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69.38% Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto / Chapter 33: A War We Don't Belong In - Chapter 6: Mourning & Truth

Capítulo 33: A War We Don't Belong In - Chapter 6: Mourning & Truth

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

(Warning Extremely Brutal and Morally Questionable Stuff Will Be Depicted, Hinted at, or Shown. Read at your own discretion. Also Psychological elements, manipulation and other not so family friendly stuff. Really, read at your own discretion.)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

'She always guided my path.' A voice echoed.


It was a peaceful little town in the woods...

A beautiful spring afternoon.

The door to a warm home creaked open, revealing a young boy.

His eyes slowly scanned the surroundings, his eyes fixated on the figure in the kitchen.

As prompted, "Welcome back, ********! How was the park?" The woman asked, her back facing the child as she arranged some dishes.

The boy hadn't responded, instead, he approached.

Eventually arriving behind the woman.

"Mother, I don't understand."

The boy called out, his expression and tone monotone yet it had hints of curiosity and perplexion.

The mother turned around and lowered herself to the boy's height, he appeared to be no older than six.

She smiled gently, her face in front of her child, "What is it you don't understand?"

Patting his hair, she encouraged, "Ask away."

"A ball the other kids in the park played with got stuck in a sharp and spiky tree. I provided adequate reasoning that it is better to ask a parent or an adult to get it for them, instead of risking hurting themselves. They knew I was right, they couldn't deny me. Yet they didn't listen and hurt themselves. Why?"

Listening intently, the mother digested the information.

Blinking she asked, "Are they alright?"

A silent nod from her son, only to be followed up with, "An unnecessary injury."

Humming, she responded while ruffling her son's hair, "My smart boy. I'll give you some advice. This situation exemplifies the old quote very well."

She lifted a finger and smiled at the curious boy, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."

She continued, "Remember this well and dwell on it. Tell me your conclusions later. Now scurry along." She pushed him forward as she chuckled and teased, "No need to leave the park every time you have a burning question to ask me, you know~?"

As he was pushed along, the boy nodded, his expression blank yet his thoughts raced at the new information his mother provided.

'She always knew the answer to any question.' A voice echoed.


"What happened this time, ********?" The Mother asked warmly, her tone curious and patient as she let down the mortar and pestle that she held.

The boy, donning the same blank expression that failed to convey his internal curiosity, replied, "Some kids got into a fight in the park. The boy who lost was weaker on all fronts. I am curious... How does one defeat an overwhelmingly superior opponent?"

A distant look crossed the Mother's expression for but an instant, then it turned back to its gentle warmth as she responded, "Battle is never so straightforward, ********. If the opponent is so overwhelmingly stronger than you, it is smarter, then, to avoid battle altogether."

Placing her hand on the intrigued boy's fluffy hair, she continued her tone a bit more serious, "However, if you are intent on defeating your opponent, you must use roundabout methods. Instigate others to fight for you. Analyze him, coerce and trick him. Make him suspicious of his allies. Turn his friends against him. Wait for an opportunity. And when he is weak enough, you deal the finishing blow. Defeating him."

The boy tilted his head, "Isn't that widely considered as cowardly?"

Her smile widened, however, it was sad, nostalgic even, creating a somber atmosphere, "That is the way of the Shinobi, ********.  It is the privilege of the strong to handicap themselves with such lofty concepts unfit for true battle."

The boy wondered aloud, "The way of the Shinobi... The strong..."

The mother sweatdropped, her tone gaining a hint of nervousness, "Sorry, I got carried away."

"Just make sure you use this information wisely. For what's good and what's right. It is those very lofty concepts that give reason and purpose to the strong. Don't misunderstand, they have their place in battle and they will always take precedence. Embracing them is what makes you truly strong." She nodded and lectured firmly.

The boy nodded silently to which the mother smiled warmly.

'She always told me her unfiltered Truth.' A voice echoed.

'Yet, later in the future, I found myself disagreeing with Mother.' A voice added.


The door to the warm house opened once more with the same monotone and slow opening.

Yet this time, the light echo and pitter-patter of droplets impacting the ground was audible to the Mother who was making her way downstairs to greet her child.

Her eyes widened at the sight of her boy, she ran in a panic, "********, ARE YOU OKAY?"

Nodding, he stated simply, "Yes. It only hurts a littl-"

The boy's eyes widened at his mother's genuine panic that contrasted with her usual emotional control.

His body was covered in bloodied bruises, his lip was busted and a tooth was knocked out of him.

He felt pain, it ached.

And on his leg was a big scrape that bled without pause.

