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23.33% I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick / Chapter 13: Clementine~

Capítulo 13: Clementine~

The crusader army continued to slaughter the undead in front of them while Momon and Thoth flew ahead, they didn't have time to waste with these pathetic creatures.

They flew ahead at impressive speeds, and soon enough, they could hear people's chanting.

A white building with a style similar to Roman architecture could be seen ahead of them, most likely where the local coffins are kept and burials are organized.

In front of it, below the steps that lead into the building, a circle of people wearing dark cloaks could be seen, they all chanted together, one of them wearing a red cloak, most likely the leader and most powerful member of the group.

The members stopped chanting as they noticed the two figures floating toward them, the figure in the red cloak revealed his face as he looked up.

His pale skin reflected in the moonlight while his wrinkled skin made him look ancient, though with skilled mages, one could never guess their age on appearance alone.

His lips are dry as sand while his hands look as brittle as a corpse.

If one had to describe him in a single sentence, one would say he looks like a walking corpse.

Momon allowed himself to fall as he crashed into the ground, when the dust cleared, he could be seen on one knee. Thoth meanwhile slowly floated down, kinda jealous Ainz gets to show off.

"Who are you?" The living corpse, known as Khajit, asked.

"I am Momon, and this is my companion Thoth. If I'm correct, there should be one more of you."

"I don't know-" Khajit was suddenly interrupted by a female voice, "Give up Khajit~ They have us all figured out~ These guys are actually pretty smart." Her tone was playful, though some gravitas could be felt at the end.

A blond woman now could be seen standing above the steps to the white building, she was wearing a black cloak with its hood down. Her red eyes and playful manner would send a shiver up the spine of ordinary people and even the greatest fighters who knew her would flee without a second thought.

It's clear this woman is putting on an act of crazy, beneath that, there is a cunning warrior, albeit one with rather sadistic tendencies.

"You-!" Khajit was angry, if Clementine didn't want to toy around in the bareare residence the ritual could have already been completed, but because of her sadism, their whole plan was under threat.

"Calm down Khajit⁓ What's done is done, though I wonder, how did you find us?"

"You would need to remove that robe of yours first."

She immediately put her hands over her chest and shouted out with clearly faked panic, "Eeek! Pervert! Someone help me!" Her expression shifted to a sinister smile, "Hehe~ just kidding~" She opened her robes in a grandiose manner to reveal a horrifying sight, an armor made out of copper and silver plates with some higher ranks mixed between rarely.

The armor only covered her breasts and crotch, leaving a lot of skin exposed, something many would consider a flaw, but to someone as crazy as Clementine, it could be considered a feature.

"One of them was in the bareare residence, we tracked you thanks to that. Thank you for your carelessness."

Clementine furrowed her brows at the disrespect a copper plate dared to show her, a hero-class human.

Khajit wanted to scream at Clementine, but before he could, he noticed the other people around backing away from Momon, breaking the circle.

The plan was compromised and the ritual interrupted, years of work were gone in an instant.

"Now then. Thoth, which one do you want to fight?" Momon didn't care that much, though he would make sure to punish Clementine for her acts, she killed nice people, and the hallow remains of his humanity made him feel enough anger to ensure she had a slow and painful death.

"Oo! I want to fight the pretty lady!" Thoth acted like a child, he would certainly enjoy seeing her face of shock when she realizes who she is dealing with.

"Huh? I don't want some fucking kid." Clementine wanted to kill someone strong, like a hunter killing a large prey, she wanted to kill Momon himself.

However, Thoth's next words changed her mind.

"Dont worry miss, it's okay to be scared! I promise it won't hurt!"

"...Huh?? You know what, Khajit, you take the black one, I will take the kid, someone needs to teach this little shit a lesson."

"...Fine, but get done quickly. You will have to make this up to me somehow understood?"

Yeah yeah, whatever you say, gramps."

As Thoth and Clementine started to walk, he received a communication from Ainz.

'Make her death painful and slow.'

'With pleasure, Lord Ainz.'

And so Thoth and Clementine walked into the fog, going out of sight.

Thoth and Clementine didn't walk for long, Clementine didn't want to either, she would kill the stupid child in an instant.

Before Thoth could even react, she stabbed into his neck, his corpse fell to the ground.

Clementine sighed in disappointment and reached down, only to be confused when Thoth's body disappeared.

"Aw~ You thought that was enough~?" Clementine turned only to see Thoth swinging his legs on one of the trees, she was tricked by some kind of illusion.

Thoth asked Ainz for an item that allowed him to make illusions before they arrived for this purpose, he made sure it was a fairly low-quality illusion too, dispersing at a person's touch.

His heart burned with zeal to make her suffer, and with this, he could show her all the pain she inflicted on others, and return their desperation right at her.

