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36.36% Magus of Primeval Origins Chat Group / Chapter 4: Chapter 3

Capítulo 4: Chapter 3

Their day had been arduous, and Jake was very proud with himself. He had done great, that badger hunting went off nicely, when killing the boar whoever was supposed to lose a leg didn't, and they had found a nice place to camp. Though the bushes could be a problem—eh, better than a cave. In a cave there is only one path. They could get smoked out, or hell if a higher level boar rushed down the passageway they were all dead. 

He was strong for his level, but he was still just a [Human G — lvl 2], and while he was confident fighting off anything below level 10 with Aqua's divine magic. That spell was a thing of beauty, childish, idiotic beauty, but still beautiful. The way it cycled mana into itself self-perpetuating something similar to an infinite purification glitch to create whatever quality of water you need. Or how when the rainbow appeared it had a subtle hypnotic effect that could be manipulated in any number of ways!

He had a spell in mind, something like a sword, or a tentacle—it was a weird idea, but he hoped it worked. Still 5 seconds at most he could hold it, and still that was only using twice purified water. His phone beeped, and the electronic voice of the group chat droned out in his mind, "Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: Red Dragon Emperor GET!" Shaking his head, envy curdled in his gut for an instant. 

The boosted gear was so powerful—wait, oh god he was going to need to kiss up to Rias! Still stealing the Red Dragon Emperor's magic was worth nearly any amount of asskissing. After he found—he almost wanted to say Minaga's Labyrinth, but corrected himself to Villy's. He probably shouldn't be thinking about a primordial like that before meeting him, but eh fuck it didn't matter. Before he found The Malefic Viper's Challenge dungeon from the first era with the ability to truly kill its challengers.

Before he became an Alchemist and started down his path as the Harbinger of Primeval Origins. He almost wanted to leave right now, search for that dungeon. Learn everything the Viper is willing to teach, and SLAUGHTER this entire fucking tutorial for experience. Level up, and keep getting stronger. Learn more magic, fight more worthy foes, become someone truly great. 

Become a rising tide that shall bring earth and the forerunners from it to the very apex of the multiverse and beyond. Turn his little fucking dirt ball into the most important planet in existence. Maybe with this chat group draw on the records of thousands of other earths to empower his own into one mega earth. One earth to rule them all. He grinned, and slipped his phone from his pocket. He was loving camping, more than he ever did on his earth.

This megaforest was beautiful, more shades of green than he could name, more than he had ever seen in a million brilliant shades and hues. His perception might not be anywhere near the cannon Jake, but still with his bloodline he could see so much more. It was beautiful. So vibrant and clear. 

[Magus of Primeval Origins: impressive.]

He nodded, a perfect message. It was impressive even if just rehashing cannon. 

[Magus of Primeval Origins: What are you going to do with the Fallen?]

The idea of testing himself against the fallen angels of god interested him greatly. Learning their holy magic would be a great weapon against anything demonic, and if he could copy their wings and flight magic. Well, that's a bonus. He smacked his lips and stared into the middle distance. Jake knew he wouldn't get exp for killing anything outside of the system's perview, but that didn't make it superfluous. 

Power is not only strength, but the application of it. He could become a master in that application quickly by testing himself against strong opponents. Plus, if a fight was too easy it wasn't a good fight. He wanted to feel that heart beating, blood pumping, violent ecstasy again. To be a blade and wet yourself on your opponents. To be the mountain that breaks your foe's blades, to be their end. To subsume their records and become greater through the experience. 

He was sure that even if he wouldn't get exp his records would be affected. Meaning even if he couldn't raise his level doing the theoretical missions for the chat group, they would serve to raise his maximum level. He could also get vital experience to upgrading his skills so, god was he trying to justify throwing himself into suicidal situations? Jake just tried to calm himself down, he was level 3 not ready for a magical boar much less a Fallen Angel. 

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: It is politically disadvantageous to do anything to them.]

[Magus of Primeval Origins: So what's the verdict? Do they just silently disappear? I hear your fiance might be coming to visit, maybe he could be used to shift blame]

That was his completely blind glance at politics. Jake hadn't in either lives studied politics, but throwing shit at someone until it sticks seems like a decent plan. Ruin Riser's reputation and turn him into the waste of the Phenex, someone that shames their family for existing. Then Lord Shitdick Gremory might think twice about selling his daughter like a slave. Though he doubted it. 

The group continued through the forest, and Jake just stayed back eyes peeled silently conversing with Kauzma about some manga Jake had never even heard about. Then just making off hand comments with his spotty Dragon Ball Z knowledge as Kazuma and Rias compared Draggin Zeez Ballz, and Drag So Ball. Both of them seemed jealous that Jake's version of the show was so clearly superior, and that had him smiling. 