Quickly, the Mother examined his body and injuries, with expertise, as if she had done it a thousand times.

Without delay, she took out medicine she had already premade for such occasions and began to apply and treat her injured son.

A couple of silent minutes later, he lay on his bed, as his mother sat beside him.

Giving him an intense look, she asked, "What happened? Who did this to you?" Her tone was as cold as the winter in the Land Of Iron and as threatening as the Seven Swordsmen Of The Mist.

"I got into a fight."


"I didn't want to. They started to strike at me. So I had to fight back." He replied matter of factly.

She frowned, "...Why did they start attacking you?"

He nodded, "They called me weird."

Her eyes widened.

Yet the boy continued, gazing at his mother innocently, "Mother, Why am I weird?"

For the second time today, the boy's eyes widened as he noticed that tears began to form in his Mother's gentle eyes.

'Back then, I didn't understand why she wept.' A voice echoed.

With tears and her voice gentle yet emotionally distraught, the Mother lowered herself and gently hugged the boy, avoiding his injuries, "You're... Not weird. You're my special special, curious, and smart boy."

She continued, "My heart, my reason for living. My hope and my whole life. I love you just the way you are."

Raising her tear-stricken face, she met eyes with her son, "********, I am your mother. I realize your gifts and blessings better than anyone else in the world. You are gifted and blessed. Because of that, you are called Weird. What it means is that you are out of the ordinary - Not like the others."

She stated firmly, "And that's completely fine. Some will love you and admire you. Others will hate you and envy you. That is the fate of the Talented and Gifted. People fear what they do not understand and are more prone to hating those unlike themselves."

Smiling widely, she stated, "What matters most - Is that you work and fight for what's right and good in this world. Strive to be a good man, and you'll find those who love you at your side that are infinitely more powerful than whatever enemies you gain."

She finished, "Remember, son. There is no shame in being you. Don't let those words and insults bother you."

Blinking and digesting the information, the boy nodded firmly - Having been blindsided by his Mother's emotional state.

Letting go of the hug, she smirked at the boy, "Did you at least beat some of them up?"

He nodded, "I incapacitated one of them, before getting overwhelmed."

She smiled, nodding approvingly, "That'll teach em..."

Lowering her head and looking to the side, she mumbled silently, "...I guess it wouldn't hurt to teach him a few tricks. Just a little..."

Intrigued, the boy questioned, "Mother, are you also weird? I've never seen anyone visit us or talk to us."

Snorting, she giggled, "Yes, yes. Like mother like son. I'm probably weirder than you are!"

He tilted his head, "Really?"

She nodded in amusement, placing her finger on his nose in a teasing gesture, "Mhm. Why do you think our house is so far away from the rest of the town's residents?"

'She always Loved me for who I was.' A voice echoed.

'I never understood what it was. But it felt warm. Just like her hugs.' A voice added.


It was only a couple of years later.

When the boy was 10.

A cold winter night.

Yet, it wasn't cold or dark.

The boy had returned to his home from an outing.

To find it had been burning.

No one dared to get close.

Not even the curious.

They all traveled a respectable distance, just to gaze at another's home being burnt down to a crisp.

Not even offering any assistance.

Only their indifferent, curious, and disdain-filled gazes.

He did nothing wrong.

His mother did nothing wrong.

Yet no one came to help.

Even so, the boy didn't get angry.

A sense of urgency, unlike anything he ever felt in his life, coursed through him as he ran towards the flame-engulfed home.

'In hindsight, it was foolish. Yet, I cannot recall any other point in time where emotion overtook control of my body as it did that day.' A voice echoed.

He ignored the searing pain of the burns on his body, as he ran straight through the demolished door.

Coughing up smoke, the boy paused as he was met with an otherwise traumatizing sight.

A Shinobi with an iconic mask - Here, in the Land Of Woods, they are the Prajna.

He stood above his Mother's body, her body filled with burns and injuries, yet the masked man seemed to have injuries of his own.

His mother had put up a fight.

...Not enough of a fight, it seemed.

Gazing down at the frowning boy, the Prajna turned towards the unmoving Mother and mumbled, "I'll do you a favor."

Without a word, he disappeared from view.

At that, the boy charged toward his mother, attempting to lift her up despite the searing flames and smoke.

His mother coughed blood, and at the familiar touch, opened her eyes.

Seeing his mother open her eyes, a light seemed to appear in the boy's eyes, "Mother. What do I do?"

Smiling sadly, she replied, "Become a Good Man. Remember what I had taught you, and make the world a better place. Even if you can't do that... I'd like nothing more than for you to be happy. I love you, ********. My one and only son."