"Hehe~" Thoth giggled with genuine joy seeing her confused look, but Clementine quickly recovered.

She cast enhancement after enhancement at herself, making her stronger, her blades sharper, her mind faster, and making her strength rise so much that maybe even Gazef Stronoff would fall before her.

She climbed up the tree with cat-like grace, but once again, when she touched the illusion, the child was gone.

"Stop running coward, come at me!"

"Eeeh...? You are asking a child to come at you? How lewd~" This time, Thoth could be seen hanging upside down from a tree branch, his hands held onto the branch as well as his legs, making him look like a little ape.

This time, there wasn't a small grin, it was a toothy smile, one which angered Clementine.

Seeing her getting angry, Thoth made a meek face and walked over, slowly, like a child who was about to get in trouble, he looked at the ground with a sad expression.

Clementine stabbed him, trying to pierce his eyes and brain with her magical daggers, but nothing she did hurt his skin.

"Oh~ This is one of your little illusions isn't it~? I've seen through it you little shit, come out."

"This isn't an illusion, you are just too weak to hurt me." His voice wasn't that of a child's, now it was more mature and adult-like.

Clementine turned around, only to see Thoth with a look she was all too familiar with, a look of excitement.

The same look she had while she tortured her victims.

"Bullshit!" She couldn't believe her magical weapons weren't enough to even scratch the child, and he was supposed to be stronger than her? Her?! She was Clementine, one of the strongest humanoids on the planet! This little shit was nothing compared to her!

She stabbed again and again, trying to figure out with desperation what this little shit was doing, but the entire time, the look in Thoth's eyes only strengthened.

'Come on Ainz, say it, say it...!'

"Thoth! Show them the power of Nazarick!" A deep and powerful voice, that of Momon, rang out.

Clementine was confused, but she wasn't given much time to think as Thoth came up from behind her and slammed her into the ground, her spine shattered into pieces as she died instantly.

"No no no no~ This just won't do..." Thoth pointed a finger at Clementine and cast "[True Revival]."

Clementine's shredded body pieced itself back together again, and she woke up very confused.

She got up and rushed away from Thoth, turning around with her weapons in hand, eyeing him carefully.

She didn't know what happened, but she had to be careful.

"Haah... You know you are just sad, right? Do you even comprehend what kind of being you are dealing with? You know, how about I give you a hint?"

His wings stretched out, Clementine froze in shock as Thoth stretched his back.

"Ah, feels good to be free doesn't it?" Clementine didn't respond so Thoth continued: "You know, I never felt the desire to kill since I came here, but there is just something about you that makes my heart burn, makes me act up you know? And don't treat that as you being pretty, don't stick your dick in crazy is a rule I am a firm believer of."

"This is one of your shitty illusions, I won't fall for it."

Thoth rolled his eyes and before Clementine could blink, he was in front of her, he grabbed her hand and dragged her down to his level, and with a deadpan voice said "Does this feel like an illusion to you?"

He then ripped her arm clean off, making blood spray everywhere.

Clementine didn't scream, she felt no pain, her body was in shock now as she collapsed to her knees while holding the remains of her arm.

Thoth ignored her panic and rambled to himself, "You know, I probably want to kill you and torture you so bad cause you are of negative alignment, probably at least -100 for me to feel this way only about you so far, good, you were at least good for something."

"Haah~ man~ You know miss I would love to play with you more, believe me, but Momon is probably already done, so that means you are also done."

Thoth grabbed Clementine by the throat and threw her to the ground, he didn't kill her yet, no, she would die slowly and painfully, just as he and Ainz desired.

Thoth then healed her arm, there wouldn't be any suffering if she couldn't feel pain after all.

Clementine tried to run away, so he broke her legs first, then he went finger by finger, not taking too long with each one, he was in a bit of a hurry after all.

Each crack could be called satisfying if it wasn't for Clementine's begging Thoth for mercy and her screams of pain.

Each time she seemed to go into shock, Thoth simply healed her.

Ah, the beauty of healing magic.

After a minute of this, he stomped on her head, killing the crazy woman once and for all and putting an end to her murderous legacy.

The two male angels could be seen watching from afar, there was no more point in watching Nfirea now with the Elder here, so they instead decided to watch him give out divine punishment.

"Elder is truly worthy of praise," Protector said, his voice filled with respect.

"I know right?! He showed that bitch who's boss!" Protector raised an eyebrow at the foul language, but this time, he allowed it. The Elder one was just that amazing he supposed.

He couldn't even keep up with his movements, his way of divine punishment was unorthodox but effective, there is no doubt that the woman regretted her actions as she died.

Suddenly, the Elder one looked at them and they heard a voice in their minds say 'Go watch Nfirea, he is not safe until we rescue him.'

