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67.34% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 32: Interlude - Recollections Of Yumemori

Capítulo 32: Interlude - Recollections Of Yumemori

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(This is my darkest chapter yet - Really dark stuff this time I mean it. Warning Extremely Brutal and Morally Questionable Stuff Will Be Depicted, Hinted at, or Shown. Read at your own discretion. Also Psychological elements, manipulation and other not so family friendly stuff. Really, read at your own discretion.)

(I call this an interlude but this is basically Chapter 4.5 - Also there has been a very slight adjustment to the events written in Chapter 4. I've changed that chapter accordingly (The result of Sasuke's fight vs the Chunin) The change was made because I want to showcase something Kakashi will be doing in the inevitable revenge. But to give a simple rundown of what happened before I changed my mind - Sasuke struggled too much against the Chunin and Kakashi came in and killed the Chunin after dealing with the Prajna. The focus of "Round 1" is Solo Combat, the revenge will be Teamwork centered.)

(Also, next chapter tomorrow at the earliest. In 2 days at the lastest.)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The fortress town of Yumemori was currently undergoing a brutal assault.

A nearly one-sided slaughter that was barely held back by the meager forces of the Conservatives who were dropping like flies and the Konoha Shinobi who had their hands full.

Currently, Nara Akira is oblivious to the surrounding world, focusing solely on his superior opponent.

Typically, such ignorance of one's surroundings constitutes a significant weakness.

One, that Akira had no choice but to deal with; as any shift in focus would spell his doom.

But, to his teammates.

Especially to Uzumaki Naruto.

Akira's state of ignorance would be something he greatly envied.

Ignorance is bliss, after all.





Buildings crumbled under relentless assault, explosions echoing through the air. Poisonous gas billowed, adding to the mayhem, while cries of anguish formed a cruel symphony amidst the destruction.

Amidst this turmoil, none felt the impact more deeply than Uzumaki Naruto, who found himself at the heart of the conflict.

And soon...

None would bear witness to the devastation as vividly as Uzumaki Naruto.

His eyes, were slit and colored crimson in his fury.

His teeth elongated and sharper than ever, and his nails had received much the same treatment.

His facial expression was downright feral, contorted by rage and desperation.

Despite being covered in cuts and torn clothes, his injuries showed signs of healing, thanks to the ominous red chakra radiating from his body.

This chakra, heavy and foreboding, intensified with each anguished cry and silent scream of misery, fueling Naruto's relentless pursuit of the enemy Shinobi.

His hoarse voice, filled with raw emotion, echoed through the chaos, "YOUUUUU BASTARDDDDDDSSSSSSSS!"

The Shinobi, having been on the receiving end of Naruto's rage, had lost a few teeth, his right hand bent the wrong way, and cuts on his knees from the shuriken Naruto had thrown at him.

Recognizing his inevitable defeat, he decided to run away and call for reinforcements.

Or at the very best... Distract this... Thing.

He yelled out in frustration and rage, jumping in the air, turning around, and throwing three kunai at the blonde who was closing in on him, "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU INSANE BRA-"

To his shock and dismay, Naruto had diverted two of them with a swipe of his own kunai, and let the third one pierce his hand as he extended it.

The kunai had pierced Naruto, eliciting a pained grunt, but he didn't stop.

He could never stop.

His extended hand that was pierced by the kunai grabbed onto the Shinobi's face and he...

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Naruto yelled out as his five fingers took hold of the Shinobi's face and he with all his strength in tandem with the force of gravity brought the both of them to the ground.

Slamming the Shinobi's face into the ground, and with their momentum, dragging his face across the coarse cobblestone road at an angle.

It was ineffective and most importantly - Self-harming.

He did not care.

Naruto's skin was roughly scrapped out as well, drawing further blood from the already kunai-embedded hand.

The man could barely scream, as he lost consciousness from the unimaginable pain, Naruto's move had brought him.

Eventually, the momentum died and they stopped.

Naruto, having felt the man having lost his strength so he took a look at him, removing his sharp nails that had latched onto the man's face.

Calling it a mess would be an understatement.

It was an amalgamation of injuries and broken bones - It was a miracle the eyes were intact from that brutal move from Naruto.

The nose and jaw were definitely broken, even more teeth were gone and for a moment - Naruto's eyes widened in a panic.

"D-Did I kill him?" Naruto whispered in horror, the crimson fury in his eyes wavering, dying down to a dim blue.

The Red Chakra had grown weaker.

Quickly, he checked the man's pulse and checked if he was breathing.

To his relief, the man was still breathing and alive.

Breathing a slight sigh of relief, his expression had a hint of struggle as he glared at the kunai embedded in his hand as his nails were visibly getting shorter; back to their normal length.

Taking a deep breath, he grabbed it with his left hand and took it out in one fell swoop.

Blood spilled gleefully from the wound and the removed kunai, prompting Naruto to huff in pain once more, his face pained.

Yet, his eyes dull blue eyes regained their determination as he was deadset on completing his role in this conflict.