He shook his head, protesting, "Mother, why are you talki-"

She cut him off with a bittersweet laugh as she weakly raised her hand to his eyes.

Brushing off a few tears with her hand, she mumbled weakly, "You are smart enough to know that it is over for me. Yet you argue against your very nature...To think, I'd see you cry. I'm glad. I'm glad that you also... Love me." Her tone was relieved.

And after that, her hand fell limp, as the light finally left her eyes.

'I felt Loved and I felt Love.' A voice echoed.


Shintaku no Machi.

The capital city and crown jewel of the Land Of Woods.

Constructed at the edge of a large valley, it was sandwiched between small mountains around 1500-2000 feet tall.

From a bird's eye view, the city and its mountains formed an upside-down "U" shape.

A river ran down the right edge of the city.

The city was vast and constructed strategically and symmetrically - Benefitting the nobility and the merchants more than others.

The deeper you went into the city, especially through the large main street that ran through the middle, the more extravagant and impressive looking the structures, shops, housing, and otherwise looked.

The likelihood of coming across the guards of the city also rose exponentially the deeper you went.

Eventually, at the end of the main street was a large gate.

Large enough to fit multiple carriages.

This gate leads to the Daimyo's Manor.

Manor would be putting it lightly, though.

It was a Japanese Style Castle - Also called a "Shiro".

A heavily fortified and walled area, with multiple structures that serve the main building which is the residential area of the Daimyo.

It is a city within a city.

All are run by the respective staff that work there, for the sake of the higher nobility and, of course, the Daimyo himself.


That was how the city; Shintaku no Machi, looked before the Radicals invaded.

Right now?

Scars of battle could still be seen from afar.

Numerous destroyed buildings.

Charred streets and the ash remains of those who had contributed to the futile defense.

Dried blood that had formerly freely flowed through the streets.

Even the Daimyo's residence was no stranger to these scars.

Now, even when weeks have passed since the city had been conquered by the Radicals.

The city has yet to recover from the damage the civil war had wrought.

Even so... The new and old dwellers continued their duties under the bright light of the sun as it was mid-day.

Still working on repairing the damages, focusing on the next courses of action, and much much more.

Albeit, the population was cut down significantly, so maintenance is taking much longer than anticipated.

Yet, every day, more and more people have been making their way into the city.

Our focus shifts towards the halls of the Daimyo's residence.

Well, former Daimyo would be a more apt term.


The echo of steps resonated through the halls of the former Daimyo's home.

They were slow, heavy, and purposeful.

Their source - A man of average height and a slim figure.

A man in his early thirties with dirty brown hair, hazelnut eyes, and donning traditional mourning clothing that had a bit of dirt and grass on it.

The parts of his body that were exposed, had varying scarred tissue, due to burns.

The lower half of his face was burnt, whilst the rest of it was fine.

In his right hand, held in a firm grasp - A bouquet of Marigolds.

His expression was unreadable and enigmatic, yet exuding a hint of sadness.

Passing through the door, leading him outside, his solemn clothing starkly contrasted with the brightness and light of the day.

Onlookers, be it guards, Shinobi, and staff all gazed at him in wonder and admiration.

Whispers among the line of:

"Satsujin-sama is going there again?"

"How gracious! That he would pay his respects to a vile enemy like that!"

"Psst! Quiet! Don't let him hear us!"

Shaking his head with a sigh, a guard who overheard the gossiping girls responded with a lecturing tone, "Remember our Leader's words. There is no such thing as true evil. He may have been a vile criminal and undoubtedly misguided. The Daimyo was still human. Truly, Satsujin-sama's benevolence and restraint have no bounds."

Unperturbed, the now-named Leader Of The "Radicals" continued on his path with purpose.

His expression unchanging, his gaze unwavering; he marched on.

Eventually, he reached a hill.

Located at the highest visible point of the walled Daimyo Residence.

It was easily viewable from nearly any location within the city.

And viewed it was, as onlookers both from nearby and from afar paused their duties to watch.

Ascending the steep hill, Satsujin paused.

His gaze fixed upon the somber sight before him: the grave of the former Daimyo.

With deliberate care, he lowered himself, the bouquet of Marigolds cradled in his hands and placed it reverently upon the grave.

As he rose to his full height once more, his eyes remained fixed upon the burial site, his expression inscrutable.

The sounds of feet impacting stone resonated behind Satsujin - The sound of the impact was light, indicating a skinny individual.

Or... A very young one.

Having ascended the hill, a squeaky voice called out to Satsujin, behind him.

"Say~ Is there a point to this? It's been a week since I've come back and you're still doing this boring preachy crap! Everyday, same time, same clothes, same expression." She complained.

