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83.67% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 40: Turning Point 3 - Chunin Exams

Capítulo 40: Turning Point 3 - Chunin Exams

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.


(Special thanks to SpilngoSplongo, GloriousFourEyedKing, and Honored_Writer for the Unpaid Labor of Beta Reading this! They are the GOATS!)

-Story Start-

-Akira POV-

Taking a sip of my tea, I tilt my head as my voice comes out even yet with a note of confusion, "Don't you think this is a bit sudden?" I gently question, slowly lowering my cup.

Naomi's bowing visage only made me slightly uncomfortable as she asserted with a nod, "It is, but nevertheless, I would appreciate your approval on the matter, Akira-sama."

...Why does she need my approval?

Tapping gently on the table, dismay in my tone as I present my argument, "Look, going out on a rather sudden C - Rank mission doesn't mean you'll automatically cheat on me or something as ridiculous as that, I fail to see why you'd need to ask for my approval. I don't own you. Hell, we're not even married."

At my assertion, a small, yet warm smile formed on Naomi's expression, yet her rigid posture hadn't waned, "Even so, I must ask for your approval." She stubbornly asserted her stance.

"It's not just about the mission, it's about respecting your opinion and our bond." She added, her voice softening lightly.


Although there is truth in her consideration of my opinion and I do appreciate it to some extent... This is a full-blown exaggeration in my opinion.

An exaggeration whose source I have an inkling of.

She's really got to curb that servitude mindset.

Asking for my approval for something as insignificant as this would most certainly be attributed to her parents and or lovely grandfather.

Their influence on her is like a shadow she can't escape, and it is getting mildly infuriating to witness.

Regardless, I met her parents in a more formal setting yesterday, lovely people.

Albeit a bit too reverent for my tastes.

Truly, it paints the generational differences ever so clearly.

...Or maybe I'm reading this wrong.

As for the sudden C - Rank mission, I'm almost certain it's her colorful friend - Aiko's idea.

Escapism and a bit of fresh air aren't a necessarily bad remedy for our situation.

I nod, waving her off, surrendering to her effort, "If you're so stubborn to get my approval, then you have it. Just make sure you're extra careful with the Mission."

Lifting her upper body from her bowing position, she flashes me a grateful smile, a hint of mischief in her tone, "Thank you, Akira-sama. I assure you that I am not nearly as unlucky as you are in mission assignments."

Snorting, I reply, "Leaving tomorrow right? I'll make sure to keep the house intact."

At my subtle threat, Naomi's gaze hardens, "I will request Yoshino-sama to keep an eye on you."


Noticing my frown, she smiles goodnaturedly, "Don't worry, I'm going out on this mission to help Aiko get her Mission Points up, and it's in Fire Country, I'll be back before the tournament of the Chunin Exams."

Obviously, all Chunin Exams have their final phase be a Tournament roughly 1-2 months after the first two or three phases - The amount of phases before a Tournament depends on the Chunin Exam Conductors and Kage themselves.

I lift an eyebrow, "Aiko-san isn't a Chunin? That's a bit surprising, considering her rather... Fiery and confrontational personality. She was rather scary when I first met her."

She didn't seem like an "All bark no bite" type of person.

Naomi responded happily, the mentioning of her dear friend bringing up her mood, "Yeah, she isn't but she's strong enough to be Chunin herself. She never saw the appeal of the Exams except as a show." She shrugged.

Taking a seat and grabbing her own cup of tea, which had already gone lukewarm, Naomi rehydrated herself, continuing, "Aiko told me she'd rather achieve Chunin through Mission Points."

In the Five Great Nations, as far as I am aware, there are three methods by which a Genin may be promoted to the rank of Chunin:

(1) Chunin Exams - Through showcasing prowess, wit, and otherwise, decided upon by the respective Kage.

A small portion of Genin's are promoted through this method, and they are essential investments for the next batch of Jonin and ANBU.

(2) Forced Promotion - in fitting or unique cases, since Kage essentially holds all the power in the village, they may promote a Shinobi to even Jonin at their leisure. This is only done to exceptional individuals though, as promoting a Genin Level Shinobi to Jonin would be a straight-up death sentence in missions.

The least amount of Genin or otherwise are promoted through this method, and when they are, they are Shinobi of exceptional talent and skill.

This method was used only once in Konoha's History - During its founding when many Elite Shinobi and clans migrated to the Village.

(3) The Mission Points System:

Each Village calculates it differently, however, in Konoha, it works as follows:

You need a total of 1000 Mission Points to be promoted to the rank of Chunin.

Each mission completed gives a certain amount of points depending on the difficulty.

D - Rank: 1 Point.

C - Rank: 5~20 Points.

B - Rank: 25 Points.

A - Rank: 125 Points.

S - Rank: 625 Points.

Most Genin are promoted through this method, and a majority of the Chunin Forces in all Villages are comprised of Genin promoted through it.

