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The Flower Was Discovered And Shakky Collapsed

"It's okay to show off and shout in normal times. In private, you have to remember your identity. You are the next emperor of Nine Snake Island, and Lakeman is the damn Celestial Dragon!"

Hancock was speechless.

What else do I have?

It is impossible for a slave of Celestial Dragons to become the emperor of Nine Snake Island.

Besides, not all Celestial Dragons deserve to die. The Celestial Dragons shown in public are just fattened pigs. The real Celestial Dragons are a group of ambitious people who rule the world.

There are no good or bad careerists.

Only the successful king and the defeated bandit.

As long as you are above the world, you can be above the rules.

Secular people are not qualified to judge you.

"I understand." Hancock nodded in agreement.

Shakky smiled with satisfaction upon seeing this.

She pulled Hancock and talked for a long time, offering various comforts and reliefs.

If it had been earlier, Hancock might have felt warmer.

But now, she just feels helpless.

Too late.

Once many things are late, they become stale just like overnight meals.

But in order to deal with Shakky, Hancock had no choice but to listen.

"It's time for me to go, Hancock, wait for me!" Shakky walked over, stretched out her hands, and wanted to hug Hancock.

The conversation just now relieved her inner guilt very well.

After all, she gave up her plan to rescue Hancock on the spot because of Stussy's threats and persuasion.

As for the future?

No one is sure what will happen next.


Hancock hesitated for a moment, pressed one hand on the armrest of the chair, stood up slowly, and welcomed Shakky's hug.

But this action, in Shakky's eyes, immediately stunned her.

In an instant, the keen sixth sense comes into play.

A strong emotion of disgust, anger, and resistance surged into her heart. This emotion was like a raging wave, breaking away the fog of memory, allowing a gorgeous red flower to emerge in her mind.

"Datura flowers!?"

Shakky couldn't help but exclaim and look at Hancock in front of her in disbelief.

"..." Hancock's movements froze, and her expression changed slightly.

Datura flower is the name of the flower on her body and Stussy's body now.

This was supposed to be a secret.

Why does Shakky know?

"What are you talking about?" Hancock pretended to be calm and raised her eyebrows in confusion: "What flower?"

Shakky didn't answer.

She looked at Hancock deeply, with expressions of surprise, disbelief, pain, and disbelief flashing in her eyes.

Suddenly, she stretched out her hand.

Her movements were as fast as lightning, and she pinned Hancock down.

As the previous emperor, Shakky's strength was still at its peak, far surpassing that of Hancock, who had just practiced for a short time.

Hancock couldn't react at all.

But Hancock didn't think about resisting. After a symbolic struggle, Shakky pinned her down on the table and forced her to lie down.


Shakky had a cold face and suddenly pulled off Hancock's clothes.

Without the cover of the kimono, the exquisite, graceful, fair and smooth body was revealed.

But Shakky was not tempted at all.

Her eyes searched straight down, reaching the end.

A bright red flower, one-third of the flower's size, pops out as if growing in the backyard.

Shakky's body shook violently, and the color drained from her face.


She let go of Hancock and swayed backward.

"Such a disgusting thing, you actually...

Shakky suffered a huge mental shock.

She ran a bar a long time ago and knew that there was a plant that could regulate the intestinal tract and create an effect that made men fall in love with it.

It started as an internal hit within Celestial Dragons.

Later, word spread, and many kingdoms and nobles were looking to buy it.

Shakky's bar was put up for purchase.

But because of Shakky's personal disgust, this business disappeared in the bar street.

She never expected that this kind of goods that she had suppressed with such force would appear on Hancock's body.

It was as if she had witnessed a pure girl being raped by evil criminals.

"Does it look good?"

Hancock was surprisingly calm. Even though she was in ragged clothes, she still looked indifferent and asked for advice instead.


Shakky looked at Hancock in disbelief as if she was struck by lightning.

"The young master planted this with his own hands. It was really hard on the first day and I was very uncomfortable with it. But because of the young master's order, I had to endure it.

"Fortunately, after a long time, I got used to it."

"I feel very good now. I have a hunch that when this flower is pulled out, I will be so beautiful that I might lose my soul."

Hancock said obscene words with a straight face.

"Hancock, how could you..." Shakky looked horrified, as if she was meeting Hancock for the first time and couldn't believe her ears.

"Although he will be very thorough, the young master will not let me go. He will even drink strength potion and stay up all night. Hancock's face is slightly red, and she is still a little ashamed to say these words, "I may be so beautiful. Maybe it will fall off. "

Shakky's expression completely changed.

