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61.53% Pokemon: Wandering Soul / Chapter 8: A Visit to the Battle Chateau

Capítulo 8: A Visit to the Battle Chateau

Pokemon: Wandering Soul Chapter 8

I just noticed that I forgot to tell you guys why Valerie was more open to Soul.

Well, it was simple. Both he and Valerie are comfortable with each other since they knew a part of each other's past as it serves as a kind of 'symbol' of their relationship somewhat.

Anyway, continue reading!

"How the hell can you get those 4 Gym Badges in a week?!" Blaze said trying to force Soul to answer. This has gone for like an hour until Soul just gave up and sighed in annoyance.

Soul stopped walking and looked towards Blaze with a blank stare. Then, Hunter materialized and also copied his trainer who also gave Blaze a blank stare.

Blaze seemed to think and finally put it together.

"...Are you seriously going to use Hunter as transportation?" Blaze said with annoyance.

Soul and Hunter looked at each other then looked at him.

"Is there any problem with that?" Soul said as he raised an eyebrow. Blaze sighed again and wanted to hit Soul in the head.

"Ok, I know you miss her and want to finish as early as possible but, you need to relax. Valerie isn't going anywhere..." Blaze said with a deadpan face. Soul's eyebrows twitched and he sighed as he massaged his temple.

"I know..." Soul said as he looked up in the sky with a sad smile. Blaze frowned along with Hunter.

Hunter didn't mind being a type of transportation since it makes it easier for his trainer to travel. It even helps with his training to master a move that Giratina is trying to teach him...

Shadow Force.

"Sorry..." Blaze said. Soul shook his head and smiled.

"Don't worry about it..." Soul said. Then, something popped up in his mind.

"How about we visit the Battle Chateau?" Blaze looked at him and grinned. He nodded in agreement.

"Can we walk there?" Blaze asked. Soul nodded.

After that, Soul told Hunter to transport them to Route 7. Hunter took a breath and the 3 of them were sho=rouded by a shadow and was swallowed. They then appeared in the small forest of Route 7. Blaze held his mouth and stomach and threw up.

"HOW CAN YOU EVEN USE THAT?!" Blaze said as he remembered the feeling of getting sucked in a shadow. Soul chuckled and told him it took 10 tries before the side-effect started to stop. Blaze glared at him and sighed.

"We are NOT doing that again..." Blaze said tiredly as he released his Pokemon. There stood an Infernape, his starter. The Infernape got into a fighting stance and was confused about why there are not any opponents. Infernape then saw Soul and slowly relaxed. The Flame Pokemon had a smirk like his trainer. Infernape did a fistbump with Soul as he waved towards his shadow. Hunter materialized and did a fistbump with him also.

The Hunter put his right wing around Infernape's shoulder with Infernape doing the same but with his left. The 2 started to have a conversation.

Soul shook his head in amusement as he walked through with Blaze. They kept walking and met some trainers along the way.

Nobody challenged them though because, from a glance, they could see how strong Hunter and Infernape are.

Suddenly, they heard a 'boom' noise and it instantly got our attention. Blaze and Soul looked at each other, then at their starters. They all nodded and quickly approached the place where the noise came from.

They arrived at a forest then continued until they found a large cave, that was too smooth for it to be natural. Soul narrowed his eyes and told Hunter to scan the area. Hunter nodded and released a minor surge of Ghost-type energy to sense if there is any people near them. Hunter's eyes widened and his face formed into an angry expression.

"What is it, Hunter?" Soul said, seeing the expression of the owl. Hunter then looked at him and showed him a pitch-black ball. Soul's eyes narrowed and turned into a grim expression.

Blaze and Infernape look at each other, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Another evil organization?" Soul muttered, audible enough for Blaze to hear.

"Like the one from the Rainbow Rocket you mentioned to me before?" Blaze asked. Soul shook his head.

"No, this evil organization is much weaker than that," Soul said as he commanded Hunter to go from shadow to shadow to see what is going on. Blaze nodded and readied up for a fight.

Hunter sunk to the floor and appeared above a cliff. The owl narrowed his eyes on the people he scanned. His eyes widened when he saw a familiar Pokemon surrounded by people with weird red hair.

"Are you sure this was what the boss wants? It looks pretty weak to me." One of the people with weird red hair said. The green little Pokemon did his version of a scoff.

"Well, if the boss wants it, he gets it." One said shrugging his shoulders.

"For Team Flare!"


Hunter's eyes widened, he remembered Team Flare when he fought against the 'Alternate Universe' Lysandre. The owl sighed and quickly shot a Spirit Shackle between the Team Flare grunts and the Pokemon. It exploded pushing the grunts back, surprising the little green Pokemon. He quickly reappeared in front of Soul.

"So, what evil organization is it?" Soul asked. Hunter then pointed at the Infernape's head and Soul sighed and looked at Blaze.

"Its those people with the weird hairdo." Soul sighed and Blaze and Infernape look at each other weirdly. Soul shook his head and dashed off, with Blaze and Infernape following.

They arrived at the scene and all the grunts saw them.

"I-I thought this place was off-limits!" One grunt said in fear.