Generally, Genin cannot take missions Above C - Rank, therefore, promoting to Chunin realistically through this method takes around 3-6 years.

Due to the tediousness and long-term nature of this method of promotion, some stubbornly stick to trying to get promoted through Chunin Exams.

Wasting their time, effort, and even at times, their lives.

At figuring out Aiko's choice, I couldn't help but point out, "Hmm... Not very ambitious is she?"

Naomi responded with a hint of empathy and concern as she gently reminded, "Akira-sama. Not everyone wishes to be an elite or even incredibly powerful Shinobi. Some Shinobi hold other dreams and ambitions, like Aiko."

She answered my unasked question, "Aiko dreams of taking over the Konoha Orphanage and opening a few others herself. She requires the rank of Chunin for that."

Although it might be a little late or even a little early to ask her such a loaded question.

But, the opportunity presented itself, so I did...

"What is your dream, Naomi-san?"

At my sudden question, the hand that held the cup midair paused in its travel as her eyes widened for but a moment as she met eyes with my own.

An awkward albeit warm silence enveloped us as Naomi contemplated my question.

A moment later, a bittersweet smile took hold of her expression, as she sweatdropped, "I... Don't really know."

"You don't know?" I repeated.

She nodded, leaning her face on the palm of her hand, "I mean, nothing too concrete. I haven't really given it much thought..." She drawled out.

"Only things I think that would be nice... Like how it'd be nice to travel the world and visit countries with no pressure or mission pressing down on me. To write and read all sorts of works and experience all sorts of cultures, even those of our enemies."

"...That would only be possible if there was World Peace," I comment offhandedly at the naivety and impossible nature of such a dream.

She giggled, "Then I guess that's my dream then - "World Peace"... Not that I'm silly enough to believe that's possible."


However, there is one individual that is technically doing just like what she described...

"Actually, if you were like Jiraiya of the Sannin, you'd be able to do just that, without the need for World Peace. Technically." I add.

A sad smile took hold of her expression, making me slightly uncomfortable, "Maybe. But I'm not him. And that is not my destiny."

I see...


I'm not Naruto.

Therefore, I truly did not have a proper, haughty, and salvation-guaranteeing response to such a sad, helpless, and weak admission.

I could only keep my silence.

After all, actions speak louder than words.

I'll free myself and her from this engagement, and she'll be free to chase those dreams she had not yet formulated.

And will never formulate as long as she is shackled to me.

It's a promise I make to myself, one that I will see through no matter what.


"Unsurprisingly, you've managed to irritate her into leaving the Village." Shikamaru deadpanned as we sat on the floor of my home, engaged in a game of Shogi.

Going on the attack, I move a piece, retorting back, "Spare me the false accusations, Cousin Dearest... I was rather cordial, if anything she's the irritating one! These past few days were mostly me sitting, meditating, and practicing with Rudolph."

"Want me to ask Dad if we can send you to a Temple?" Shikamaru quickly snarked.

"Witty today, aren't we? No. You're exaggerating, if we count your cloud watching as meditation sessions, you'd be a monk of the highest caliber."

Lazily pushing forward against my strategy much to my dismay, Shikamaru replied, ignoring my retaliatory snark, "She's a Clean Freak like Mom, right? They've bonded quite well."

Rolling my eyes, I add, "If anything, the both of you bonded quite well. You seemed to enjoy every moment with her, gleefully encouraging her to continue her Orderly and Bansheelike Regime."

Choji chimed in, his excited and amused tone echoed in the room, "Akira's jealous! Shikamaru you better back off!" He chuckled lightly.

Shikamaru nodded resolutely, replying, "At once."

I turned to Choji, his figure shamelessly sprawled on my couch as he ate potato chips that Naomi would later kill me I do not clean them up when she returns, "Ha. Ha. Very funny guys. You're forgetting that both of you are Future Clan Heads yourselves. You'll be getting what I'm getting soon enough."

Turning back to the Shogi Board, my face soured at my inevitable and imminent loss, as Shikamaru replied, "The three of us know you're a unique case. The weight on our shoulders is significantly lower than yours."

"Okay, okay, I'm getting sick of this topic. Are you guys prepared for the Chunin Exams? They're kicking off in two days, just in case you need a reminder."

"Yeah! We trained super hard with Asuma-sensei and Dad trained me with the Clan Jutsu!"

"No. Frankly, I'd rather we don't participate, we aren't ready."

Guess who said what...

"Aren't ready because you don't want to participate or aren't ready because you truly aren't ready?" I repeated, narrowing my eyes at the lazy genius.

His silence was telling.

I sighed, as I rose up, gesturing for Shikamaru my expectant surrender, "Though I'm certain you'll participate, your lucky Ino's there to push the both of you. Otherwise, I'd have been concerned."

Choji questioned me standing up suddenly, "Where are you going?"

