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9.52% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 1: Chapter one - First day in Highschool

Capítulo 1: Chapter one - First day in Highschool

Jacob Hale was born 3 years after Derek Hale, and a year before Cora Hale, he had similar looks as his older brother, but was different when it came to his eyes, because unlike Derek's which turned blue one day, after being golden like his sister Cora's eyes, Jacob's were scarlet red, deep scarlet red, he was born an alpha, another difference was that he was not originally from this world, he was reincarnated here, in the Teen Wolf world, and boy was he excited, for he was a fan in his previous life and had watched every season even the movie before he died.

Now 16 years later here he was standing outside Beacon Hills High School, after the fire that killed most of his family here he was back in this small town in Carlifornia, he was here to save his older sister,

but arrived late and couldn't, he knew it was Peter Hale his uncle that killed her but he wasn't gonna do anything for the moment, because even though he was a true alpha and very strong, he knew he had a 80/20 chance of killing him, so he'd wait here patiently until Derek returned before he joined him for the hunt, so here he was, after being separated from his older brother for 10 years he was looking forward to seeing Derek, and was wondering if Derek would recognise him, he had also been searching for his sister Cora but couldn't find her, all he knew was that she was somewhere south of the border, another pack that was on friendly terms with the Hale pack had fostered her there before the fire had happened, Jacob had practically immersed himself in his new life so he felt much closer to the Hales, they felt like family,

he wanted to save his family from what Kate Argent would have done to them but was away visiting his father's family who were just normal humans when it happened, because he had no idea exactly when it was gonna happen, he also hadn't turned anyone into his beta because he felt he wasn't ready yet, and Jacob also had impecable control over his wolf side, he never let his eyes glow when he was emotional, always kept them normal never glowing.

So here he was in the parking lot walking up slowly to the front of the highschool's entrance, as he was walking forward with his bag's strap slung over his right shoulder, his hair that fell to the base of his neck and trimmed on the side tied back, he wore red flanel shirt open in front showing a black t-shirt and biker jeans and a pair of black boots, he saw a girl with dark brown hair on the phone sitting on a bench rummaging through her bag, he could hear her on the phone talking to some one, but didn't try to listen in on the call since he knew who she was, Allison Argent.

Jacob walked up to Allison as she hung up the call as the vice principle for the school came out to meet both of them, as he got closer Allison turned to look at him and her eyes widened abit as she took him in,

he could hear her gasp lightly, so he turned and looked into her dark brown eyes as she did his hazel colored eyes, for a second Jacob heard her heart flutter abit faster before returning to normal, the VP turned to jacob and said "Ah you must be Mr. Hale, come on i'll introduce you to your class" Jacob just nodded at him before turning to Allison and reaching out a hand for a hand shake while smiling at her, "Jacob Hale" he said, "Allison Argent" Allison replied while shaking his hand and giving him a polite smile, he gestured for her to go ahead of him as he followed the VP and her into the school towards the classroom.

On the way the VP and Allison talked about her life in San Francisco and turned to him and asked about Portland where he was for the past 10 years, than they arrived at the classroom as the VP introduced them both,

"Class this are our new students, Allison Argent and Jacob Hale, just do your best to make them feel welcome" the VP then turned and walked out as Jacob took out an extra pen and handed it to Allison as she had a grateful yet confused look on her face as she took the pen and headed for the empty seat behind Scott, Jacob recognized alot of faces, they resembled the actors who played them in the series perfectly so he could tell who they were as he took his seat infront of Stiles, he could also see Scott fidgeting as he kept looking at Allison as she took her seat behind him, jacob smirked inwardly, he was gonna try to make Allison fall for him,

but would let Scott try his luck first, but he was gonna be friends with Stiles and possibly turn him into his first beta, because he didn't like how throughout the series Scott never turned Stiles and left him human, plus he thought Scott was a dumbass and didn't deserve Allison as well so he was gonna steal her before he ruined her life and got her killed.

The bell rang and class ended, Scott and Stiles where the first ones to leave as the others followed, Jacob took his time to make sure he didn't forget anything and made his way out, he walked down the hallway to the lockers where he found out his and Allison's were next to each other since she had just opened hers, she was startled abit as she saw him open the locker next to her, "Hey Jacob right? Thanks for the pen, i really needed that, by the way how did you know?" Allison asked him as he put his books in and closed the locker,

"yeah Allison, oh that, well first day at a new school people always forget a pen, so i had an extra one packed early on, plus i over heard you on the phone earlier, sorry" Jacob said with an apologetic smile, as he did so he could see Scott behind Allison staring and listening to them talking, "oh no it's fine" replied Allison with a smile that made Jacob's heart skip a beat, "That jacket is absolutely killer, where'd you get it?" suddenly from behind jacob a slightly shorter beautiful plump lipped strawberry blonde interrupted them and asked Allison a question,and walked inbetween them, as she did she turned to eye Jacob with curiousity as he was taller and leaner, Jacob could see faint lust in her eyes, "My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Fancisco" answered Allison politely,

the redhead turned to look at Allison with a smile and said "And you are my new best friend hehe" as the redhead replied a skinny lean good looking guy came behind her and wrapped his arm around her, "Hey Jackson" the redhead said as she kissed him infront of Jacob and Allison, Allison looked awkwardly at the floor before looking at Jacob who just shrugged he's shoulder while grinning amusingly at the couple, of course he knew who they were,

