{A/N: Hey friends~ sorry for the radio silence yesterday, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?? Anyway... Little Ko and Cele are almost at 50k views! How crazy is that? And I know some of the amazing stories here hit millions, but for this humble little story, I'm beyond grateful that people truly continue to follow the journey :) Thank you all!
~ Higgins}
“I remember," Ingo began, looking up to the inky sky, as if seeking some past memory. "The day Alfred handed you over to the tyrannical rule of Little Ko. Not even a fortnight after we returned from the 91st battle. He spewed a colorful collection of words regarding our dear little brother. So full of hate, in fact, that even I thought it was cruel of him to pass you along. All I could wonder was, 'what transgressions had Rudolf dared do to invoke such a punishment?'."
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