Turning to him, I answered truthfully, "Today's the last day for foreign arrivals for the Chunin Exams. I'll be out scoping the competition."

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, "Scoping out the competition? You? If you need to scope out the competition then I might as well quit right now."

Nodding in agreement, Choji's face turned serious, "That is concerning..."

"Oh quit being crybabies... This is also an opportunity to check up on Naruto. He's still stationed there to help with logistics if I'm not mistaken." I state evenly as I approach the door.

"Make sure you guys lock the door after you're done here, Naomi's out so you're free to do whatever," I mention as I grab hold of the handle, opening the door with a creak.




"...Congratulations on your engagement." Sasuke slowly mumbled what he had struggled to get out of his throat, it came out stoically, but the awkwardness was there.

"I am happy for you. Why? Because as far as I am aware, marriage is a great source of joy." Shino added along with Sasuke, his tone as robotic and monotone as ever.

They say great minds think alike.

Therefore, Sasuke, Shino, and I encountered each other on the busy street beside the Living Quarters of the foreign Shinobi.

Expectedly, news traveled fast.

A little too fast, even when considering the extremely open and exaggerated announcement of an engagement and my own status in the Village.

Did Shikamaru, Choji or Ino tell them?

Aburame Shibi proba...

Bah, pointless.

I nodded in gratitude at the both of them, "Thank you, but let's-?"

Could you blame me for cutting off my speech at the sight far along the street before me?

Truth be told, I had not traveled a lot in the Village nor inquired about any enticing news.

I had more important things to take care of.

Though, surely, I should have heard of something as absurd as this?

Never would I have expected the consequences of my actions to be presented so clearly before me.

Led by a group of four masked ANBU, walking the street without his signature weapon was:

Momochi Zabuza.

A bored and listless expression on his masked face as he leisurely walked the street.

The sight was so surreal and absurd that it was hard to conceal my surprise.

Prompting Shino to comment on my expression, "It is impressive that you recognized him. Why? Because his recognizable and legendary weapon isn't on his person."

Sasuke expressed his curiosity and confusion, eyes narrowed at the heavily guarded figure of Zabuza, "Who is that man?"

I answered him, "Momochi Zabuza, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen Of The Mist. An Elite Jonin."

Sasuke's eyes widen at the recognition of the title, "Swordsmen of the Mist? What is he doing here?"

...I can hazard a guess, but I'm hoping Shino has an answer.

The both of us turn to the shaded figure of Shino who answered our inquiry without issue.

"I lack the clearance to know the specifics of Momochi's presence in Konoha. Why? Because I am but a Genin, Clan Heir or not. However, from what I've gathered, there was an incident in the Land Of Waves, and the Shinobi Squad sent there managed to recruit Momochi."

...Recruit that guy?

I provided as much information as possible regarding the Land Of Waves in my letter.

And given what I know of Zabuza's difficult personality, I'd never have imagined that recruiting him would even be a possibility.

What did Hiruzen offer to recruit this literal security risk?

Also... If he's here, does that mean Haku is as well?

Well... As long as he doesn't prove to be a hostile force during the imminent invasion, I don't really care.

Humming, I reply, "I see, well, that's that I guess." I turned around without trouble and continued to stroll towards the Living Quarters of the Foreign Shinobi.

Sasuke and Shino followed me without trouble.


It was certainly a sight, alright.

The entrance to the Living Quarters was guarded by a pair of Naruto clones in hard hats.

Glimpsing on the inside, one can see a multitude of differing foreign Shinobi.

Most of whom stuck to their groups/respective Villages.

Among them, were another multitude of Naruto Clones carrying wooden planks and some carrying paint as they were being ordered around by a Leaf Chunin.

In hindsight, Hiruzen made a great choice in terms of who will take care of the logistics.

Naruto is, after all, a thousand-man army himself.

However, my focus wasn't on the Narutos but on the shy stalker beside my stoic companions.

"...You wanna go say hi?" I deadpanned beside Hyuga Hinata who wasn't as sneaky as she wanted to be.

"EEP!" She squeaked in surprise, blushing hard at the surprise appearance of myself, Shino, and Sasuke.

Upon recognition, she calmed and eased her blush, "H-Hello..."

Shino quickly approached his teammate, his tone seemed pleasantly surprised despite his dull and monotone nature, "I am pleasantly surprised. Why? Because you came here to research competition. I should expect more from you and Inuzuka."

Raising his eyebrow, Sasuke uttered a simple statement at Hinata, one that made her extremely pale.

"Dobe likely noticed you long ago. Stealth of this level is something even he can notice." He mercilessly uttered.

"H-Heh?" She blinked as she lost her ability to breathe for a moment.

Before she could react, or even answer my question, a loud voice called out to us, "HEYYYY! YOU CAME HERE TO SEE ME?!"

We turned to the source, one of the Naruto Clones donning a broad smile as he waved at us.

