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Capítulo 10: Time Passes Favorably

The North. Winterfell. 275 AC-

Seven years had passed. Seven years since the day his brother Benjen was born. Seven years since he turned Wallys into little more than a walking vegetable. Seven years since I killed Lord Bolton. The truth is that seven years ago it was a good time for him if he had to be frank.

Although he was not one of those to surrender to the feeling of rage, anger, revenge and the desire to make suffer if he was one of those to enjoy immensely hurting his enemies. Destroying Lord Bolton turned out to be good. His son Roose had been forced to see how his house did things until he could be appointed lord. Needless to say, he takes advantage of that time in a good way to hurt his enemies.

Taking advantage of Lord Bolton's death caused discomfort in the red alliance. Lord Ryswell was tempted to assume the leading position of the alliance. For seven years the red alliance had been fighting each other for the right to be the leaders of the alliance in question. Nothing and no one could say precisely that the alliance had evolved.

Glover had somehow tried to continue with his sabotage missions of what was Black Wolf Port. Unfortunately for him, the attacks were costing him more men so somehow the lord of the Glovers had brought savages. Cannibals from the lands of the ice river thinking that things could go well.

It wasn't. Lord Glover and his sons were treacherously killed by cannibals and let go. Fortunately, the Forresters found out about it and quickly moved to stop everything by eliminating the cannibals thus discovering a plot of the posthumous Glover house for an attack against the second Stark settlement.

No one could believe it at that moment. But no one could doubt the evidence since many of the heavy forest survivors let them know the truth. Therefore the Forresters ascended to lords of the wolf forest and taking complete control of the area eliminating in the process the Whitehills who tried an offensive maneuver in the process.

The Forresters asked Lord Hariric for help for what was naturally the construction of an important city in the former thick forest seat. Of course he had to be paid but Hariric was not a cruel man and he took advantage of it.

Instead, he completely granted Lord Forrester giving him in a few words ten thousand workers to work on the plans of a new city totally there that would serve for something that he had thought was an absolute priority in the world: paper. They needed paper above all since the use of parchment was becoming completely old in his mind. That's why I was determined to help the forresters.

What was not said is that I also helped them by offering them help for what was the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumes that would be sued by middle and upper class families and of course the ladies and gentlemen of the large families. Of the income of such things, sixty percent a year would be used for five years to clearly pay the Stark house for the construction of the new city.

Although the Forresterrs could have complained, they gave in when Hariric clarified that he would leave him in three years if in return the lands of the ruined Tower became the property of the Stark house, something that anyone would have questioned because they would think they were worthless areas but Lord Forrester willingly accepted for it.

In the seven years that the workers of what was the new city called the Arciano Fortress had passed, it was finished. Ten thousand workers were enough at least in Hariric's mind. What was not said is that these thousands of workers were clearly just people. Hariric had had his umbra completely finish Black Wolf Port considering it of an important level (he needed an important position assured).

He had also begun the construction of the Western Fleet under the command of the new Northern Western Admiral named Jason Snow. The boy was a bastard born of the Manderly family. Although some had been upset by it, Hariric had clearly silenced them, making it clear that appointing any Admiral would put tension between families and at the same time needed someone competent.

Of course this meant that I had to work in the eastern fleet somehow. Something necessary and too important. It was lucky then that an epidemic hit the seven kingdoms. Although most of the kingdoms had a hard time due to the new medications, the North did not go badly.

All of them were the result of the use of the art of alchemy in its most basic form by combining elements that were nothing but that together were a safe cure many reflecting medicines to help with fever, sera, medicines such as penicillin and much more. All this courtesy of the north that he began to sell to Braavos.

Unfortunately Skagos couldn't get out of this. The Skagosi felt the power of the epidemic in their beings. It didn't help those who were also in a nutshell with poor housing conditions and much more.

By 270 the whole island had been eliminated which was somewhat sad. As Lord Stark, he temporarily claimed the island until he found a worthy lord for it. Of course, once again the gentlemen complained about it.

His father at one point called all the gentlemen before explaining once again the vital importance of Skagos that was for the north as his Eastern shipyard but signed a contract together with the hariric himself that no Stark would claim the islands.

With this, the construction of the fleet began in both the west and the east. Hariric's idea was to use the idea of the most modern sailing ships that made the British fleet and the Spanish fleet the largest forces. It was for this that three types of boats were created in mind: brig, frigate and galley.

The three ships had different and unique duties each designed with a completely different plan but at the same time with the expected ideas at least for the Stark house since obviously they were thinking of using them intelligently and not being idiots who dedicated all the navy force to a single objective in the form of Defence. Hell, the Manderly were happy.

Making these boats took time. It wasn't easy. But fortunately they had two good and large shipyards. You could work in the following way. The first was four brigs per shipyard per year. The Bergantines were a key piece. Its speed and manoeuvrability made it an excellent ship for the fast journey from point A to point B so it was its main merchant ship that was the idea behind it.

His work capacity also meant continuous and efficient transport in reality which was good news in Hariric's mind since it meant that the North sold many objects through them but in different ships instead of carrying many goods in one.

Next was the Frigate. Two frigates a year could be produced for each of its shipyards. It had to be understood. The pirates were a fucking nuisance. Hariric needed a powerful marine force capable of destroying and completely destroying an enemy.

That's why the Frigates that had a considerable firepower and at the same time a great speed could finish off large bands of pirates. This had come from pearls because apparently someone had noticed the presence in a few words of trade with Braavos.