If he could, he'd find a copy after this tutorial, and send it to them. Share the love, share the happiness. The conversation shifted gears as both Kazuma and Rias realized that Jake was a few years into the future. He had sporadic knowledge of anime until 2024, and even then he rarely watched it. Still he regaled them with tales of Rudeus Greyrat and his journey as the most perverted baby in the six faced world. 

He talked about Cid Kagenou and his rise as an Eminence In Shadow, completely dominating the world with overwhelming skill, drive, and delusion. He talked about Sung Jin-Woo and his rise from the weakest hunter to the savior of humanity. From nothing to the Shadow Monarch, and his battle against the other Monarchs. About that white haired guy who wanted to become the best painter—though he only remembered that the title had Blue in it. He almost wanted to say Blue Lock but that is the soccer anime. 

It was a great conversation and by the time he was done the sun had set and they had reached a large clearing to set up camp in. No one handed any camping supplies so the best they could do was a campfire, and still Jake was happy. He had never liked camping in his first life, but here, and now in a magical forest he was hyped. He was surprised he hadn't started singing about it, MAAAGIC! MAGIC! MAGIC! He loved magic more than anything. 

It was a hyperfixation at the expense of nearly everything else. He had read everything about fantasy, read hundreds of Royal Road novels, and loved them all. He had seen the rise of system genre's and read since before Primal Hunter was stubbed. He had tripped down into the basement that is Web Novel reading works like Supreme Magus, My Vampire System, Shadow Slave, and The Mech Touch. Magical forests were better than normal forests because they had MAGICAL BEASTS to kill! 

Watching as a beast wider than he is tall fall to his power and tactics—it sang to him. It was what he lived for, it was everything he had ever wished for and more. To feel his strength grow as his enemies fall, to see actual noticeable growth. It was intoxicating. A drug and he was already addicted. Jake honestly thought that if it would give him enough Exp he would kill the Thane family. 

Sure half of his memories loved them, to half of him they were family, kin, pack. That half was not the dominant in this relationship. Still he wouldn't want to taint his records with random familicide. If he wanted to be the rising tide that lifts all ships he had to uplift those around him. Instead of stomping down he needed to blaze a trail. Why would he do this? It would raise the quality of records of Earth. 

Beyond that it would create more mages, more mages many more unique magic to steal. More unique magic meant MORE MAGIC, and there is never enough magic. Stronger mages mean that there will be more mage-type rewards in system events. It means that more mages will be born in the coming generations, and with them a new generation of magic. Magic to steal, magic to make his own and improve. 

Magic to copy and iterate, and improve, and keep getting better. He wanted-no need to know everything there is to do with magic. Down to every single subatomic particle if possible, to learn every rule of magic, and break them. To grow past rules, to become the rules and change them according to his whims. 

To be god. 

He chuckled, audacious. He finally got his chance. That was all Alexander had ever needed; Jake's life alone was the greatest chance he could ever wish for. The Dimensional Group Chat was just another massive bonus that made him happy as a clam. After a few minutes Casper grabbed his bow and walked off into a corner of the clearing. Knocking the arrow Jake winced at the poor technique. 

You've got to start somewhere. So Jake rose from his seat, and walked across the campsite without bothering to hide his intentions. 


The man looked started, staring across the clearing with something between awe, and the remnants of a good friendship. The man was a little awkward, but then again so was Jake, "I almost went pro in archery, do you want some tips?"

Casper raised both eyebrows and asked, "if you're that good why not choose the Archer class?"

Jake stared into his eyes for a moment before screaming internally. All that happened was the dopiest grin spread across his features and he crooned, "MAGIC! I breathe magic, and while as an Archer magic would be a supplemental part of my kit. I wanted full devotion to the craft. That and either Alchemy or Enchanting if they exist."

He was certainly not going to limit himself to only Alchemy. If Vilastramoz as a beast without any class could become one of the greatest alchemists in existence, then Jake knew he could become an enchanter. Casper just blinked and smiled slightly, "I'd love some help."

So Jake explained everything he knew, how to move your hand to best draw, how to hold your fingers, release, the breathing, and how to aim. By the end he was offered the Teacher profession, but declined it. Same with Enchanting he would learn it until it was included in his profession. That probably being whatever evolution came after Harbinger of Primeval Origins because he was certainly choosing that. He didn't care if it put a target on his back. If you aren't willing to die for your dreams are they worth anything? If you can't give yourself totally to something what purpose do you have?


Alexander had nothing. 

Jake has magic.

That's all that matters.

Time passed as it always does, and yet Jake couldn't bring himself to sleep. Something was wrong, no something would be wrong. Everything was alright, for now, but in minutes or less—they were under attack. He had forgotten about anything like that, still at the edge of his perception an archer lay in wait. Creeping forward surprisingly silent for a heavy warrior, a man stood with sword and shield held aloft. He was dressed in a crudely forged plate that seemed to hamper more than help him. To his side was another medium warrior in chainmail with a longsword held in two hands. 

