[John Wick Style] is in effect!
While the BOS were running around like headless chickens, Afton was enlarging his plant arm to prepare for an attack... A couple of seconds pass and he's finally formed a giant tentacle from his right arm, with which he twirls and swings at everyone nearby.
The force of the attack is massive and blows many right off of their feet with large indentations in their armour. The Stealthboy affects your entire body, which makes his plant arm invisible as well, which is kinda broken when you think about it...
Hardin is launched backwards into the BOS makeshift wall with a large dent in his chest plate, he didn't know what'd just happened but at least he was still alive... Unbeknownst to him, if it weren't for the presence of other BOS soldiers nearby, Afton would have had no problem morphing his attack into a more lethal variant...
Once Afton's attack is over he swings his arm over his head before launching it at the makeshift wall Hardin was temporarily resting against. The tentacle wraps around the top of it, and once it's secure, Afton gives a grunt as he heaves it backwards with maximum effort!
The sound of screaming metal eventually reaching Hardin's stunned state, he looks up and notices the structure that's about to fall on him and scrambles to move... Afton spots this though and pulls even harder than before, finally bringing the thing down.
Dust is kicked up over the area as the thing collapses, but Afton is more interested in whether or not Hardin managed to get away... He waits a couple seconds for it to clear slightly, and eventually spots no sign of Hardin.
Afton grins and morphs his arm back to normal before clapping his hands off, "I'd call that a job well done." he mutters as he's stepping through the rubble in an attempt to find the prison Christine and Veronica were being held.
He was still invisible as he looked, so it wasn't accosted by any of the frantic-looking Brotherhood members who were running from place to place, some were even trying to dig Hardin out, but that'd probably take a day or two considering the sheer amount of material he'd been buried under.
Soon enough, he eventually discovers the holding cells. A hastily constructed building made from scrap-metal and poor-quality concrete. Inside he's immediately greeted by many emaciated people sitting listlessly behind bars, most of which wore NCR clothing.
Afton ignores them as he didn't see anyone familiar and marches through the prison while flashes his Power armour's shoulder light into each cell.
NCR troopers, NCR troopers, NCR troopers... Bandit? Another NCR, NCR... Man Hardin had been busy, hadn't he?... He flashes his light into the next cell and widens his eyes, "Miles?" he unconsciously asks before shaking his head and correcting himself, "Miles Stanton?"
The emaciated figure of his childhood friend slowly looks up from the fetal position he was sitting in on the floor. "W-what is it now?" he asks, annoyed.
Afton leans closer to the cell, "It's me, Afton, I've come to rescue my people that Hardin captured... I'm kinda invisible right now, so... I'm not a ghost if that's what you were thinking." He says semi-sarcastically.
"A-Afton?" Miles tentatively mouths, as if tasting the name as he says it. "Honestly didn't think I'd see you again... How are you?"
Afton shakes his head, "No, no. First, let's talk about why you're in here." he says, wanting to know how someone like Miles was imprisoned.
Miles shrugs, "I... I passed out during a patrol, exhaustion had gotten the better of me... Hardin was sending me and Melissa out almost every day, and most nights as well, leaving us with basically no sleep... When I passed out, he slapped me with 'dereliction', 'disobedience', and 'Abetting and aiding the enemy'... We tried to argue it but, Hardin isn't really in his right mind anymore..."
Afton scowls, "Yeah, I could see that... Was your treatment related to your friendship with me perchance? That cunt seems to have a 'hardin' for me."
Miles gives a low chuckle, "Yeah, something like that... Melissa is probably in a similar situation. She visited me yesterday and she looks terrible, it's only a matter of time before she ends up in the opposite cell." he mutters sadly.
Afton sighs and shakes his head, grabbing the bars of Miles' cell and begins bending them. Miles backs up slightly as he spots hear the metal screaming, and soon enough the bars can't take the te stress anymore and simply snap. He does this a couple more times until there's a hole Miles can barely fit through, "Come on, I'm taking you outta here, and once we're back at my place we'll plan on 'fixing' the Chapter...
Miles squints at him, "And how would you 'fix' it?"
Afton shrugs, "I bring an army, take the people willing to abide by my rules, and leave the rest to live as they are... Unless you have any better ideas?"
Miles shakes his head, "No... I think force is required in this situation." he says as he squeezes out of the cell.
Afton nods and grabs Miles arm before continuing through the prison, eventually spotting the people he'd come for... Veronica was sitting on the floor reading a magazine while Christine was trying to dig through the concrete floor with a spoon...
"*Ahem*" Afton coughs into his fist, drawing the attention of the duo... Obviously, they only see Miles due to Afton's invisibility, but they easily recognise him.
"Miles? You look like shit!" Veronica can't help but address.
Miles shrugs, "Yeah, I know..."
"You two in the cell can be quiet until we get back home... I'm gonna have to think of some creative punishments for you." he says as he begins bending the bars.
Veronica pales slightly, "Afton?"
