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37.5% Grim Reaper in OPM / Chapter 3: Lets Test!

Capítulo 3: Lets Test!



>Name: Bleak Abyss

>Age: 10

>Level: 0

>Exp: 0/100

>Skills [5]

I have found out a few new things, one is that I can't create life within Death's door but I can create objects, robots, and other stuff that isn't an intelligent living being, I can even augment and enhance my body but I don't fully understand my body yet so I will not be trying any of that anytime soon.

Now what I have been wondering about is what I am testing right now, can I take something I made in here out there, I mean I know I can bring stuff inside and take that same thing out but what about taking something I made inside out, yes I know I repeated I am just trying to reassure myself you know what I mean?

Actually, something even more suspicious is happening in my head why do I keep explaining myself as if I am talking to someone, I mean it is not exactly a bad thing no it's actually good since it clarifies my thinking and makes it more accurate

[While Bleak was thinking to himself he was also materializing 50k yen on his right hand and on his left he was materializing a giant pole and now he is walking towards the doors to leave]

I can't just use the command 'Leave' because it only lets me leave, nothing else can go through so that's the reason why I have to think about leaving through the door for the door to materialize and I can carry the stuff I need out, right now you are probably wondering why cash and pole well simple a pole is long and cash is small, who knows there might be some kind of weight restriction or something.

I am outside now and what I have in my hand is cash but no pole now you might be thinking oh well that sucks and if you are not then you are a genius, I mean think about it I can bring cash out and I CAN MAKE INFINITE MONEY I don't need to work hahaha I am rich boys.

[You can see Bleak jumping up and down laughing just like a normal child]

It seems being a child, has some influences on me but I have to calm myself down right now.

Actually, now that I think about it I am actually the same height as Tornado, I guess growing wasn't the only new change to my body I was 4.5foot before but now I am about 5foot tall.

Well back to the subject at hand.




>Life Analysis

>Death's Door

>Life-Force Manipulation

>Death Empowerment

>Blood Flow Vision

ok let's try Blood Flow Vision I mean out of all the new skills it sounds the simplest, here we go

'Blood Flow Vision'


It like heat vision but only I can still see clearly but every living thing has lines, well veins to be exact right now I am looking through some random person's house, I am gonna try and tone down the vein lines a bit and actually look through the house.

I then focus my vision and blinked every time I make changes to the focus I managed to make the lines smaller but I stopped seeing through the wall I blinked again to reset the vision back to the original state where there are thicker lines and try again this time I reduced the focus on one area alone which is the lines and...AND IT WORKS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE HAVE DONE IT now it's time to look at the female bath hou-huh what I didn't say anything you perverts why would I use it for such dirty yet understandable things, ok maybe a peek.

I stopped using my vision cause I don't want to be seeing through stuff all the time but don't worry I will definitely use it on all the cute gi- *Cough* important stuff like finding enemies and stuff

ok next ability




>Life Analysis

>Death's Door

>Life-Force Manipulation

>Death Empowerment

>Blood Flow Vision

Let's try Death Empowerment I mean I generally get the idea but I want to know if it's activated or not

'Death Empowerment'

Huh what do you know nothing happened, I guess it is a passive well onto the next, probably the most useful one here, you know since I don't have any attack skill, ok yes I called it a skill, and it is my skill, and it's not a game I figured out how I unlock my power and that is having enough strength to handle it and leveling up through killing monsters...Ah, shit, it does sound like a game doesn't it, Fuck my life is just a game now isn't it?

I don't know why I am sad about this only a single aspect of my life is a game so I am still Gucci, well time to test the OP one

'Life-Force Manipulation'

I feel something in my body it's like a million ants crawling inside you and then just to get washed away with cold water but that isn't all, the temperature of the water started rising so now I just feel warm and it stayed this way but I feel like I can control it and so I did, I picked up a stick and put some Life Force energy into it and it grew leaves and looked so much better like a healthy stick, I then let go of the stick but I still felt my Life energy that's what I am gonna start calling it, I still felt it inside the stick and if I was to go very far which I am doing right now I can still sense it hehe so I can use this as a tracker I see, I want to try calling the stick or maybe telekinesis with this energy and so I focused my mind and raised my hand with my palm spread out facing forward cause why not it looks cool and so i command the energy to move towards my direction and i felt it getting close and fast so i quickly opened my eyes to dodge the fast paced stick comming to take my life and without a second of a delay i jumped and the next thing i hear is a loud