Slowly, he attempted to move his injured right hand.

The pain was great, and it refused to listen to Naruto's orders.

Yet, with his stubborn attempt to move it and ball the hand to a fist, the hand obliged once more.

Despite the glaring, worrying, and bleeding hole in his hand...

'I can still clobber them...' Naruto thought with narrowed eyes as he glared at his fist.

Nodding, his hands quickly moved to form the handsign, "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A large cloud of smoke appeared, revealing a sea of Narutos.

A frown etched onto each and every one of them.

"GET THE BASTARD TREATED! THE REST OF YOU SAVE EVERYONE! USE AND AVOID AKIRA'S TRAPS!" The Original Naruto quickly ordered amid the chaos.

A sea of over a thousand Narutos to aid the defense and save as many people as possible.

A move that logically seemed the best course of action for Naruto.

Yet, it was one he'd quickly come to regret.

For the Shadow Clone Jutsu has a few glaring weaknesses.

The most glaring one - Completely invalidated by the Chakra Maelstorm that is Uzumaki Naruto.

And another weakness that Naruto will realize very soon.

Without much prompting, they spread out - One of them grabbed the unconscious and gravely injured Shinobi.

Naruto himself headed towards the town hall, where his prior clone was destroyed.

His teeth gritted, and he tried his best to keep cool as he passed by many injured and crying individuals - Who were quickly being assisted by a Naruto clone or two.

'Please be safe, Satsuki-chan!' He prayed internally as he ran, his steps growing heavier as the blood from the injury on his hand dripped onto the ground with each step he took.

Occasionally, a clone or two of his would be destroyed by an enemy.

Assaulting Naruto with less than pleasant images and memories.

His frustration and rage slowly began to return to their boiling point.

It was not even a minute later that he heard vivid screaming from his direction - No clones in front of him to take care of the situation.

He couldn't speed up his movements, even if he wanted to.

Naruto was running at his 100% at this very moment, he could not afford to hold back, "HOLD ON! I'M ON MY WAY!" He yelled, not a hint of subtlety in his approach.

His eyes are eventually met with three individuals.

All three held katanas and were slaughtering a couple of families in front of him.

His teeth gritted and he ran as he weaved handsigns for the Jutsu that Kakashi had recently taught him.

Taking a deep breath, he uttered, "Wind Style - Breakthrough!" 

Sending out a wave of powerful wind out of his mouth towards the three enemies, fueled by a great deal of Chakra - As if he hadn't split his Chakra more than hundreds of times.

The attack was obvious, so the three Kenjutsu users moved out of the way without much trouble.

Their eyes locked onto Naruto's pissed-off visage, as he ran in front of the last family remaining.

A mother, a father, a young boy, and a young girl.

All of them whimpered, as the father was awkwardly and fearfully standing guard in front.

Their eyes widened, a glint of hope appearing upon sighting the familiar visage of Naruto.

The crying girl let out, "D-Daddy, Naruto will save us, right?"

She didn't get an answer as Naruto's injured hand extended protectively over the family, despite his short stature.


The taller of the Kenjutsu users, a bearded fellow who seemed to be the more experienced of the three chuckled, a cruel smirk on his face, "Well, would you look at that? A Leaf brat. Long way from home aren't you?"

He continued, shrugging and gaining a neutral expression, "I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, I've been promised some nice stuff if I do my job here properly by a pretty reliable client."

The two other Kenjutsu users beside him heaved a deep sigh.

The shortest among them whispered, "The sick bastard's doing it again?"

The other one nodded solemnly, "Yeah... He has a bone to pick with the Five Great Nations. I still find it petty he'd take it out on a random Konoha Genin."

Random is it?

Slowly a wide, Cheshire and downright evil smirk took hold of the tallest Kenjutsu user's face, spreading his arms wide with his sword held in hand, "You know what's the kicker though? He's paying me all that for a simple job to do the things I love the most!" He said in a delirious tone of voice.

"Killing the pathetic Chakra ignorant losers!" He pointed at the dead family on the ground.

Causing Naruto's fist to ball and for the Red Chakra to resurface once more.

As, additionally, even more, better-forgotten imagery appeared in his mind as even more of his clones were destroyed.

"Or best of all!" He pointed at the mother of the family behind Naruto, who shivered at the hungry look he sent at her, "FUCKING THOSE HOT AND HARD TO GET BITCHES!"

He grinned at Naruto, who looked absolutely livid, "You're a bit young... How about I give you a front-row seat to a lesson in the birds and the bees? Starring me and that whore over the-"

He didn't have time to complete his sentence as a red-eyed and furious Naruto launched towards him and his comrades.

They dodged the rapid approach as the tallest Kenjutsu user yelled out his orders with glee, "Leave him to me! Get those worms and keep the hot whore alive!"

Naruto and the tall Kenjutsu clashed.

A flurry of blows and kicks were exchanged.

As Naruto's clawed fists clashed and were blocked by a sword or forearm of the enemy.

While the other side was much the same.