It wasn't much since they had to negotiate a solid agreement with them but even so someone had realised the trade with braavos and wanted to exploit it. Hence these great war wolves that were used to end the smaller fleets of insufficient ships.

The last known force in naval terms was the galleon. And let me say one thing. The Galleon was a completely different beast. In the years that had passed the North only had two of them since they were difficult to do of course.

However, when you combine the firepower of the frigates with that of the galleons, they turn it into a power without limits. The Galleons were intended to serve neither more nor less than the defensive marine presence of the ports. Hariric's idea is to end up making there at least four of these monsters that would be able to defend along with the naval defences of the ports against any invasion, which was a good idea.

However, the last element used in the boats was an element used by Hariric creating an element that would be thrown over the whole boat, especially the hull. This element would include the properties of two very special trees. The Arciano was said to have a very long duration above all while Ironwood was as hard as iron.

Using the alchemical process his boats were more durable than anything and this was good for him because he had the firm intention of keeping his ships in perfect condition. He was also aware of the need for his ships to be kept in good condition because naturally if something happened to the ships it was screwed although certainly the pace they had of production was not bad.

Of course, this wasn't the only thing. The Umbra had started working not only on the Cailin Foat that was now called Twin Wolves but also on making the North Channel. The reason behind this is that Hariric wanted to create a way to connect Braavos, Pentos, Myr, Tyrosh and the other free cities with the West or rather interest them in the West.

This at the same time served in an efficient way to earn gold to the future Stark house of the twin wolves since they would be in charge of their administration and complete control. It was all good news and the Umbra were in the process of ending the two miniature cities that were the place since they would only be for a population no larger than one hundred thousand inhabitants which was fine.

While Hariric was thinking about it, a frown came to his face: ned. The last seven years had not been kind to his younger brother. As expected, Jon Arryn had demanded Ned's guardianship at the end of the year of the negotiation and his father had been forced to give in. In secret, many southern lords had laughed. They found it funny to give orders to wolves like dogs.

Hariric clenched his fist angrily at the reminder of his brother being used in such a way. The only thing that prevented going to a complete butcher shop was that the time was still to come.

Unfortunately, the happiness of the lords of the south evaporated as soon as I arrived. He had kindly asked his father to let him deal with Arryn, the reason? In his own words, Jon Arryn was better for him to have a more or less sensible idea that he was about to fuck with the most wrong person of all and that he was neither today nor would he ever be one of those weak petimeters of the south.

That he knew better that the north remembered. His mother and father had wanted to protect him but he made it clear to them that his main mission was to protect his brother now and forever. There was nothing more to wish for in the world.

-Retrospective scene-

"Young Stark, I don't think these measures are adequate. I mean we are talking about a perfectly good partnership if I may say so. By acting the way you are doing it, forgive me if I think you don't feel comfortable.'' Jon Arryn was an older man. He had blonde hair but you could already see his gray hair and he had blue eyes.

The man seemed to be nice. Hard but pleasant. If the man was so nice he would have been able to hide his anger and rage towards Hariric which was something that the young Stark felt strongly from his opponent who was clearly not happy in the least with him although of course he could not blame him because he was getting into his own plans.

"I'm afraid it's necessary. I don't find it very funny that a person I don't know has decided that he wants my brother to become his pupil but above all it bothers me that a man from the south. One of the big houses on top of everything is so determined to call my brother to become a pupil''. Hariric was sitting quietly without showing any feeling. Behind him was his personal guard while behind Jon Arryn were his most loyal knights.

''I understand. And of course I understand. I know the opinion that you lords of the North have about what here in the south some houses call the Game of Thrones but I can fully assure you that it is not the intention of the Arryn house to do anything like this and that in fact I would like to avoid getting children in such unpleasant things''. Jon tried to look kind. He tried to look harmless. In a normal person it would have worked.

"It may seem so, Lord Arryn, but I'm afraid I still don't trust a southerner, so don't blame me when I'm taking action on the matter to make sure that my younger brother and second son of the Stark family receives not only an adequate education but also perfectly safe." Hariric was looking like the typical northerner of going head-on but well that's because it's what was expected of him.

Such a way of seeing North and South relations is what has prompted the King to accept this request. Such distrust. Such a way of seeing the world of the south is wrong. Don't forget Lord Stark that we the lords of the south are the defenders of the cavalry. Honour is as high as our principles and as our duties.'' Jon looked at the boy annoyed. Did he really have such a great distrust towards the south? If so, Jon knew that he had to get rid of Hariric Stark.

"It's not that the south has done much for the North, Lord Arryn. Answer this How many times has it had to be the North that settles the problems of the south? How many times have the Stark house and the northerners been insulted by the southerners? I was in Oldtown a while ago, do you know how they see the Northerners? Like people too stupid to see that our home is not worth shit. That's the opinion of the South of the North.'' Hariric looked at the lord of the eagles with some contempt. Did the man really come to him with the air of trying to allege a nice part of him? How cute and beautiful.

"I understand and even understand your opinion if I am Frank Lord Stark. The opinion of the people of the south, especially from kingdoms as rich and powerful as the lands of the Dominion or as in the West, are that bad but I think they must understand or at least understand anyway that the Stark house should accept a little of an intention to fix this''. Jon had no idea that Hariric Stark had had any contact with the south.

"If you know that I obviously have reasons to think like that then you also know that I have reasons not to want to waste my time or that of my family with a southern kingdom. You can be many things Lord Arryn but even you can't tell me that you offer complete care of my brother for his time here and that he could not be affected by negative opinions from some people.'' It was simple and straightforward. The best way to make it look like naturally Hariric had reasons to take care of his brother.