A moment of silence passes by, and Satsujin addresses her.

A girl that appeared to be around 8-9 years old.

Shoulder-length grey hair and azure eyes.

His voice, slow, calm, and melodic, and ignoring her rambling, "Answer me this, Faceless. What is Truth?"

Her voice turned cold, "You really are boring. Lacking. Your blood and death wouldn't be to Lord Jashin's liking... Nor would your face."

Lowering himself once more, Satsujin rubbed the engraved name of the Daimyo on the stone, "I would appreciate a response. Faceless. I'm intrigued by your perspective."

A frown marred his face, betraying his underlying curiosity that indicated the opposite emotion, "Would you base your answer on your religious teachings? Or would you perhaps base it on your experiences? Which would it be?"

He threw her a piercing side glance, directed at her Falsehood of a body.

Grunting in annoyance, Faceless responded simply, "Truth is the body and death. The lie is the consciousness and life."

Satsujin's frown only deepened and his expression turned downright mourning and regretful as he lowered himself further to rub the stone grave.

Yet, his voice became even more curious, "How fascinating..."

Tilting her head, her usual gleeful composure waning in the face of Satsujin, Faceless questioned, "What about you? You husk?"

He responded evenly, "I believe that Truth is the elusive shadow cast by our ever-shifting perceptions, a flickering flame in the labyrinth of subjective experience."

At his sophisticated and overly philosophical response, Faceless rubbed the back of her head as she processed his words.

She turned her head to gaze at the distant people in the city who stopped to gaze curiously at Satsujin's mourning routine.

Blinking, she had a look of realization as she then responded, annoyed, "Ah. I see what you're doing."

Getting heated, she turned around, taking her leave.

She threw him her last words with a cold and menacing tone, "You're disgusting. Quit spreading your taint."

"Aren't you the same in that regard?" Satsujin's distancing voice responded easily.

She paused, her tone reverent and fanatical "No. I don't spread the taint. I make them Understand the taint. Such are the teachings of Lord Jashin."

An innocently curious tone came across Satsujin as he turned to face Faceless, a smile on his face hidden from the crowd, he asked, "The Jashinist fancies herself a saint? How interesting..."

She giggled, her tone confident, "We all do~! Good luck in your... 10th speech is it by now~? You really are deprived~! Hehe~"


At the southeastern border of the Land Of Mountains, the wide open plains sprawled below the mountain range.

A chilly wind swept through the environment, carrying with it a discomforting coldness.

The settlers and native people of the land had wisely chosen to inhabit the lower, more temperate areas, shunning the harsh conditions of the mountains.

Among these settlements, one small community stood out—a cluster of yurts, primarily constructed from yak skin and fur, providing shelter for around two hundred residents.

Recently, a blond boy, Naruto, stood beside a grateful elder, having contributed to the construction of several new tents.

"Thank you once again, Naruto," the elder expressed his gratitude.

Naruto's cheeks flushed with warmth as he accepted the elder's gratitude, a humble smile playing on his lips.

The man continued, gesturing to a few dozen new tents that had been recently built, "With this, we can rest easy for the next few winters. Even if disaster strikes. Truly, you Shinobi are lifesavers."

Rubbing the back of his head sheepishly and smiling bashfully, Naruto replied, "Hehe... It's nothing. Glad I could help!"

"OI! CLONE TWO! IF WE ARE DONE HERE, ASK FOR OUR REWARD! AKIRA WANTED MILK!" A Naruto clone came out of one of the constructed tents.

Turning to glare at him, Clone Two replied, "SHADDUP, CLONE TWENTY THREE! I WAS ABOUT TO ASK!"

Coughing awkwardly into his fist, Naruto looked expectantly at the tanned man in front of him, "Well... Chief?"

Nodding, he answered, "Of course! Of course! I would even pay you twenty cattle for your outstanding work!"

A small equally tanned boy approached, his expression neutral as he effortlessly carried around ten gallons worth of Yak milk contained in Animal Skin Bags.

His strength was impressive, considering he wasn't a Shinobi and carried ten gallons without much trouble.

Additionally, his field of vision was partially blocked by the numerous bags in front of him.

"There you go." The boy handed the bags to Clone Two.

Nodding in gratitude, Clone Two turned towards the tents and the distant figures of Naruto Clones that were conversing with other residents.

Taking a deep inhale of cold air, he shouted loudly, his voice reaching the heavens themselves, "NARUTOS! WE'RE DONE HERE FOR NOW! LET'S GET BACK!"