She looked at Hancock in shock, as if she was shocked. She couldn't stand and fell to the ground.

"No, it's impossible!"

Shakky's eyes widened and she shouted: "You are not Hancock! Who are you?!"

"I am Hancock, Shakky." Hancock smiled softly, stood up, put on her clothes, covered the datura flowers in her kimono again, and said: "It's just that I am completely the young master's Hancock.


Shakky held her head and yelled.

"That's it." Hancock smiled slightly, stood up, walked to Shakky, and said to her condescendingly: "It has been three months since I was captured. Three months is enough time to turn my body and mind into master's shape.

" Looks good."

"I've told you before, haven't I? I'm living a good life with the young master."

"Because I have long been obsessed with the young master."


Shakky's face was pale and her expression was sluggish. Her whole figure seemed to have been drained of strength and she sat on the ground.

She was desperate.

Hancock's words severely tore apart the darkest side.

That was the deep darkness she didn't want to think about.

I have been a slave of the Celestial Dragons for three months. I have been subjected to various methods. Everything has happened.

Hancock should have been mentally and physically exhausted.

Just the appearance of normality gave Shakky false hope.

"It's really, really funny." Hancock looked at Shakky who was collapsed and sluggish, with a sarcastic arc on her lips, and walked past her to leave the tea room.

Outside the tea room.

The middle-aged woman looked at Hancock with a complex expression and said, "You said it too harshly, and she was hit hard.

"Only when I talked about it to this extent, will she give up." 

Hancock said with a cold face: "If she hadn't insisted on taking action and discovered the datura flower, we could have gotten together and dispersed."

"That's true." The middle-aged woman nodded in agreement.

No one expected that this Shakky actually knew about datura flowers.

And she was keenly aware that Hancock had such a datura on her body.

"Go back." Hancock said.

She walked towards the box without looking back.

Far away.

Several female guards and maids followed quickly.

Not long after.

Hancock returned to the box with a cold expression and noble temperament.

Lakeman, on the other hand, was like a playboy, sitting casually on a big sofa. When he saw Hancock coming back, he waved.


"Although there are some deviations, it should be resolved." Hancock said softly, her voice as clear as a bell.

She walked over and took the initiative to throw herself into Lakeman's arms.

Body to body, tightly attached.

It's like the closest lovers, regardless of each other.

"The auction has started." Lakeman didn't do anything else. He just held her waist and looked out the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Yes." Upon hearing this, Hancock stopped making any unnecessary moves.

The outstretched white hands no longer searched for objects or climbed up the dragon, but instead gently massaged Lakeman's thigh muscles.


The auction officially begins.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

"Our monthly large-scale auction has officially begun!"

"Ready your Beli's?"

The host on stage actively mobilized the atmosphere.

There are few responses below.

But as the host said, the final transaction price of all goods was 20% off, and the discounted 20% price will be supplemented by the auction.

The atmosphere instantly became heated.

This means that if you bid for a piece of goods worth 10 million beli, you only need to pay 8 million beli.

The remaining two million will be paid by auction.

This is a very attractive offer!

"There is something about the World government."

"It looks like they want to run the auction seriously."

"I feel relieved."

"Me too, I can try to continue the transaction next month."

The expressions of the guests relaxed for a while.

On stage.

The host exaggerated his body language and said passionately: "The first batch of goods to be auctioned now, slaves!!"

The words fell.

A bright light suddenly came on on the stage.

Human slaves were brought up one by one, their expressions were either numb, frightened, stern, or pleading.

Only one person.

An old man in his fifties mingled among them, not very conspicuous.

His expression was also slightly bitter and helpless.

But if you look carefully, you will find that this bitter expression is fake.

The old man's eyes were very calm.


Suddenly, the old man looked surprised and stared at the stairs in the distance.


Rayleigh saw the figure of an acquaintance.

But if he was just an acquaintance, this wouldn't surprise him.

The problem is, Shakky rarely lost his cool demeanor, walked down the stairs with a dejected look on his face, and left the auction with a heartbroken look.

'What happened?' Rayleigh wondered.

Ordinary things are not worthy of making the former empress of Nine Snake Island lose like this.

Shakky was devastated and must have suffered a major blow.

' After the auction, go and ask. ' Rayleigh made up his mind.

He is a boatman and will be packed away soon.

It's also easy to slip away.

Thinking this, Rayleigh withdrew his gaze.

far away.

Shakky walked out of the auction with dull eyes and a dull expression.

Normally, she would laugh and cheer for Rayleigh in the audience, and be temporarily used as a supporter to push Rayleigh's price up.

But now, she has no such intention at all.