"The simple fact that you are saying that I would be unable to properly take care of the young man in my charge bothers me young man and I will not have any tolerance for you daring to say such things. You can be the heir of your father and future lord of the North but you will not disrespect me in any way''. Jon couldn't believe the boy's audacity. How dare he? How dare he even think that he could somehow question it?

"I'm just being a worried big brother and I'm not doing anything illegal and neither is the Stark family. In case you haven't noticed, according to the law, any child sent to foster outside the home can always have a security force of up to seven men with him. Seven men that I took the diligence to choose above all for the good of my brother Mr. Arryn''. I honestly felt that Arryn's stupidity must be contagious. It's the only thing that explained his reasoning that he could make demands as if nothing.

"However, when you act in such a way, the only thing you are doing is to convey that you do not trust the person you are dealing with, young Stark. What other message would you send with this action? You are establishing that in no way do you trust my qualities and you do not trust me to take care of my position either. Jon knew that Stark had reasons not to trust him afterwards.

''Don't come to me with those Lord Arryn. According to the history of the Stark house with the Arryn house we have always had differences. Waiting for a Stark to trust all things in this would mean in a nutshell that you call us stupid. We don't forgive or forget, or should I remind you of a certain incident when it was a scheduled wedding between Arryn and Stark?''. Hariric looked without any pause at the man who was trying to manipulate his brother.

"That was in the past. A past in which the Stark house filled its hands with blood with people from the Andalusians. As I think you will be able to understand, we Arryns have become calmer about it. However, I have to start questioning the Starks if you are their heir''. Jon knew that the scandal he was referring to was the death of the Stark girl. That was a bad move in his opinion.

"Are you really saying that? Are you seriously indicating that it is the Stark house that is not leaving the past Lord Arryn? Well, since you're kind enough to remind us all of the past, let's make things clear: it was a girl. A harmless girl who didn't hurt him. The case and the point is that a Stark girl died at the hands of your family and we did not receive compensation. There was no punishment. It was swept as if nothing had happened. It's not a question of remembering the past. It is a matter of remembering that we live with our actions and more those of us who defend a name''. Hariric could see where he was going with this issue.

"If we go back in the past, would you like to remember Theon the bloody wolf? If you are going to bring the past to light young Stark, keep in mind that we are both very involved too and that the hands of both families are stained with blood''. Jon smiled thinking that he had beaten the boy.

'If you are going to compare an innocent girl being murdered in your main fortress under your care and everything with a man who was waging a war against a foreign culture that was determined to tell her how she should live life then you are more blind and makes me consider even more leaving my brother in the care of a man who clearly seems very eager to deal with my little brother''. Hariric could clearly see Jon Arryn shaking now.

Jon growled but unfortunately he had to grant it to Hariric Stark. Comparing the death of a girl who was supposed to protect and care for with what was basically war was not only incredibly stupid but idiotic.

He had used the worst possible examples and if he tried to say something to save face nothing would come out of this because in the end he had established that the worst thing they had done was Theon Stark. The truth is that he had to admit to himself that he was incredibly stupid on his part and he could see the boy clearly enjoying the damn victory at that moment. The boy was more dangerous than I had ever believed.

"I apologise for comparing the moment and you're right. I have let the heat of the moment cloud my judgement in the worst possible way and therefore I have made a completely silly comment. Comparing a girl's life and war is not the same.'' Jon was starting to hate the brat. Not only for his intelligence although it was a point. It was because I had basically forced him to admit that the Arryn house had screwed up so big that there weren't many solutions about it.

''And as a member of the Stark house I accept it. But as you can see, I have a reason. I have a reason based on a precedent made by the Arryn family itself. I know your family's reputation. Honourable. Knights. But at the end of the day if at one time they were able to kill a girl, who tells me that they will not be able to kill my brother?''. And period. Settled the topic of why his brother would have seven guards with him in the Nest.

"I suppose your reason is justified young Stark although I would like to point out that a little more faith in the Arryn house would have been welcome. During the last three hundred years the Arryn house has done everything possible to recover the honour of an action like that and I feel that at least they deserve a little care for their actions.'' Trying to appeal to what the actions that were here were something that could be done. Of course I knew that the chances of it working were low.

"It is out of respect for the last three hundred years that I have granted such a thing and I have not gone nor my father appealing that there were more possibilities as my brother falling under the teaching of Lord Tywin Lannister who is the hand of the king or as for example Lord Baratheon himself who is also a great man. And don't say it couldn't have been done, you know what could have happened to us, using that particular example.'' Hariric smiled when he saw Arryn's pale face.

"I see. I guess then what they say is true. The North remembers. Anyway, why those men? I didn't see any family banner so forgive me if I think somehow that it's almost as if it seemed that the Stark house was trying to send simple guards as guardians of his second heir''. The key word is that I was looking for something to exploit in all this since if they were simple guards they could be bought somehow. Everyone has a price, at least that's what he thought.

''The reason for the selection of these guards is simple. As children of a great man, the children and members of other houses hope to gain some kind of sympathy in some way. They think that by trying to flatter a member of our family they will win. I don't want to turn my brother into a spoiled brat. The north is a hard land and my father agreed that ned needs a hard hand''. It was that simple. All the selected guards were not only for being intelligent but also sensible people who were not afraid to teach with blood and make sure that the lesson entered the clear mollera.