"Time for the lesson!" He suddenly let out at Naruto as he weaved a handsign before swinging his sword.

Naruto weaved out of the sword strike aimed at his shoulder.

Or so it seemed.

After a moment, Naruto registered pain, and blood sprayed from his shoulder like a fountain.

He gasped momentarily but kicked the man in retaliation, his eyes widened at Naruto's quick reaction and barely blocked the powerful kick that sent him flying toward a demolished building.

Without pause, Naruto attempted to process what that sword strike was.

Recalling that one spar he had with Akira during their one-month travel here...

-Flashback Start-

It was like any other spar they had.

Until Akira used hand signs for Water Bullet Jutsu.

...Which apparently weren't the usual hand signs for Water Bullet Jutsu.

But Naruto didn't know that.

Akira sneakingly weaved another few hand signs and spat the Water Bullets.

They flew at Naruto who blocked them with his body as they weren't that powerful.

Strange things began to happen as they spared.

Akira began to hit him in places where he had not struck at initially.

If he punched his right arm.

Somehow, it hit his left arm.

If he blocked Akira's punch and Kunai.

It was as if he never blocked it at all.

"HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT AKIRA-TEME!" Naruto yelled out complete indignation and frustration.

Akira chuckled, shaking his head, "Have you still not figured it out? Just because this is the first time I'm using it on you, doesn't mean you have to forget one of the Main Three Jutsu Types."

"What?" Naruto scratched the back of his head in confusion.

Causing Akira to facepalm.

Sighing, he lifted a finger to lecture, "Listen. I know you're more of a practical learner than a theoretical one. So let me put it in a way an idiot like you can understand."


Akira's eyes grew serious, "Etch this into your mind, because even falling for the simplest one can kill you. And I seriously doubt you can notice any fluctuations in the literal Ocean that is your Chakra Reserves. So make sure you at most fall for it once."

He pointed a finger at Naruto, "Remember, if it doesn't make sense - Then it's Genjutsu."

Akira continued, "They are usually activated via hand signs like all Ninjutsu. I masked mine by making you think I used Water Bullet Jutsu. So if you think you are under Genjutsu try and think what the opponent did previously that could have caused that. Also, there are special cases where Genjutsu can be weaved into scrolls and or objects as well as used through the eyes in the case of the Uchiha. The former is extremely rare, but be aware. Oh, and there are Genjutsu pills. We got a few of those."

Digesting the information, Naruto hummed.

Then, a moment later, he gasped, and his face grew animated, "Wait! Does that mean Sakura likes Sasuke and not me... Is because of Genjutsu?!" He gained a look as if he had reached an epiphany.

Deadpanning, Akira approached with a hint of pity, placing his hand on the excited Naruto's shoulder, "I'm afraid that's reality. I don't think there is a Genjutsu powerful enough to make Sakura like you."

Unsurprisingly, Naruto decked Akira in the face, sending him flying.

As Akira was gracefully flying in the air his voice progressively less audible as he flew further away, he retaliated with, "I won't be teaching you how to get out of one with that attitude! Ask Kakashiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"


Oddly, Kakashi had agreed to teach Naruto that basic and universally applicable method of getting out of Genjutsu.

And it is...


The livid Naruto weaved a handsign and yelled out, "Release!"

Naruto had not felt any outward or internal change - But it was better safe than sorry.

'The hand sign he used did nothing... Except that weird thing.' Naruto was confident it was Genjutsu.

"NARUTO SAVE US!" The girl cried out, as one of the two Kenjutsu users chased after the family that was running away, the girl being carried by her father.

His eyes narrowed and his muscles tightened as he ran towards the Kenjutsu users, "STOP YOU BASTAR-"

He narrowly ducked a few kunai, "DID YOU FORGET ABOUT ME YOU PATHETIC BRAT?" The tallest Kenjutsu user ran towards Naruto.

Panicking, Naruto weaved a handsign, "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!"

A small cloud of smoke appeared, revealing a dozen Narutos who ran to engage with the two other Kenjutsu Users.

Turning around, Naruto's fanged frown was met with the pissed-off and gleeful smirk of the Tallest Kenjutsu user who slashed Naruto who blocked it with a Kunai.

The screeching of metal meeting metal ringed loudly, and the man let go of his sword in favor of throwing a punch aimed at Naruto's kidney.

Naruto grabbed the man's hand and blocked the punch, only for the man to catch the falling katana and send a slice toward Naruto's shoulder.

To the man's bewilderment, Naruto headbutted.

He backed away and managed to graze Naruto's already healing injured shoulder.

Memories of the clones being destroyed flashed in Naruto's mind, as he took out a paper bomb and dropped it to the ground.

It flashed and exploded in front of him and the man, kicking up a small cloud of smoke and dust.

The explosion served as a source of momentum and especially distraction as he ran with a frantic look toward the duo of Kenjutsu users who had easily dispatched his clones.

"STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" He yelled as he saw them prepare to slice the father who had accepted his fate and begged for the lives of his family.

