"Wait a minute...isn't that the guy who tried to fuck with us several days ago??" One of the Vipers said with disgust.
The leader immediately held his hand up - he knew that there would be some level of resistance to this reveal.
"Well he's come to his senses since then and has shown his worth. He has retrieved the necessary materials needed to push production even further." The leader stated.
They all looked at each other for a moment. "You mean...he actually went down into the caves to get more of the alloy?"
The leader snapped his fingers over at the master smith who was situated off to the side. They sat up and walked over to a wall next to where the leader usually sits. He pressed against it and slid it to the side - revealing a hidden entrance.
Zero is in the snake's pit and didn't even know it..
Next chapter, things are about to kick off in a big way!