I tried to struggle more to escape and was successful, I was able to momentarily scream from help, but was soon slapped so hard, that I was pushed towards the table my head hitting the corner. And breaking one of the wooden chairs, scattering near me.

I felt a sharp pain in my head, and warm liquid, no doubt about it being my blood... My head was in instant pain, and my vision began to become blurry, but I could still see him standing there, only a few feet away from me, his expression was first of momentary guilt, then morphed into a mix of anger and lust... His gaze now roaming my body.

Tears fell from my eyes, I wanted to scream again as he was slowly... Very slowly walking towards me. I only have a few seconds to decide what to do, at first I thought of trying to scream again for help but this area is a bit too far from where the people are at, they will hear me, but it would be too late... He would already have been able to do something to me, and I didn't want that... No one should be able to touch me like that aside from her... I can only be hers...

I wasn't able to keep my promise to her... I broke her heart... Maybe this is for the best, she might already have forgotten about me... But... One promise that I would keep... Is this...

I grabbed the Broken leg of the chair, and screamed as loud as I could, as I stabbed my throat with all the strength I could muster, I did I heard collective screams from familiar voices... Ah... The came... Seems like I made another mistake... They actually came for me.

As I was choking and having trouble breathing... I think I'm hallucinating... But I saw the Cullen men ripping my assailant apart, the Cullen mother ran to me at unimaginable speed...

Then they all hovered over me, guilt and concern etched on their faces...

It would've been nice to be part of their family... Whatever they are... I don't care, they're the most human among the actual humans that I've ever met... Is she also like them?

Then I remembered Edward's weird question earlier.... Are you all?

"Yes... You're right." As I asked the question inside my head, Edward answered it.

'Wait, can you read my mind?'

"yes, it's a long story and we don't have time, you might know already... But I'm still going to ask do-" He was going to ask before I cut him off.

'Do it. I would've said no if I didn't know that Robin was also a vampire already' I replied and Edward nodded to his father.

"It's going to be painful, like you are being burned from inside out... But after that, we'll take care of you... You'll be part of our family..." Carlisle said.

"Hurry up, she's losing too much blood, do it before it's too late, if we lose her, she'll never forgive us. We're already in trouble for letting this happen." Esme said with urgency and guilt on her tone and face.

Carlisle nodded and without further delay, I saw him bite my arm before I lost consciousness.


General POV

The three vampires stared at the now unconscious girl. Relieved that she did, because it will lessen the pain that she'll experience while in transition.

"I messed up, I should have continued to look out for her at least until she was back in her room... She wouldn't have had to experience this..." Edward said, full of guilt in his heart, once again, he failed, just like he failed his little sister.

"This wasn't your fault, it was that man's fault. You couldn't have known that he would be bold enough to attack her... Seeing this location, it's out of the restrained reach of your gift, I'm sure you would have easily caught him if he was within it." Esme tried to comfort him... But in truth, she was asking herself why he didn't sense his scent earlier but immediately tried to erase that thought when she realized that her son might have heard.

"That's just it! I should have been able to hear him! I should have been able to sense him!! But I was so distracted by other thoughts that I almost missed her cry!!!" The younger Cullen cried out in frustration and guilt.

The couple knew that whatever they said would fall on deaf ears. So each of them patted his shoulders on each side to comfort him but swore to remedy his feelings later.

"As you all have already heard from around, some people seemed to have heard her scream, but since it was only for a short while, none took it seriously and thought it was just their imagination, and some thought that the noise was probably from a patient being treated, or there was some naughty staff again playing hooky... " Carlisle said with a thoughtful look towards his wife and son, then to the new addition to their family, their Robin's mate.

It's a pity, he knew that her daughter wanted to have Rosalie reach the age of 25 before she turns, so they would physically be of the same age when time froze for them.

The patriarch's dead heart ached for the girl, they had so much planned, he also knew about the things they talked about having a baby, and how to do it... There was also the research that his daughter was conducting about her being able to impregnate women, she asked him to help her study and research it with her. And tho inconclusive, it does have some potential... Now He has to check if it will work with vampire women once confirmed.

"I understand that you both have a lot to think about, but we must keep moving, clean this place up, and set an acceptable explanation for that man's and Rosalie's disappearance... I would've suggested accidentally dying when the girl defended herself from him, but... " Esme called to them and looked wryly at the dismembered man...

The two men hung their heads low in shame, their rage blinded them at that time, Edward saw a similar situation to what he witnessed in the past and Rosalie's face changed to his baby so he lost it. But the patriarch's behavior was more surprising for them, anyone who knew him would never attribute this kind of outburst of violence from him... But Robin always has been a switch for his pacifism, his bottom line... And Rosalie was Robin's... That was the only thing on his mind when he saw her bleeding, hurting her meant hurting his daughter... Which was an unforgivable offense.

In contrast to her earlier wry expression, the Cullen matriarch now looked at the dead body coldly and with disdain. Similar to her husband, she already considered Rosalie as part of her family, an extension of her favorite child, their angel... And this pile of garbage pushed her daughter's mate to stupidly choose death. 'I should give them a thorough lecture about common sense'.

Soon all three decided on the next courses of action and proceeded to do their part.

Soon enough, the crime scene was left spotless and almost the same, the pile of garbage was disposed of in the enemy camp, by Edward. He then forged his handwriting and signature to leave a letter on his office desk, confessing that he felt so guilty after getting drunk and attacking Rosalie because he had pursued her for a long time but still kept getting rejected, then he got jealous because she let the Cullen boy get closer to her. So for atonement for killing her, he would march to the enemy camp to end his life, while trying to take some of them with him to hell.

