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27.27% Magus of Primeval Origins Chat Group / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Capítulo 3: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Kazuma had been scammed! There was no way his luck was so bad that even after getting luck based super powers! He should have been able to save the girl and himself! She was so beautiful, and no truck should be able to splatter someone that hot against the pavement.

"Hahahahahaha! You thought you saved that girl? Fucking shitty neet, she was never in any danger!," The bitch of a goddess laughed, "You "saved" her from a tractor! It wasn't even going to hit her! You just jumped in front of it and pissed yourself after having a heart attack!" Even if she was a bitch she was a hot one. Long blue hair, a ditzy smile, no panties and beautiful breasts, but none of that could make up for her mockery. 

His life had just changed for the better! He had a chance to be something great, and he threw it away! 

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: STREAM! DO IT!] 

He didn't want to. He shouldn't, this was embarrassing, but. . . if this was an anime. It would probably turn around. He'd do something badass and become the protagonist! So he started streaming as Aqua explained the demon ravaged world, and his chance to choose any artifact. His thoughts immediately drifted to choosing her as his gift, but then a breeze flowed through the completely still afterlife blowing a paper at his face.

So this was his luck! Getting reincarnated with a cheat, but even as he stared at the paper something felt wrong. He didn't need a sword, or a magic eye, he already had his group chat, and the luck powers. No, what could be better than taking the very goddess that gave blessings as his gift. That would practically be having all the powers right? She was a god! Had to be worth it! He convinced himself, and rose, smiling wide and vicious as he pointed at the bitch-goddess. 

"I pick you as my item."

[Feat Detected: Kazuma Satou

Enslave a God

Reward: Title gained Legendary Heretic]

[Legendary Heretic

You can take power from the dogs—cough cough Gods—in your way

Current Divinities: Luck(Elixir), Water(Aqua)]

"Hahahaha! I, Kazuma, am the greatest!" He cheered and puffed his chest out before flicking his wrist and drawing on his newfound water powers. A single stream of water came out and at the base near his palm a rainbow appeared. Kazuma just stared at the useless stream with despair. So. . . weak! He could punch harder than that! Him! 

Below his feet a golden circle appeared, and slowly he was dragged through it alongside Aqua. It was like being punched in the dick realizing how weak his heretic powers were. 

[Magus of Primeval Origins: GLURGBHK, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! OH GOD EVERYTHING IS BLEEDING! WHO PUTS THAT MUCH EFFORT INTO A PARTY TRICK! I DON'T WANT TO UNDERSTAND! From water all life springs forth, it is the birthplace of the first cell, it is home to the very first—GLRB! JUST KILL ME!]

Kazuma wanted to laugh but. . . someone had just laughed at his death and he knew how painful that was, so he just silently apologize, and wished good luck for the boar killing magus. A minute later Magus said, [Magus of Primeval Origins: That goddess is a failure, just by seeing one spell of hers I can see so many errors! If she'll be a good party member you'll need to train her well, Kazuma. She's powerful, but incompetent. Like someone who could individually control every atom in an ocean deciding to turn it into a rainbow to impress other drunk gods.]

Jake was bleeding from his eyes, his ears, and even his fucking ass, but still it was worth it! That magic was beautiful, better than anything he had ever seen. It was like Michael Angelo was an autistic baby that started throwing water colors around, and somehow managed to plagiarize a halfway decent Mona Lisa. She clearly had no idea what she was doing when making the spell, but by sheer dint of her divine existence it was majestic. 

Well, for a while he'd probably be a water mage. That was honestly fine with him, though he would always prefer the more flashy fire or lightning water has its place. Even as a G-rank, level 4—one level from getting his first non-generic skill. . . hopefully at least, but water was flexible. It could be made into ice—though he had no fucking idea how. Could be ripped from other's bodies though breaking through their soul shape would probably be difficult. Nah, it was better to just conjure water from mana. 

Still Jacob was staring at him with worry—he was a good boss, and good friend, "Jake, maybe you should stay back with the rest of the casters."

Shrugging Jake accepted and fell into the backline. Still he split the focus on his sphere, half watched his phone that sat in his pocket while the rest scanned for threats. On his phone Kazuma started to walk towards the town, dragging the wayward goddess as he glared at his hand like it killed his dog. Another flick of the wrist and the DIVINE party trick lanced out. No MORE BLOOD! Keep it in your body! 

[DM/Benevolent Overlord: Are you alright?]

He might have been wrong about his first guess, but he could admit that he was pleasantly surprised. Vivi was one of his favorite characters in One Piece, she just cared for her people. That's all it takes, kindness, and she was already showing that.

