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Rayleigh’s Feedback, Three-Color Haki Is Top Notch!

More than half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Lakeman 'supervises' Rayleigh who guides the three Boa sisters every day, constantly improving the binding progress.

Finally, the progress bar is full.

[Ding dong!]

[Current progress: 100%!]

[You have successfully bound Silver Rayleigh and share his daily training income!]

The day the binding was completed, Lakeman never showed up again.

He stayed in the hotel and was alone in the training room.

Click click click——

Lakeman took off his shirt, his muscles flexed and squirmed with his thoughts, like a little mouse running and walking.

Not only that, the internal organs of the body became active.

Blood, hormones, and endocrine systems instantly entered a high state.

In the abdominal cavity, it is like a furnace, burning brightly.

The five internal organs felt hot.

In just a few minutes, Lakeman was sweating profusely and the floor was wet with sweat.


He gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, which was like white smoke. It rolled and flew more than thirty centimeters before dissipating.

"The return of life has made my internal organs as strong as a furnace."

Lakeman stood up and looked forward, his eyes sharp and sharp.

This look is completely different from the sloppy look of the past.

"And binding Rayleigh allows me to gain Haki's full catalouge!"

[You get training feedback from Silver Rayleigh!]

[You have awakened Armament Haki!]

[You have awakened Observation Haki!]

 [ You have awakened Conqueror Haki ]

"First of all, the armament haki!" Lakeman raised his hand and clenched his fingers into a fist. The power hidden in his body burst out, covering his fist like a steel membrane.

He suddenly swung a punch and hit the sandbag in front of him.


The sandbag exploded directly, and the iron sand inside flew in all directions like bullets.

Ding ding ding!!

Countless small holes were shot through the walls, floors, and ceilings.

Part of the iron sand was shot at Lakeman, but it seemed to hit a copper wall and spattered dense sparks, which then bounced away.

It didn't hurt Lakeman one bit.

"Is this the world of observation Haki ?" Lakeman closed his eyes.

He 'saw' a whole new world.

The surface of his body is covered with a light black coating, and on his fist, this blackness is as rich as ink, coating the entire fist in black.

This is the power of Armament Haki.

And outside the body.

Things lose their shape and color.

There are only six vague directions, front, back, left, right, up and down, with different sounds coming from them.

Lakeman seemed to have developed an organ called radar. He captured the sounds of all living creatures within a radius of 500 meters centered on himself.

These sounds continuously send out signals, forming clear points in the sky.

"It's such an amazing feeling."

Lakeman is like a curious child, excitedly exploring the power of Observation and arnament haki.


The third day...



Lakeman has been shutting himself in the training room.

Rayleigh, an old man, reported too many improvements in practice every day.

Lakeman's three-color Haki level has improved rapidly.

Just five days.

His armament haki has gone beyond hardening, entangling, and external release, and directly entered the fourth stage of 'internal destruction'!

Observation Haki extends to a radius of one thousand meters, and has a prophetic intuition, able to predict the enemy's movements.

Conqueror Haki has been finely controlled.

"As expected of the Pirate King's deputy, he appears to be quiet on the surface, but in reality he has reached the threshold of 'foreseeing the future'." Lakeman was impressed.

The strong men of the older generation are indeed sharp.

No wonder he fought countless battles in the first half of his life and could retire peacefully.

It turns out to be really strong!

"Having acquired all of Rayleigh's three-color Haki skills, I can be considered a strong player, right?" Lakeman said thoughtfully.

In addition to skills, Haki also has a gap between 'quality' and 'quantity'.

His skills have caught up, but the quality is not yet up to par.

His physical age is still under adulthood, and he is not as good as those guys who are in their prime.

But despite this, the top three-color Haki skills are enough for Lakeman to crush most pirates, even Shichibukai and Supernova.


Thinking of this, Lakeman stretched himself and walked out of the training room.

"The agreed month is almost here."

He stepped out of the hotel and walked to the training ground.

Along the way.

The guards and maids followed Lakeman.

But today, they were a little confused.

'Master, has he become stronger again?'

'I feel a very fierce aura!'

'Yes, it's like meeting an ancient beast, very scary.'