When I looked behind me what I saw was mind-blowing that single stick that is in no way bigger than a pen, made a massive crack on a house wall behind me, don't worry I ran away just in time

Well this is pretty OP I mean if I learn how to use this properly then I might be able to make life not saying that I wouldn't try

Well time to go back to the Orphanage as I was on my way towards the orphanage I suddenly was sent flying back at high-speed hurling towards a random building and *Boom* I smash into the wall but of course, I was fine after all I am not as fragile as humans so I walked out the rubble rubbed off the dust from my shoulders and looked towards my attacker

Mhm, how should I explain this, well it looks like hulk only blue and has a tail and has giant pimple spots on it, or is it rash but it's like all over its body, oh and me well I am kind of used to random shit just happening to me I mean if you think about it having a playground explode randomly is scarier than getting sent flying Em wait is it? I think my sense of being scared shitless is being twisted.

Monster: "I am Urgal the nightmare and I will kill anyone who stands in my way"

[As the monster was still talking people were running and screaming and the Alarm Stating for them to evacuate that a Tiger Ranked monster has appeared]

Bleak: "Did you have to hit me that hard, you do know I am a kid right?"

Monster: "Huh? you are still alive?"

Bleak: "no I am dead of course I am still alive you fucking idiot how else am I talking to you"

Monster: "What did you just say do you want to die?"

Bleak: "Why don't you villains get it right, I mean I legit just survived your hit, and yet you think you can kill me and even if you could it would be hard why don't you even try to avoid it?"


I was getting ready to have a fistfight with the monster but he just suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Bleak: "Huh? why did you stop"

Monster: "mmmm mmm MMM!"

Bleak: "What cat got your tongue?"

Monster: "MMMMM!!"

??: "Hey what are you doing? mm? why don't you go join them?"

[?? points towards the people screaming and running]

Holy shit are my ears playing games on me cause this voice belongs to none other than Tornado

Bleak: "Class S Rank 2 Hero name Tornado, why are you here?"

Tornado: "So annoying what I can't be here?"

Gosh she really is a brat, actually, there is something I always wonder

Bleak: "I have always wanted to ask you a question Tornado, why do you always wear that?"

You know the classic Tornado cloth

Tornado: "Why should I tell a nobody like you?!"

This Bitch is so fucking annoying so while she is busy talking ill quickly kill that monster before she does another thing to piss me off

As I was about to make my move she quickly clutched her palm which in turn crushed the monster


Tornado: "Weaklings like you who try to leech off a class S Hero like me are disgusting and you are disgusting so get out of my site"

I am gonna kill her my fucking days, alright don't get me wrong Tornado is waifu material and I was planning on being friends with her or maybe something more BUT HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THAT I mean all those MCs make it look so easy maybe the author just make shit work but I get pissed easy Fuck!

Bleak: "I was not trying to steal the kill from you It was mine, to begin with, and you stole it"

Tornado: "I didn't steal anything, you were just taking too long *Hmph*"

That was the reason fuck and I wanted to test my Death Empowerment too

Bleak: "-murmurs-Bitching just like a little brat"

Tornado: "What did you say you, little twerp?"

Bleak: "Aren't you little to-"

[Before Bleak finished his sentence he was sent hurling the distances]


Bleak: "What's with today and me flying? I mean I like flying but not like this, its too much for my taste"

I say that as I walked out the ruble once again

Bleak: "Hey Tornado why don't you become my woman?"

[Tornado was flustered and confused]

Tornado: "Sorry but nobodies like you, don't even deserve the chance of speaking to me"

Bleak: "Ho? what do I need to do, to be able to speak to you?"