Without issue, Sasuke and I approached the Narutos, while Shino grabbed Hinata by the stuffy jacket and pulled her with him.

Much to her apparent dismay.

Reaching within arm's length, Naruto quickly commented with a tilted head, "Oh, Hinata! Did you finish your sneaky stuff? I saw you earlier but didn't wanna ruin your sneaky, ya know? Hate it when that happens..." He sheepishly rubbed his neck.

"Respect for being sensible for once in a blue moon, Mister Uzumaki." I retorted.


Sasuke turned to Hinata who was extremely embarrassed and ghastly, and gave her an "I told you so" type look with no bares held in radiating his smugness.

"Y-Yeah. T-Thank you. N-Naruto-kun." She stuttered nervously and annoyingly.

Then, Shino ruined Naruto's good cheer with... Brutal honesty.

From his side at least.

Shaking his head, his shaded gaze fixated on the construction worker named Naruto, "No. I didn't come here to see you. Why? Because I had no intel on your presence here. My purpose here is to evaluate the competition."

He then brutally added, "Even if I was aware of your presence here, I wouldn't visit. Why? Because I find you irritating."


"Alright let's settle down... Sasuke and I came here for the same purpose as Shino and to say hi. And, you seem to be in good spirits despite your initial grumblings." I mention.

Naruto deadpanned, waving me off, "I'm not Shikamaru, there's no point in complaining right now..."

He then added with a significant note of resolve, "Jiji promised me, that the faster and better I do my job here, the faster I get to training and back on track. So that's why... I'll be the best Logisticthingamajig worker there ever was! For now!"

I couldn't help but snort, and before I commented with some healthy dose of snark.

Sasuke beat me to it, by also saying something completely unnecessary.

Pointing at me with a thumb, he dropped a figurative bombshell with complete nonchalance and lack of proper tact, "Akira here got engaged."


"Oh! That's right! C-Congratluations on your engagement, Akira-kun." Hinata suddenly jolted from her embarrassed and shy stupor, giving me a sudden bow at the mention of my engagement.

I mumbled out a word of gratitude quickly and dismissively, "Yeah, thanks. But it's not important right now."

Hmm? Did I just hear something impact the floor?

I turned to the source, noticing Naruto's jaw hitting it, as he looked at me with disbelief, his other fellow clones donning a similar reaction.

Hmm... Nope.

"Okay, guys, I'll be leaving before his loud and inevitable ear-rupturing shout, so I'll go on ahead." I sighed as I trekked forward without pause, entering the Living Quarters - An enclosed area for the foreigners.

Sasuke and Shino joined me by my side as I entered, ignoring the loud - "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?" from the Naruto clones behind us.

He can press me for details later, can't be bothered about it right now.


Thankfully, the Naruto clones have a semblance of intellect to know not to repeat a conversation with us, when we had already spoken to one of them already earlier, so they continued on with their job.

Throwing a wooden plank or two at me and Sasuke and laughing like hyenas despite missing.

Simply put, there's a lot of Shinobi here.

A lot.

Given we were Leaf Shinobi, most turned to glance at us for but a moment, dismissing us later as logistic workers or otherwise, or so I presume.

Nevertheless, despite most of them being older than me and my teammates.

They didn't seem all that impressive or dangerous.

They almost seemed like they were puffing out their chests, attempting to look intimidating.

Not to sound arrogant, but it almost looked... Cute.

Feeling a sharp gaze on me, I turned to see a trio of Sound Shinobi looking inquisitively at us.

Or more specifically, at Sasuke, who sensed the gaze as well, turning at them with narrowed eyes.

Without issue, they loosened their glares, turning away from us.

"They recognize me," Sasuke commented simply.

"Isn't that obvious? You're the Last Uchiha." I replied in equal nonchalance.

It was a minor incident, so we continued our stroll, observing the various participants.

Shino had already left, leaving me and Sasuke in our exploration.

However, one of the two individuals I had wanted to glimpse at was yet to be seen...

It was only after fifteen minutes that I had glimpsed one of them:

The Sand Siblings.

Specifically, my eyes narrowed on the lone figure of Gaara who stood a safe distance away from his siblings.

Standing there with his gourd, that emotionless, cold gaze of his.

Even now... It'd be so easy to just get rid of him.

But the consequences of striking here and now aren't lost on me.

"You know him?" Sasuke asked as I hadn't attempted to mask my obvious glare.

I shook my head, sighing, as I lied easily, "No. But he looks like trouble."


My gaze was a bit too obvious, it seemed, as Gaara turned around, locking eyes with me.

Empty, disinterested, with a notable degree of bloodthirst and desperation all underneath that look of his.

Though I am not that perceptive, it is simply because I recall this boy's sad story and how he, with Naruto's assistance, miraculously turns a new leaf.

It makes it all the more unfortunate...

That given the circumstances...

I have yet to find a better choice than to put him down.