[DM/Magus of Primeval Origins: It's just blood. . . I'll heal.]

It's not like he was in a magical forest with magical wolves that can probably smell his blood from miles away… he'd be fine. Wolves were just walking bags of EXP and tutorial points, and tutorial points can be spent to get him badass skills, especially if he can find ones that can be Jake-Juiced up. 

[DM/Magus: So, no ones done this yet, so let me be the first to introduce myself. Jake Thane, salary man thrown into a multiverse of bloody evolution.]

[DM/Benevolent Overlord: Nefertari D. Vivi, princess of the Arabasta Kingdom, and infiltrator of the Baroque works agency.]

[DM/Magus: That's the one run by crocodile if I remember right?]

[DM/Benevolent: Yes, but how did you—oh, then you read a story about me?]

[DM/Magus: Yeah, you were a side character. In the story you and MR.9 went whale hunting, and met the Strawhat pirates. You ask them for help, and they help you save Alabasta. Oh, Luffy the strawhats captain is the grandson of Monkey D. Garp, if that means anything to you. I may not be that strong, but with my new water magic I should be able to at least help in the fight against Crocodile.]

[DM/Benevolent: You'd do that?]

[DM/Magus: Of course, if you ask I'm sure the others would help as well, or the chat group might even make it a mission, but that's just a random guess.]

Jake walked with the rest of his party idly chatting with Vivi for the next few hours just chuckling along with Kazuma's adventure. It took him nearly an hour just to make it to the adventurers guild because he kept bumping into tripping over dropped bags of gold, and even at one point a magical sword that fell out of the sky nearly killing him. He of course took the offending item, and made his way quickly towards the guild. Once Kazuma reached the adventurer's guild everything was simple, he just walked up to the main desk and registered as an adventurer. 

He had already found more than enough gold for the registration fee, and when he pressed his hand onto the class selector it glowed brilliant gold. He was offered four classes instead of just the basic Adventurer: Arch-Priest, Saint, Arch-Paladin, and Divine Thief. He was leaning towards Paladin, but remembered that he would be a paladin of Aqua, and that is truly a fate worse than death.

It was great and Vivi's poignant complaint on how a society built around an adventurers guild has a single point of failure. Someone places bombs under the guild building during rush hours and half the city's defenders are dead, the other half are outside the city, and then they can easily be conquered. 

Vivi really liked talking to Jake, and he promised to help her! He even seemed to know Crocodile's weakness, so maybe this was possible. Maybe she could save her people, and bring about a new golden age for Arabasta! Use her divine lightning, and Jake's water to kill that scaled gator-rat! End the rebellion of her people without a single casualty! Fix everything, save her people and retire from this god awful organization. 

Stop acting evil, save her people, and these strawhats seemed to be another group of potential allies. With their help and Jake's, what could go wrong. So, so many things that she refused to think about. What if the revolutionaries couldn't see reason, what if Crocodile was just too strong, what if they wouldn't help. 

What if she was a failure? Not someone worth living, a fucking traitor. What is honor worth when your people are dying from their thirst. When the water has been stolen by that despicable Crocodile bastard. She hated him, something Vivi never thought she would do. Hate was a dark twisted snake that bit into her heart. Injecting it's venom, tainting her. 

What if she failed. How many of her people would die. How many for that man's unchecked ambitions. Lightning cracked across her form, and she tensed before relaxing back against the wall. Then she re-read Jake's words.

[Magus of Primeval Origins: Doesn't lightning turn sand to glass? You counter him, you'll be fine, you're strong.]

She smiled, oh it was nice to be praised. Rage brought her back to the moment, so she focused on a finger. Drew the power to her hand, and felt it flicker. From life to lightning her currents flailed in the wind, but she sharpened them to a blade. What was that marine technique called?

"Finger Pistol." Her finger struck with the force of a lightning bolt shattering a hole in the side of the ship. 

"Oh. . . darn." She punched her own fist, stood up and grabbed her whaling cannon. Even though she had the power of a Devil Fruit, the "Chat Group" apparently hadn't given her the curse of the sea. Another thing that Jake thought to test, and she was glad he did. Leaning out the side of the boat she screamed, "MR.9! WE'RE GOING DOWN!"

She turned her head and as the boat sank she saw the Redline. She lept for it grunting with exertion as the cold water stabbed through her bikini top. She grunted, this cannon was so spiffing heavy! Still she couldn't drop it, so she swam. Put her head down, and moved each hand after another, each kick a step closer to the shore. Why couldn't she have been a Zoan! Each panting inhale was another markable step closer to the redline. 