'I have only experienced this feeling with the great pirate worth hundreds of millions of belli's!'

They communicated with eyes and looked shocked.

Lakeman was aware of their small actions, but ignored them.

Just be weird.

As long as they don't betray, Lakeman won't care what his subordinates are thinking, nor will he control the thoughts of his subordinates like a tyrant.

He pretends nothing happened and walked to the training ground.

Haven't entered the training ground yet.

Just barely close.

Rayleigh, who was in the field, suddenly raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in surprise: "What an amazing aura. Does the Lakeman family have such strong guards?"

"If you put it on the sea, it would be a big pirate with a reward of at least one billion."

"Not on par with that kid Kizaru..."

Rayleigh suddenly paused.

His expression became even more astonished, his eyes widened and filled with disbelief.

Outside the training ground.

A young man with jet black broken hair walked in slowly.

The boy is none other than Lakeman.

And Lakeman is exactly the 'powerful guard' that Rayleigh sensed through his sense of sight!

"How can it be?"

Rayleigh looked at Lakeman in shock, his glasses almost falling to the floor.

"We haven't seen each other for a few days, how did he become so strong?"

"Hey, Mr. Rayleigh is also very energetic today." Lakeman walked over with a smile and said hello to the astonished Rayleigh.

Rayleigh said nothing and looked at Lakeman with a ghostly expression.

"Are you really Lakeman Saint?" Rayleigh couldn't help but ask.

"Of course!" Lakeman nodded: "If it's fake, it will be replaced!"

Rayleigh suddenly stopped talking.

He really wanted to complain.

How come you, a ten-year-old child who is still a pampered Celestial Dragon, have the strength to rival your own Admiral candidates?

Even if you start practicing cultivation from your mother's womb, it's still impossible!

My perception should be correct. Even if Kizaru has Sparkling Fruit, in a fight with Lakeman Saint, the outcome will only be 50-50. Rayleigh looked at Lakeman, thinking to himself.

'But why 50-50?'

'A few days ago, you were only as strong as the Rear Admiral of the headquarters!'

Thinking of this, Rayleigh frowned.

He couldn't understand.

Special talent? Special fruit ability? Or have you been hiding your strength?

Rayleigh looked at Lakeman deeply, remained silent for a long time, and said, "You shocked me, Saint Lakeman."

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Rayleigh." Lakeman nodded and smiled.

Both understood what the other meant.

But this scene, in the eyes of others, was extremely confusing.

"Sister, why did Mr. Rayleigh say that?"

"Does it mean that the master is very strong?"

The two sisters whispered.

Hancock did not speak, but looked at Lakeman intently, frowning slightly.

She felt a sense of danger from Lakeman.

It's as if the opponent is an ancient dinosaur or a violent beast, which can easily overwhelm.

'Is this the feeling of observation haki?'

Hancock rubbed her temples and felt tired, "Mr. Rayleigh said, I have a good talent. I have already touched the power of awakening Observation Haki, and I can sense the strength and threat of the enemy."

'So, my knowledge tells me that the master is very dangerous?'


Hancock's eyes became full of meaning.

She knew very early on that Lakeman was not simple. 

He looked indifferent on the surface, but in fact he was secretly working hard every day and his strength improved at an alarming rate.

"I'm not interested in your secrets. One month is up, the agreement is completed, and it's time for me to leave." Rayleigh glanced at Lakeman a few times, then looked away.

He has fulfilled his dream and left the sea.

No matter how mysterious Lakeman is, it has nothing to do with him.

"Thank you, Mr. Rayleigh, for your guidance during this time. See you again soon." Lakeman nodded without holding back.

Rayleigh waved his hand, walked over, and gave Hancock a few final words before leaving.

Far away.

Kizaru, who had been following him, breathed a sigh of relief.

"I finally left. I haven't had a good night's sleep this month."

He stretched, feeling tired.


That day, Kizaru returned to the Holy Land, reporting truthfully to Marshal Sengoku.

"Lakeman Saint, yes, this person has incredible strength."

"If I fight him, is it possible that I will die in his hands?"

Sengoku's eyes widened when he heard this.