Jake felt his heart race, felt his face grow warm. Blood rushed to every part of his body as he silently prepared himself for combat. He reveled in battle, in that intoxicating rush of adrenaline and finely directed wrath at anything that dared stand in his way. Water flows, from high to low, from pressure to non pressure, from hard to soft. Everything is connected concepts aligned with divine intentions. Not mortal, but still not worth being called Godly, only (Divine). Even then at the lowest level ever recorded by the system.

Still Divine is Divine, and even Aqua's magic is greater than Inferior Mana Bolt. So he drew the water out, instead of a fountain and a rainbow it was a streamer, with a rainbow edge. He drew the water down razor thin, compressed it beyond what he thought possible and rose. Stepping behind a tree he waited, one step, two steps, and the heavy armored man was nearing his campsite. It was then he moved, breathing in and out then stepping around the tree.

The ribbon flashed out, not a sword but something close layered atop itself, it cut through bone as easily as the manabolt pierced the soft neural tissue that made up the boar's eye. The armored man collapsed dead, his ax discarded haphazardly to the side. "No valhalla for you it seems," Jake mused silently. Then he took a deep breath.

"Enemy Attack!" He bellowed as magic roiled just under his skin. 

The swordsman in chainmail pounced. Slashing at him with a blade that glowed a dull yellow, Jake couldn't cast a spell to block before the skill would land. He SAW the system's deft hand at reinforcing an object, tracked that back to and origin.

Then his mana roared to life. He also drew on his third skill, after [Mana Bolt(Inferior)], and [Magic-Tool Proficiency(Common)] was [Mana Barrier(Inferior)]. He reinforced the barrier, but that wouldn't be enough. The spell was purposefully—on the system's part—sloppy, so he started fixing that.

 Then he changed his image for the shield.

So instead of a thin wall it formed as a water droplet, a shield between him and the enemy. The words surface tension flashed in the back of his mind as he drew the mana taught. It changed the shield's quality qualitatively, and all of the mana as he spent was used as well as he possibly could. 

The shield was well beyond Inferior rarity but he refrained from upgrading the skill yet, he could still improve it. He just needed time. The blade turned, and the Chaimmail wearing man faltered before catching himself—it wasn't enough.

Jake flicked his wrist and his ribbon split the man down the middle. If iron plate couldn't stop him, what chance did chainmain have? None, it turned out. Jake almost flinched as certain death loomed over him. An arrow, so he threw himself to the side. By the narrowest of margins he escaped death. 

Jake reinforced his wand, then he put everything he had into a single wrathful manabolt. It shifted elements to water, then the water boiled and it was a blast of steam. That steam seemed to melt the skin from the man's bones as flesh shriveled. Covered in second and third degree burns the archer died, but not before releasing a second arrow. This one towards Jacob's unarmored chest.

Jake felt time slow to a pause, his emotions raged but he beat them back. Losing his mind wouldn't save Jacob—that was one of Jake's only friends before being the first victim in an isekai novel. Before Alexander became Jake, before the group chat, before the system, before anything special Jacob was a friend. 

If Jake could save a friend's life he would. So he pushed. It was only a single instant between minimum extension and maximum, Jake felt for that divine spark that was within Aqua's spell. He drew it out, drew it into a drop of water, and let that water cover Jacob. The arrow struck and twisted to the side, instead of the heart if impacted into his shoulder. Still the arrow was deadly piercing nearly 3 inches deep. 

Jake could see every inch, every millimeter in his sphere of perception. See as the blood drained from Jacob into his water spell. Still he didn't lose his mind, just calmly dismissed the spell. Sprinted across the yard, and cast a healing spell on Jacob while pulling out the arrow. After he discarded the arrow Jake took a single deep breath, and collapsed. 

It was like hundreds of ephemeral vascular roots were drained of blood and stretched. Damaged, and healing back superior. This is how improvement happens. This pain, it is glorious. Feeling his magical muscles ache was a damn near religious experience. So he laughed, that elastic ecstasy of combat. How every second stretched into an eternity, how the blood dripped down his blade. The feeling of mana being ripped from his body and violently through anyone who dared stand in his way.

"Pft, Hahahahahahhahahahah! I'm alive!" Jake roared victoriously. That first arrow nearly took his head off, the second nearly killed Jacob. One mistake and someone would have died. Someone important he mentally amended, if anyone other than Jacob or Casper died he wouldn't have cared. Casper would be his introduction to Curse magic while Jacob would be Augury/divination/precogniton whatever the fuck it was called. 

Oh, it was good to be alive. Good to be a mage, good to be integrated by the system. He loved his life, and wouldn't throw it away for anything. 