'I see, although I apologise if I feel that he seems a little more than aggressive on his part. I don't want to point out anything or seem like I'm getting into the affairs of another house but I find it hard to believe that you agree with your brother going through such hard tests. He's just a child after all and I think he deserves a slightly more pleasant life.'' And here was something he didn't like. If what this boy said was true, these guards would be tough and even serious with him, could he exploit him in some way?

"As gentlemen, the nobles have obligations. I am a very serious believer that we are in the highest and highest position, not for the simple fact of being nice and kind guys. But we are in the highest position because we are the ones who will do the work. My brother can't learn that between soft and soft sheets. He needs to have a life in which they show him that he must earn everything. Because if it's not like that then it won't be anything or nobody in truth.'' Not to mention that Ned needed to have a sharp mind.

"And do you think that these harsh men will be able to teach and educate him in this method? I'm sorry if I find it hard to believe and in reality I even consider it more an exaggeration than anything young Stark. Why don't you think I would be able to give him the same education myself anyway?''. Jon hoped to be able to get the boy out to say something that he could exploit in some way. A painful and harmful point in some way.

"I have never said that you were not competent or capable. I've heard of you, Lord Arryn. He is known as a worthy leader capable of managing people and manoeuvring them to meet the demands of all, in this way maintaining his stable kingdom. An excellent way to operate if I may really say so. But at the same time you run a different kingdom from ours. The North only respects the strongest unfortunately''. It was true. Jon Arryn reminded him of the policy of Albus Dumbledore.

"I see so you consider that my teaching method is not so bad in reality. It's good to know. However, I suppose that the harshness with which you want to teach your brother comes with a reason that will be more than justified in some way and in fact you will have an example from the south that will serve for such a thing''. Jon spoke more to himself.

"Lord Arryn I think the best reminder of this is neither more nor less than Aegon the fourth also called the unworthy. There have been bad kings. There have been terrible gentlemen. There have been brutal traders capable of anything to make a profit but I think there is no one much worse than Aegon Cuarto''. And it was true. In his mind to use that king was rather to say what in no way should be used by anything in the world. In his mind Aegon the fourth was the living example of what happens when you don't put a prince in his place and you educate him seriously.

"Well, I guess there is no better example, although I have to say that it is a very hard example. I guess then I can say that your justification is very accurate.'' Jon Arryn growled internally. The boy had chosen precisely a more than justified reason. How could you tell him not to be harsh when the example was clear?

"And also Brandon the Burner. Aegon I have used it as a reason to say that when someone gives you everything you are unable to grow as a person. On the other hand, Brandon El Burador was the greatest example of an idiot who acted brainless just because he didn't like one thing. Whether we like it or not, we all have memories in our blood that we want to forget. I say that forgetting them is an idiot because it means that you don't learn from it''. The past is for learning.

''I see. It is a most unique way of thinking. Most gentlemen like to say that their houses are immaculate and above the others but seeing someone say that it is not so is completely surprising and I think that explains even more why you want these so-called subordinates here but that does not explain the presence of Branda Stark among those present''. Because that was the biggest threat. One that had to be treated.

'The reason is simple Lord Arryn. Although you can teach my brother how to be a gentleman when it comes to politics and administration and his guardians train him in certain ways being a Stark is something that only a Stark can teach another Stark. So that's why I decided to ask for a favour and my aunt completely agreed with it.'' It was so simple that it really seemed like a joke. But I could see Jon Arryn dissatisfied with what he was saying.

''I see. However, how do you expect a woman to be able to teach a man about the family?''. Jon, however, looked down when he realised once again the error of his comment. There was a very common saying. The women of the north were as hard as steel, as strong as the best sword and so intelligent because they survived in the hardest land. I couldn't deny that what that saying said was true.

"My reasons for including my aunt are simple. My aunt is doing nothing. With her husband dead, the title of lord of the house of Rogers de Amberly will go to her nephew. With nothing to do, she asked to return to the North. I accepted the family with open arms and well seeing this we decided that the most sensible thing was obviously to put her in charge of my younger brother's education''. It was the smartest and at the same time it was something that would give a purpose to the woman.

''I see. So all this is simply concern for a member of your family. I'll say well, I guess I have no choice but to accept this. Now, as for the education of the young ned, does he really have to return to the North at the age of sixteen? I don't know if in such a short time I will be able to transmit all the education that I think he might need.'' Jon was unhappy. With the presence of the Stark woman it meant that the child would not grow up with him.

"Lord Arryn I understand your concerns but I think you must understand that the Stark house is in need of all its members. My brother Ned will have to finish his education at that time. I know it may seem like a complete exaggeration but it is more than anything a necessity of the North. That's why we ask you for such a thing. However, we both know that he also has his hands very tied with Robert Baratheon''. Hariric smiled when he saw the grimace on Jon Arryn's face.

''I see. In that case I willingly accept that the Stark house requests the recovery of his member at the age of sixteen. I would also like to point out a very...interesting point. I would like to open doors for the possible negotiation of a marriage contract either between a woman from my kingdom or possibly intercede in one with some notable family''. Jon knew it was a scandalous request. However, the icy look he received was something he had never felt in his entire life.

"Lord Arryn although I understand that as a teacher and gentleman I could look for a possible partner for my brother I think it is my duty to make it clear to him that the position is alone and nothing more than for my family to choose a possible partner for my sister. However, if she finds a possible candidate, she will be introduced to Branda Stark so that she can decide what to do with her of all things.'' The best thing, however, was the man's daring to say that he wanted to marry his brother without asking his parents for permission to arrange that marriage union. The man was cheeky.