He stared at Kizaru closely, trying to tell if the other party was joking.

"As expected, it's not a joke."

Sengoku pondered for a while, "A Celestial Dragon with such strength? Impossible."

"I know it sounds absurd." Kizaru took a sip of tea, relaxed a lot, and said lazily: "But it's the truth."

"Perhaps, we should find an opportunity to let him join the navy."

"With his talent and strength, he will definitely be a good seedling."

Kizaru made this suggestion from the bottom of his heart.

The navy and Celestial Dragons are allies.

Lakeman's choice to become a navy can be said to be a matter of course.



At the same time.

In the shampoo ground.

In the hotel, Lakeman quietly felt the changes in himself.

He is already fully proficient in both the armament haki and the observation haki, and has even practiced the Conqueror haki.

There is a brand new ability after combining them all with life return.

It can extract the life force and energy from the surrounding air and use it for one's own use.

It's like producing oxygen through photosynthesis.

In other words, as long as you stand on the ground and breathe the air, you can continuously replenish your physical strength and stay in peak condition.

"I see, is this a 'metabolism' transformation?"

Lakeman nodded thoughtfully.

With such a large cheat, as long as you don't get careless, you can basically survive.

Plus all the experiences I have gone through.

He has enough confidence to deal with everything.

It's like now.

Lakeman walked slowly, feeling the increasingly deep breath in the surrounding air.

Trebol, who had a runny nose, put his hands in his trouser pockets, revealing his pistol and holster, and walked towards the auction house with a serious look on his face.

As a subordinate of the Donquixote family, he came here for only one purpose, to sell Devil Fruits.

"As long as I can sell the Devil Fruit, I will be able to raise enough money to help the young master deal with the dragon people."

Trebol muttered, frowning slightly.

But not long after, he stopped.

From the direction of the auction house, the breath of the people coming and going became faintly oppressive.

It's like being stared at by some ancient fierce beast, instinctively generating fear.

"What a strong man."

 Trebol muttered, his eyes gloomy,

 "According to the intelligence, the auction house has been taken over by the World Government, and the boss behind it is the Lakeman saint."

"Damn it, I originally wanted to sell Devil Fruits here, but now I have to deal with the Celestial Dragons..."

Trebol clenched his fists, and after thinking for a long time, he still chose to report to the young master.


Dressrosa, the Palace of Kings.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Doflamingo's eyes flickered after listening to Trebol's report.

"Unexpectedly, behind the scenes at the auction house, it was a Celestial Dragon, Lakeman saint."

."Young Master, what should I do now?" Trebol asked.

"You're doing a good job. Find a place to stand by first, and I'm going to check for more information." Doflamingo said.

"Understood!" Trebol said.

"That's it." Doflamingo hung up.

in the room.

Doflamingo was sitting on the sofa with a deep expression on his face, lost in thought.

"The Celestial Dragons have taken over, there's trouble."

"I originally wanted to use Devil Fruit to lure out the people behind the auction, catch them all, and then set up an underground auction to do illegal business such as arms, human bodies, contraband, etc."

"It's hard to grab it now."

Naturally, I have also heard about the name 'Lakeman '.

But, he doesn't want to get involved with the Celestial Dragons.

Even though he is a former Celestial Dragons, he also has the blood of the world aristocracy.

However, Doflamingo clearly understands that as long as there is a change in the wind direction, his family will face annihilation.



Lakeman doesn't care about the outside world.

He is digesting the changes brought about by his mastery of Three-color-haki..

"This feeling of strength is really good!"

He stood up slowly, with a confident smile on his face.

"Now, the sea is my next goal!"



Thank you [Jose Torres] [Copinsa] [Colin Hilterhaus] [Takatchi] [Spooder man] [Cédric NGOUBY] For Joining My Patreon And Contributing To work. 

[Jose torres] A Super Fan - 10 $

[Copinsa] A Super Fan - 10 $

[Colin Hilterhaus] A Super Fan - 10 $

[Takatchi] A Super Fan - 10 $ 

[Spooder man] A Super Fan - 10 $

[Cédric NGOUBY] A Super Fan - 10 $




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