His steps hadn't paused, yet his rage grew as a fountain of blood sprayed and a head dropped to the ground.

The cries of the mother and children fueled his rage even further.

This time, the two Kenjutsu users turned to Naruto, the shortest one tilted his head, "Looks like the old bastard's struggling, let's just disable this kid quickly and be done with it."

The other one nodded as they moved to engage Naruto.

And quickly, he was placed on the defensive.

He was roughly equal to them each individually in his current enraged state.

But... He was injured and overwhelmed by the both of them.

And it only got worse when his other shoulder was stabbed in the back by the tallest Kenjutsu User.


He did everything he could but he was cut and cut and cut.

Unable to do anything.

No matter how stubbornly he tried.

Eventually, he was pushed into a destroyed wall, stuck in place by two Katanas.

His whole body was covered in blood and injuries, his breathing rapid and ragged.

"Do you really want to waste time here? We've got lots of other people we got to take care of." The shortest Kenjutsu user deadpanned at the gleeful taller one.

"The brat's pissed me off. And, I am a man who delivers on his promises!" He giggled as he approached the huddled group of mother, daughter, and son.

"MOVE DAMN IT MOVE!" Naruto begged his legs, his hands.

Any part of his body to move.

They all denied his request.

Each slow deliberately torturous and cruel step the evil man took toward the poor family, fueled Naruto's desperation.

Tears began to form, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!" He snarled at the heavens.

Without much resistance, Naruto was met with yet another atrocity.


"No can do~!" He responded.

"P-Please I don't want to di-"

He chuckled in cruelty, "You'll be doing whatever I want anyway later~"

The head of the little boy rolled to the ground.


At that, the mother's expression turned hollow, empty.

She lost all hope, as her body grew limp.

The little girl, looked directly at Naruto, she flashed him a sad smile that further broke his heart, "Thank you for tryi-"

The head of the little girl rolled to the ground.

"STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" His voice cracked as he did his best to move.


This was his limit.

He couldn't do anything anymore.

His injuries are too grave to be healed by his current rate of healing.

Yet, his limit doesn't constitute everything, does it?

Such is the case with Jinchuriki...

Nearly all of Naruto's thousands of clones spread across the town have already been destroyed.

With them, came the multitudes of images no man woman, and even Shinobi should ever see.

Those images, alongside what has just occurred in front of Naruto's very eyes.

Served as enough fuel.

Enough for the necessary Rage and Hatred required to seep out That Chakra.

And enough of That Chakra leaked out for Communications to finally be established.

"Do you hate them?"

A muffled, deep rumbling tone of voice echoed in Naruto's subconscious as if a product of his imagination.

Naruto couldn't think straight, nor did he want to.

But a question like that?

The answer was obvious.

'Yes.' He growled internally.

With that answer, Naruto's features progressively grew more wild.

"Do you want to kill them?"


'Yes.' He agreed once more, his rage reaching a critical point.

"Do you want the necessary Power?"

'IF I CAN KILL THOSE BASTARDS! THEN I'LL PAY ANYTHING!' He saw red, as he easily agreed to the offer.

A rumbling laughter echoed in Naruto's mind, "Very well brat! Embrace my power! Unleash it! When it gets too painful too hard! Do not hesitate to rely on it!"

At that, red chakra began to pop out of Naruto's body at every pore.

Bubbling, like a molten liquid, it slowly enveloped his body.

'For soon enough, your body will be mine. Brat.' The Nine Tails thought gleefully in his cage.

"Hmm? What's the brat doing?" The shortest Kenjutsu user threw a glance at Naruto and saw the red chakra that formed a cloak on Naruto.

And without warning, the air grew ten times as heavy.

The tallest Kenjutsu user was momentarily distracted, his hand clasping the face of the trembling mother, "How should we start... What do you say bra- What?"

His words were cut short by the sudden shift in Naruto's demeanor and look.

With a primal snarl, Naruto's eyes lost their usual sparkle, replaced by a feral intensity that sent shivers down the spines of his adversaries.

His expression was devoid of reason, consumed by pure instinct, raw and untamed.

The air crackled with tension as Naruto's wounds began to knit themselves together at an alarming rate, the crimson cloak of chakra swirling around him like a tempest.

In one fluid motion, he drew both Katanas, the metal gleaming under the light of the sun.

The Kenjutsu users, sensing the imminent danger, quickly fell into formation, their eyes trained on Naruto as he landed roughly on the ground, the very earth trembling beneath his feet.

The middle Kenjutsu user, his hair standing on end, whispered to himself, "What is he?"

Naruto made no move to assume a familiar stance, his posture resembling that of a predatory beast ready to strike.

The fox-shaped cloak of red chakra enveloped him, as his muscles tensed.

Tension hung thick in the air as both parties stood at the brink of confrontation, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

But before either side could act, a sudden disturbance caught their attention.

Their gazes were drawn downward, to a small rabbit darting between the Kenjutsu user's legs.

"A Rabbit?" They mumbled.

