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53.84% Pokemon: Wandering Soul / Chapter 7: A Scorching Battle

Capítulo 7: A Scorching Battle

Pokemon: Wandering Soul Chapter 7

Yeah, yeah.

Sorry guys for lying about the rest, my imagination is getting the better of me and forcing to write.

I will just try to manage my time between this fanfic and school.

Anyway, continue reading...

A Moltres and A Heatran.

Soul's frown soon turned into a grin.

This will be a hard battle.

Blaze just smirked and had a battle stance. Soul just stood there and clutched the 2 Pokeballs in his hands tightly. Valerie sent Soul a concerned face. She was then met by Soul's reassuring smile. She calmed down and will cheer on Soul to the best of her ability.

"Come on, Soul. Send your Pokemon out right now!" Blaze started to get impatient. Soul silent stared at Blaze before he let out a chuckle, confusing the audience and Valerie.

"I didn't think you would REALLY catch a Moltres and a Heatran." Soul said as he reminisced on him beating Blaze.

"I keep my promises." Blaze said with a grin. Soul then sighed and put back one of the Pokeballs he had. He then released the Pokemon that was in the Pokeball and there stood, a Golurk.

"It has been a while, hasn't it Grid?" He said to the Ghost/Ground-type Pokemon who stared at him with a nod. Suddenly, a shadow formed beside Grid and it was a black-feathered owl.

"Really dude? A Grass-type?" Blaze felt a little offended that Soul was using a Grass-type against a FIRE-type specialist. Soul raised an eyebrow then shook his head. Valerie then stood up and went to the place where the referee resided.

"The battle between Soul and Blaze will now begin!" Valerie said as she secretly cheered for Soul. Blaze gladly took the first move to set-up.

"Moltres, Sunny Day!" Blaze commanded as a blinding light came from Moltres as it released the energy into a ball and raised it high above the field. Hunter and Grid looked at each other and nodded and waited for their trainer's commands.

"Shadow Punch on the Heatran and Spirit Shackle on the Moltres." Soul said as a purple glow covered Golurk's fist as it shot towards Heatran, surprising Blaze. Grid got a critical hit on the Heatran as it shrieked in pain but shook it off.

Moltres on the other hand experienced a lot more pain.

Hunter suddenly appeared above Moltres as it shrieked in surprise. Hunter kicked Moltres to the ground as Hunter did a trickshot and did 3 Spirit Shackles, upside down. The arrows shot down beside Moltres and exploded in purple energy. Moltres cried in pain as it glared at Hunter saying 'I AM THE SUPERIOR BIRD HERE!'. Hunter rolled his eyes and kept to himself.

(In Pokken Tournament, Decidueye has a move that makes him do a trickshot, it was so cool.)


'How did that Golurk move so fast?' One guy whispered.

'Yeah, I thought he was going to use that Golurk to tank all the hits...' Another guy said.

"Golurk, maximize Rock Polish!" Soul said as he heard gasps from the audience. Valerie just smiled and kept watching.

'So that was why Golurk was so fast...' Blaze gritted his teeth and regained his focus on the match.

"Flamethrower, Moltres. Flash Cannon, Heatran!" A torrent of flames was directed to Hunter as he took the attack. The Flash Cannon hit its mark on Grid who took it the brunt of the attack.

After the attack, Hunter was seen glaring at Moltres who had a smug look on its face. Grid just stood there as it dusted itself.

Hunter was really mad right now and thought.


Ok, he was REALLY pissed at the Moltres.

Hunter looked at Soul that had the face that said. 'Can we finish this already?'. Soul saw the pissed off look Hunter gave him as he snickered a bit but nodded

"Magma Storm, Heatran. Heat Wave, Moltres. LET'S TURN UP THE HEAT!" Blaze shouted as his Pokemon readied their moves. All the others were glued to battle while Valerie was really worried because the 2 moves that Blaze said are really powerful and can hit both of his Pokemon. What surprised Valerie was that she saw Soul... smiling?

"Grid, now breakthrough with Darkest Lariat! Hunter, you know what to do..." As the Magma Storm and Heat Wave combined and shot towards Hunter and Grid. Grid spun as fast as he can counter-clockwise to weaken the Magma Storm, and it worked. The crowd and Blaze's eyes were wide as plates as the Magma Storm weakened but saw that it wasn't finished!

A fire tornado was created with Grid in the middle. Moltres was slowly sucked into the tornado and Heatran stood its ground.

They then saw a gold light shimmer from Soul's part of the field. Valerie was the first to notice and what she saw shocked her.

Hunter was aiming at the tornado with a golden arrow.

Hunter smirked as he waited for the arrogant fire turkey to go in the storm with Grid. He let out a breath and his eyes focused on one thing.


