/ Anime & Comics / Rising from Ashes: A Phoenix's Dying Will DxD
In the enchanting realm of High School DxD, a young heir of the esteemed House of Phoenix, Reigan Phoenix , embarks on an extraordinary journey. Endowed with the power of fiery resurrection, Reigan ´s life takes an unexpected turn when he enrolls at Kuoh Academy, a hub of supernatural activity.
Reigan´s unique heritage grants him command over flames that symbolize renewal and judgment. As he navigates the dynamic landscape of Kuoh Academy, he discovers a hidden world of angels, demons, and other mystical beings. Drawn into a realm of supernatural intrigue, Reigan becomes a key player in the power struggles among noble families and supernatural factions.
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Escribe una reseñaI don’t know if anyone’s realized but it seems at the start of the chapter there’s an actual English born writer than towards the end the writing quality dramatically dips
Ok, it's a good fanfic, although it is a bit confusing at certain points, in general it is a fairly well thought out AU, it improves over time and has an interesting power dynamic, with Katekyo Hitman Reborn, although I do notice that several decisions, to me, seem illogical, but it is also true that there are many who call me crazy or strange, so I may be the one who is wrong.
Since MC will stayed in Kuoh that authorized under Gremory Family. Will Rias become heroine? It'll quite fresh since other fic is always cancel engagement if MC is from Phenex Clan. Suggest for his peerages Queen: Rias Gremory Mutated Bishop: Akeno Himejima Bishop: Asia Argento 1 Knight: Xenovia Quarta
Autor Mr_Cuak
I like the story so far and I'm excited to see what happens next. This is one of the better beginnings to dxd stories I've read and when it comes to stories about the Phoenix clan, almost all of them suck so I'm interested in where this story goes.