Sighing audibly, I turn away from him, mumbling, "Well, I've seen all there is to see. Sasuke, we'll be fine." I could only hide my uncertainty with a calm exterior.

Sasuke gave an excited smile, "But it does look like we won't be bored." He gave his own assessment.

Yeah, tell me about it...

It's a shame I hadn't caught onto the figure of Orochimaru, but only God or that Reincarnation Dragon knows what that snake's up to.

With the limited time left on my hands, I have to finalize preparation for the first two phases.

After that, there's a month of breathing room, thankfully.

A month to heal all disabled and retired Shinobi as well.


The damp, cold, and spacious underground training area Eiichi had supplied me was put to use once more.

Besides Makoto, the other Elders have kept minimal contact with me this past week.

The only one whom I had spoken with in terms of things I needed was Yukiko.

She's basically selling me drugs.

Useful drugs.

Anywho, swallowing a Chakra Enhancing Pill, was another opportunity to Limit Test my Ten Shadows.

This past week, I've mostly tried to access my "Inner World" or as the Yamanaka call it, "Mindspace".

Truth be told, I was aware of its existence long ago, thanks to Naruto's Sewer that held the Nine-Tailed Fox.

However, I never actually valued its existence until I discovered Jeff's ability to utilize Domain Expansion.

Studying Barrier seals thus far had proven fruitless, and meditating on my own even more so.

Eventually, I gave up and decided to consult with the experts on the matter - Ino's Dad.

Providing me with some meditative advice as well as extremely useful research material on the matter, allowing me to reach a breakthrough.

Without... Allowing the dude to enter my mind space and explore it for me as he had suggested.

Nope, not happening.

Then again, he asserted to keep it as confidential as possible, as this material would allow me to defend against Yamanaka's Hiden Jutsu.

If our enemies get access to this, the Yamanaka are basically screwed.

Now, as for my breakthrough... It seems I am pretty bad at Inner World stuff.

I did reach it, but I can't truly recall what I had seen except bits and pieces.

For example, the fact that I saw my Shikigami there.

Asking Noc and Mir also revealed a puzzling piece of information:

"Did you see me visit you guys in your home?" I asked.

They responded with a hint of confusion, "You. Are always. There."

Now that's odd.

What does "Always there" actually mean?

But well, that's something to think about later, I have more pressing issues.

Limit Testing My Ten Shadows is the method by which I try and discover the Next Levels of my Shikigami.

The issue with this method is that it basically means I'm down for the count for the rest of the day in terms of training. 

If nothing new appears, it means I've wasted an entire day of potential training.

Luckily, I wasn't planning on training any time soon, the Chunin Exams are just around the corner, and a week of rest won't be forming any rust on me.

Besides having explored the nuances of Rudolph's absurd healing, which I have yet to find a proper hypothesis on its complete mechanics, I have managed to try and summon the next levels of everything.

Fixating on anything that may or may not assist me in the coming debacle, and if they are game-changing enough to warrant an adjustment to my plan.

Discovering a couple of new ones:

Level 2 Beeflejuice - He can turn left and right, his directions are two-dimensional, and oddly, he disobeys the laws of physics when he makes a turn, his momentum pauses completely, and his accumulated energy returns to zero, having to gather up his power once more.

He costs roughly twice as much as Level 1 and his drain is only 50% larger than Level 1.

He could be very useful.

Rudolph did not level up when I reached 90% of my Chakra used on trying to overload the summon.

Level 4 Noc And Mir - Not the max level, evidently.

They cost thrice as much as Level 3 and they are as strong as myself physically, each.

Curiously, they cost less than Level 4 Jeff and they last around two and a half minutes when I've got my full reserve of Chakra.

Instead of turning to Liquid Shadows, they turn to Gas Shadows.

The exact nature of how that works is still lost on me.

Once again, given the Chakra Drainage and Cost of this variant, they are just as situational as Level 4 Jeff.

A brute force variant of a Trump Card.

Overloading Dumbo also had not revealed his Level 3 Variant when I reached 90% of my Chakra used.

The rest of the Shikigami hadn't revealed any new leveled-up variants.

The last one to test was Whiskers.

Truth be told... I am concerned.

At the rate I am improving and growing and the ever-growing cost of the stronger Shikigami as evident by Level 4 Noc and Mir...

It's looking more and more likely that I will hit a wall and stagnate.

I lack the Chakra and Chakra Control necessary to maintain them, let alone even summon them.

The sensation that I am hitting my Genetic Limit on Chakra Capacity looms over me, sending a shiver of dread down my spine.

I have still room to grow, as I am only twelve, however...

How much growth in terms of Chakra have I left?

Twice? Thrice?

...Even increasing my Chakra Tenfold would not be enough.

I have dabbled in methods of increasing Chakra beyond the Genetic Limit, and I have yet to find a... Viable method.

No one knows, besides forbidden jutsu, of whom I have no access and am justifiably forbidden from getting, given they most likely dabble in risky body modifications.