The two immediately returned to Nfirea, who could be seen in a circular chamber in the middle of a large magical circle, a strange crown could be seen on his head, and his eyes were closed as some other force kept him standing.

Thoth skipped over to Ainz, his wings stretched and now back in his body while his mood was elevated.

Truly, it felt good to dish out karma.

As Thoth was toying with Clementine, Ainz fought his own battle, albeit he was not as cruel.

As Thoth and Clementine disappeared, he turned to the sorry excuse of a man in front of him and simply pulled out his swords.

"Haha, you shall serve as a good test for my bone dragons I suppose!" as he said this, two large skeletal dragons rose out of the earth, the ground shook and collapsed as they forced their way out, sending chunks of dirt flying around.

Ainz simply sighed, he was actually curious if this was something to be interested in, but yet again, this world is simply low-level.

He felt like a 100 lvl player going to the tutorial with his maxed-out stats, it was a power trip sure, but it got boring fast.

Khajit took his silence for shock and shouted with pride, "You are right to be afraid! These dragons can ignore all magic! Though don't worry, they can easily rip you to shreds with their might alone."

"I doubt that," Momon said, supreme confidence in his voice.

"Fool! Kill him my dragons!" The two dragons roared, how they did so was unknown, and they charged at Momon

Momon simply sliced down with both of his swords, their skulls were sliced through as if they were made of butter and Momon was using a hot knife, no, that is an understatement, it's as if the knife was made out of the sun, there was absolutely no resistance.

Khajit could only look in horror as decades of work were all coming down in a few minutes, if it weren't for that foolish woman, his plan would have been successful.

Momon took a step forward, enough to make Khajit negotiate.

"Wait! I have gathered much knowledge of the arcane and many other things! Maybe we could figure something out? Work together? I'm sure you would find my services useful! I wouldn't fall short of any other subject I'm sure."

"...You wouldn't fall short of ANY subject you say?"

Khajit considered the specification strange, but he had to go along with it now.

"Y-Yes, I'm sure."

Momon turned to where Thoth and Clementine went and shouted, his voice filled with confidence and pride, "Thoth! Show them the power of Nazarick!"

He then turned around and looked at the confused Khajit.

"I do not need you, I will simply read the memories of your corpse."

Ainz then removed his helmet, revealing his face and making Khajit gasp in surprise.

"In fact, how about I show you the difference between us?"

Momon then removed his armor and took off his ring with his divine tier equipment on him, making Khajit fall on his ass from its intensity.

There was no Momon, in front of him stood death, a God, if not the one and only God, no other being could be so powerful.

Khajit now realized his mistake, how could he be worthy of serving a God? He was a mere ant, not even a roadblock on his journey in the mortal world.

And so, Ainz equipped his ring and armor again and walked towards Khajit, who crawled back in response.

There was no escape, however, and soon enough, Ainz was holding the man up by his throat.

Khajit begged, but it wasn't anything of interest to the overlord, and so with a single cracking noise, his throat collapsed as his spine was crushed into powder, at this moment, Thoth hopped over happily.

"Excellent work as always Lord Ainz, truly, your might is beyond my comprehension."

'Oh, not this again! Does he enjoy making me so uncomfortable,!?'

"...Umu, now, let us rescue Nfirea, we must secure him, we did promise to miss Lizzy after all."


With everything here done, the two decided to leave after getting all of the magical items from both Clementine and Khajit and rescuing Nfirea, and getting the crown for themselves, the two angels now sat on Thoth's shoulders, their small wings hidden away in their backs.

Ainz sent a message to Albedo to send someone capable of reviving and reading memories here, the intel these two had would be doubt be useful.

Thoth cast [Greater Invisibility] on the angels so they wouldn't be seen again, just to be safe, he also cast it on them before Nfirea was kidnapped so Clementine wouldn't see them, a quick teleportation was all it took.

And so, E-Rantel was saved, and now the word of the Dark Warrior and the Blessed Child truly kicked off, and the entire city celebrated their saviors, and the entire party was promoted to Mythril rank as a thank you for their service.

The Swords of Darkness were revived, their memories manipulated conveniently for Nazarick, making them spread the word even further, though Thoth ensured they were still themselves and no unnecessary changes were made.

Nfirea and his grandmother gathered their things and moved to Carne Village, the city mourned the loss of the two talented potion makers, but life moved on.

And so, time passed, and Ainz returned to his wonderful home, The Great Tomb of Nazarick.


NAZARICK NPC's (0): NONE (1 USD/month)


FLOOR GUARDIANS (1): LightningGodWolf(4 USD/month)

SUPREME BEINGS (1): ElusiveBucket (6 USD/month)

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