"NOBODY SAID THAT, DUMBASS!" The bald one said. It was an admin.

Blaze, Soul, Hunter. Infernape and the small Pokemon sweatdropped when the saw their interactions. Hunter, using the quarrel of the stupid grunts and admin as a distraction, use a portal to retrieve the small Pokemon. The small Pokemon nodded and Hunter took him to Soul who caught the small Pokemon in his hands.

"Uhm, Boss..." One grunt said.

"WHAT?" The admin said angrily. They all looked behind them and saw that the small Pokemon was gone and looked towards Soul's group and saw him carrying it in its arms.

"GIVE THAT BACK! ITS OURS!" The admin said now pissed off and released a Houndoom with the grunts releasing Mightyenas and Golbats.

Soul sighed and wanted to finish this quickly. The small Pokemon in his arms looked curiously at him then at Hunter who had a tickmark beside his head.

"Come on out, Mimik!" There stood the Mimikyu. The small Pokemon felt a weird chill in its body as the Mimikyu looked at him then focused on the battle.

"What's that weird Pikachu going to do? Use Thundershock?" The admin mocked as the grunts laughed at his joke.

Their Pokemon, on the other hand, wanted to get the hell away from here.

Soul glared at them and commanded Mimik.

"Mean Look, Scary Face, then Shadow Claw 10x," Soul said as Mimik let out a screech that scared the Pokemon nearby.

The admin and the grunts stopped laughing and looked at Mimik. Their eyes widened in shock, mortified on what they are seeing.

"W-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" One of the grunts said as he took a step back.

"THAT'S A FREAKING DEMON, A DEMON!" All of the grunts said as they all scurried off with their Pokemon.

"HEY! WAIT FOR ME!" The admin said as he followed them only to be stopped by a shadow tendril from Mimik. The admin's eyes looked at the tendril then at Mimik as his eyes rolled upwards and turned white.

Blaze and Infernape held each other as they were also scared. The small Pokemon Soul was holding was also shivering. Hunter laughed/hooted at the admin while Soul scratched his head.

"We overdid it, didn't we?" Soul said to Mimik, who cackled at the admin. Soul shook his head. Hunter took some vines and wrapped it around the traumatized admin.

(Btw, while writing this. I was listening to Accelerator's opening 'Shadow is The Light'. Music helps me get rid of a writer's block.)

Blaze and Infernape are still holding each other as they looked at Mimik then sighed as Soul returned him.

"What the hell have you been feeding that Mimikyu?" Blaze said as he shivered along with Infernape.

(DEAD BODIES! MUAHAHAHA-Ehem, back to the story.)

"I always feed him Rainbow Pokebeans, sometimes a Malasada or 2, also some Pokepuffs," Soul said as he carried the traumatized admin to the side and laid him there. Soul then did a sign of the cross and left with a bow. Blaze looked at him weirdly, why did he do that 'weird' hand movement?

(You will never know...)

The small Pokemon let out a sound as it jumped around Soul.

"What even is that Pokemon?" Blaze asked Soul. Blaze was about to show scan it with his Poryphone but was startled when Soul stopped him.

"There won't be any data on this little guy, he is a 'part' of a Pokemon," Soul said as he held the little green Pokemon in his arms.

"Like Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem but on a drastic scale?" Blaze said as Soul nodded. Blaze said nothing and just followed Soul.

"How about you call your little friends so that you don't get captured again?" Soul said as the little green Pokemon nodded. Suddenly, green light was everywhere and it went into the little green Pokemon's body and it slowly formed into a dog. The Pokemon let out a growl and bowed towards Soul in gratitude. Blaze stood there, dumbfounded.

"W-was that Z-Zygarde?!" Blaze said as he glared towards Soul who just nodded. Blaze sighed as they both started walking towards the Battle Chateau.

They then arrived at the Battle Chateau and was greeted by an old butler.

"May I help you, my good sirs?" The butler said with a bow as he adjusted his monocle.

"We want to enter the Battle Chateau." Blaze said as the butler nodded and proceeded to open the door. As they entered, it got all the attention of the people inside the place.

'Ugh, what kind of clothes are they wearing?' An old lady said in a disgusted manner.

'Who are those peasants?' A rich boy said as he scoffed.

Blaze and Soul just ignored them entirely and asked the butler on how the Battle Chateau works.

(This will be an excuse to raise the word count, lol.)

(The Trainer ranks at the Battle Chateau are inspired by the noble ranks used by many European countries, including the French nobility.

The player starts as a Baron or Baroness, depending on their gender, and advances through the ranks of nobility by defeating other noble Trainers. In the initial ranks of nobility, the player's rank is mainly determined by their number of wins, with wins against higher-ranked nobles counting for more than those against lower-ranked nobles. The final rank of Grand Duke or Duchess, however, is only achieved after the player has defeated all regular noble Trainers at least once, including Gym Leaders, the Elite Four, and Diantha.

As the player advances in rank, the number of Trainers that appear in the Battle Chateau at the same time steadily grows. Any Trainer that is of the same or lesser rank than the player may appear in the Battle Chateau.)