The shortest Kenjutsu user's eyes widened in alarm as he noticed a glowing tag attached to the creature, "SHIT, GET AWAY!" he screamed, instinctively leaping backward with his partners as the rabbit detonated in a blinding explosion.

Amidst the chaos and smoke, Naruto lunged forward with ferocity, closing the distance between himself and his adversaries in the blink of an eye.

"HE'S FAS-" One of them barely reacted before a red chakra paw slammed his face sending him flying.

This time... They were on the defensive.

He was a magnitude stronger and faster than before.

And worst of all...

He was healing rapidly.

The tables have turned.

The gleeful hunters have become the hunted.

A fragment of calamity and disaster has surfaced in Yumemori.

With its only goal of ravaging the three bastards.

Destroying all in its wake.

Be it structure or meddling enemy.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'M SORRY! PLEASE! I REGRET ALL I'VE DONE! I'LL STOP! I'LL BECOME BETTER!" The tallest Kenjutsu User cried and begged for mercy as he lay on the ground motionless.

The area surrounding them was demolished thanks to their fight.

One-sided slaughter, to be more accurate.

The path leading them here was in an equally poor state.

The other two Kenjutsu Users were bleeding and unconscious on the ground, their limbs broken and twisted.

Yet, still alive.

'The monster still has some thought in him.' The man thought with a hint of hope and anxiety as he observed how the Monster slowly approached him.

To his surprise, after he begged.

The monster's quadrupedal approach... Turned bipedal?

'Is he getting back his reason?' The man's hopes grew even brighter as he noticed the monster standing upright, instead of its usual nightmarish beastial posture.

The monster - Naruto's expression slowly changed from wild, untamed rage to a more calm rage.

A cold rage, evident by how his Chakra cloak remained.

...Had he gained control of this power?

Growling, Naruto asked slowly as he was in front of the impact crater that contained the pleading man, "Do you mean it, bastard? Will you really change your ways?"

The man flinched at Naruto's cold and hateful glare, "Y-Yeah. I'll stop."


Naruto turned around sparing him and was about to charge towards the Town Hall.

His rage had not yet calmed down.

Holding on to it as much as possible - For it gave him the necessary strength to achieve his goal...

But it was so difficult to control.

The impulses, the thoughts, the anger, the need to let go.

At any moment, it threatened to overwhelm the momentary control he just took.

If it grew any stronger.

He'd be like a mindless animal again.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto was about to set out.

Only to gasp as he felt a sharp pain, in his back.

A kunai was stuck, failing to pierce through his heart, as the man chuckled, "Huh... Guess that's all the strength I could muster. You monster brat."

The cloak intensified and Naruto lost control once again, "YOU IRREDEEMABLE BASTARD!"

This time, though...

Naruto's clawed hand pierced through the man's chest in retaliation, coating his hand in the man's blood.

The man had a satisfied grin on his face as he coughed blood.

Blinking, the enraged Naruto's cloak wavered as regret began to overwhelm his rage, "N-No..."

Naruto almost dropped the man to the ground, as he caught him and lowered him to the ground.

He whispered in a panic, "I- I should've crippled you, bastard... Why? Why? Why? Why didn't you give up?! WHY ARE YOU SO INTENT ON HURTING OTHERS?!"

The cloak began to subside as his eyes began to flash blue.

The man chuckled his voice coarse, "Because... That's what I want to do. You have to kill, brat, there is no escaping that. If you did what you said, I'd find a whore to fuck anyway. Crippling me won't be stopping that. And I'd keep doing what I like."

He cackled, coughing in the middle, "And they... Will too!"

Kunai were thrown at Naruto's back, which barely pierced his skin, yet they still drew blood.

Cringing from the pain, Naruto turned around to see the other barely moving Kenjutsu users determined to kill him.

He ignored it, as he turned back to the dying man below him.

He had an annoyed expression at the failure of his teammates before he stated, "Without killing us. We'll kill you. If we don't kill you. We'll kill people you care about and don't care about. "Innocent People" as self-righteous pricks like you love to name. Hah!"

He continued as the light began to leave his eyes, much to Naruto's frustrated expression, "But if it's any conciliation to you, we in this occupation are ready to die any day of the week. This shit's nothing."

"Huh... To think I can do something nice for a while. Ya think that'll make my sentence in Hell a little bit lighter?"

Naruto gripped the man's shoulders harder at that statement.

Chuckling once last time, his tone self-deprecating and regretful "To think you fell for such a basic pity-begging trick. How did I lose to such a pathetic loser brat like you-"

'He died... I killed him.' Naruto confirmed in his mind, as his expression hardened.

For the first time since this madness had begun.

The world was silent for Uzumaki Naruto.

As he contemplated his next move.

'Sasuke should be on his way to save Satsuki-chan' He recalled a memory from one of his clones.

And more importantly...

His determination.

Does he... Kill the other two?

A minute passed in the world, and Uzumaki Naruto had forged his determination anew.

Slowly approaching the glaring the remaining Kenjutsu users he had disabled.

