Hardin struggles to hide his smirk, "Why do you think I need a reason to banish a traitor? I am the Elder of this Chapter. The leader of everyone and everything you see around you... I could have you executed right now, and no one would be able to do anything to stop it." he states ominously.
Veronica scowls, "That's not how an Elder is supposed to act, Hardin... That's how Elijah thought, and look where that got us!"
"Ha! You're comparing me to that snivelling old man? He was a weak and cowardly leader, he'd never attempt what I'm trying to create here... He lacked the ambition for it." he says, his eyes seemingly staring past the duo before he blinks a couple times and regains his focus, "You two should know your place, or you might not have a place in this new world that I am building." he states.
"New world?" Christine questions, their Chapters purpose for being in the Mojave wasn't to do anything like that... They were originally here to acquire technology before the NCR and Legion could uncover it as well as taking Hoover Dam. Which is more like a pipedream at this point.
Hardin nods, "Yes, my New World. Where the Brotherhood would stand above everyone else and maintain the peace. It's clear to me now that people are not able to govern themselves... So we must do it for them."
Veronica raises a brow, that kinda sounded like something Afton had said in the past... Though, she was unsure.
Christine frowns, "And the other Chapters who see differently? The Codex states that we exist for the wellbeing of humanity, as well as protecting the commonwealth."
"They will adhere to my new rules, or be dealt with." Hardin coldly states causing both of the duo to tense at the tone of his voice.
"Come to think of it, don't you both have close ties to Parker?... Hm, I'll allow you back into the Chapter if you reveal all you know about Bulwark, their location, technology, members..." he trails off while giving them a hard look.
'Shit' Veronica mentally exclaims at his words, yeah, they probably should have considered a possibility like this. McNamara wouldn't have dared do something like this in the past, but Hardin was clearly a different kind of leader... Not to mention his frankly questionable mental state. She holds her reflexive answer though, not wanting to suddenly get shot for calling him a crazy ass hole.
Christine doesn't have such a filter however, the fact that the Chapter she grew up in was now becoming a totalitarian dictatorship was too much for her to act rationally. "You're crazy. This isn't even a Brotherhood of Steel Chapter anymore, you wouldn't even be considered a rebel due to how you are breaching the Codex... No, you're just a traitor!" she angrily growls.
Veronica glances around the room while Hardin's focus is on Christine, looking for an exit should they need to suddenly flee. Which, was looking more and more likely the way things were going.
Hardin's voice morphs into one of utter rage at Christine's words, "You would call ME a traitor!? I have given my life to the Brotherhood, and what have I gotten in return!? Nothing! You will obey me!" he states while standing, putting his helmet on as he does so.
Christine and Veronica back away at this point, the latter grabbing Christine by the arm and quickly running for the door.
"Paladins, stop them!" Hardin commands, wanting to capture rather than kill to glean some information about Bulwark.
The two Paladins that had been waiting outside immediately block the way forwards, but that wasn't enough to scare Veronica... She sprints at them and jumps, smashing her fist into the first one's helmet.
The Paladin stumbles backwards, disoriented with the world spinning... Her attack hadn't knocked hm out, but it was close to it.
Veronica on the other hand was looking much worse for wear, having broken her hand punching the man's helmet. The other Paladin grabs Veronica who immediately begins struggling, but is unfortunately unable to do anything... The benefits power armour confer aren't so easily beaten, not unless you're someone like Afton...
Christine draws her weapon and is about to attack the man when a projectile smashes into the floor between her legs, clearly as a warning... She glances back and notices Hardin standing there with a Gauss Rifle in hand, the weapon still pointing directly at her...
Realising they were beaten, she tosses her revolver on the floor and puts her hands up. Veronica spots this and stops her useless struggling, releasing a sigh and going limp as the duo are handcuffed.
"You both will regret not accepting my offer. Take them away." Hardin waves them off while returning to his 'throne'.
Veronica and Christine are both unceremoniously tossed into a prison cell, and are left alone by the guards as the cell doors are locked.
Veronica scowls and wraps her broken hand in some rags while sending Christine a disgruntled sideways glare.
Christine just sighs, "Don't say it, I already know I fucked up." she states while sitting against the cell wall.
"Oh no, I think I deserve this... I. Told. You. So." Veronica slowly and carefully says.
"Feeling better now? Cause I don't." Christine mutters.
Veronica scoffs, "Aside from my broken hand and our imprisonment? Peachy... You know you've doomed the Chapter, right?"
Christine crooks a brow at this, "What?" she asks, surprised.
"You think Afton'll just let us be imprisoned and not do anything? No. He's gonna come down like a ton of bricks... That is, unless the NCR decides to act first."
"Sorry." Christine quietly admits... She was logical enough to admit that this was her fault, though, she could put some blame on Hardin and the Chapter itself too. How was she to know that the place was run by a crazy asshole?... Hardin was nothing like this in the past, so why now?... Urgh... Maybe she was just being too optimistic about people...?
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
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