"Are you alright?" The girl Jake had liked asked—he was half sure her name was Caroline. Checking his Jake memories confirmed this so he just smiled, "Yeah. Peachy~"

Shaking his head, he tried to stand, failed, and then smiled awkwardly, "Could someone help me up?" Get up yourself. You're an adult, no one will help you. Do it yourself, failure. He tried to rise, but before he could collapse again a pair of soft hands started to lift. Jake rose to his feet, and took two large breaths. Then in a hobling limp he made it over to the nearest tree stump.

Plopping down on that stump he started reading through his notifications. He had reached [Human (G) — Level 3], and [Caster — level 6], and that meant he would be getting his first skill! He was so hyped at the idea of getting more magic! Glancing around he saw all the pre-corpses looking at him with fear—even Caroline, the one that had helped him stand.

He was a murderer, whoopie! Jake couldn't bring himself to really care, they tried to murder him. Thus he killed them. Anyone that stood in his way would die—this wasn't earth anymore. This wasn't the little unintegrated mundane universe that chained Jake's instincts. That forced him to keep his bloodline in check. Nevermore. 

He would never allow himself to be limited. This is a multiverse of bloody evolution, literally, and Jake was not a moral enough person to die because murder is wrong. So he ignored the useless cannonfodder, and opened his first skill acquisition page. 

[Superior Spinning Mana Bullet(Uncommon)

An upgrade of the basic mana bolt spell you harden the bolt into a bullet, twist its shape to add spin, and fire it with great force. Purchasing this skill will change Mana Bolt into Superior Spinning Mana Bolt]

[Droplet Shield(Uncommon)

An upgrade of the basic mana shield spell with much improved durability. Using records related to water to create surface tension drawing the mana taught creating a superior shield. Purchasing this will change the Mana Shield skill to Droplet Shield.]

[Blade of Pure Water(Rare)

Transform your mana into water, and draw that water out into a blade of unparalleled sharpness. Purify the water until you are satisfied for greater effect at greater cost. This skill can easily be enhanced using a number of other skills.]

[Mages Eye(Rare)

Enhances mana perception and manipulation.]

[Hekate's Eyes(Epic)

Hekate's Eyes bestows upon the wielder a fraction of the divine sight of the ancient goddess herself. This epic skill elevates perception granting unparalleled insight into the world and beyond. With Hekate's Eyes, the wielder transcends mortal limitations, perceiving the intricacies of existence with unparalleled clarity. Allows you to draw upon a fragment of the goddess of magic Hekate's magical knowledge.]

Jake could admit himself tempted by Hekate's spell, but he already had a god he wanted to follow. Sure, he could treat it like the original Jake did Shadow Vault, but if he was going to become a great mage. Then he would do it by himself. He would create skills that were his own, change everything to suit him rather than the other way around. 

Customize all his skills to perfectly support his goals. 

That was what he wanted. Jake didn't just want magic, he wanted his own magic. Wanted to create his own, have others create their own and take everything they know and make it his own. Use that knowledge to create more spells, spread those spells and then learn from what people create with his spells. 

He didn't want to be the beneficiary, he wanted to be the sponsor who learns everything they can do. Stealing innovations and making them his own. Innovation, growth, the challenge of apotheosis. 

How would the world look as a magic god? Jake wanted to know, but wouldn't accept walking another's path. His would lead to the Apex and Hekate wasn't even a primordial. 

[You have been invited to Hekate's Domain]

"I choose Mages Eye."

[Skill Mages Eye has resonated with {Bloodline of the Primal Hunter}, and {From Omega To Alpha}]

[Skill Has Evolved]

[Mages Eye(Rare) → Eyes of Origin(Legendary)]

God, he was out of Jake Juice! Just upgrading Alpha Stigma had nearly killed him! Jake was honestly surprised he was even still conscious as the heartbeat drowned out everything. Then the chat group spoke [Two New Missions Available.]

 [Recruit Mission: Time Looping Empathic Mage 

Description: A colony of sentient spiders that use mind magic is about to be mentally enslave your new recruit, save them, and end the spider threat. 

Rewards: 1x New Teammate, Access to Travel system of the chat group, Access World: Mother of Learning(Time Loop) Access to Shop system, 2,000 Points.]

Slots: 0/2]

[Recruit Mission: Nascent Wishmaster

Your New Recruit, Shane Windym is about to be kidnapped by The Cautious Men, save him and make yourself a powerful ally. Untrained, and a day after getting his powers your new member has been caught before being given the time to grow into an existence that can defend himself. Save him, slaughter the Cautious Men and ensure that no trace of his status as a Wishmaster Candidate is leaked to The Unity, or other interest groups local to Callus.

Reward: 1x New Teammate, Access to Planet: Callus, 2,000 Points, Access to Trade system, Mirrored Level Soul Training Guide

Slots: 0/2]

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