Jackson Whitmore and Lydia Martin, the future kanima and banshee, as they were kissing Jacob's sharp hearing could hear a girl ask Scott and Stiles who were looking at the 4 of them from across the hall ask "Can somebody tell me how new girl and hot guy are here all of 5 minutes and are already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" Stiles answered "Because they're both hot. Beautiful people herd together" as Jacob heard that he smirked inwardly,

because he knew he was good looking but didn't really know for sure but Stiles had confirmed it just now, Jackson turned to look up at Jacob after kissing Lydia and thrust out his hand for a handshake "Jackson the feisty one beside me is Lydia" he introduced, Jacob took his hand and shook it whilst saying "Jacob, good to meet ya","So this weekend, there's a party" Lydia said, "A party?" Allison asked as she looked at Jacob, "Yeah Friday night you both should come" Lydia invited as she eyed Jacob sneakily,

Jacob saw this but ignored it, he wouldn't take interest with her until after she unlocked her banshee side, till then he'd keep his distance from this version of her, "Sure sounds fun, i'll be there" replied Jacob as he nodded at Jackson and Lydia, Jackson just nodded back while Lydia had a huge smile on her face as she turned to look at Allison, "Ah.. I can't, it's family night this friday, thanks for asking" Allison said as she looked at Jacob again, Jacob was abit confused as to why she kept looking at him, but he couldn't deny he liked it, " You sure? everyone's going after the scrimmage" said Jackson, "You mean like football?" asked Allison,

"Football's a joke, the sport here is Lacrosse, we've won state championship for the past 3 years" Jackson replied arrogantly, "Jacob you wanna try out?" Lydia asked, "We practice in a few minutes, that is if you both don't have any where else to go?"Jackson asked, before Allison could reply or Jacob could say a word Lydia grabbed both their arms in each of her hands and leading them to the field outside the school saying "Perfect, let's go".

They arrived on the field and as soon as coach Finstock saw Jacob's tall lean build he walked up to him as Jackson was explaining the rules of the game to him, "jackson! Who's your friend?" Coach asked,

"This is Jacob Hale coach, he just transfered in, i was gonna have him try out" replied Jackson as he looked at the coach alongside Jacob who did as well, inwardly he was happy meeting an iconic character like Coach Finstock, the lovable unhateable coach of Beacon Hills High, "Hey Rambo, change into the extra equipment and jersey over there and let's see what you got, don't disappoint me now" said the coach excitedly as he pointed at a bunch of school lacrosse equipment they have, after a couple minutes changing into them in the changing room, Jacob came out just ahead of Scott and Stiles who were jogging to the field behind him all dressed up for practice.

"Jake! Join the boys up front for shooting practice, show me what you got" the coach called Jacob as soon as he got there, he turned and saw Allison and Lydia sitting on a low bleacher watching him, they both smiled and waved at him, he did the same then heard the coach talk to Scott who was distractedly looking at Allison who had not looked his way once, "McCall!" "Yeah" replied Scott "Your on goal" said coach Finstock as he threw the goalie equipment at Scott who fumbled to catch it, "But i've never played" replied Scott, "I know, scoring the shots will give the boys a confidence boost, it's a first day back thing, get them energized, fired up" said the coach with some zeal as he slapped Scotts arm,

"What about me?" asked Scott "Try not to take any in the face" replied coach as he lightly tapped Scott's right cheek with his left palm, "Let's go! Come on!" yelled the coach as he walked to Jacob, "Jake take a spot behind a couple of guys and watch, then take a shot when you feel your ready" he said, "No problem coach" replied Jacob as he got in line behind the others to watch.

Just like in the series Scott was distracted tryna listen in on the conversation between Allison and Lydia when the ball smacked into he's face guard knocking him on his ass, everyone laughed as Jacob just chuckled, the guy was such a virgin, probably never had a girlfriend in his life, considering the way he was acting, then Scott stood up and started concentrating, he saved the first goal, and looked shocked like he didn't expect to save a shot, coach looked stunned,

Stiles smiled and clapped a little at his friend's skill, Scott proceded to save the next 4 shots from scoring, "He seems like he's pretty good" said Allison while watching as she and Lydia looked at Scott, Jacob heard them but didn't react, "Yeah, very good" replied Lydia before she turned to look at Jacob who was leaning casually on his lacrosse stick leisurely, "But how good will Jacob be? What do you think Allison?" asked Lydia as she looked at Jacob, who could feel her lustful gaze on him, "I don't know, but he does look athletic so he can't be worse right?" Allison stated as Lydia just shrugged and focused back on the practice as Jackson got up front looking pissed,

Jacob could still feel a pair of eyes on him as Jackson made his jump shot which Scott saved effortlessly, as he turned to see who it was, he was surprised to see it was Allison who was looking at him, even though Scott made an epic scene she just didn't pay as much attention to him, Jacob just shook his head inwardly laughing, Stiles and Lydia started cheering for Scott and it looked like it pissed Jackson off judging from the scowl Jacob could see under his face mask.

