Iron clashed, sparks flying through the air, blade coated with sword mana, Loimos was pushed back, uprooting plants and dirt as he remained grounded, striking back against the sabre with punches, the undead's premonition had been correct, Griar swung powerfully, his life swelling and consumed with each of his movements.
The living pushed Loimos back, well away from the wounded and into another ruined district, evading a series of thrust, Loimos fired a straight punch, the young noble dodging with much vigour, responding with a kick to the skeleton's midsection, the strength carried behind was not as great as it might appear.
Loimos was sent flying through a wall and into a cathedral, the stained glass casting a multi-coloured light upon him, the glow produced by the lively plant life shone upon him, as though he was standing in a spotlight.
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