Thus, a little under a hundred blonde midgets that had crowded the small settlement began to run towards a specific mountain, a river flowing just below it.


"CLONE TWO! LOOK OUT!" Clone Eighty Six yelled at Clone Two who was in front of him.


Clone Two's vision was obscured by the bulging bags of milk, and he unwittingly overlooked a small obstacle in his path.


He slipped on a rock and landed with a wet thud on his head.

With such an injury being too severe for a clone, he popped out of existence.

Nearly all of the milk had been spilled on the ground, with the exception of a gallon or so that had landed comparatively softly.

A collective shudder rippled through the remaining Naruto clones, a palpable sense of dread hanging in the air.

"Oh, no..." They collectively mumbled.


-Akira POV-

"You had one job." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

We sat in a circle, eating our lunch on this bright day after a session of training.

The campfire was burning brightly.

Sasuke was Sasukeing.

Naruto was getting his routine admonishment because there's always something going wrong.

Kakashi was leaning on the cold grass, his belly full as he shoved his face into the smut book he had already re-read over a dozen times at this point.

...And he will continue to be doing so because I am NOT giving him any other book from my shadows for gatekeeping that useful jutsu.

The man who knows over a thousand jutsu but hardly could spare one for his Genin Student.

Really, he's gotten on my nerves.

If I could strangle him, I would.

"Maybe next time give the Dobe something simpler to do." Sasuke nodded matter of factly, as he took a bite of his skewer.

I turned to him, lifting an eyebrow, "Like what? Get us some water from the river a few feet away from us?"

Naruto rubbed his head in annoyance, "Hrgh... IT WASN'T ME! IT WAS MY CLONE!" He declared.


I made eye contact with Sasuke.

Our combined silence spoke volumes.

And then I mumbled, "Does he... Get dumber over time? Like I'm genuinely curious. Should we force him to do an IQ test after we're done here?"

Shaking his head, Sasuke gave me a sharp look, "He'd lower Konoha's average if it's submitted. I wouldn't suggest sending him to take the test."

"BASTARDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Naruto roared, wanting to beat us up, but knowing well that doing so while we were eating was impolite.

And ill-advised.

For his sake.

I scratched my ear, "I know we've basically thrown subtlety out the window when we let you go to the settlement. But could you keep it down?"

He eyed me, "What's it matter? Your birdy has been keeping an eye on us every time we're down here!" He pointed at a small black dot in the distance parched on the tallest peak of a nearby mountain.

"While Nue does have good eyesight, she isn't omniscient. If it weren't for Kakashi's - "Mah, we'll be training down here. Making some connections and helping the settlement should be fine so they don't give information freely. You should let Naruto go make himself useful." I would have never let you run amok there." I shook my head helplessly.

Kakashi nonchalantly chimed in, "I don't sound like that."

"You do." The three of us replied immediately.

Turning back to me, Naruto waved me off, "Stop being so paranoid Akira. We've been fine for more than two weeks! We'll be leaving pretty soon, won't we? Once you can use your new jutsu without trouble." He mentioned, his tone held a serious edge at the end.

I nodded, "That, and when Whiskers gives me some more information that we can work with. And when our final strategy and plan of action are decided. Rough drafts aren't really a good thing. For now, we should be fine with training and working on our teamwork."

Sasuke gained a glint in his eye, recalling what I had reported previously, "Have the mass migrations into Shintaku No Machi stopped? Or are they still ongoing?"

"One second."

'Whiskers, what of the migrations?'

'Most roads. Traffic heavy. Migration likely. Continue.'

I would have loved to station some Whiskers in Shintaku No Machi itself.

Unfortunately, with the existence of Whiskers being possibly known by the Iwa Shinobi thanks to Faceless.

It's too risky of a move.

If they discover a clone there, eliminate it, and see it dissolve into shadows following its death...

The element of surprise is gone.




For all they know, we're on our way back home.

Whilst Whiskers outright reveals we're spying and planning our revenge.

Shaking my head, I replied, "No dice. Still ongoing."

Grabbing his chin, Sasuke mumbled, "I understand why the Radicals are forcing all the residents, even the naturally aligned Radicals to move into Shintaku No Machi. Complete control and order is the surface conclusion. But wouldn't the country be in danger?"

I nodded, "With no one in the countryside or borders, other Lands may easily invade and take the land. While food is also going to be an enormous issue. This is a logistic nightmare all things considered."

Naruto looked pretty lost in this conversation.

"You're forgetting something. Sasuke, Akira." Kakashi side-eyed us.

We turned to him, a questioning look in our eyes.

To which he responded, "Have you considered how much of the population actually needs to be fed?"