The golden arrow shot towards the firestorm and exploded, like a firework in the sky and a large squawk was heard.


Blaze could only gawk at the sight and prayed for his Moltres.

Malva, the Fire-type Elite 4 saw the spectacle and quickly forced her camera crew to follow them to the arena. They reached it to only find a fainted Moltres.

Quickly, the cameramen took some pictures and recorded the scene.

"Wow, Soul. I didn't even have a second chance to attack..." Blaze said as he returned the Moltres. Heatran looked at Hunter in a new light, he just defeated that arrogant fire turkey. Blaze knew he was gonna lose so he did a desperate attack.

"INFERNO OVERDRIVE!" He shouted as a big ball of fire formed in front of Heatran and did a headbutt as it shot towards the 2 Pokemon.

Malva can only admire the Heatran as the cameramen were still recording the battle.

Soul narrowed his eyes on the Z-move as he came up with a counter-attack. Suddenly, a purple glow was on Soul's Z ring.

"Sinister Arrow Raid." Grid used Protect to stall for Hunter. Hunter smiled at the gesture and aimed towards the sky with a pitch-black arrow.

The arrow shot through the air and into the sky nowhere to be seen.

(My version of Sinister Arrow Raid.)

The Inferno Overdrive hit Grid as it was slowly pushed back but in the end, the Golurk stopped it and punched it, making it disappear.

Blaze sighed as could not defeat one of his Pokemon. Blaze then remembered what Hunter did and looked towards the sky.

The crowd, Valerie, and Malva noticed his gaze and followed it.

10 arrows were falling from the sky.

The 10 arrows surrounded Heatran and exploded, defeating it.

Blaze returned the Heatran and shook his head towards the Pokeball with a smile.

The crowd and Malva were frozen in shock at what they just witnessed.

They saw a Grass-type beat 2 LEGENDARY FIRE-TYPE POKEMON!

What they didn't understand was that the one that Blaze carried was still young and needed training. Even Soul thought this would be hard but he shook his head, not wanting to be arrogant about beating 2 young Legendaries that haven't been trained properly.

"You know, train them enough and maybe you will be able to beat me," Soul said trying to not sound arrogant. Malva took it the wrong way and saw Soul as an arrogant trainer because she was blinded by her love of Fire-types.

Valerie and Blaze though, fully understood what he was trying to say.

"Ha, I should have used my partner. He would have been ecstatic to meet his best friend again." Blaze said while getting a nod of approval from the owl who basically replied with 'Yeah, you should have.'.

Soul shook his head and returned Grind while Hunter seeped into a shadow. He approached Blaze who grinned and shook his hand in congratulations.

The crowd yelled and made Soul and Blaze look at them. Soul blankly stared at them while Blaze had his jaw dropped.

"Say, weren't there more people than before?" Blaze stated the obvious as the arena was filled to the brim with people.

They even had popcorn and some drinks beside them.

Soul looked at Valerie who shook her head in amusement and just smiled towards him.

He just smiled in response.

Blaze looked at them in amusement while Hunter decided to go out of his shadow and do the same thing as Blaze.

Blaze and Hunter looked at each other and saw that Valerie and Soul were approaching each other as a pink background was forming behind them. They both looked at each other again and nodded.

"Ehem," Blaze cleared his throat startling the two as he continued to speak.

"Well Soul, it looks like I have to train harder to beat you next time." Blaze said with a grin. Soul smirked and nodded.

"Of course, but don't forget I am also getting stronger," Soul said while his eyes faintly shined purple. Blaze laughed while he crossed his arms as Hunter laughed with him.

Suddenly, the happy moment broke as Malva and her crew dashed in front of Blaze who took a step back in surprise. Soul was pushed down to the floor by Malva, surprising both him and Valerie. Valerie glared at the Fire-type Elite 4 who scoffed in response and proceeded to question Blaze on how he got a Moltres and a Heatran.

Blaze just muttered incoherent words as he was nervous and felt a bit uncomfortable about the situation. Soul looked at Valerie and whispered something to her. Valerie nodded and helped Soul stand up. He looked at his Grass-type starter who was behind Blaze. He smiled and shadow portals appeared below him, Soul, Valerie, and Blaze.

They sunk into the ground nowhere to be seen.

Malva had a huge tick mark on her forehead as she grumbled in frustration.

"I could have gotten SO MUCH from him..." She said out loud.

She didn't need the legendaries, she just wanted the money that she would have gotten if she interviewed the one who caught them.

(I know that Malva here seems a bit out of character but yeah, she just misunderstood who Soul was. She thought he was an arrogant and cold person. Why? I mean, he does look edgy somewhat.)

