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21.66% I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick / Chapter 12: Dark warrior and the blessed child

Capítulo 12: Dark warrior and the blessed child

The group traveled into the forest with Nfirea, the young boy guided them with his knowledge of the area while the adventurers kept keen eyes on the perimeter.

It wasn't a difficult path, the Forest of Tob is just your normal forest, if it wasn't for the powerful creatures controlling most of it and the herbs growing within, it would be considered rather boring.

The land was very healthy, the trees were filled with vibrant green leaves and animals could be seen going about their business in the distance, both large and small, insects crawled over trees while a bird took flight elsewhere.

The forest was something that Ainz's previous world could have only dreamed of, such beauty without human protection would have been destroyed instantly by the polluted rivers and toxic air. Yet, he was unmoved by the scene, which disappointed him.

He could feel his emotions were a lot dimmer now, like a dying flame, only the fractions of what he would have once felt now affected his mind, which greatly frustrated him.

He couldn't laugh, he couldn't cry, hell, he doubted if love would also be suppressed by his undead passive since it is such a strong feeling, and worst of all, how long until he forgot what certain emotions felt like?

It concerned him greatly, but there was nothing he could do about it for now, so he dispelled the thoughts and focused his mind elsewhere. Specifically, on the current situation.

Things have been going according to plan, the adventurers have seen just how powerful Momon and his companions are, and they will surely spread the word around, if they don't, he will just hire some more talkative people to accompany him.

Thoth specifically has done an excellent job, he is the reason Nfirea came to them after all, and while Ainz did not know what he did exactly, he could only be impressed by the Guardian's initiative and intellect.

He was humming a tune to himself in a careless manner, inspecting things around him very much like how a child would, not only was he the wisest in all of Nazarick, but he was also an excellent actor. Ainz felt a bit inferior, to say the least

He suppressed the urge to sigh, knowing his subordinates would all immediately turn to him and ask what was wrong, which he had no good answer for.

Thoth meanwhile, was growing more and more concerned.

'Since Aura isn't in the forest subjugating the monsters, who is? And who will provoke Hamsuke to act hostile against Momon? That is what got him promoted to a higher rank and catapulted his reputation forward in the anime after all.'

"Alright everyone, this is the place! Let's gather the herbs quickly and get out of here before something attacks us."

Momon approached Aura and whispered to her while everyone else was busy getting as many herbs as possible and asked her to find the strongest monster in the area and to provoke it into attacking them, to which Aura nodded.

Thoth was quite impressed with Ainz for that one, he intended to ask Aura to do that in his name while saying "It's c l e a r l y a part of Lord Ainz's plan!" As a convenient excuse so she wouldn't question things, but there was no reason for that now.

The others noticed Aura was suddenly not there, but Momon simply said she went around to scout the perimeter, which they all accepted without a second thought.

The group managed to get a bit of herbs gathered before they felt the ground beneath them shake as something rapidly approached.

Aura suddenly appeared from the tree line, shouting the Wise king of the forest was coming quickly, making the normals of the group panic.

"All of you, leave at once, I shall handle the beast by myself." Momon silenced the panic, taking control immediately.

"Are you sure Sir Momon?" Petr asked, willing to help even if he was weak compared to the great adventurer before him.

"It's fine, the creature will be no match for me, I assure you."

"Okay, Everyone! Let's get out of here quickly!"

Everyone except Momon ran away, leaving him alone to face the king, who would prove to be a memorable foe for years to come.

Everyone was concerned for Momon's safety, or rather, the Swords of Darkness were, the Nazarick NPCs were not remotely shaken, which helped to inspire confidence in the Swords of Darkness, if they were so confident, then Momon should win, right?

And indeed, after about ten minutes of waiting, Momon appeared from the forest, with a powerful beast next to him.

Its fur looked rather cozy to Thoth, though, to the average human, it would look like an impenetrable barrier. Its snake tail looked rather intimidating, with dark green scales going up until the tail ended in a blunt half-circle end.

It looked adorable to Thoth since it was a big hamster with a green tail from his perspective.

The adventurers behind him seemed to have different feelings however, as their mouths hung open in shock.

"Remain calm, the beast has been subjugated by me and it follows my orders without question." Momon tried to bring the adventurers back from their shock, but Hamsuke's speaking didn't help.

"Indeed! Fear not friends of my new master, I shall not harm you!" Her voice was on the higher side, making Thoth melt internally from the cuteness.

'Seriously, this thing was harmless! I never understood why people keep hamsters pets but now I think I do.'

Thoth skipped over to Hamsuke and jumped on her head, laying down while letting out a satisfied sigh, much to the confusion of the poor hamster.