At his words and insinuation, all our faces turned grim.

I sighed, "Right... I didn't take that into account. Even so, it is still a surprisingly large amount of people. It's not like the City grows its own food as far as Kyokan mentioned."

Lifting a finger, Kakashi answered, "That's where the second element comes into play. Iwagakure is publicly and heavily involved in the Land Of Woods. That much is confirmed. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume they would be covering and solving those issues for the Radicals and Satsujin."

Giving us a moment to digest the information Kakashi added with a tone of finality, "I doubt any of the neighboring Lands have the manpower and or bravery to invade and conquer territory for themselves. Even if they did, it wouldn't be worth the cost. By all counts, they've planned this thoroughly, Satsujin is very meticulous."

Frowning, I asked a question that had been on our minds, "Kakashi-sensei. Do you have any idea as to why Iwagakure is so heavily involved here?"

He hummed for a moment, "Mah... There could be a multitude of reasons. But my driving theory might throw a wrench in our plans. It might make all of this completely pointless."

Our eyes widened at what he had kept to himself for this long, Naruto rose up and approached Kakashi, "All of this? Pointless? THERE'S NO WAY THAT COULD BE RIGHT! THERE IS A POINT! WE HAVE TO BEAT THEM!"

Sasuke fervently agreed, "Yes. We have to avenge the Conservatives. Scum like them does not deserve to win."

'Or live, for that matter.' Went unsaid in Sasuke's mind.

I kept my silence, waiting for Kakashi to respond.

Kakashi rose up himself, lowering his book as he sighed, "Simply put. The Tsuchikage is petty."




Elaborating, Kakashi said, "It wouldn't be farfetched for Satsujin to have discovered that the Leaf has been involved with the Land Of Woods in the background for years. We know that he was aware of us thanks to our initial arrival in the Land Of Woods. Then, he presents the slightest whiff of evidence to the Tsuchikage, and he'd gladly do anything to bring the Leaf down."

"As long as it is not an actual war, that is." He added pointedly.

Naruto's eyes boggled, "He's that petty?!"

Kakashi tilted his head, "Mah, from a strategic standpoint, this presents an outstanding opportunity for him. By destroying an ally of the Leaf and potentially gaining one for himself, the Tsuchikage stands to strengthen Iwagakure's position. Given similar circumstances, I have no doubt that Lord Third would have seized such an opportunity for our own benefit without hesitation."

Naruto protested vehemently, slamming his hand against the ground. "The old man would never do something like that!"

...That's not what he meant.


I cut in, "Hold on... Kakashi-sensei, then how would it make all this effort pointless, then? Quite the opposite actually. It means there's more at stake for us to destroy Satsujin and those Iwagakure Shinobi. The Land Of Woods won't be joining hands with Iwagakure."

He continued immediately, "And I'm saying there's a chance it won't be joining hands with the Leaf either."


The confusion on our faces was palpable.

Sasuke's eyes widened, and a look of realization crossed him as he mumbled, "Would he be so petty that'd he'd do..."

Kakashi nodded, "It's a possibility."

Naruto grumbled, "Oi! Speak normally!"

...I'd like that as well.

Kakashi explained, his tone serious, "There's a chance that - When we defeat the Radicals and reinstate the Conservatives, which are heavily indebted and allied to the Leaf. That the Tsuchikage will move to eradicate the newly instated Conservatives. And replace them with someone new or at the very least, make sure no one is allied to us."

A collective gulp took place, as the grim expression on our faces returned in full effect.

I mumbled, "Wouldn't that make this a repeat of the Land Of Rain, just on a smaller scale?"

Shaking his head, Kakashi replied, "No. It would be a one-time thing for the Leaf. We only have one chance at this. Unlike Iwagakure who is much closer geographically to the Land Of Woods. Konoha cannot spare any more manpower here, especially risking an outbreak of war if we stupidly decide to send many forces here... Which are already lacking."

A tense silence enveloped us, with only the sounds of the campfire and chilly wind on our backs.

Ah... It's only getting more complicated.

Kakashi posed us with a question, his tone was serious, "With that in mind... Are you still intent on continuing this mission? Kyokan can come with us back to the Leaf."

Naruto's eyes lifted and he gazed intently at Kakashi, his eyes determined as he opened his mouth to utter, "We'll d-"

Only for his words to be cut off by Sasuke's sudden intervention.

"Don't make me laugh," Sasuke growled, his eyes radiated hatred.

"After all they did... We'll just let them get away with it? Because it is possibly pointless? Maybe even likely?" He rose up, making his way to Kakashi.

