/ Anime & Comics / Being Myself In Naruto

Being Myself In Naruto Original

Being Myself In Naruto

Anime & Comics 47 Capítulos 1.5M Visitas

3.93 (38 valoraciones)

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A soul who was being experimented with AI chip in his brain. Due to some failure he died.
Reincarnating in the world of Naruto with the advantage of AI.
With his calm and calculated personality watch as he reaches a height that no one in the world has reached.

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own the Naruto Series, nor any of the characters that inhabit it.
I'm writing this just for fun and my grammar is not so good so don't expect much from this.
Book cover pic is not mine I rook it from Google.

P.O. : If you want to write a review atleast read till 20 chapters.

General Audiences


    FLACKO Contribuido 3
  2. Sijo_Appu
    Sijo_Appu Contribuido 1
  3. Daoistrl4n5B
    Daoistrl4n5B Contribuido 1

Estado de energía semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Piedra de Poder

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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The writing quality is good, but the story is completely boring the author doesn't even describe his appearance. The MC's temperament is just boring.

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The writing quality is meh. The story and its progression feels boring with litte to no description of characters or locations, (still dont know what the Mc looks like). Even in most not very well written FFs the readers can still feel alitte of what the authors attitude, what they were trying to portray or what was going through their minds while they wrote. Not with this one. The story leaves you with no clear feelings one way or the other about it. Not outright despising it, but at the same time, not having much of anything good to say about it either. Another drop in the ocean that is Webnovel. One thing positive i will say about the story is the chapters have been nothing short of consistent, which show a degree of dedication from the author, maybe lacking in inspiration and/or experience, but not much else.

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Grammar is bad. Often words are missing to form a proper sentence. The characters are bland and one dimensional. Synopsis of the story was nice but the ai chip is just a system. The story development is forced. World background just gets a 1 of 5 since this isn't the Naruto universe. It's some kind of Cultivation Universe where they absorb chakra around them (wich in naruto only is nature chakra) to form chakra walls(?) above their navel. The timeline is also wrong for example itachi should be the same age (bit younger) than the MC but is already graduated when the MC is 6 and enters the academy. in Canon itachi graduated at age 7.

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LV 14 Badge

1.There are missing words in almost every sentence making it a little difficult to understand at times. 2.The MC's name is TIM in a world where people have Japanese names 3.Everyone is bland and one dimensional

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LV 5 Badge

I felt cheated by the 4+ rating. Very bad grammar and nothing particularly is innovative about the story. Which would be fine for a 3* rating fic.

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Honestly this book is wack ...most of the things here don't even relate to naruto world I recommend you go back and rewatch it from the beginning

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It was an attractive premise but badly done in practice. We have a MC whose name is Tim. We have a different Chakra system. We have power levels like Experienced Chunin or Super Kage.

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The writing feels rushed and if a teacher graded it, it would barely reach the passing grade with each page having at least 10+ grammatical errors "After he finished writing and came behind Sasuke" (Yeah, there is 0% of misinterpreting it)

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Amazing Story Arc seeing the mc' development and rise to power. very entertaining would definitely recommend it. the author did a really good job at handling relationships and balancing power levels. excitedly waiting for the new arc. good job author keep em coming!

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is it going to be harem one say yes. is it going to be harem one say yes. is it going to be harem one say yes. is it going to be harem one say yes.

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his name is tim hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha im sorry im laughing too much, seriously tho i still don't know how he looks like shit story my poop will be better to look at than this

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Over all good. But of is too arrogant. I like confident of not arrogant ones. Also the oc is more like a joke. A lot of people doesn't even knows who he is. And I don't really see the Al anymore. Sometimes it feels boring.Well I hope you can still give your best. 👍

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Absolutely amazing job lads. ................that it mate .....5 star for you. .............................................................

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5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

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more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more

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