His steps echoed loudly amid the silent destroyed street they found themselves at.

'...Everyone deserves a second chance. If they waste it...' Naruto thought with tightened fists and steely blue eyes.

"Will you stop-"


A Massacre.

Something Uchiha Sasuke was intimately familiar with.

Something, that was currently happening once again before his very eyes.

However... This time.

Sasuke isn't powerless to stop it.

It's this thought, that comforts him amid his anger and concentration as he is fighting to the death with a Chunin above his current level.

Sasuke's twin tomoe Sharingan flashed red, as he smirked and anticipated his opponent's move and retaliated with an impactful uppercut.

A smug expression took hold of Sasuke, "You're a bad match for the Sharingan."

And indeed, the Chunin was.

Although the fight began with Sasuke being on the defensive.

Thanks to the Sharingan and Sasuke's natural inclination to combat and adaptation.

He managed to copy, learn, and anticipate the opponent's movements.

Worst of all, though.

The Chunin lacked methods of finishing Sasuke off quickly before he managed to adapt to his fighting style.

Perhaps this was enough for being out in the boonies.

But against Shinobi from the Five Great Nations - Especially a Uchiha.

This was inadequate.

The Chunin clicked his tongue and decided to keep his distance and hope for reinforcements, "Shut up Uchiha scum. Watch helplessly as this town gets massacred much like your own damned clan." He tried to rile Sasuke up, as he cautiously stood a distance away, slightly limping from the pain.

Sasuke hummed, as he thought, 'This is a good opportunity to use that Jutsu Kakashi-sensei taught me.'

-Flashback Start-

Standing on top of a pond, Kakashi was reading through his book as he posed a question to the stone-faced Sasuke.

"Do you know what you guys lack?"

Sasuke smirked, "A punctual and good sensei." His tone confident.

Kakashi ignored Sasuke's words and replied, "Range. Oh and a lot of teamwork. But most glaring is Range."

"Meaning?" Sasuke lifted an eyebrow.

Kakashi took a peek out of his book to glance at Sasuke with his lone eye, "Meaning... That you kids can't fight Long range. And out of all of you, I think this Jutsu best fits a user of the Sharingan."

Blinking, Sasuke expressed his surprise, "You're really teaching me a jutsu?"

Kakashi eye smiled, "Really, really. It's a B - Rank Jutsu that is infamously hard to use without hand signs. But if you could master it. It could easily place you at a Jonin Level for Long Range combat. It's something even Uchiha Itachi failed to achieve."

At the mention of Itachi, Sasuke's motivation rose tremendously as his fists clenched and he nodded.

Lifting a finger Kakashi asked nonchalantly, "Say, Sasuke. How good are you with a bow?"

-Flashback End-

Sasuke weaved multitudes of hand signs at lightning speed.

Upon completion, a considerable dip in his reserves was felt and he extended his left hand, and a compact ball of fire formed in front of it.

With his right hand, he grabbed at the edge of the flame and extended it back, as if drawing a bow.

Creating the image of an arrow made of pure flame.

"Fire Style - Great Flame Arrow!" Sasuke yelled as he tightly held on to the fire arrow, aiming it at his opponent.

The Chunin's eyes widened at the appearance of the arrow as he quickly turned around and ran away, aiming to enter one of the intact buildings.

By the powers granted to him by his Sharingan. With his keen perception and enhanced reflexes, Sasuke was able to gauge the Chunin's trajectory accurately.

"Too slow," Sasuke muttered under his breath, releasing the fiery arrow with a flick of his wrist.

The arrow soared through the air with incredible speed, trailing flames in its wake.

It closed the distance between Sasuke and his fleeing opponent in the blink of an eye.

Realizing the imminent danger, the Chunin attempted to dodge, but Sasuke's aim was true.

The arrow struck him squarely in the arm, exploding in a ball of flame engulfing the Chunin in a searing inferno.

A pained scream echoed through the air as the Chunin collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony as flames licked at his body.

Sasuke watched with a cold detachment as his opponent burned, his Sharingan taking in every detail of the scene before him.

This was war.

This was survival.

There was no room for mercy.

Especially not to these bastards.

As the flames died down and the charred remains of the Chunin lay motionless on the ground, Sasuke's expression remained stoic.

He had no time for remorse or regret or even the slightest attempt at sympathizing with the bastards.

There were still battles to be fought and enemies to be defeated.

With a final glance at the fallen Chunin, Sasuke turned and continued on his path, his resolve unwavering.

He was determined to ensure that no more lives were lost in this senseless conflict.

This time, he can stop a massacre.

And if he can't save them all and stop it?

He sure as hell can avenge them.

For that is the role he was tasked with ever since that night.

His next destination... Save Satsuki.

And anyone else that needs help on the way there.


He could only barely react...

As he ran through the streets, passing a few Naruto clones as he headed to save Satsuki.

He reassured them that he'd take care of it, and that they should focus on the easier role.

Then, as he took another step forward, a kunai tipped with a purple liquid was in front of his abdomen.