When she thought of the bright red datura flower in the tea room, she became extremely angry.

"Why should I have such a keen sixth sense?"

"Why should I find out?"

"Why do I know about datura flowers?"

Shakky turned pale and smiled miserably.

She is alive

Later, for the first time, I felt hatred towards my own talent.

In other words, it's not about hating one's own talent.

Instead, she hates herself.

At auction.

The atmosphere was lively and the guests actively raised signs.

It wasn't until Slave No. 8 started showing that the crowd's excitement cooled down slightly.

An old shipwright, nothing interesting to look at.

It's something that you can buy or not, it's like useless stuff.

Not many people are interested.

"Shipmaker No. 8, buy it.

In the box, Lakeman suddenly spoke.

Everyone in the box was stunned.

Hancock couldn't help but stop massaging her hands and looked at Lakeman in confusion.

But soon, the maid reacted.

No reason is needed, they just need to follow Lakeman's orders.


At auction.

"No. 8 is a young and powerful shipwright with experience in building and repairing a variety of ships. He is very suitable for friends who need to go to sea." The host introduced him with a smile.

The reaction below was mediocre.

"Shipwright, I'm in short supply here.

"Then you don't buy it?"

"It's hard to trust a craftsman who is not trained by himself."

"That's right, and this person is also older."

"I don't know how many years it will last after I buy it. I might as well cultivate one myself."

"But he is a ready-made shipbuilder, so the auction value must be obtained."

The guests thought about it for a while.

A few people began to raise signs.

"50,000 Baileys."

"52,000 beli.


"I'll add a thousand!"

I saw someone raising a sign.

Rayleigh smiled.

As always, people are buying him, and as always, the price is not high.

But it doesn't matter, the higher price will attract unnecessary attention.

He just wanted to make some drink money.

347 "Sixty-two thousand Baileys, is there any guest who bids higher?" The host waited for a while and asked everyone.

"Sixty-two thousand Baileys for the first time!"

He saw no one bid and entered the decision-making process.

But just finished.

There was a voice coming from the VIP box on the top floor.

"A hundred thousand Baileys!"


In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to the box.

But the moment they looked over, everyone withdrew their gaze in shock, feeling awe-inspiring in their hearts.

That's the Celestial Dragons box!

"Celestial Dragons actually fall in love with a shipwright?"

"Is there any secret?"

"No, if there was a secret, the auction wouldn't start at a low price.

"Yeah, the auction guys are not stupid."

"I think it's most likely out of curiosity or some other reason that Celestial Dragons wants to buy a novel toy."


The guests communicated in low voices for a while and nodded silently.

No one in the audience raised their placards.

No one wants to bid head-on with Celestial Dragons. This will attract the attention of Celestial Dragons and cause trouble.

What's more, 100,000 Baileys is far more than the price of an old shipwright.

Not worth the price increase!

"Then a hundred thousand Baileys is the first time!"

"A hundred thousand Baileys for the second time!"

"One hundred thousand Baileys for the third time!"

The host is also from the World Government, and you can tell at a glance that the bidder is Lakeman.

He walked happily through the steps and announced loudly: "Then the Shipwright Slave No. 8 will belong to the distinguished guest in the box!"

Bang bang bang!

After the host finished speaking, he applauded vigorously.

The guests present were stunned for a moment, and then they also applauded, which was very flattering.

Only Rayleigh, who was auctioned, had a dull expression and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

'Broken, captured by Celestial Dragons. '

Rayleigh was speechless and thought: 'As a retired old man, I don't want to have anything to do with Celestial Dragons. I can just run away while he pays the money.

According to the process, after taking pictures of the items, you will get your money and goods backstage.

So Rayleigh still has a little time.

He planned to crush the collar around his neck and sneak away while the transaction was going on backstage.

'The drink money is gone. '

Rayleigh sighed with regret in hisheart.

But then, something happened that caught him off guard.

"Send slave No. 8 up." A lazily voice of a young man came from the box on the top floor, "Let me see what's going on."

There was a sudden silence during the auction.

No one applauded anymore.

The guests all looked curious.

"So anxious?"

"The Celestial Dragons really don't follow the rules."

"Stop talking and be quiet."

"Haha, there may be bloodshed up there later."

"What a pity, the shipwright is going to be killed."

The evil deeds of Celestial Dragons are known to everyone.

The guests are all ordinary people, and they are not afraid to use the greatest maliciousness to speculate on Lakeman in the box.

Because it has happened many times.

Celestial Dragons just bought a slave, took a few glances at it, and then killed it outright because they were not satisfied.

The guests thought the same would happen to the shipwright. .


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