Tornado: "Maybe when you are strong enough to beat me then maybe"

Well that's a fact as I am now I know I can't beat her, I mean she freaking lifted the whole city

Tornado: "If that's all bye I have better things to do"


[Tornado looks back]

Tornado: "Hmph"

Gosh what a moody girl, but she is still worth it, I don't think I can ever trust another girl again apart from her, hmm? why you ask, well it's because of her past

right now I am walking back to the orphanage and well how do I say this, there is nothing

No, No, No, I am not joking there is literally nothing here

That isn't possible


I started digging through the rubles and my nails breaking my hand bleeding and healing repeatedly as I start reminiscing how these past few years have been

---9 years earlier---

I was finally one and I could walk it was great because now I can flip the books faster and carry stuff easier plus I don't need my diapers to be changed anymore I mean seriously it was a horrible experience not having control over anything.

One time I was reading a book another kid the same age as I came towards me but of course, we couldn't speak properly, but he kept on following me when I am reading, he copies me when I am walking he follows me if I use the potty(don't judge) he copies when I bath he is always there with me

I mean it was fine it was like I had a little minion, this then carried on till we were 5 and then we were really good with our speech, after all, we did spend most of our time reading so he would, of course, learn quicker since he was a baby and babies learn quicker and stuff, apart from that everything was fine

I still didn't know his name until one day when we were reading

Kai: "Hi my name is Kai"

Bleak: "mine is Bleak"

We shook hands and continued our reading

Bleak: "Why do you still follow me, I mean by now you should be able to think for yourself"

Kai: "How could you say that we are friends right?"

Bleak: "When did I agree to that?"

Kai: "Oh cmon in this entire orphanage no one is well your friend and with your skin color they are mostly scared of you and your glowing eyes doesn't help too"

Bleak: "Yeah that's good for me, I don't want some noisy kids screaming and crying next to me plus I don't need friends"

Kai: "Well I'll still be your friend whether you like it or not you are my friend"

Bleak: "Yeah whatever, you suit yourself"

And so we kept on reading for the whole day and had some light conversations about the books we read and then went for dinner

Kai: "Who knew that it takes so much effort to make something like a pen"

Bleak: "With the machines nowadays it isn't that much, you are just lazy"

Kai: "hey can you blame me? I just want a peaceful yet fulfilling life"

Bleak: "Ha sorry buddy but this world isn't for you then"

Kai: "Huh? what does that mean?"

I just laughed as we walked downstairs from the library and went to the common area it was a wide space with a giant carpet filled with toys and kids all ages from 1 to 16 the 16-year-olds were on the couch some making out and some on their phones

One of the 9-year-olds stood up and came towards me and Kai

Kai: "Ugh its Kane again, Bleak just ignore him"

Bleak: "you don't need to tell me that"

Kane: "Hey it's the freak boy again"

Bleak: "...."

Kane: "What you ignoring me huh? you little shit!"

Kai: "Why don't you go pick on someone your own size Kane"

Kane: "What did you say do you want a beating or something?"

Bleak: "Kai lets go"

I don't have time to mess around with a 9-year-old its just too stupid

As I was about to walk away I was pushed and I fell down, now don't get me wrong I might be a different race but I don't have the strength to fight a 9-year-old my strength right now is able to fight multiple 7-year-olds, not 9 I can put up a fight but the result will end the same

I stood back up and carried on walking but this time I was grabbed by 2 people one on the left one on the right and pinned me to a wall, everyone apart from Abby saw this and did not apart from Kai

Kai ran up and punched one of the 9-year-old but as you can guess it did nothing much but it greatly surprised me cause all the times I have known him he was always lazy, never really done much apart from following me but he stood up for me right now

Kai: "Run Bleak I will hold them off for you"

Then just as Kai was about to hit the other 9 years old he got a straight punch towards the face the impact was so strong and loud that everything went silent and I was once again pinned to the wall forced to watch everything

Kane: "So what are you doing Kai? can't you see how different he is from us, maybe he is a monster or a villain are you going to let him walk around like he is better than us, we need to make sure he knows his place"

Kai: "Shut up Bleak is my friend and he isn't a monster"

Kane: "Kai, Kai, Kai -Shakes head left to right- looks like I need to teach you a lesson too because it seems that monster has been messing with your head"

Kane then punched Kai in the face again, Kai fell to the ground but Kane followed it up with a kick to the stomach which made Kai spit blood from his mouth, but that didn't make Kane stop he kept on kicking Kai over and over again till I finally had enough all Kai tried to do was protect me even though I didn't ask him to


