(In Chapter 66, The second whiteboard indicates it's dinner time, dinner meals will be served shortly. "Huh? What's that smoke?")
Someone points outside the window.
People are unable to hear only looking at each other and pointing outside the window.
'Huh? Is that a volcano eruption?'
Heavy smoke in the air.
Sitting beside the window Ken can smell burning ashes.
The aircraft hardly can see the route of the directions.
The co-pilot signal to the pilot "danger" as we can't see ahead.
The pilot gives to the white tower that the control of the aircraft is moving slow and required to move to a different route.
The white tower return signal approves the change of directions.
The pilot and co-pilot announce to the crews that there's a change of direction.
But all the crews are unable to hear.
When the pilot dramatically moves its direction it causes alarm by the steward/stewardess.
One of its senior stewardesses knocks on the pilot cabin.
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