Yup, this was a pretty good bed, now he understood why Aura wanted to skin her originally, but no, she still had a purpose to fulfill.

"U-Um, Sir Momon? If I may ask, what do you intend to do with the creature?" Nfirea asked, concern for the village in his voice.

"Oo! Can I skin it?" Aura spoke up, making Hamsuke shiver, Thoth from her head immediately voiced a protest, "No! This is my bed now and you won't come near it!" It seems the hamster was claimed.

"...I plan on taking it to E-Rantel, surely they will improve my ranking once they see this creature I've captured with ease."

"But that would put the village in danger, monsters from the area might attack it."

"Dont worry, we'll take care that doesn't happen," Momon assured, his voice becoming a bit deeper for a quick second.

Nfirea immediately knew there was nothing more to be concerned about, he knows how powerful the beings in front of him are, and now that he had their word they would protect the village, he felt a bit more at peace.

The group went back to the village where Nfirea said goodbye to Enri, the girl still unaware of why Momon's true identity or Nfirea's realization, from there they headed straight to E-Rantel, the traveling back rather uneventful, aside from the random group they encountered, which stared bewildered at Hamsuke and all of the people riding on her.

Thoth could almost feel the cringe Ainz was feeling, it seems such feelings were not dulled much to the anguish of the skeleton, but both of them knew this was necessary.

After a day of traveling, the group arrived at the city, though the guards were certainly suspicious of the group when they noticed the powerful creature being used as a mount.

They had to spend a good hour trying to convince the guards to allow them in with Hamsuke, and only thanks to Nfirea and the Swords of Darkness were they allowed in, they were quite well known with the guards thanks to their help and common expeditions.

The two groups separated as Ainz, Nabe, Aura, and Thoth walked to their inn after receiving their promised payments and also paying the Swords of Darkness while the Swords of Darkness escorted Nfirea back to his home.

On the way back to their inn, Momon and his group encountered Nfirea's grandmother, Lizzie Bareare.

Thoth immediately offered her their protection while she went back home for free since it was late, which she happily accepted, not thinking much of it, Momon also liked the idea, they had to make the best impression on the notable people within the city.

When they arrived at the Bareare residence, the door was unlocked, which made the old woman raise an eyebrow, they always locked their doors when they left and returned since someone could steal from them.

She pushed the door open, no noise could be heard, however, two corpses could be seen on the ground, Thoth recognized them as Dain and Ninya, Dain was on the floor while Ninya was leaning on a wall and sitting on the floor.

Lizzie Bareare stumbled back in shock while Momon pulled out his weapons and rushed inside the building, as he did, Dain's corpse got up, fully zombified.

He easily cut off his head in one smooth movement, in that moment, two more zombies, Petr and Lukrut this time, came around the corner, also easily decapitated.

Lizzie Bareare rushed inside, screaming for Nfirea while Momon ordered the others to investigate the house, Momon approached Ninya, or rather, her corpse. He carefully began checking for any signs of necromancy.

As he looked, he realized that Ninya was never a woman, it seems she was lying for her own personal reasons Ainz was unaware of, out of respect, he stopped looking at her body and instead found the old lady with tears in her eyes still searching for Nfirea everywhere.

"Your son was most likely kidnapped, I heard he is a talent holder, they most likely seek to use him for their benefit."

Lizzy looked at Momon, her eyes desperate, "Right! I want to hire you, how much do you want to save my grandson?"


"Wha-?!" Lizzy stumbled back in shock, "...I heard of demons who trick people into selling their souls for things they desire the most... Fine, take everything, just save him!"

Momon's red eyes grew bright, bright enough for Lizzy to notice them, and only now did she realize what kind of being she made a deal with. Still, there was no regret in her heart, her grandson still had his whole life ahead of him but she was already old anyway, his life is worth more.

Momon gathered everyone in one of the rooms and told us about his strategy, he didn't need to burn as many spell scrolls since Thoth could use his abilities instead, saving Nazarick some precious items for future use.

Nonetheless, the skeleton army was pathetic to put it nicely. It might look scary, but Thoth could easily purge it in a matter of minutes, just dropping some AOE holy spells would be enough to kill every single undead in the area, and this was the plan.

Thoth would use a fly spell and he would bombard the more distant areas of the graveyard with holy magic while Momon fought the undead hordes closer to the gates, the others would stay behind to ensure nothing escaped.

And so, the duo went and rushed to the graveyard, there was no time to kill.

The soldiers at the graveyard could be seen sitting around, their boredom obvious to anyone watching them, some could be seen snoring, resting their heads on the cold hard stone walls between the graveyard and the city proper.

