“So, we are going to make it to the Temple of Muses?”
Cele looked over to Rudolf.
"You ask like you were prepared to break your word," Cele said, taken entirely by surprise. Rudolf didn't seem like the type to take such a thing so lightly. "And, moreover, General Alfred's."
"Oh hush, I don't speak for Alfred." Rudolf scoffed. "Ingo knows that right well."
"If that's the case," Cele considered with a flippant shrug. "Then what was it that you said that put such a fire under him?"
He watched the man reciprocate his stony-faced expression for long enough that Cele felt the need to bolster his goad.
“What could you possibly hold over the king of Simo's head, Rudolf?”
In his periphery, the general could see Heiko lift his head, turning his attention to his captain. Did not even the prince know, he wondered.
"Your drawn silence is rather incriminating."
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