"Of course, my apologies, I said something wrong. I meant to find him a possible partner. What better way to cement a powerful alliance between the Stark house and the valley than a marriage? But it was never my idea of forcing marriage or anything like that.'' Jon growled. I had made another mistake. How was it that I was committing it?

"Your apologies are accepted Lord Arryn but I will have to let my parents know of your intention. You can't arrange any marriage and even less one that is as valuable and remarkable as this one between two people and even more so if one of them is my brother without my parents' permission. It would be bad since my mother would think that someone was taking her child out without her permission in a marriage that she would possibly not accept. It was well known that his mother was the one who would look for future marriages and his father had not said anything.

''Of course now young Stark I have to end this meeting with all this agreed. I hope that the union and the solution of the conflicts between the valley and the north has been completed with our agreements since I am looking forward to the future in a brighter way.'' Jon smiled even though inside he wasn't happy. His plan wouldn't turn out as he had thought. Could he find a way to manipulate the Starks? Yes. I could do it. After all, they were northerners.

"Yes. Although it hurts me to separate from my brother myself if I have to be frank I am able to recognise my brother's potential to be taught by you Lord Arryn. However, as I said, my brother will not be spoiled because that will not do him any favour. This is the way of the North. The best steel is the one forged in the wells of hell, it has always been like this.'' Hariric accepted that the meeting was completely over but he was happy because he had taken out in a few words everything he wanted from this meeting.

Jon Arryn saw the boy leave and growled. His plans were in danger. Honestly, some would question his plans but it was all for the benefit of the kingdom. The Targaryen had proven to be an unworthy family at best this was not because of the point that they were valyrios but because of all the problems they brought. They had to be removed. If he wanted to succeed, he had to create a powerful alliance. With the Starks, his own house and the Baratheons there would be a lot of strength on his side at least that was his thought. But this child was a credible threat if I had to be honest and I didn't know exactly how to treat him but one thing was clear: I couldn't leave him alone.

-Present Time-

Hariric smiled remembering Jon Arryn's look. The man's plan had been so simple and straightforward that some would call it a joke. Step one to turn Ned into his pupil clearly using the ambitions of the current king to further promote the alliance from north to south. Clearly it is something well thought out and could have been successful since his father Rickard could have been consumed by the pain of his mother's death.

Ned could have felt belittled by his family by establishing an emotional bond with Jon Arryn. A good plan. It only had one flaw and that is that that would be bad for the North. Ned would have grown up with beliefs of honour above all and little more than a brainless military man.

The next step in Jon Arryn's plan was that he expected Ned to go on his way like a good sheep. A good subordinate who would fulfil his orders without more. Ned would have grown as little more than a tool. By being despised by his father and forgotten by his family, he would have established a brotherhood relationship with Robert Baratheon and a father-and-son relationship with Jon Arryn.

Then Jon Arryn could have manipulated and used it as he wanted for the simple fact that the child was easy to use. All once again caused by a ladder of movements created neither more nor less than the actions of his mother's death and well the broken heart of his father without Ned realising all the cunning manipulation of the situation.

With Ned like this I would have given way to point number three of the plan. Marriages. Plural. To ensure the work of said plan of a powerful alliance Jon would have pulled the strings to marry Ned to a girl easy to manipulate, deceive and of firm convictions considering many below her. That is to say, a girl with firm Andalusian conditions.

And then he would have created a marriage for his sister with Robert Baratheon. Both marriages aimed to tie the north to the south completely since it was well known that he would have cared immensely about his brothers above all. He would not have given in in the least in what was to leave his brothers in a bad place.

But saying that every plan fails in contact with the enemy and it was very true with his unique presence since his presence completely altered Jon Arryn's plan. It had not been difficult for him to discover that Jon Arryn had actually had his own team to eliminate his mother. His mother was his father's heart and as the saying goes, she attacks the heart and destroys everything.

Arryn's plan was to destroy Rickard to basically make it easy for the family to collapse at least that was the plan at one point. He found out that the Boltons were behind it and let them operate. His failure had made him unhappy. But hariric had eliminated the team by blaming them for trying to kill their mother during childbirth.

The next point that hit him was the guard he sent and his aunt. The guards were basically all people who knew or understood the law of basic survival. The deception. Betrayal. The manipulation. They lived by the saying that if something was good, look at it very carefully. They taught Ned this lesson and taught it quite well making sure that Ned had to walk with eyes with pleasant words and with people who seemed to have an interest in him.

That he could only trust those he knew could not exploit him in some way, so basically Ned's trust in Jon Arryn went down the drain with ease.

Added to that the guard he sent next to Ned was crushing all notions of chivalry and honour. Although honour was important as it was important to keep the word above all since the word of a nobleman was the most valuable thing he had, they made it clear to him that he had to take into account any measure to protect what mattered most: his family.

When he was a lord his priority was to protect his family since they would be the target of any enemy if he really wanted to have a chance to see his family live he had to make it clear to everyone that he was not someone to be played in any way. A little brutal but he did the job since Ned learned that. He was a wolf above all.

The next point was that he was taught about true administration. Since he wouldn't be a great lord, he didn't have to juggle with the people around him or with vassals. His job was to make his future fiefdom flourish no more and no less. Of course Jon tried to teach him about reasons and facts that were good but at the same time deficient and even more so in a kingdom like the North.

After the guard found out about it, they sent him a report and Hariric responded by sending important and valuable books to Ned on several points: administration, psychology, economics and politics. Needless to say, Ned was more cunning than anyone realised.

