/ Movies / Reborn into the Transformer Universe

Reborn into the Transformer Universe Original

Reborn into the Transformer Universe

Movies 41 Capítulos 1.6M Visitas
Autor: Suuper

3.29 (29 valoraciones)

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MC dies to a glitch in his world. He was then born into the Transformers Universe. Fell in love and fought transformers.

Quick note: Lots of R-18+ scenes so be warned

I don't own any of the characters except for MC and a select few.

Chapters are going through an extremely fast-paced development until we get some actual content.

Lots of technical nonsense is put into this novel so don't trust it nor try it at home, it's just there to make things seem cool.

No harem for this one sorry.

Slice of Life for the most part until we get some more plot development out or until the second movie. Isn't my proudest/best work as of yet but I will try to improve.

Realism is about 50-60% but not completely realistic. Don't expect much stuff to make actual sense in real life.

(P.S. The author is Chinese so you may expect some Chinese references here)

Again, lots of R-18+ scenes in the beginning since we don't have that much good content according to the storyline and I don't feel like spending tens of chapters making up his autobiography until we reach the transformer events. I'll fill in the gaps here and there so don't worry about that.
P.S. I never really went to any of those places in the novel so don't expect some real locations.
(4th book, real messy and tons of confusion. Not dropping and will have an increased amount of updates after finishing my 1st fanfic)

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. DaoistBd6RU4
    DaoistBd6RU4 Contribuido 5
  2. The_Puffer
    The_Puffer Contribuido 5
  3. Growl_16
    Growl_16 Contribuido 5

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  • Calidad de escritura
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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Writing Quality- Grammar is atrocious, but still tolerable. The place mc is raised in is Britain yet there is no British vernacular found in the novel just the Chinese, japanese and asian vernacular the isn't even trying. Story Development- don't know where it's going there is no motivation displayed by the mc he's just going with flow and the story introduced cultivation so... it's going down hill. Just added shadow clone as well so... how it's not shown. Then the mc is making vibranium which is illogical and simply not possible because there is only one person in existence who unraveled the secrets of vibranium and how to make it and his name is Dr. Doom and he became a god after achieving it. The novel is riddled with bs, plot holes and stupidity. Like how can a person running a company in a consumer electronics sector, which is both popular and successful and no one knows about it yeah the author is writing a Chinese cultivation novel. Character Design- shallow and non existent which isn't a problem most novel on this app are such but we don't even know how mc looks. Updating Stability- so so World background- non existent The idea is very good the wishes are great just the rest of novel disappoints. Just posting honest opinion I have no intention to insult you or discourage you. It's just an opinion not a fact so it's worthless take it or don't.

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LV 4 Badge

I had high expectations for this novel, but I'm very disappointed. First of all, MC has an IQ of 300. As insane as it might be, MC doesn't act like it at all. He spent a lot of time leaning martial arts, yet does anyone remember how Sherlock Holmes faught in movies? People that smart don't need to learn martial arts, they make it up on the go. Plus what is all this "internal energy" crap man!? How the fu*k did it turn into an Chinese novel all of a sudden? And don't even get me started on that A.I. I mean seriously, A.I is still a software. It needs a hardware to function. It doesn't fly around in the air without any medium. And Shadow clones?? Seriously? Sun Wukong 72 transformations?? What's next, r*pe? Mass murder? Bombing other countries that are close to China? Sigh! It was a nice idea for a decent Fanfic, but what can I say... Author is just Chinese.

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one of the worst stories I have ever read in my life....the MC is shit....no character growth and there is no chemistry between MC and his wife.....there is no romance and the *** scene are shit...it was better if there were none.....the one star I gave to this story is fare too much for it....in short this story is shit ...

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I guess I should have expected it from your explanations but because of how rare stories on transformers are I gave it a go. The story seriously lacks details. There is absolutely no info on how anyone looks. Don't know how the parents look, don't know how the mc looks. Hell, he fcks his gf and we still don't know how they look... This is just the start as it's just generally all of it lacks detail (from what I read) It's way to bland as well, from the convos etc there is no emotions. No nothing. This makes it impossible to care about the story tbh. Some of the choices as well make no fcking sense to me as well. He holds hands with his girl for half a year without doing anything? You mad? Like even if they are waiting to have *** they would def still kiss, hug, cuddle etc. Then there is the problem of the whole base of the story. The author specifically said at the start that it was gonna be based in Britain so forgive him for not knowing all the specific terms and such. The mc is then given essentially the perfect start. He is born into a family where his mother works at oxford and his father owns a small company. He can be taught from young by his mother and eventually goes to oxford to take the tests and get all the degrees etc and then takes over from his father to bring the company up to be like tony starks from iron man. What happens instead? We see no teaching from the mother and then as soon as he is old enough he goes to America... Like wtf? What was the point of putting him in the fcking UK and all that sht at the start if he is gonna instantly go to America as soon as he could? Wasting the perfect start, he and the Author could use to build off of? It just purely doesn't make any fcking sense... So yeah, from this I can't rly say it will be worth to read. Gl to the author thou as there are not many stories about this.