Of all people, ironically, the likeliest candidate to hold the solution to my Chakra issue is Orochimaru.

However, getting branded by the Cursed Seal does not sound appealing in the slightest.

I have no clue whether Rudolph's healing would even remove such a complex seal, whose mechanics are uncertain:

Does it attach itself to my Chakra? To my soul even?

How does it work?

Rudolph's healing is not omnipotent nor is it that smart or selective.

Regardless, Orochimaru doesn't have any good intentions of gifting someone something like that.

So it's best I and especially Sasuke avoid getting branded with it.


Fine, back to business.

Making the shadowgraphic handsign of a Rabbit, I utter, "Rabbit Escape."

Overloading the Chakra once...

Level 2 Whiskers isn't all too different from Level 1.

For one, the initial swarm is four times as large.

And even more disturbing, there are Four Original Whiskers.

The Shikigami Dies if all Four Die.

And I can choose which of them I use as a template to clone the others.

They also get another curious ability - Each Whiskers Clone besides the Originals can Clone themselves once.

Although it is a massive upgrade of Level 1, the chakra cost, chakra drain, and combat capabilities of the Whiskers are not worth using Level 2 over Level 1 unless outwardly necessary.

Level 1 Whiskers fulfills my needs with less Chakra and I can even keep a good amount of them manifested without losing Chakra, only my natural regeneration being slowed down to maintain them.

Now, I'll aim to find Level 3, in hopes he'll have an ability that can turn the tides, similar to Jeff.

I pumped Chakra as much as I could.

50% of my reserve.




Then, at roughly 88% of my Chakra drained, it succeeded, to my surprise.

However, something felt odd...

Deep in the back of my mind, from the depths of my psyche, the sharp sound of a chain breaking echoed.

Forcing me to grab my head at the slight headache.

Liquid Shadows moved in swift motion, to reveal the figure of a lone rabbit.

Turning to the summoned rabbit, the first thing I noticed, is that he was different.

He stood taller, twice as tall as any of the other Whiskers.

There seemed to be patches of scarred tissue on his fur, but he looked all around healthy.

Yet, the sound of the breaking chain, and his appearance.

He was most certainly different, from his aura alone.

He radiated a presence, that was indescribable.

Yet... I did not have time to discover his capabilities.




His drain and cost were beyond Level 4 Jeff.




I had only a couple of seconds left with him.

So I asked, "What are you?"

He replied, "Treasure Manifestation."




Jeff is a Treasure Bearer.

So he's a manifestation?

What treasure is he manifested as?

I asked, my face growing paler, "Who are you?"


He answered, "The White Hare. Of Inaba."


I let go of the summon, trying my best to hold my bearings at the critically low level of Chakra I've got left.


Without Yukiko's Chakra Pill, I doubt I'd have had the chance to even get a question out of my mouth.


That is a Max Level Shikigami.

The True Form Of Whiskers.

I... Never expected to see one so soon.

Shit, I didn't manage my time right, tomorrow I won't be able to ask what his ability is...

And after that is the Chunin Exams.

Looks like, I'll have to figure him out later...

The White Hare Of Inaba...

Inaba is Japan, right?

...This complicates things.


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Kakashi-sensei is late,

But the joke's on him-

So are we too.

"Hmph, how rude... You made your sensei wait for three hours!" Kakashi's chastising voice echoed in the empty park where we scheduled to meet.

"I'm betting you've hardly been here for ten minutes," I comment mercilessly.

"More like five," Sasuke added.

Nodding, I adjusted, "On second thought, he just got here too."

"I feel kinda bad... Maybe he did wait here for three hours?" Sakura frowned lightly.

I turned to her with a sharp look, "Don't sympathize with that creature, Sakura. He deserves no benefit of the doubt." I pointed shamelessly at Kakashi who leaned beside a tree, taking refuge from the scorching glare of the sun in the shade.

"Hn. He's a shameless man." Sasuke agreed pointing at the literature Kakashi is reading out in the open.

Sakura's expression hardened upon recognizing the book, and her voice turned cold, "We can leave him out to dry for a little longer in my book..."

Leaning off the tree, Kakashi approached us, pocketing his literature and taking out three slips of paper, presenting them to us.

"So, to no one's surprise, the three of you are nominated for the Chunin Exams. Anko was supposed to deliver one to you, Sakura-chan, but to my displeasure, she's been busy lately." He shook his head in lament.

Without issue, we took the applications from his hands, as he elaborated, "Now, these are simply nominations, whether you want to take the Exam is up to you."

His lone eye narrowed on each one of us, noting the confident and excited smirks on each of us.

Except for me, I am not all that excited.

Titling his head, he continued, "Mah, that's a moot point. Anyway, Sign those papers and turn them in at Room 301 at the Academy Building by 4 PM tomorrow."

"Well, that'll be all..." He turned to look at me.