The last addition of the guard was to train Ned in the art of combat. Hariric had no problem with the fight of the Westeros style but Hariric's style was based on a more open style. Long ago he had designed a style that was basically built to destroy the opponent.

An enormous force behind an ability beyond remarkable. For this, Ned had to be physically trained on the ground, teach him to think and above all condition his perception of space to be able to fight efficiently against anyone as well as an analysis. The good thing about this is that Ned was cunning and knew that demonstrating his skill was an idiot.

Then Branda finished. As a lesson, he was taught that the Stark family was a family of firm ideals in their plans and intentions. To begin with, family is the first and most valuable thing. Family above all always has to be something appreciated and respected above all. Of course, Ned was always in it.

With a treatment like the one he had received from his parents and his older brother Ned Stark was infinitely loyal to the family above all knowing that the family survives only when it is united and that separated are an easy target for those who wanted to hurt them.

The next thing that was clearly taught to Ned was that the Starks, although they were a peaceful family, were a concise family. They didn't believe in the southern custom of taking hostages. If they had an enemy, they annihilated it. They didn't leave a piece with anything and frankly hariric was surprised that one of the things that Jon had above all tried to put in Ned's head is that the concept of hostages was useful.

Fortunately, with the help of his aunt, he could see the defect of said plan since although a hostage could be useful, it did not have to mean that it would be efficient since they would basically have an internal agent within their ranks willing to betray them at any time. It's better to end up with a family in case of flies.

Another point that was obviously affected by what Branda herself was is what was expected of a woman from the south. Intelligent families sought to educate their daughters to seduce their husbands and turn their heirs into game pieces that would be loyal to the mother's family.

Of course this had never been a problem to the North but that would change once the wealth of the North is known so obviously he was informed that first of all he had to walk with a lot of eye and if he got married they would have to send a message that the house of the south would not have any power in the family in any way.

Branda also had to hit a lot the way Robert Baratheon tried to drag Ned into a life of decadence. Although Branda had nothing against a man having relationships, it is clear that his life was much more than debauchery. They were Stark. They were at the top for a reason. And they had to fulfil it above all so as is natural Ned knew several things: drinking a lot is bad, sleeping with anyone is wrong and those who think that way are idiots. So let's say it this way, although he appeared to have a cordial relationship with Robert, he didn't see him with good judgement.

Leaving that thought aside, Hariric looked at a report on his table that had a satisfied smile. I had always believed that the difference in a war is quality, not quantity. Between the quality of the troops and the quality of the material used as well as the more advanced weapons used, Hariric believed that the victory of one side was above the others, so it was in this way that he basically started working on how to create a permanent army.

Having basically used what was the reason and excuse of the attacks against them, Hariric convinced of the creation of the military forces of the North: The Winter Legions. Hariric smiled thinking about it since it had been a considerable effort on his part. Fortunately there were good pros. Thanks to the production of food in high quantities that they were having, it was basically easy to have food.

That would mean that the population level in the north was growing. This was also good because with an increase in population growth he could divide the population into different groups that would be efficient at least in Hariric's mind they would be for the work of the North anyway. That was his personal opinion and well so far he had not changed in any of the ways.

To build the population and army he had commented that they could perfectly go to three camps. The number one field was the orphanages of each city of Westeros and the free cities. Children are a key piece of what is in short the future of each camp because it was easier to put what was necessary: physical and mental training. That's how the process began. Of course, convincing young people that they could become officers and soldiers as well as doctors, I need a little motivation. Without counting on the small salary, so there was the advantage that Hariric believed in the process of giving them more possible futures.

The truth be told is that it was possibly one of the hardest negotiations of his entire life in reality. It was not at all easy to argue with the point that many gentlemen would feel that it was an offence of some kind to put small or bastards in command of the army. Hariric could perfectly remember the day he brought this discussion to light.

Retrospective Scene-

"You can't be serious, kid. Such an opinion is less than sensible. Putting children of not noble blood as army officers seems to me a complete waste of time and also a waste of what is clearly the positions. If they are our soldiers we should send them ourselves''. The lord to speak was Lord Umber. His son Jhon was there. However, Jhon at the age of fourteen did not look annoyed in the least.

"Lord Umber, I think that before saying anything I should think carefully about what he is telling me. I don't take it for someone to tell me or talk to me as if they somehow thought that I'm just a little kid who obeys others''. Hariric Stark at the age of fourteen was dressed in simple and simple clothes enjoying some of his Whiskey.

"I don't give a shit what a little kid who isn't old enough to have been between a woman's legs is going to tell me. What you are telling us is that we must put our men basically under the care of a single house and at the same time wait for them to obey orders without further ado''. Lord Umber looked at the child with disdain. He wasn't going to deny that he had contributed a lot to the north but the way he acted reminded him too much of a southern pussy.

"Lord Umber hasn't even let me explain the idea behind my plans and is simply telling me that he doesn't agree for some reason. Frankly, the only thing I'm seeing is a worthless piece of meat whose greatest merit was to be born of an important family in the North and only complain for complaining''. Hariric honestly felt no sympathy for the man.

"Do you dare, brat? I don't care if your father is the fucking king of the north or whatever, dare to talk to me once again in the tone you've been using and I'll hit you so close to death that your Stark ancestors will repudiate you''. Lord Umber would have said more if it weren't for the fact that Hariric got up faster than anyone else spoke and hit his face right against the hardwood of the table without hesitation. You could perfectly hear the sound of the nose breaking.