It was so far away. Just, a little further. K-keep swimming, just keep swimming.

She felt her arms go limp, and she sank. First a foot then two, then she was dropping the cannon and ripping herself free. Kicking, thrashing against the damnable waves, and she forced herself back to the surface. Back to the beautiful oxygen she needed so much! Back to land so she could find those strawhats, back to land so she could ask Ja-the group for help. Back to land so she could save her nation. So she fought, and rose foot landing on the redline before she collapsed forward. 

Mr.9 screamed somewhere—she couldn't tell—"Oh thank god! I thought you drowned Miss Wednesday!" Then she was being hauled further up the beach. She fought back to consciousness with a start, that. She needed to be more careful, if she was a real devil fruit user she would have died.

If she was a little weaker she would have died.


Let her nation down.

Not killed that fucking Crocodile. 

Never, so she grit her teeth, and stood. An intense pressure weighing Mr.9 down as he instinctively lowered his head before a queen. She was Nefertari D Vivi, and she would save her people. Strawhats or no, Groupchat or no, She would be enough. Of this she was certain. Still it is not a wise ruler that spurns her allies in her time of need. She hoped these "Strawhats" were as honorable as Jake said. 

Rias loved the chat group! The people were nice, well Jake was kind of a boastful asshole, like those pillar-scions who tried to take her hunting to impress her. And in the process they just kill some innocent animal. What he was doing was cruel, and sport hunting should be frowned upon! She thumbed through her limited edition signed Konosuba manga, flipped through the pages. Then she set the book to the side, and grabbed her phone. 

What was better, reading about him, or actually talking to him? Rias finally had her answer, Kazuma was a nice guy. 

[DM/Crimson Haired Ruin Princess To Gender Equality: That Jake guy was an asshole! Killing those innocent badgers, and that boar! He sensed the boar before it attacked, and just baited it!]

[DM/Gender Equality: Lol, yeah what an asshole. Dude's only fighting for his life against magical beasts hours after being ripped out of his mundane life he shouldn't have started leveling up, and instead decided to start a boar farm. Using those boars he would make infinite leather armor once they die of old age. It's not like he was just ripped out of his mundane life after his world ended, and the only way for him to protect himself is to kill animals and level up.]

W-what? She grit her teeth, Kazuma's such a fucking asshole—then she read the message. Read it again. . . was she being the asshole? No! Definitely not, she couldn't be an asshole, but maybe she should figure out what a System Apochalyse? Was that some new Genre? Then her Familiar screamed, and the magic circle she had given out was flashing.

Ripped from her thoughts as Akeno barreled through the door. Her voice was just the slightest bit manic, "The crows attacked Issei, what should we do?" Akeno just Hates the fallen, more than any priest Rias had ever had the misfortune of meeting. She would be worried of they weren't enemies, but they were so GO GIRL! Though Rias wished she'd just use her Holy Lightning that would win her rating game with Riser quickly. 

Rias sighed felt for her magic and cursed—Issei's wish was going off! If he died then who would kick Riser's ass for her? Well the Incarnation of Destruction might give her a chance but. . .that was too lethal. It'd kill Riser, and that would sour relations between the Phenex and the Gremory more than a failed engagement.

That would be bad for the house, she was already being selfish. She couldn't take more. She should just lay over and take it for the good of the Gremory. Just, just let that fried chicken bastard rape her peerage. Break Koneko, ruin Akeno, kill Kiba. The thought had destruction flowing through her veins instead of blood—she would rather die. 

No, she would rather kill Riser, kill her father. Anything to stop them from killing her friends, if her family was so willing to abandon her were they really family? She felt that if she asked the group chat they'd help her in any way they could because each of them were decent people—well she had never read Jake's novel, so, but the other two were nice? With Kazuma's luck, and Aqua's healing, or well Vivi was kind of useless if not for the strawhats, but… maybe she got something good from her sign up reward?

Still Aqua's healing would be useful. Stepping through a teleportation circle she grabbed for her last Rook, she was a nearly unstoppable spear, now she needed a shield. Who better than the Red Dragon Emperor himself to stand between her and her enemies. The teleportation circle flared with her crimson brilliance then she was gone. 8 evil pieces later Ddraig The Red Dragon Emperor sealed within the boosted gear was resurrected. 

He screamed to life, roaring into the sky flames leaping from his open jaw into the single most terrifying magical display Rias had ever seen. Those flames could kill gods—easily. She cleared her throat, straightened herself and half shifted into her Incarnation of Destruction, "Y Ddraig Goch, I had come to bargain."

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