Scott was starting to showoff alittle as he got confident after stopping Jackson's shot, the practice continued as Scott saved 7 more shots before Jacob's turn, Lydia and Allison watched intently their eyes glued to Jacob's frame, instead of running up like everyone did, Jacob calmly walked up to the marker that was set for the throw,

Jacob took one big step forward twisting his hips and engaging his core as he swung his arms holding the lacrosse stick, as the ball was about to completely leave the sticks netting jacob slightly hit the edge of the ball creating a topspin to the thrown ball, Scott thought it was an easy catch and smiled widely aiming his lacrosse stick at the top right side of the goal where the ball was going, but at the last minute, the ball suddenly dipped crazily further down and went in the bottom right corner of the goal, the entire field was quiet, no one had seen anything like that before, the coach had his whistle that was hanging loosely between his lips,

Stiles had his eyes and mouth wide open, Scott who missed the ball had his stupid smile wiped from his face as he stood dumbfounded at what happened, Allison also had her mouth open but just slighlty and shock and awe was apperant in her eyes, Lydia also looked the same, suddenly Jacob felt someone wrap an arm around his shoulder and bro hugged him from the side as the person said "Woah! What a shot dude, with you on the team we're definitely winning the championship again this year", Jacob turned to see who it was and was pleasantly surprised to recognise him, it was Danny, Jackson's gay best friend, Jacob just smiled and said "haha sure mate",

just after he replied to Danny the entire audience burst into cheers and clapped, Allison and Lydia stood up and cheered at him, coach was cackling like a bond villain, "Hale! you got the stuff kid, see you back here tomorrow, your on the team" he said, Jackson didn't look happy about being upstaged, Jacob judged by the huge frown he had on but Jacob didn't care about him at all and talked to the rest of the guys.

After practice Jacob, Jackson, Lydia and Allison made their way to the parking lot for their cars, they were pleasantly surprised when they saw Jacob had a gray and black striped Camaro, (Like Bumble bee from transformers) Allison and Lydia immediately asked to take a couple pictures in and outside of it, Jacob saw no problem with it and opened the doors for them, he and Jackson just stood to the side watching them, they didn't say a word to each other, after 15 minutes the girls where done, "Wow Jacob, didn't think you owned a beauty like her" Lydia remarked as she got out the driver's seat, Jacob chuckled as he got in and closed the door starting the car,

"Well i gotta be a little mysterious, maybe catch the eyes of some pretty ladies" he stated as he winked at Allison who blushed slightly after she got out of the car, after she finished her impromptu photo shoot, "I'll see you guys later" Jacob said as he started reversing out of the parking spot, "Wait!" Allison called out as she ran to him, "Give me your number, so we can keep in touch, your like the first guy friend i have here, plus we both just transfered here" she said blushing lightly, Jacob just smiled at her making her smile back "Yeah sure" Jacob said as they exchanged numbers, after that he said his farewells and left to go to his loft which was near Scott's home a block away.

After Jacob drove home, he made himself dinner and ate it, took a shower, got his laptop and did some research on the surrounding area, especially the Beacon Hills preserve,

he checked for missing people and animal attacks, he hacked in to the sheriff departments servers and found a couple of incidents that were being investigated as well as reports on some vagrants that went missing as they passed through town, he also investigated some people and families that arrived in town in the past 10 years because he had a feeling most of this people were supernatural and probably had something to do with the missing people, in his past life Jacob was a very well known hacker, he retained all of his hacking knowledge but everything else was a complete blank.

The Hale pack always kept the town safe and got rid of any supernaturals that might expose or put them in danger, and bring the wrath of the hunters to their doorstep, he's mother Talia Hale was a very special alpha amongst the werewolf packs that used be in Carlifornia, but after he's family was killed everyone went into hiding, the only pack still around here was the Buddhist Pack, but he didn't know where exactly they were,

just that they were still around, so after found out who had moved into town, Jacob printed out their names and addresses, he was gonna 'remove' those that posed a danger to the town, and those that were to dangerous to let roam free, this was Hale territory, and he was gonna take it back, by force and blood if he had too, he'd first watch and wait, stalk his prey, and if he saw something, he'd wipe them out, he had no qualms about killing, it came naturally to him, probably had something to do with him being an alpha.

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