Afton appears nearby the Brotherhood base with a flash of lightning. He quickly steps out of the smoke and surveys the area, nodding to himself as he determines that the coast is clear... He was suited in Power armour and fully armed, prepared for combat, not just against the Brotherhood, but also the large contingents of NCR that'd occasionally pass through the area.
"Why are you making me do this..." he mutters to himself as he starts making his way towards the new Brotherhood base.
There was a reason he'd come alone, though, the primary one being that he could escape very, ver easily should that be required... He wasn't intending to assault the base now anyway, just determine where Veronica and Christine had gotten off to. If they weren't in the base, then they'd probably been captured by the NCR, he didn't think bandits would be any match for them so that wasn't even a consideration.
Soon enough, mirroring the passage of his companions, he was obstructed by a patrol of Brotherhood members, though, unlike how the girls were treated, these guys looked ready to fire at any movement... The threat of someone wearing Power armour wasn't a joke after all.
"Shut up. I'm Afton Parker, leader of Bulwark, you guys remember me right? I kicked the shit outta Hardin in front of you." he states, not willing to remove his helmet for obvious reasons.
"Afton!? It's good to see you!" Melissa suddenly says, quickly lowering her weapon and hugging him.
"Melissa. You good?" he asks, conversationally.
She nods, "Y-yeah... You're looking for Veronica and Christine then I'm guessing? They passed through here not long ago."
He nods, "Yeah, I am... You mind escorting me to the base? Consider it a political visit." he says semi-sarcastically.
Melissa nods, and his talk of it being a 'political visit' seems to convince the others who looked very wary of him.
With that, Afton was slowly led towards the new BOS base. To be honest, he wasn't actually sure what he was gonna do once he gets there. It all really depended on Christine he supposed. It was her right to go wherever she wanted, so if she chose to stay here he couldn't really do anything about it... Not without going against his principles...
Of course, what he didn't expect was to be sent away as soon as he got to the gate of the BOS... The guards had apparently not seen Veronica or Christine, which directly contradicted what the patrol said. 'Fortunately', they were willing to inform Elder Hardin of his arrival.
Afton couldn't hold back his scoff at that, like Hardin was going to be 'peaceful' about this. Especially since they'd apparently captured Veronica and Christine, most likely in some vain attempt to coerce him into working with them.
Hardin eventually strolls out of the gate in power armour and with a weapon strapped to his back, he cockily looks Afton up and down before crossing his arms, "Parker. For what reason have you decided to visit us? Want to beg to come back?" he jokes with a low chuckle.
Afton raises a brow and gestures at the former Elder robe rags decorating his armour, "You not figured out how to dress yet? Or are you too scared to be without Power armour you just tried your luck?... Was it my fault?" he mocks 'sincerely'.
Hardin stifles a growl, "What do you want?"
Afton shrugs his shoulders, "I want Veronica and Christine, you know, the people you've captured for no justifiable reason."
"The only people we currently have imprisoned are NCR soldiers." he states.
"Uh huh... Well, that's not what I heard, so I'll just give you a choice. Give me back my people, or we're going to have problems." he firmly decides. Truthfully, he didn't want to be forced into a conflict with his former friends, but, if they were fine with Hardin's way of leading them, he'd eventually be forced to.
Hardin gives a low laugh and straightens up, his hands clenching and flexing in anticipation. "This won't end like last time. You may be able to beat me, but can you beat an army?"
Afton doesn't back down, cracking his knuckles through his gauntlets, "I should say the same to you. Your puny forces are no match for Bulwark. That's not even speaking about our weaponry, I have half a mind to reduce your base to a smouldering crater."
The other BOS members watching this all tense, wondering if they'd really have to help Hardin fight? As much as most wouldn't like to admit it, Bulwark was probably the biggest 'ally' they had. It was a deterrent for the NCR, and aligned well with the BOS's own intentions... Plus, they didn't doubt Afton's words, especially considering what he'd done to Hardin last time.
The duo continued the face-off for a minute or so, until Hardin takes a step back and commands, "Arrest the traitor, I want him beaten and brought before me on his knees!"
With that, most BOS members jump into action, though, there were a few who decided not to act and instead retreat from this place.
"Still having others do your dirty work Hardin? How can someone maintain such an ego while acting like a coward?" Afton mocks as he's surrounded by men with drawn weapons.
Hardin laughs, "Let's see you say that once this is over."
Afton nods, "Alright, I'll play this game... But you won't like the outcome..." he looks around at the other Brotherhood members, "Everyone, I give you this one chance to surrender. I don't want bloodshed, especially not the blood of my family! If you don't lay down your weapons, we will become enemies."
A few more Brotherhood members quietly slink away, following the other group who'd departed earlier. After seeing no one else wanting to leave, Afton releases a sigh and nods, "Alright, just remember, you guys asked for this." he says while the light around him suddenly distorts and ripples, Afton vanishing without a trace a moment later.
*Bang! Bang! Pew! Pew!"
A few men fire at where he'd been, but they just strike the ground or make-shift walls of the base instead, "He used a Stealthboy! Find him!" Hardin shouts, and a few members scramble to gather their infrared equipment.
Ye, the Brotherhood have finally pissed him off...
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
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