"I don't give a fuck what you think but when I talk YOU LISTEN! I may not be Lord Stark. I may not be the lord of the north. I'm just Lord Stark's son but if there's something I think everyone should understand is that my father wouldn't call this meeting just like that so think twice''. Hariric growled angrily at the mere adacation of the idiot who was Lord Umber.

All the members of the room shuddered. Among the members were Lord Manderly, Lord Forrester, Lord Mormont, Lord Reed, Lord Umber, the Lords of the two houses of Flint, Lord Dustin, Lord Tallhart and Lord Cerwyn. Now the Winter alliance was bigger and more numerous but even more important it was being more productive than ever.

"Now my father has given me permission to address each of you. Each one of this table is an adult man or woman with skills more than able to listen. If you are okay with just shouting, get up from this table and turn your back on the family that is doing everything possible to give you more power, to give you more advantages and to make your life easier. But if you get up, it's over. The Stark house will never support you again because once I become Lord Stark I will not have any good thoughts of those present''. Hariric spoke seriously and noticed that all the gentlemen stood firm.

The Flints had recently united since Hariric had offered them the means to grow Grapes in the case of Cape Kraken Flint or that he was using the land of the Flint house of the widow's watchtower to place what would be special greenhouses for the production of tea, coffee, cannabis (but very altered by Hariric himself) and cocoa. And that was earning them a lot of money.

Each lord of the room shrank. They had never thought that there would be such a will in young Stark. Although some of them wanted to mention some things, the point is that none of them could deny Hariric's words. He wasn't lying. They hadn't let him speak just by accusing him and bothering him. As is natural, the boy had the full right to feel annoyed by the way he was treated and more when everyone was seeing a bloom in what was the point of being richer than before.

Well, now that we have determined that you are going to listen to me and you are not going to yell at me in any way, I hope we can get to work on what really matters. Lord Umber raised the question that I am an idiot for thinking that you should tolerate such a thing. I want to hear in a civilised way what you think because we are not fucking savages''. Hariric looked at everyone present with a clear message that he was willing to listen but as long as things were put in a good direction.

"I think Lord Stark's biggest fear is that according to what he is saying he wants to create a professional army. Let's start with it if I may say so. At the same time the creation of a professional army is not only not cheap but at the same time it is a complicated job not to say the search for leaders but let's start with the mention of money''. Wyman Manderly knew how to recognise in Hariric that he was waiting for his lords to behave in a more or less civilised way, which should actually be possible. But at the same time I could see that the boy could lose patience.

"Well, let's start with it. As I think we all know, we are seeing many new products. The new food produced by each of you will be sold. We are selling a multitude of our food not only to Essos but in the future we will start with what is the sale to the entire south which if I may say so will give us great income so I think that will answer in a few words the money''. Hariric could see the grimaces of some of those present but none could deny that it was no less true.

"Please, young Stark, I think we all deserve to at least receive more or less a report of what you are thinking of doing. We are adult men and women after all and we are more than capable of doing the calculations ourselves if I may say so.'' Manderly as the most merchant of the gentlemen had an idea more or less but he could see the teasing of his fellow lords. Idiots. If they continued on this same path, they would anger the Stark house in the worst way.

"Well, I think it's fair. As I think everyone knows, I buy a considerable amount of the cultivation elements of each of the houses: potato, sugar cane, grapes, cocoa, cannabis, herbs, wheat and more. In return I pay that a fifth of the money earned with the final product goes to the houses of which I buy for the product obtained''. It was a fifth part because he was using his land and workers while it was four fifths because he got the product, he got the greenhouses so that they could work in any case, he got the work equipment and he sold it no more and no less. Every gentleman could see that he was right.

"And we have all seen a considerable increase. I think only Vodka is giving great results but Winter wine, Fire Whiskey, Brugal Rum, sake and the spices obtained are generating a considerable amount of gold but well, why can't the Stark house be the one that pays for this army?''. Wyman knew it was an exaggeration. It was the Stark house that was producing everything. If they asked young Stark to continue at this rate, the lords would only be a memory of the past with young Stark taking complete control of everything.

"If what you are saying is that the Stark house is the one that is obviously with this then it would mean that only the Stark house would have authority in the Winter legions. Because if I have to support the soldiers and at the same time pay for their food and much more then forgive me but what the fuck do you think you're doing demanding shit from MY soldiers?''. Hariric looked at each and every one of the gentlemen.

Rickard Stark was watching everything from his seat while each gentleman looked at him clearly waiting for an answer of some kind and even hoping that he would say something to his son in some way so that they would see us in a bad way. Hariric looked at his father who just looked calmly.

''I don't know why you look at me. Hariric's words are no less true. If it is the Stark house that is going to take care of the expenses of the armed forces of the north then only the Stark house will have some voice and vote in the armed forces neither more nor less so do me a favour and continue there. I'm not at all happy about the idea of my son saying that he wants to have to negotiate with my gentlemen when MY word should be quite a bit.'' Rickard manifested a little of his pure Stark presence. It was something he had learned since apparently the skin changers could make their presence felt in a terrifying way, even managing to include the presence of the animals they had dominated.

'It was never the intention of any of the members of this room to make him feel so Lord Stark but well I think we all had our point of expressing an opinion. However, it is good to know that Lord Stark is willing to do such a thing. Now I think we should talk about the point of how exactly he intended to at least keep those soldiers well paid because I don't explain it''. Wyman shuddered. Lord Stark was more imposing than ever.