I got pissed I stomped the 9-year-old to my right on his toes and when he let my arm go to care for his toes I punch the other one to my left in the face I made sure to aim for his nose and he then let go to block but failed to cause my punch landed and I quickly twisted my body and spun 180 degrees to kick the one on my right in the head who was still caring for his toes after that I went back to the left one who was still caring for his nose, I didn't waste time I kicked him right in the balls and when he fell to the ground I jumped up locked in my right leg as I raised it high and extended it right in the forefront of his face which sends him flying backward crashing into the ground knocked out

I then quickly ran toward Kane who was about to kick Kai in the stomach again I jumped up and placed my left leg vertically aim at his face straight and my right l leg underneath but bent yes it was a karate kick, I smashed into him with my left foot still on his face I then pushed my self upwards into the air and set my right foot aiming straight at his body and let gravity do the rest, at the end of it all I was the only one left standing

That's when Miss Abby came back from her shopping and saw me standing in the middle of the fallen kids she looked mad and walked straight to me and slapped me in the face and shouted at me


Bleak: "Tch"

I kissed my teeth as I went up to my room well me and Kai's room

While I was on my bed I was thinking about how stupid Kai was he could have just left me and then saying stupid shit like I was his friend I told him I wasn't his friend but that little bastard---

[Bleak was on his bed crying with tears streaming down his face but he didn't make a single sound]

[Bleak was asleep when the door to his room opened and someone came into the room]

---Abby Pov---

I can see Bleak is asleep I can't believe I hit him without understanding the situation

I then walked into the room he was in and I felt even worse, on his pillow I can see that it was wet and his eyes still had drops of tears on them

I caress his hair as I apologized to him

Abby: "What a wonderful child you are even when you try to do the right thing it still backfired and I made it worse by jumping to conclusions, Kai told me what happened and I still can't believe you've been going through such harsh bullying"

And to make matters worse I actually thought the same as those other kids, I couldn't understand you and the fact I saw Kai beneath you made me lose focus of what actually happened I went with my suspicion thinking that you were evil and ungrateful to even harm your own friend that has been with you since you were one, how ridiculous of me to call myself a caretaker

I didn't even notice that I had tears streaming down my face, I kissed Bleak on the forehead and left after tucking him in

[but what Abby didn't notice was that Bleak was actually awake to hear and see her crying]

---Bleak Pov---

I woke up in the morning and walked downstairs to the common room but as I walked by they threw things at me and called me names but I didn't care as I walked to the dining room for breakfast and there I saw Kai he looked better well apart from the bandages he looks normal

Kai: "Didn't know my buddy was such a fighter"

Bleak: "Whose your buddy, you didn't even last 2 seconds against them"

Kai: "What I thought I won didn't you see my awesome punch on that other guy?"

I punched Kai on the shoulder with my head held down and my fist still on him I said

Bleak: "don't ever do that again, when the situation doesn't look good run and go get help, you can't do something so stupid next time"

Kai then stood up and turned to me and flicked my forehead

Bleak: "Ow what was that for"

Kai: "Now if that was someone else in trouble I would have ignored it, I mean you know me right? the lazy guy but my best friend was in trouble if it means I would die I will still fight"

I couldn't help my self as I started crying, in my past life I was used to getting bullied, name-calling, and beatings, but never once did I have a friend who would say this to me now don't get me wrong I tried to make friends but they all almost died so they would later on turn against me and make my life miserable but this...this was different as I was streaming tears down from my eyes as I said

Bleak: "Dummy when did I move up to best friend"

Then we both laughed

[Somewhere in the future we can see Bleak digging and shouting as loud as he can]


(A/N: Wow that's pretty dark almost made me tear up writing this, I know I am not good at writing emotional stuff but on a scale of 1/10 how good was it 10 being awesome 1 being trash)

(A/N: Sorry guys there is gonna be a slow post for a while since my keyboard decided to stop working on me but lucky me I can borrow my brothers one for 2 hours max kinda selfish but still something right? but don't worry I have ordered a new one so Thursday the 28th is when it's coming so please bare with me and enjoy this chapter since I did make it longer a bit)

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