/ Anime & Comics / In Marvel With Saitama's Power
Ryu Takahashi, an ordinary man, finds himself unexpectedly transported to the Marvel Universe. Amidst the escalating conflict between Iron Man Tony Stark and Obadiah Stane, Tatsuya is on the brink of danger.
Just as fate intervenes, a mysterious power awakens within him, granting him extraordinary strength. With a single punch, he obliterates Obadiah's Iron Monger suit.
Stunned by this incredible display of power, Tony Stark and Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., are left in awe. They realize that Ryu Takahashi is no ordinary man, but a force to be reckoned with.
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Escribe una reseñaAutor Kynstra
it's a great ff and all, but i had to drop it, the sole reason is the characters, especially Nick Fury, i just can't handle him acting like a p**sy Infront of the mc calling him sir every time. i just can't imagine Fury treats anybody with such respect. not like that the other characters are much better.