"Good. My intention is to devote a fifth of the money collected from the gold profit to what was all the trade created by the North. When we do this we have to keep in mind that at the moment we are only selling to Essos and we still have to do a good business with Braavos since I intend to sell through them to the rest of Essos if I have to be frank since I prefer not to expose our men''. When hariric explained this, he earned a look of interest from each gentleman.

"I find it hard to believe that you think that you will be able to sell all these materials in such a good way, boy. Although I will not deny that the Vodka that is produced as well as the other drinks are good, let me say that I find it hard to believe that you could reach an agreement with the iron bank to sell all these products in an efficient way.'' Jeor Mormont spoke for the first time in the whole meeting. The old bear looked at the boy carefully. He knew how to recognise a dangerous person when he had him in front of him.

"And that's where you're wrong. First the wine, although it's good, it's expensive. Selling it to each inn costs money. Money that is better to invest in something cheaper such as vodka so only from vodka we will get a considerable amount of money. And the thing is that what diversity means is always a good thing so you can see a considerable increase in the sale of products only in drinks''. And it was true. The wine was good but at the end of the day the point is that people get tired.

"In case the sale of the elements such as spices will raise a considerable increase. The Stark house will see an increase in profits only for that point since naturally spices are something coveted by everyone. Can you seriously say that you will not see an increase in the company of that element?''. Harirc could see each sign of the North looking at him before nodding in agreement.

"And the next point is cocoa and cannabis. Believe me when I say that they are more than efficient and easy to sell if we are able to exploit it. Cannabis is, for example, a medicinal plant that if we are able to sell in large quantities we will see a serious flowering in the North since it will be the mother of a new series of medicines that the North will have complete authority. It was true. The medical effects of cannabis were many. I had certainly had to use magic to make the plant capable of growing in this climate but well it was worth it.

"It's okay, young Stark, it has become clear to me that you have plans that will imply that the North will be stronger. What I'm curious about is why you think we'll need a permanent army of all things''. Jeor was upset the boy had made it clear that he had a reason to do what he was doing and fuck it was a weighty reason if he had to be frank.

'Because at the end of the day the South will think they have a reason or a fucking excuse to get into our business. First they will try to sabotage our merchant navy. If we want to avoid that we need a powerful navy hence the creation of the new ships both merchant and war when the south tries to attack them they will be torn to pieces with the North claiming once again the dominance of the sea as in the times of the great King Brandon the Shipowner''. Hariric could see a confirmation of those present.

"The next point is that we will need a trained navy. Not only merchants who are not fooled by the people of Braavos since they are merchants at heart. We will need sea soldiers to lead the newest ships against the enemy battle. That's why we'll need trained people. Tell me some of you. How many of you have members who would be willing to study and learn about marine warfare, trade and the care of a ship?''. Hariric could see everyone in the room still and silent. They were not happy that a child was reading them the anti-riot act but well if they deserved it it was not their fault in the least.

"Well, that has explained the navy force. But one day the south will say fuck the North and they will attack us with their armies. Have you ever been to the south? Have you dealt with southerners? I'm not going to say they're smart but they have competent fighters. People who have higher numbers. The domain alone has a hundred thousand men. The Lannisters sixty thousand. The lands of the storm another sixty thousand. And so it goes on. In the end they will overwhelm us with the fucking amount. If we want to win, we need efficient soldiers and officers in the army.'' That was a clearly natural concern in Hariric's mind.

"That still doesn't explain exactly why you think the members of our houses won't be competent at work." Lord Tallhart did not speak in a cold voice or reproachfully. I was just pointing out a point, no more, no less.

You could see Lord Umber about to start his idiot comment again when Hariric looked in his direction coldly and the big man shuddered with fear before sitting in his place once again calmly as if nothing clearly wanting to avoid being part of the objective of his gaze.

"I understand. But I've never said such a thing. The Army of the North will need officers and non-commissioned officers. The best of the best. Soldiers who know how to see the terrain and manipulate it at will. Men and women capable of guiding the enemy along the path they want. A true leader is one who is intelligent and is able to manage his soldiers on the right path. I want everyone to look me in the eyes and tell me that their family members are capable of such a thing.'' Hariric looked at each of those present and noticed that none of them dared to answer.

Each gentleman agreed that what Hariric said was true. If the army is run by useless idiots without value, it would not end well at all. With this, however, I did not mean that they were happy in the least. As gentlemen, they liked to think that they were above the little ones. But no lord of the North would go against the boy who was basically leaving them for fools so they shut up and decided to wait until his idea was clearly seen.

-Present tense-

And so the recruitment had begun. With all the young slaves bought in Astapor, Yunkai and Mereen I reach the sum of thirty thousand along with orphans and much more. The training proved to be brutal of course. What surprised people the most is that none of the military service had a name, they were only called recruits.

Hariric used the ruined tower domain to begin the construction of Isengard where exactly what was the academy of officers and non-commissioned officers was placed. Among the soldiers of the whole bunch, those who had better skills in all camps were chosen. It was easily seen in the first year and thus the officers and non-commissioned officers of the northern army were born.

Hariric smiled thinking about the seven legions. The North now had a total of seventy thousand offensive forces without counting the defensive forces that were the Rangers. Thanks to the work that was in a few words the security force of the North in terms of its defences was fine. And that was just as they were. Hariric had spent the last seven years buying more child slaves from the three cities.

What none of the slavers knew is that their gold was not affected only transmuted so the Stark house did not see any defects in reality and since it was not buying immaculate the price was more humane if you could say. This also brought your good news.

Hariric smiled. The last few years had been incredibly good.

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