"The one and only... Now both of you crawl out of there, we need to leave before the BOS composes themselves."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
He bends the bars and pulls Veronica through, afterwards grabbing Christine but not letting go... He leans into her ears and whispers, "Listen, I know you're the one who dragged Veronica here, and I hope your short time in this cell has given you some perspective. Aside from your punishment, I won't take this further, but you need to promise me you won't do something so fucking stupid again." he states.
Christine purses her lips but slowly nods despite herself, "I won't... I'm sorry..." she solemnly admits.
Afton nods, "Good. Otherwise I might be forced to chip you or something." he says as he pushes her at Veronica who catches the stumbling woman with a raised brow.
[Christine Royce has become your Companion!]
[Perk acquired from Companion : Pristine Shot]
[Pristine Shot] : Increase damage of Ballistic weaponry by 50%
Afton stops mid-step upon receiving the notifications. He'd only just realised Christine had never become his companion... Had she just never trusted him enough for it? Or had she been too conflicted between him and the Brotherhood to make a decision? if it's the latter, then wouldn't that mean she's made her decision?
Regardless, the Companion Perk he received was pretty op in its own right... Anti-Material rifles would probably disintegrate anyone he hit, and let's not even talk about using explosive ammo...
He recomposes himself and only now realises that the others were ahead of him... He jogs a bit to catch up and eventually begins leading the group again... He pokes his invisible head out of the exit and spots a few tense BOS members lingering around, most likely waiting for Afton to attack somewhere...
"You guys wait here." he whispers as he sneaks up to the few BOS members and cleanly knocked them out. After that, escaping isn't too difficult, they climb up the makeshift wall and Afton helps them down by creating a rope with his plant arm. After that, the group run off into the desert, and once the coast is clear he has Nyx gather the coordinates before teleporting them all back to base.
One day later :
Afton stands outside the doors of Miles' new room, waiting for him to wake up... He'd been medically examined and fed, but was so tired he'd fallen asleep not long after.
*Knock, Knock, Knock*
"Yo, it's me, wake up you lazy bum!" Afton calls out and hears Miles stumbling towards the door after most likely falling out of bed.
The door swings open and reveals a half-naked Miles standing there with a toothbrush in his mouth, "Am I late for something?" he asks, wondering what's the rush.
Afton shakes his head, "No... Well, kinda. I wanted to check that you were up to see it."
Miles raises a brow, "Can you at least tell me what it is?"
Afton smirks, "Well, that would be telling... I'm sure it'd be more interesting to see it first hand."
Miles reluctantly nods, "Alright, let me just get dressed... After this, can we talk about your plans for the Brotherhood though?"
Afton shrugs, "Yeah, apparently we've got news concerning it anyway that we probably need to discuss."
Five minutes later Afton was leading Miles towards the 'composting' area. It's the place where Big Mt dumps its rotten or uneaten food, as well as the faeces from the various creatures. Of course, the faeces is processed to remove all the dangerous pathogens first... Human shit was dangerous enough, not to mention the hundreds of kilograms of Deathclaw shit Borous project produces...
Usually, they'd only have robots working in it as it was an obviously disgusting job that most would refuse to do... Which is why he'd decided to use this place as punishment. Miles squints and covers his nose as they approach, Afton gestures down at the pit where food, faeces, and other compostable material was being piped. He points at the two figures that were different from the robots working down there...
"Is that...?" he mutters, looking slightly green at the sight.
Afton crosses his arms and nods, "Yeah, along with stripping their teleportation rights, luxury food and drink rights, maid service rights, and entertainment rights, I'm having them 'help' the robots with their workload."
Indeed, both Veronica and Christine look as if they are on the cusp of vomiting as they shovel the compost material into the designated areas. Afton didn't have a problem if they did throw up, it'd only add nutrients to the compost after all...
"Is this really necessary?" he asks, holding a hand over his mouth as if to stifle his gap reflex.
Afton nods, "Yeah, they broke the rules, used unauthorized tech for their excursion, got captured and potentially risked top-secret information about Bulwark... Honestly, if they weren't family I'd have them executed or chipped... This is probably good enough to prevent them from doing it again though, after all, they still have a couple days left of 'community service'."
"C-can we leave? I'm feeling a bit..." he admits weakly.
Afton nods again, "Oi! You two!" he shouts over at the shit-covered duo whose heads snap up at him, "Get yourselves cleaned up and meet us in the Think Tank!... Make sure you're smelling nice or I'll add tow extra days of shit-service!" he calls out before leaving.
The girls don't need him to say it twice and immediately throw their tools down and sprint for the exit. Once outside, they leave a trail of fire as they rush towards the showers.
An hour later Afton and Miles were making small talk in the Think Tank main room, two glasses of whiskies sitting in front of them on the holographic map.
"Afton..." Veronica mutters as she walks inside while shooting him a pleading look, "Please change our punishment... I'll do anything! Even the Sierra Madre was better than this!"
Afton shrugs and sniffs the air, nodding at the perfume she'd applied to mask whatever taint was leftover from the composting. "You shoulda thought about that before you let your girlfriend run off... Ain't that right Christine?"
Christine just bites her lip and slowly nods as the duo approach the table. "T-the punishment is just... Why have you called us here?"
Afton grins and leans forward on the table, "We're going to decide how we destroy the Brotherhood."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
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