He narrowly paused, managing to not allow it to pierce him any further.

Yet, he still felt it impact him.

Piercing him.

'Damn it!' Sasuke raged internally as he backed away to register the individual in front of him.

His eyes widened as he registered what was hung on her forehead.

"Iwagakure Shinobi?" He mumbled in shock.

The Kunoichi smirked, "Got it in one pipsqueak. And you have quite a favorable pair of eyes. Hmm..."

She laughed, slapping her hip, "It was a great idea to poison you! Wonder how much that old coot Onoki will pay me for bringing in a live Uchiha. And a boy for that matter! Hah!"

The very sentence sent shivers down Sasuke's spine as his eyes narrowed in fury at the Kunoichi, "How did you sneak up on me?" He demanded an answer as he got ready for a fight.

Twirling her kunai in hand, she nonchalantly addressed him, "Oh, loosen up "Last Uchiha". I am practically granting you the good life in the future!"

She giggled, "That is... If you cooperate. We Iwa Shinobi treat our people well. So if you join willingly, this whole process will go smoothly. You get me?" She bluntly pointed at him with the poisoned kunai.

Sasuke's response to that not so polite offer was throwing a kunai at her, and kicking her face.

All that she dodged with little issue.

"Don't be stupid, moving any more will just make the poison act faster. I wouldn't recommen-"

Weaving a hand sign, he spits a fireball at her, which she blocks with a hand-signless Earth Wall.

Sasuke burst out of the wall, his face a mix of concentration and rage as his Sharingan blazed and engaged her in Taijutsu.

However, this time... The opponent was too high level for him.

His strikes never hit and when they did, much to the Kunoichi's surprise, they hit in unimpactful places like the forearms.

While her strikes...

"GAH!" Sasuke spit out as she kneed him in the gut and grabbed his face.

As she was about to slam him onto the ground, he recovered grabbed the rough ground with his hands, and pushed himself with both hands with an opposing force up.

His legs aimed at her face, but she dodged narrowly, getting scratched on the chin by Sasuke.

"Not bad!" She sent a kick, which Sasuke blocked and was sent flying with his forearm in pain.

Landing roughly on the ground a distance away from her.

His eyes blazed and glared at her as she slowly approached.

He got up quickly, only to...

See the world spinning in front of his eyes.

"S-Shit... The poison."

A heavy sigh and the accompanying steps approached him, "And what did I tell you? You're not half bad, kid. Roughly Chunin. Though, I'm a pretty bad match for you. So let me clue you in on the reason why I managed to sneak up on you." She arrived before Sasuke whose breathing accelerated and was trying to stay awake.

Her tone grew passionate, "I'm a Fuinjutsu expert. An amazing thing really. Chakra Masking seals. Step Silencing seals. You can do anything with them... And against a Uchiha who's especially great at fighting opponents with a limited fighting style and arsenal? Our versatility makes us your worst opponents."

'Naruto, Akira, Kakashi... Win.' Sasuke prayed internally as his eyes were about to close.

Only for the sound of metal impacting metal to grab his attention for one final waking moment.

"GET AWAY FROM SASUKE!" A familiar voice roared in fury at the Kunoichi that poisoned him.

A small smile took hold of Sasuke's expression as the realm of unconsciousness took him away.

A bored look crossed the Kunoichi as she tilted her head and kicked Naruto away into a building, his back impacting with a loud thud, "I'm not dealing with another brat. If you're annoying... I'll break a leg. Let me take your little Uchiha buddy and I'll let you go scot-free. If you can run away that is. The others aren't as open-minded as I am."

Naruto sluggishly got up, as he yelled, "TO HELL WITH THAT! GET AWAY FROM HIM!"

He ran, weaving handsigns, "Wind Style - Breakthrough!"

A wave of wind escaped his mouth as it breezed swiftly toward Kunoichi who stood beside Sasuke.

She raised an eyebrow and...

Lifted Sasuke's body in an attempt to block.

Naruto's eyes widened in a panic, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! STOP!"

He ran frantically, unable to outspeed the charging wind.

The kunoichi had a look of pure disappointment, "Of course, I won't be doing that you dumb brat." She quickly charged forward, weaving a single-hand sign as she spewed out a wave of wind to oppose the one Naruto sent.

Charging straight through the wind with Sasuke in front, reaching Naruto in no time.

He attempted to strike at the hand that held Sasuke.

"Oops." She released her hold on him, causing him to drop and Naruto to grab him with both hands.

"Wide open." She muttered and slammed Naruto to the ground, eliciting a gasp from him and causing the unconscious Sasuke to follow suit.

In quick succession, she grabbed Naruto's leg and bent it... Painfully.

"AH!" He growled in pain.

Getting back up and straightening herself, the Kunoichi sighed.

Only to suddenly see a small object thrown in their direction, landing on her feet.

Without even allowing it to activate, she dashed away, creating some distance.

Smoke escaped the object, swiftly enveloping a few dozen feet.