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I enjoy the story. you're right about the lack of transformer fan fics but thats mainly due to the lack of depth. you can only go so far with some worlds unless he travels dimensions. but my only concern is he seems like a robot yes insanely stupid (ironic) high IQ but he also lived his life relatively normal so he should have a decent EQ as well but he's pretty monotone through out the story. never getting excited or anything over his creations. or his thinking. he only kicked back up after vivi decided to move in with him. maybe that would be a thing to work on. im not trying to be a critic or anything and it was a good start of the novel and I will continue reading. just thought some constructive opinion would be favorable? idk man much respect and congrats on the novel

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I already wrote this on a chapter but it's really important so I have to leave it here as well. Vivian seems more like a child than a significant other. She's written like a five year old and their interactions with one another just makes this feeling more prevalent. Because of her name I thought that she was actually Viviane Wembley from the transformers franchise but as she's written here she's nothing like the actual character. To the point were she might as well be an OC. Here she's just a typical one dimensional manhua female character without an ounce of a personality of her own just there to depend on the mc for everything. To summarize: Even though I think that his perks are wierd(aside from the high IQ one) and don't match at all with transformers as a setting this is a fanfic and some leeway is necessary to read them in the first place so it's a nonissue. The fact that the female heroine is so bad that it made me wish that the mc took an oath of celibacy on the other hand is absolutely unacceptable.

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Revelar spoiler
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Saya kira saya seharusnya mengharapkannya dari penjelasan Anda tetapi karena betapa langka cerita tentang transformer, saya mencobanya. Ceritanya sangat kurang detail. Sama sekali tidak ada info tentang bagaimana penampilan seseorang. Tidak tahu bagaimana penampilan orang tua, tidak tahu bagaimana penampilan mc. Sial, dia fcks gf-nya dan kami masih tidak tahu bagaimana mereka terlihat ... Ini hanya permulaan karena umumnya semuanya tidak memiliki detail (dari apa yang saya baca) Ini cara untuk hambar juga, dari konvoi dll tidak ada emosi. Tidak apa-apa. Ini membuat tidak mungkin untuk peduli dengan ceritanya tbh. Beberapa pilihan juga tidak masuk akal bagi saya. Dia berpegangan tangan dengan gadisnya selama setengah tahun tanpa melakukan apapun? Kamu marah? Seperti bahkan jika mereka menunggu untuk berhubungan seks, mereka pasti akan tetap mencium, memeluk, berpelukan, dll. Lalu ada masalah dari keseluruhan dasar cerita. Penulis secara khusus mengatakan di awal bahwa itu akan berbasis di Inggris jadi maafkan dia karena tidak mengetahui semua istilah spesifik dan semacamnya. MC kemudian diberikan awal yang sempurna. Ia dilahirkan dalam keluarga di mana ibunya bekerja di oxford dan ayahnya memiliki sebuah perusahaan kecil. Dia dapat diajar sejak kecil oleh ibunya dan akhirnya pergi ke Oxford untuk mengikuti tes dan mendapatkan semua gelar dll dan kemudian mengambil alih dari ayahnya untuk membawa perusahaan menjadi seperti orang-orang hebat dari manusia besi. Apa yang terjadi? Kami tidak melihat ajaran dari ibunya dan begitu dia cukup dewasa dia pergi ke Amerika ... Seperti apa? Apa gunanya menempatkan dia di Inggris Raya dan semua omong kosong itu di awal jika dia akan langsung pergi ke Amerika secepat dia bisa? Menyia-nyiakan awal yang sempurna, yang dapat dia dan Penulis gunakan untuk membangun? Itu benar-benar tidak masuk akal ... Jadi ya, dari sini saya tidak bisa mengatakan itu akan layak untuk dibaca. Senang penulisnya karena tidak banyak cerita tentang ini.

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very good++++++++++++++++++++-very good++++++++++++++++++++-very good++++++++++++++++++++-very good++++++++++++++++++++-very good++++++++++++++++++++- im not kidding this is good

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He will invest in apple but also develop his own phone company with 2 years advance technology. So, MC is an idiot he totally changed the future of apple. Mc is an psycho who thinks he intelligent, he killed a person because that guy is going **** his girlfriend. He is already a psycho-killer. He developed the company which is comparable to other giants with just a line but for the his 18+ stuffs there are 15 chapters(WTF). He developed highly AI and intelligent robot with 1991 technologies and they can built basement within one month. He improved the performance of the Toyota camry just because he can. He forced his girlfriend although she said no, so it is basically a rape. This novel also shows that MC's girlfriend is lusty and they are having conversation with Jarvis (AI) during the intercourse.(WTF) The author has no ideas for his plot he write it because he need to start storyline. I had a great expectation but later it is so 18+ focused author forgot what the story is.[img=faceslap]

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Good fan fiction on transformers. I read fanfiction on transformers, usually there the main character becomes a transformer, he has 3 forms of transformation, etc. There is also Chinese fanfiction. There a person becomes a transformer. Fights with everyone, etc. Also, I am familiar with the fact that the main character becomes the son of Megatron and Optimus Prime... In general horror. I propose to make a fanfic on Marvel, you know about dc earth 11, where many have changed their gender, so I propose to do it only in Marvel. In general, a complete matriarchy, you can make a movement like feminists, only instead of women, men. Well, good luck with your work.

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Don't even bother with this. 10 chapter in and nothing happens yet. Some things make no sense and others are just plain wrong. read at your own perril.

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The story is a bit boring and there is no emotion whatsoever in the MC it just gets annoying as well[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

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Minus 10 stars if possible. At chapter 10. so much BS back story that has nothing to do with the main storyline or transformer. skim through the few chapters after also but turns out this novel is just bunch of nonsense waste of time. regret so much wasted time in this BS.

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keep up the good work ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Creating VR game ,, space exploration and new new gadgets ..... Adding this thing will increase the chapter....I guess 😛(not gd in eng)................... ..

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Up up up up up up up up up up up up up j up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up u up up up up up up up

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It is an interesting concept as there are very few , if no, transformer fanics, and this was an interesting take. while the family elements are a nice touch, it feels forced into the story.

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Autor Suuper