(This is the game explanation. I don't want to write the summary about the Battle Chateau so sorry about this.)

The butler summarized it for them that they basically fight people the same rank as them and slowly make their way until they reach Grand Duke/Grand Duchess.

For now, they start as a Baron.

They then heard a door opening and followed it.

It was Viola, the Bug-type Gym Leader.

"Hello everybody!" Viola said as some of the people cheered and the 'sophisticated ones' just sipped a cup of tea.

Everyone then heard somebody yelling and a 'THUD'. They all turned their heads at the sound and saw a young man.

It was Grant, the Rock-type Gym Leader.

Blaze's jaw dropped and looked at Soul who had a bright smile. Blaze sighed as he knew what Soul was thinking about.

"You know, Grant. You are going to hurt yourself if you keep falling off that wall." Viola said with a sigh. Grant just smiled.

"Come on Viola, I won't stop because there is no wall I can't climb!" Grant said with a laugh. They looked around and saw a certain purple-haired boy.

"Soul Ecto?" They both said as said person was broken from his trance and jumped slightly.

"Uhm... hi?" Soul said as he waved at both of them with an awkward smile. Blaze and Hunter, who was in his shadow, were holding back a laugh.

"Clemont has warned us about you, he says you are really strong..." Grant said as he turned serious.

"I also heard that my best friend's heart has been taken by someone..." Viola said with a mischievous smile.

"If only I know who though..." She said. "Just imagine, 'WHO IS THE MYSTERIOUS PERSON WHO TOOK THE FAIRY PRINCESS's HEART?', that would be a huge scoop." She said as she eyed Soul suspiciously. Soul gulped nervously with Hunter snickering in his shadow.

Everybody perked up as they heard what Viola said. Soul sighed letting out all the nervousness fade away.

"Well, since you are here, how about we turn this into a Gym Battle?" Grant said while Viola thought about it a bit and agreed.

"This should save you a lot of time since you won't need to visit Santalune or Cyllage City!" Viola said. She approached Soul who looked at her cautiously. She just giggled and whispered something to his ear.

"You can also take her on dates there..." Viola said as she walked back and saw Soul frozen in place. Grant smirked while she laughed.

'She already knows...' Soul thought. He then heard what she said.

'Best friend.' Soul surmised that maybe Valerie already told her.

"Anyways, do you agree on the challenge?" Grant said as he held out a hand. Soul approached him and shook his hand with Viola clapping. The people inside the Battle Chateau looked at the 2 in a new light and some thought that they weren't just peasants after all...

"Why do I need to be in a tuxedo?" Soul said and Blaze laughed at him. There was a comical tear in his eyes as he wheezed.

"You know, that l-looks g-good on you." Blaze said trying to make a straight face but he laughed again.

Infernape who was at his trainer's side was shaking his head. Infernape looked at Soul's attire and smiled as he did a thumbs up. Hunter was beside Soul as he fixed his tie.

"Thanks, Infernape, and Hunter," Soul said as Infernape smirked while Hunter hooted. Blaze was still laughing as Soul just ignored him and left him alone with Infernape in the waiting room.

Soul was escorted by a maid to the battlefield. Soul then took his place and waited for one of the Gym Leader's to come.

What he saw shocked him.

Both Gym Leaders walked up to the battlefield and took their place.

"This is an official double battle between Soul Ecto and the 2 Gym Leaders, Viola and Grant. Both Gym Leaders are allowed to use 2 Pokemon Each while the challenger is only allowed to use 3!" The referee said as Soul was still processing what was happening.

"Didn't expect this, did you?" Viola said in her formal attire as Grant just laughed.

Soul sighed.

What kind of surprises will he encounter in the future...

...and how many?

Author's Note:

Thanks to Grimraven. D for reviewing my fanfic.

Thank you for your honest thoughts about the romance because I needed that. For me, it is fine because I tell myself I need the 'fluff'.

Also thanks to NightShade9k for supporting me too.

Anyway, regarding the fanfic, sorry for making another battle chapter...

Next chapter, I will make a drabble of some sorts about Valerie and Soul again.

OR I will make a short story about Blaze so that you can somewhat know his backstory a bit.

The introduction of Zygarde is forced but I really can't think of any way on how to introduce team Flare so I decided to go the anime route.

I have nothing much to talk about other than a quick sharing...

In Classroom of the Elite, the light novel, Horikita Suzune's hair will be short...

Making me doubt my liking towards long-haired girls.

I am a really weird person and I pick anime girls in terms of looks. If she has long hair, she instantly gets a thumbs up from me...

Unless she is an over-the-top yandere or an overly annoying tsundere.

And now you know my weird 'liking' towards anime girls.

Long hair, insta like.

Thanks for reading!

Oh, and I know that Mimikyus don't learn Scary Face or Mean Look, Mimik just used shadows to recreate one.


Hi! Nothing much here since I decided not to put Author's Note here.

Anyway, if you find it weird that somethings I mentioned don't exist on Webnovel, it is because it doesn't!

The original work in

Hopefully, you find time to visit because I always update earlier there than here.

Anyway, I don't need that many Power Stones because I aim to please some readers, not all of them.

next chapter
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