His steps ruffled the grass beneath him.

Suddenly grabbing Kakashi's shirt, he gazed intently into Kakashi's indecipherable gaze, his rage palpable, "IT WOULD BE LIKE SPITTING IN THE GRAVES OF THOSE HELPLESS AND INNOCENT WHO WERE BRUTALLY MURDERED AND DEFILED!"



His sharingan activated, revealing a new, third tomoe on his right eye, "EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL!"

Taking a deep breath, to calm himself down, Sasuke loosened his grip on Kakashi's shirt, his Sharingan deactivating as his emotions settled.

"I know that killing that Man won't bring back my parents and my clan," he admitted, his voice quieter now, but still heavy with determination.

"But not killing him? Not avenging my clan? Doing something like that would be disgracing the Uchiha. Not offering my clan any closure."

Naruto placed an encouraging hand on Sasuke's shoulder, "I'm with him," he declared, pointing at himself with a thumb, a frown on his face.

Adding, "Even if it could be pointless, we at least have to try."

Regaining a dumb yet encouraging sunny and confident smile, Naruto added, "I'll make sure it'll go well! Believe it!"

At Naruto's encouragement, Sasuke visibly calmed down, a small smile forming on his face as he let go of Kakashi's shirt.

Thus, the three of them directed their gazes at me.

Kakashi asked, tiredly, "I take it you're also in favor."

I tilted my head, "This is what... The second or third time we've been juggling with the prospect of abandoning the mission. Didn't you get the hint that when both these stubborn idiots align in their goals they're practically unstoppable?"

I helplessly shook my head, a small determined smile forming on my face, "But, either way. I'm committed to getting this done."

Kakashi nodded, "Alright then, then let's finalize our strategy. You guys have been progressing pretty well with teamwork as well as the new Jutsu I taught you, Akira. Kyokan should be done by tomorrow with finishing sketching the points of interest on that map of Shintaku No Machi. First of-"

I lifted my hand, cutting off Kakashi, "Wait a second, Kakashi-sensei. Before we continue I'd like to ask... I know you gave us a deadline of three weeks, but I'd like to confirm."

"Are we in this rush of completing this mission just because you want us to return to the Leaf in time for the Chunin Exams? I'd argue that this is more important."

Sighing, Kakashi responded, "Extra time to train wouldn't change the outcome."

At that, the three of us were confused once again by our erratic and infuriating sensei.

"Elaborate?" I hesitantly stated.

"Honestly, with just you Akira. I can take them all down. Your training is only a way for me to measure whether I let you guys participate."

...Oh, I see what he's talking about.

"You're talking about bringing me as support and using Rudolph to heal you?"

Naruto and Sasuke's expressions began to grow heated, and before they protested, Kakashi responded.

"Correct. This is why, thanks to your performance thus far, I'll let you participate in this battle. Though I won't be letting you fight any of the Iwa Jonin. At most, the three of you have to fight just one, but avoid the veteran Iwa Jonin at all costs, if the Toad's information is accurate, he's a bad match-up for the three of you. You guys are dealing with all the other Genin and Chunin." Kakashi responded matter of factly, eye smiling at us.

...Jeff wouldn't lie.


Naruto gazed in suspicion at Kakashi, "Why did you keep quiet for all this time if it didn't matter?"

Kakashi gazed back in perplexion, "I just said it, didn't I? I simply anticipated the headache you'd give me if I honestly went through with my initial plan with Akira's Deer. It was also a pretty good way of training you guys and relaxing before leaving for the Chunin Exams assuming you'd not agree to go forward with the mission... Although it's still the best option, I wouldn't mind going through with i-"



"...I think your initial plan with Rudolph sounds the safes-"

"NO ONE ASKED YOU!" Naruto and Sasuke collectively protested.

Kakashi eye smiled at me in sympathy, his look conveying his message:

"What did I tell you?"

...Well, they are stubborn.

I coughed, "Well, I'd like to add something before you tell us your plan, Kakashi-sensei."

He waved at me to continue.

"I have a way that may or may not remove a Jonin or two or maybe even drain or damage them. For completely free. Worst case scenario, I might need your help to deal with it."

Sasuke deadpanned, his gaze expectant, "There's a lot of uncertainty there. What are you hiding this time?"

"Why is that the norm?" I complained knowingly.

Thus, we prepared, trained, and plotted.

Sharpening our current tools, and in my case, gaining a new one.

All for our inevitable revenge against the Radicals.


-Flashback Start-

"Akira... Do you know when a Shinobi is at his most vulnerable?" The elderly, and gleeful voice of Makoto echoed in the underground training area.

