Wielding the champion of water's arm by the hand, he swung it like a battleaxe at the champion of crystal, Dasato was a lanky woman, but the limb Loimos wielded was not exactly thick either, rather delicate in fact for a warrior that could supposedly fight both with magic and martial arts, obviously, the undead knew how to wield even a weapon as impromptu as this one.
Using severed body parts as weapons was not all that uncommon for the undeads, grasping onto the arm tighter, slinging blood still within at the champion's face and eyes, a well placed kick to lessen her grip on her crystal blade, he caught it and turned to the approaching livings, Milo and Griar were quick on their feet, Msir was tending to her fellow champions, grabbing them to bring to the healer, although not immediately lethal, their injuries certainly held the potential to be mortal.
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