'Smoke bomb? Was someone hiding around here? Anyway... That's easy.' She chuckled internally.

"Hey, brat! This is how you use it!" She weaved hand signs quickly.

Taking a deep inhale of air, she let loose a powerful encompassing wave of air, "Wind Style - Great Breakthrough."

The smoke was quickly removed by the strong wind, revealing Kyokan carrying Naruto and Sasuke.

"WOOOOAH!" He yelled out.

Only for the wind to be so powerful that it knocked him off his feet, causing him to drop to the ground with the both of them.

The wind also blew away two rabbits that were heading towards the Kunoichi.

Their bodies slammed with great force into a wall - Causing them to break their spine and perish.

She began to approach at a steady pace, her steps echoing loudly as Kyokan sluggishly rose up and stood his ground.

Concern, fear, and anxiety were evident in his expression, yet he stood tall.

"YOU WILL NOT TAKE THEM WITHOUT PASSING THROUGH ME!" He took out a kunai from his pocket.

She lifted an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

"Kyokan! Get back! I'll deal with her!" Naruto gritted his teeth, as he attempted to use his arms to lift himself up.

She repeated, this time her tone a bit more annoyed, "Seriously...?"

Only for her eyes to widen and a smirk of excitement and greed to appear on her face as someone appeared beside them.

A masked man was visibly injured as his hand was limping.

Yet, it didn't deter from the gravity of just who he was.

A relieved smile came across both Naruto and Kyokan.

Naruto's eyes sparkled, only to lock onto his arm, and a flash of concern passed by his eyes, "Kakashi-sensei! What happened to your arm?"

Kakashi's lone eye was steely and serious, not leaving the Kunoichi's visage, yet his tone came out nonchalant, "I've come across a little trouble with those Prajna. But it's alright now. Don't worry." He eye smiled, patting Naruto's head with his single usable arm.

Naruto nodded as he added, his voice laced with concern, "We need to finish this. Something happened to Sasuke."

Kakashi nodded resolutely, his tone no-nonsense, "Don't worry. I'll take care of this."

The kunoichi's voice came out like a purr, "Hatake Kakashi..."

As she said that, much to her dismay, a familiar voice called out to her, as multiple footsteps approached leisurely towards them.

"Looks like you've found your target, Mio," Kayo commented curiously.

She rolled her eyes, "Great, the cavalry is here."

Kayo took a step back, "You needed help?"

Her glare was enough to make him back down and shut up.

"Hatake Kakashi huh... Did you manage to harm him like that?" Daiki approached with a surprised expression.

"No, he just got here." She pointed at Kakashi.

Onri nodded as he approached on guard, "The Prajna did it then. Shingo would have run away. At the very least, the stubborn fools managed to get their revenge. Albeit, only getting an arm from Hatake."

A cheery girlish voice, that sent shivers down the spines of the opposing party approached, "Hey! Hey! What's the commotion~?!"

With the exception of Kakashi.

Naruto and Kyokan's eyes widened in shock and denial.

Which only grew upon seeing what the girl held in her hand with so much glee, like it was a toy to play with.

Naruto whispered, shaking his head, "S-Satsuki-chan?"

Approaching closer, Satsuki? noticed the cautious and horrified group.

As Kyokan fell to his knees once he saw the agonized expression plastered on the decapitated face of his father.

A happy expression plastered on Satsuki's? face, as if delighted to see them, "Ruto~! Hey~! I missed you! Did you manage to get any of them for me? Hehe~"

Her words reminded Naruto of those he killed.

Once more, the Red Chakra invited itself into Naruto.

And his emotions stormed once more.


-Akira POV-

"Wow..." Was the only word I could utter as I processed the recollection of the events of my teammates.

As we sat inside the cavern, huddled in the fire.

I admitted, "I... Never imagined it'd be this bad for you guys. Especially you, Naruto. How are you taking all this?"

Even after all the horrors he suffered and seen... How did he say those words to me? Those bold naive admissions, dreams, and plans?

Iron will?

Unshakeable will and determination?

Is there even a term for it?

Unbelievable guy. Really.

Lifting his hand, and flexing his bicep, his frown quickly transitioned to a determined and sunny smile, "I'm fine!"


To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Heyo people! Long time no see.

First and most importantly...


...Or at the latest in 48 hours. XD

Kakashi's perspective was kept untouched because he will be playing a really important role in the inevitable "Revenge".

Hope the chapter was up to snuff in quality and stuff and that you enjoyed it.

Especially the Naruto combat part.

Really made the kid relentless, but I believe that fits him real well.

I can confidently say, we've got 2 chapters left for this arc.

Anywho cya tomorrow lol.

No quote for the week because this ain't that kinda chapter.

And yes, Sasuke's fire arrow is a weaker Sukuna Fuga Fire Arrow.

Yes, I am lacking in creativity.

But once I acknowledge that Sasuke is known to have used a bow as a kid and uses that crossbow thing with his Susanno.

I just had to.

So I did.

-Author Note End-


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