I responded hesitantly, "When he's asleep?"

Shaking his head, he replied, his tone laced with disappointment, "Isn't that an obvious choice? Have you forgotten that I trained you to be alert even when in deep sleep? It is the correct answer when we are speaking of low-level targets. When it's higher caliber targets, that won't work."

Yeah, that was a thing.

Auntie wasn't really a big fan of discovering Makoto in my room late at night strangling me.

It took him a while to explain himself as well.

...He deserved that and much more.

I sighed, "Out with it..."

He pouted, "Oh come on~ Don't be so boring~!"


Shaking his head in amusement at my cringing expression, he explained, "It is when one has recently awoken. When the target has awoken, his senses are overwhelmed and his mind attempts to piece together his current situation at breakneck speed. Has he awoken at night? Is there a commotion outside? Is it morning? Is he alone? Is he hungry? And a multitude of other things flash through the mind of a freshly awoken person."

"You and I are no different. It is a weakness all human beings hold." He points at the two of us.

"So when do I strike?"

"The instant the target's face relaxes as he evaluates that he has woken up and everything is fine. You prove him wrong."

I took the information in, nodding at the lesson he provided.

He smiled maliciously, "Remember, Akira. Everyone has a brain, a heart, a lung. Everyone bleeds. My goal is making sure you can eliminate any person."

A glint in his eye formed, "If you master the art... Even Kage can be assassinated, your difference in strength is irrelevant if you pierce those precious organs or vitals before they can react and realize what had happened."

A thin line formed on my face, "Even you?"

The thinly veiled craze hadn't wanned, instead, it grew amused, "Naturally."

He added, "I wonder, what did I do to earn such a high opinion from you Akira? If Kage can be assassinated, then I certainly can also be assassinated."

I narrowed my eyes at him, my tone unconvinced, "Nice try. In battle, sure, Kage and S-Rank Shinobi would beat you to a pulp, of that I have no doubt. But you are a master at the craft of assassination. I'd presume you're less likely to be a victim of it than them."

Nodding proudly, he replied, "Good of you to understand the distinction. Make sure you memorize this as well..."

"Be extra careful when attempting to assassinate Shinobi who also specialize in the art."

-Flashback End-

In hindsight, I should've examined this decision further.

"You... Little brat." Mio, growled at me as she held her throat, bleeding lightly.

According to Jeff and Sasuke, her skill set and specialty seemed to be poisons and seals.

Sure, she used stealth seals.


I hadn't expected her to be this good.

Of all the Iwagakure Jonin I could've chosen to assassinate, this one should have been the easiest and most important target - Masters of Fuinjutsu are wildcards we can't have on the board.

She was revealed, in actuality, to be the most problematic.

...Change of plans.

I'll be using him here.

We'll see what he can do.

Hopefully, they'll kill each other while I observe the situation.

I'll have to act differently depending on which of them comes out on top.

"Oi! I'll be sitting this one out, so do put on a good show?" I mocked, watching how her muscles bulged and she was about to strike me.

I doubt the poison in my kunai will affect her, given her occupation, but that would also be ideal...

I was faster, as I formed the shadowgraphic handsign of a tiger head, uttering, "Tiger Funeral."

...Though, I should backpedal onto how we got here.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello my lovely readers!

I am pretty proud of this chapter, to be honest with you.

So I hope it came out as enjoyable/good as I hope it did ontop of the usual writing quality and stuff.

As you can see, I have been doing a lot of background work here.

Which will all accumulate in the next chapter.

Which will be extra extra large.

Or just 2 chapters.

I'm contemplating whether to make it a 15-20k chapter finale.

Or just write 2 chappieis.

We'll see where life takes us XD.

Oh, and Tiger Funeral (My version fuck you Gege) will also be revealed!

How strong is he?!

And as you may have guessed.

Akira is a cheeky little mother fucker.

Use enemy Jonin as a test subject to see what Tiger Funeral can do and how strong it is!





Also the main antagonists that you've seen - Satsujin and Faceless I've placed a considerable amount of effort into them.

So hopefully, they'll come out alright.

As for Jashinism and all that shtick.

I have figured out what I'll be doing with that.

So it'll be a lil different than from Canon - But close enough for Hidan to be more or less the same individual.

That is all!

In terms of politics and the actual end game of this arc?

You'll see.

But I've sprinkled hints through the arc.

Some obvious, some not.

I wonder how you guys think it's going to end!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

The world's oldest known recipe is for beer. It dates back to around 5,000 BC and was discovered in ancient Sumeria. Here's this week's random fact.

-Author Note End-

next chapter
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