Esme and Carlisle stage a scene where they... °found° her body, they made the scene look less gruesome and made it look like an accidental death after being pushed too roughly, fainting from bumping her head at the corner of the table, and then landing on the broken chair's leg, ultimately dying from blood loss.

They tried to give Rosalie's family some peace by not letting anybody know that she took her own life, which was heavily frowned upon in their religion. And that's the last favor they would do for them. The Cullens knew that if it weren't for them being homophobic, none of this would have happened. But they can still somewhat understand their point of view, and they are still Rosalie's blood relatives, so they gave them this favor.

Carlisle somehow convinced them to be the ones to handle Rosalie's death, and body... He processed her papers and everything, even her body being sent back was done quickly.... But of course, they would intercept the delivery. This whole process was record speed since she would soon wake up. And it'll be dangerous for Rosalie and the humans if she stays here any longer.

[AN: I know it probably takes longer, but I seriously just want this part over with, so we can go back to our Robin.]

Esme handled the interpersonal relations and connections, she manipulated the narrative to paint Rosalie as a victim, bullied by her peers, being slandered as a succubus, while in truth she was an unwilling recipient of the men's pursuit, and now everyone knew how bad it was, but it was too late, she was already dead.

This realization will soon prompt a change in every woman's mind in the camp, one that would spread to every camp, being woken up from the harsh reality of how dangerous it is for a woman out here, they can only count on themselves, and their fellow women. For many years, Rosalie's story would be passed down to teach the younger females and serve as a warning.


In a span of three days, Rosalie's body was shipped, And the whole Cullen informed everyone that they would accompany her remains, since they've known her since she was a child, and was like family to them. Nobody questioned them, but they were disappointed that such talented people would leave their service.

Along the way, there was an accident, and some of the things being carried were either destroyed or lost after they fell down in the forest, The same goes for some people, most of the lost people were found, except the Cullen family and the body of Rosalie Hale.

They investigated where they fell, and found traces of wild animals from the forest, it was then concluded that the fall injured the family, possibly killing them, or not, but the wild animals took their bodies.

The soldiers gave a solemn bow and prayer for the deceased. And continued with their lives.


A few days after they staged their death

Alaska near the Denali's territory

A coven of 4 vampires, 3 with Golden eyes and one with red arrived at one of the oldest covens in existence,

For the three golden-eyed vampires, it gave a feeling of nostalgia, but for their newest member, it was a new environment.

They opted to run the whole way since it was a rushed situation, and they weren't able to make preparations. It was a struggle, to travel with a newborn vampire, reminding the Cullen's that they had it easy when Robin was with them.

Along the way, Rosalie was taught the truth about their family, Robin, the vampire community, the supernatural... And unsurprisingly enough, tho she did soak in the other information, she didn't pay as much attention as she did when the topic was everyone's favorite hybrid. The Cullens could only shake their heads and chuckle.

"Now, Rosalie... Uh... The last time they heard anything about you was when you broke Little Liesha's heart... And the Denali is like our covens extended family, our cousins..." Carlisle started hesitantly.

"They're far stronger, older, and experienced... And they've treated Robin as heaven's gift to our family, she's everybody's princess... And are very protective of her..." Esme continued with a bit of worry in her eyes now.

Rosalie's face now etched with guilt and worry...

"What do you mean? What will they do to me? Slap me?" she asked, not really meaning to take a jab at Esme's previous action.

"Worse, they will outright try to kill you, like rip your head off... You see... It's hard to believe after you saw us do that to that man, but we're a pretty Tame and pacifistic coven... And tho they don't move if not provoked, but once someone does, they are warriors, violent and unforgiving... "

"They're coming," Esme informed them, while she readied her stance to protect Rosalie.

"We'll try to calm them down enough so we can talk, and give them some explanations," Carlisle said while also moving to shield her.

Soon enough, all the members of the Denali coven arrived at first their demeanor was friendly and welcoming, and the atmosphere was warm, but they soon broke when they heard the name Isaac called the newborn.


All hell broke loose, and the whole coven attacked Rosalie, except Isaac and Emmett... The former was hesitant and didn't know what to do, so he just stood there for a while.

But one particular blonde was more motivated and fast and was able to almost reach the dumbfounded newborn.

Kate was almost able to grab Rosalie and rip her head off, just as expected, but this time, Edward was fast enough to protect the newborn blonde. He held onto Kate tightly but was visibly struggling, Kate was longer lived and far stronger than him.

Kate hissed and then smirked at the frightened Rosalie.

"You know, I was her first crush? And her first kiss?" Kate sneered at her while she struggled to get free from Edward.

Edward's eyes widened when he heard Rosalie's thoughts after what Kate said.

"ROSALIE NO!!!" That was all he could say before she lunged towards the older blonde, making him let go of Kate.

Then out of nowhere...



AN: 4th-day streak for upload!!! Woot Woot!

I'm trying my best to do the 10-day streak upload thing that one of the readers challenged me to. I can do this... I can do this... For the tablet fund... Oh, nope... For the readers... Hehe

By the way, for temporary measures, I did take one of the commenter's suggestions and bought an adapter to connect my phone to the TV. It should be sufficient for a while.

As always, thanks for the comments, and reviews. These days, I only have a few things to look forward to, but notifications from you guys make my heart thump in some typa of way. Thanks.

So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)

If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇

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