Isn't he supposed to leave?

"Erm... Congratulations on your Engagement, Akira. As your Sensei I wish you a happy mar-"

"No. Shut up. Leave."

He eye smiled, "Bye." Giving a wave before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

I felt a sharp look from my left, and it was a completely shocked slack-jawed Sakura.

"Y-You got engaged?!" She loudly exclaimed.

Given her civilian background and the recency of the news, her lack of knowledge isn't unsurprising.

Though I would have expected Ino to prattle that nugget of info to her.

I sighed, "Yeah, it's not that big of a deal."

She turned to Sasuke for input, who gave her a so-so gesture.

Blinking she coughed and was about to congratulate me, so I put a stop to it, waving her off, "Yes, yes, congratulations, happiness etcetera. Thank you, but, there's no need for it."

Turning to Sasuke, Sakura complained, "What's got him so grumpy?" She pointed at me with a thumb.

"I'm not grumpy."

Sasuke shook his head, intending to head out as he and Sakura ignored my reply, "He'll be fine. If you've got time to worry about others, it's better you used it on training."

...Did he really just say that?

Frowning, she replied with a slightly hurt tone, "...Yet the both of you skipped on training with me this past week. I've been training every day."

Sasuke's eyes widened for a moment at his verbal blunder, turning to me for help.

"Nice job dumbass." I gave him a thumbs-up and a sadistic grin.

"Tch." He clicked his tongue as he resumed his walk, with an accelerated pace.

Leaving me alone with a frowning and slightly hurt Sakura.

For a moment, she externalized vulnerability, mumbling, whether accidentally or not, "...I've gotten stronger. Why doesn't he look at me? Why does he disregard me?"

...Yikes, that was not for me to hear.


I sigh and give her a gentle punch on the shoulder, prompting her to turn to me with a surprised expression, "He'll come around, he's a bit traumatized from the whole fangirl business. Keep up with your growth and training, and he'll come around eventually. Forgive his occasional Insensitive prickliness." I smiled placatingly.

She smiled sadly, "Maybe."

I turned to her with narrowed eyes, "Though you're oddly fixated on him, I do hope your whole motivation and allegedly immense growth hadn't stemmed from simply wanting him to look at you in a positive and perhaps romantic light. Right?" I probed.

Glaring at me, she replied, "Of course not... At least now. It was like that at the start. Now though? I want to fulfill my potential as a Kunoichi and serve my beloved home well. My parents are civilians you know? I'd like to make them proud as well, hehe." She giggled nervously as her eyes darted to see my reaction.

Her prior insecurity is still there, despite the formation of inner strength.

"Word of advice, Sakura? Don't be looking for the approval of others. Even of myself or Sasuke. As long as it's not to your benefit, the reactions of people are inconsequential." I stated pragmatically.

Sighing as well, she shook her head, "I'm trying, but that's easier said than done... But thank you, Akira. I'll do my best."

"I know you're still resting, so I'll see you tomorrow! I'll be off training but you're welcome to join me!" She left with those departing words.

Leaving me to stew in my thoughts for a moment.

...Since when have I become a therapist?

She should go to Ino for that type of stuff.

But then again, there might be a reason she's this open with me.


It's because I'm Strong, isn't it?

Well, tomorrow's the day.

The Plan's finalized, I just need to execute it to perfection, otherwise, I'll need to go with Plan B.

And that one would only lead to a similar ending as the Original Chunin Exams.

Ideally... By the end of all this...

Orochimaru will perish.


Usually, on important days like these when Shikamaru and I have to meet up somewhere, we go together.

However, today was different.

So, it was on that note that on this bright and sunny day, I strolled towards the Academy building on my lonesome, encountering no one, as everyone seemed to not be as tardy as myself.

After all, there's like an hour left before the exams themselves start.

Reaching the gate as my steps echo on the coarse road, I can already see the impatient frown on Sasuke and Sakura's worried visage.

Approaching them, I waved hello, only to be bombarded by unjustified criticism from my ducky buddy.

"Of all the times you could have imitated Kakashi-sensei, you decided this was one of those times?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh calm down, we've got an hour left. I'm not actually late, you know?"

Besides, I had to set up a few things related to Phase Two of the Chunin Exams before coming here.

Sakura nodded, gesturing for us to follow her towards the door, "Let's hurry on ahead, there's barely anyone left outside... We can teach him a lesson later, Sasuke-kun." She emphasized to Sasuke.

He nodded and followed her without comment, and I did the same, "Good luck with that..." I mumbled.

Given that Classes are canceled during Chunin Exams, the halls of the Academy were relatively empty as we passed through.

Some examinees here and there glaring at us or otherwise with pathetically mediocre intimidation tactics.

Eventually, we reach Room "301" guarded by two Leaf Shinobi.

Taking a peek at Sasuke and Sakura, their confusion was understandable.

They noticed it almost immediately.