Meanwhile, outside the Lavere Gym

"Thanks, Soul." Blaze thanked Soul as he slumped down to the ground, not expecting for THAT to happen. Soul just laughed in response as he offered a hand to Blaze who gladly took it.

"Anyways, where would you be going next?" Blaze said as he had a small smile.

Soul then looked at Valerie who was silent and looked down at the ground. Blaze noticed and mentally facepalmed himself.

'CAN'T YOU READ THE MOOD?!' Blaze thought to himself as he mentally sighed.

"I plan to go to Coumarine, Santalune, Cyllage, and Shalour City respectively," Soul said with a sigh as he looked at Valerie who was playing with her small strands of hair.

Blaze then thought of something to ease the mood of his fellow trainer and the Gym Leader.

"...Don't you have a Holo Caster?" Valerie perked up when she heard Blaze mention 'Holo Caster' she then told Soul to stay for a bit and wait for her as she entered the Gym.

"Yeah, I do..." Soul said as he showed him the said item on his wrist. Then, something inside Soul's brain clicked as he looked in horrifying shock at the Fire-type Specialist.

"HEY! I USE MY HEAD!" Blaze said as he glared at Soul.

Blaze was slowly doubting himself.

"...sometimes." Soul laughed at Blaze who just grinned in response.

Valerie then came in and quickly approached Soul. She then took hold of Soul's Holo Caster as she typed her ID in while she gave her's to Soul who did the same thing.

She smiled as she took back her Holo Caster and gave Soul back his.

They then talked about somethings while they went inside the Gym.

Then Blaze asked a question.

"Can I come along with you, Soul?" Blaze said as he saw Soul stop and look at him in the eyes.

Soul then smiled.

"Of course..." Soul said with a smile. Blaze grinned as Hunter materialized and patted Blaze in the back.

Valerie smiled at their interaction as they stopped.

"Well, it looks like it's time..." Soul said with a sigh. Blaze had a small frown while Valerie had a sad smile then remembered something.

"You can come back here in a week!" She said with a happy voice as Soul looked at her in surprise. She blushed then calmed down a bit and spoke.

"Uhm, there will be a dance that will be held next week in Anistar City, so I am hoping that you-" She was about to continue but Soul instantly replied.

"I would love to," Soul said as he didn't let Valerie finish. She giggled and smiled at Soul.

Blaze on the other hand was being a good friend and took a large step backward to not disrupt their moment. He had a small bag of chips on his right and a drink on his left and watched the scene like it was from a movie. Hunter shared with him.

"Then, see you next week, Soul!" She said as she kissed his cheek and winked at him as she turned around and left, leaving the Ghost-type specialist frozen in shock.

Blaze and Hunter can be heard laughing in the background.

Valerie on the other hand was blushing a crimson red as she berated herself for doing that.

She had a smile on her face the whole time though.

She then heard giggling from the side and saw 5 kimono girls holding a camera each. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw a picture of her kissing Soul on the cheek.

"I take it that you enjoyed your date, Miss Valerie?" One kimono girl said. She blushed even more and steam came out of her head.

'Help me...' She thought.

Ah, the teasing will never stop.


(Author's Note:

I am sorry, it seems that my imagination knows no bounds as my writer's mind kicked in.

The next update will come up in about 4 days or so.

Maybe earlier because of my wild imagination...

Anyway, Soul will now leave Lavere City with Blaze.

And as you have seen, Valerie and Soul are official now. '

Do you like the scenes I did with her? It was so refreshing writing those type of stuff because fluff eases my stress.

I plan to make the journey a little longer because it would mean that my fanfic will only take like 15 chapters to complete so I have to put some events there too.

The fluff replacement in there will be Froslass and Hunter.

I have nothing more to say than to follow Flyg0n and TrueRising's amazing stories and also, I would like to shoutout the following people.

The people who have 'followed' me.

FanQuiet1991, FerdinandVonAegir, Flyg0n, Grimraven.V, HoodedDragonX, Ina Bauer, Micky223, RisingDawn3069, ShadesofGrey777, TriggerLaw, TrueRising, Yanny-37, ZeroXheroic, iconhuh, kannoj.

The ones that have added my story to their favorites:

Animeloverdog, FerdinandVonAegir, Grimraven.V, HoodedDragonX, RisingDawn3069, TriggerLaw, TrueRising, Warrior Werewolf, Yanny-37, ZeroXheroic, frostydrake15, iconhuh.

I thank you guys for supporting me in my fanfic.

Special thanks to Flyg0n for being my mentor in writing fanfics and TrueRising being an inspiration to this.

Why TrueRising?

He has multiple fanfics where his OC is op and I wanted to write one so I did.

Thank you...)

next chapter
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