The guard captain, a man named Timond, could be seen watching the graveyard.

He didn't know why, but he felt he needed to see what was about to happen any minute now, a sixth sense of sorts was keeping him awake.

He soon noticed movement in the light fog which seemed to descend on the graveyard, and to his horror, he realized what that movement was.

An army of zombies and skeletons, their numbers unknown, but in the thick fog, their numbers looked infinite, stretching on for tens of meters in each direction.

He shook his head and woke up his men, they all prepared for a tough battle ahead, and once they were all ready, the skeletons were already climbing up the wall.

They stabbed down with all their strength, and shouts of men being dragged into the horde's clutches could be heard as the undead dragged them into their horde, ripping them apart with zeal and vigor unfitting for the undead.

As the walls were about to be lost, tho people could be seen approaching, their copper plates shining in the moonlight.

"Run! Go warn the guild and the military! You can't help us!" Timond shouted, but he was ignored.

The man in large black armor jumped on the walls, and with swings of his large black swords, tens of undead were cut down, his swords so sharp and he so strong that their bones melted under their combined might.

The child used holy magic to easily slaughter all the undead around him, with the two of them, the wall was cleared of undead in an instant, leaving the survivors in shock.

"No worries, we'll handle this." Momon turned to Timond, who only nodded back in response absentmindedly, besides, how would he stop such a powerful being?

Thoth rose into the air, not using his wings, even though he really wanted to let them breathe.

Momon jumped down into the horde, he ripped a nearby large dead tree out of the ground and used it as a club, cutting down hundreds of undead with each swing.

Thoth meanwhile, took a minute to cast a powerful spell, "[Crusader's spirit]." As he cast the spells, thousands of shimmering golden crusaders descended from the sky, they pushed back the undead, determined to do the lord's work.

This spell would summon an army of crusaders, the size and strength of the crusaders depended on the number and strength of undead nearby, as well as the caster's level, after an hour, these spirits would disappear, and their maximum level was also limited to lvl 40, hence why they weren't used against Ainz Ooal Gown.

The soldiers could only stare in awe as the Crusaders descended from the sky, the faint fog making their holy light look even more radiant and holy.

With the dark warrior at the front leading the charge against the undead, they surged forward, crushing skulls beneath their boots, and after a few minutes, no undead could be seen near the wall, the air completely silent and still.

Thoth had advanced with the army, constantly ordering his troops to make minor changes to their formation so that Momon would look as good as he could while also maximizing effectiveness

"What was that?" A soldier asked.

"That, my men, was a legend, we just witnessed the beginning of a legendary hero."

"The dark warrior and the blessed child, what a strange duo..."

Timond now knew why his sixth sense was encouraging him to stay awake, he just witnessed what few had in their entire life, a legendary moment that would be recorded by history forever.


Hey guys, I just want to let you know more about the MC's build, I won't tell you everything so I have wiggle room for the future, but I will tell you what his build is and some specifications

Mc is mainly a spellcaster, his spear is a staff made to look like a spear to deceive any enemies, though it can also work just fine as a spear in case of an emergency.

Mc's three forms (humanoid, half-angel, and biblical angel,) each have their advantages, with the exception being his humanoid form, which is the weakest since it makes him weaker stat-wise (20% lower stats.)

In his half-angel form, he can wear armor and wield weapons while using his full stats, in his biblical form, he can't wear armor or any other gear, instead, he gains a huge boost to his stats (all doubled) for 10 minutes while getting access to some powerful abilities he can only use while in this form, at the end of this, he will revert to his humanoid form with a big debuff and he will not be capable of changing to another form for 24 hours, the debuff will also last 24 hours.

So the half-angel form is his fighting mode while the biblical form is a kind of a hail mary.

MC can cast a wide range of spying spells (divination, scrying, etc...) and he can also cast a wide range of holy spells, including healing and damage, he doesn't have much to go in terms of support magic aside from the aforementioned healing since he was supposed to fight alone in the Alexandrian Codex. He can also cast memory and mind manipulation/control spells, and a few soul control spells (destroying them, manipulating them, etc...) which in the game meant instant death or getting dazed for a while.

His main stats are Agility, Magical Attack, and Magical defense, followed by Physical defense, Resistance, and Special. He was meant to hit enemies from a distance while dodging and running away, his wings and the large space in the Codex would aid him in that, with his final form being his biblical self, which doubled his stats for 10 minutes and would be capable of taking on a large lvl 100 force, which would have to be constantly dealing with their people getting trapped in illusions by the Codex should any of them try to get to higher ground by using the walkways.

Have a nice day everyone! Thank you for reading and...


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