It was an amateurishly woven Visual Genjutsu on the door's sign.

Multiple individuals surrounded the Leaf Shinobi and a "beaten down" Rock Lee was sprawled on the floor as his two teammates, Hyuga Neji and Tenten - Team Guy.

Truth be told, I really have no clue what they're trying to do with this helpless act they're putting on...

Really serves no purpose.

The three of us approach the room, and our steps prompt the attention of the surrounding Shinobi and Team Guy.

Their eyes widen in recognition of Sasuke's figure and especially of my own.

I mumble loudly, so all can hear as I lazily point at the sign of the room, "That's not Room 301, there's a Visual Genjutsu woven on it. And if that's not enough to convince you, this is only the second floor, the rooms in this academy are designated by floor. Room 301 is on the third floor."

Turning to the smug figures of Sasuke and Sakura, I gesture for them to follow, "Let's go." As we turn around and head towards the staircase leading up.


For a voice to call out to us.

"Wait!" A boisterous and energetic tone prompted the three of us to pause and turn around.

Seeing Rock Lee stand up nonchalantly, disregarding his fake act and "Injured" visage.

"Lee... What are you doing?" Neji complained in annoyance.

"Come on! After we went through the trouble of acting weak!" Tenten groaned as well with slumped shoulders.

With great speed, his body moved and he appeared before us, causing Sakura's eyes to widen, whilst only prompting a raised eyebrow from Sasuke and myself.

He looked at Sakura, giving her a wink with blushed cheeks as well as a thumbs up, "I'll be with you in a moment! My beautiful Sakura!"

"Heh?" She squeaked.

In an eccentric mood swing, he turned with narrowed eyes at me, "My name's Rock Lee."


Pointing a thumb at himself and a challenging finger at myself, he announced, "Fight me, Nara Akira, here and now!"

A suffocating silence enveloped the room filled with spectators and a distraught Tenten who glared at Lee as if he was a madman.

And he was...


I shook my head, "You've got it all wrong."

Pointing my thumb at my ducky teammate, I replied, "I'm Uchiha Sasuke, this guy's Nara Akira."

To Be Continued!

-Omake Start-

Title - I Used Up My Allowance (Canon)

-Akira POV-

How did it come to this...?

"Y-Yamanaka Flowers. How can I help you?" My smile twitched at the visage of one of my most certainly imaginary fangirls.

"Erm... I'd like to buy two roses... For a very special boy..." One academy girl practically drooled on the checkout table.

I could practically see the hearts in her eyes...

"Sure... That would be... A thousand Ryo." I tried to keep myself composed.

Handing me the cash, I was about to give her the roses, until she, to my utter dismay said.

"You can keep em~" She sent me a flying kiss, which I promptly ducked to avoid.


In hindsight, using up my allowance and thinking of earning it back through a part-time job wasn't a good idea.

No scratch that, the idea is good.

The job not so much.

Next time... I'm working for the Akimichis.

-Omake End-

-Author Note Start-

Now, for an important announcement.

Yes, I've decided to open up a Patre0n.

Somethings i'd like to make clear - I will be delivering as best I can the same quality regardless and I will, out of pride, NEVER become a sellout.

That means, no unique content or gatekeeping chapters on patre0n.

Patre0n, will, at most, give you early/advanced access to up to 1-3 chapters on the Besto Furendo Fic and 1-2 Chapters on the Gojo Fic.

That's right, Ten Shadows will not be affected by this and will have a similar schedule as it has now.

I will be experimenting with schedule and how much I can post and write a week without dying on the inside or the quality dropping XD.

For now, there is no content on there now, I'll be posting it throughout the next week.

I've been reluctant to open a Patre0n all this time, simply because it would make writing feel like an obligation and such, but, I needed the motivation to keep writing and writing better.

Because at the rate things are going, Ten Shadows will be complete in a couple of years.

In that same time period, the Gojo Fic will have barely moved, and that's not even mentioning the Besto Furendo Fic.

On that note, I'm planning on the schedule of posting 1 chapter a week for both of those, that's including the advanced chapters I'll be grinding this next week for those fics.

To summarize:

If you feel like you have some extra cash on your hand, and you really have NOTHING to do with it, or you just want to support ya boy.

I'd appreciate it if you donated! Thanks and much love to ya'll <3

Even if you didn't, I still love ya for reading thus far and still being with me here lol XD

Here's the link:

Do note that there are STILL no advanced chapters, so even if you Donate NOW you ain't getting anything advanced just yet.

For now, it's just a way to show yer support for ya boy! :P

Also, I am still sorta navigating that website, so I'll trial and error that typa thing XD.

But fuck it we ball!

On that note!

Hope you guys have enjoyed this yapfest of a chappie.

We're deep in it now!

Not really! But we'll be soon!

Anywho, cya later my lovely readers!



-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

If I fought a Gorilla, I'd probably die. Here's this week's random fun fact.

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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