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16.66% I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick / Chapter 9: E-Rantel (CHANGED)

Capítulo 9: E-Rantel (CHANGED)

Thoth, Ainz, Nabe, and Aura walked out of a portal deep in the woods approximately a kilometer away from the fortress city of E-Rantel.

Ainz is dressed in dark armor with yellowish outlines, and a dark helm covering his face, he would from now on be referred to as Momon by his companions, though a few struggled with calling a Supreme Being so casually.

Nabe is wearing a brown cloak with a white shirt and black pants along with leather shoes, Aura meanwhile is dressed like a druid, with green colors and detailed intricate drawings over her leather green outfit, she has a long green cloak with a hood that has golden carvings all over it.

Thoth has a white spear in hand with a golden tip, his outfit much like a priest's, he has a white robe over his body with divine symbols from Earth all over it.

The group was made to attract attention, that was their purpose after all, to quickly grow in popularity and earn a lot of money.

"Right, so you all understand the plan right? We are traveling adventurers from a faraway land torn apart by war and are trying to earn some money, you shall refer to me as Momon and Narberal as Nabe, Thoth and Aura shall be referred to the same way."

"Okay, Momon!" Thoth spoke with ease, not at all troubled by casually referring to a supreme being.

"Um... Momon...sir, must we refer to you so casually?" Nabe asked again, the girls were both having trouble with being casual, even if it was just an act.

"Goodness..." They both tensed up at Momon sounding disappointed, "We shall have it be that I rescued you two and that's why you refer to me formally, so you two call me Sir Momon."

"Thank you, Sir Momon." They both kneeled and thanked Momon for his benevolence.

"It's fine, now, let's get moving." Momon dismissed their thanks and the group traveled to the city.

They were attacked once by a very brave boar, but the creature was ripped into pieces before it could even attempt to touch Sir Momon with its dirty tusks.

There is no way the trio would allow such a dirty creature to touch even the armor of a supreme being.

They took the carcass with them, there is a chance the city would demand an entry tax, so this thing should be enough to cover that.

They reached the city without any problems, but now it truly dawned on them how much attention they were attracting.

Merchants murmured and glanced at them often, and even the city guard seemed to take note of their presence.

Eventually, it was their turn to enter the city, and just as they feared, there was an entry fee.

"You need to give a silver piece to enter the city without any official documentation or seal."

"I see, is this boar we caught enough to pay for that?"

"...Let me check with my superior." Soon enough, a man came and inspected the boar.

"It's in excellent condition, this will do, hope you like the city." The man nodded at the group, who entered the city.

Immediately, people stared at the newcomer, some people even gasped in surprise.

Their armor and robes were sparkling, and all of their gear was obviously incredibly high quality, so these people showing up could either be great or huge trouble.

Everyone knows that trouble follows the strong, they seem to bring trouble wherever they go, but they also provide safety, for a price.

Momonga approached a random person, a man who was currently selling fresh vegetables from a stall, and asked him where the adventurer's guild was, he was then pointed to it.

The group entered the large building made out of wood and stone, it was easily distinguishable from the buildings around it, being a lot larger, rich looking, and active.

The inside of the building was bustling with activity, parties looked for quests on the board while others received and counted their money, warriors and mages were gathered here, all coming together for the shared goal of making money.

"Hey look at those guys." A man with short brown hair and brown eyes pointed at the group, "Some rich guy is playing tough!"

"Haha!" The people around him laughed, it wasn't too uncommon for rich kids to buy expensive armor and then get their ass handed to them by a monster cause they thought they were worth something.

Aura and Nabe looked considerably pissed off, their eyes meeting the adventurer's eyes.

The man, oblivious to the danger he is in, stood up, thinking to correct the behavior of the arrogant child.

"Hey brat, what are you staring at me like that for?" The man was most likely brain dead, speaking like a typical villain all while forgetting he insulted the group seconds ago.

It's a miracle he didn't get killed for his impudence on the spot, luckily for him, Aura and Nabe managed to keep themselves under control, though their faces still contorted in anger.

Thoth smiled a little, excited to see how this would play out.

The warrior dressed in the night also seemed to find this amusing as he laughed at the adventurer.

"What so funny?" The adventurer pressed further.

"I wonder..." Thoth shook his head at the man.

"You are..." Momonga finally stopped laughing, "You are amusing." and after answering, he grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it, a sharp crack could be heard echoing through the now-dead-silent adventurers' guild.

"*Sigh*, Thoth, please heal the fool."

"You got it, Momon!" Thoth answered energetically.

"[Heal]!" Thoth said while reaching out his hand toward the man, a white glow surrounded the man and Thoth as the magic activated.

The man, who was now laying on the ground in pain, looked up as his wrist was fully healed.

Gasps of amazement could be heard as a child managed to cast a spell at such a young age, he could be considered a prodigy to stand with the likes of Fluder Paradyne if not being outright more talented than him.

The group ignored the man who was still on the floor and approached the counter.

"Hello, we would like to register as adventurers."

"I'm sorry, but one must be at least 15 years old to register as an adventurer." The lady bowed slightly, but that wouldn't stop Momon.

"My companions are all 15, the two children are a rare elf species, hence why they look so young."

"...I see, please give me a second to talk with the Guild Master."

"Very well." Momon nodded.

Thoth meanwhile cast an illusion on his ears to make them look elven, luckily his hair hid his ears up to this point.

'Ainz, you truly are one lucky son of a bitch.'

A man coughed violently in a corner of the guild, seemingly choking on his drink.

Momon looked at him, causing the man to apologize and leave in a hurry without even saying anything.

'Is he a racist or something?' Thoth and Momon thought the same thing, but neither was aware of the man's true identity.

'Why the hell is there elven royalty here?!' He thought to himself, as a spy from the Slane Theocracy, he knew how elven royalty looked, they were infamous in the nation after all.

They were all thought to be near the capital city, and yet here are two seemingly talented elves, one with having heterochromatic eyes, a clear sign of royal blood.

'I have to inform the Theocracy about this development! The elves are planning something no doubt!'

The commoners didn't respond to the heterochromatic eyes since they don't know what elven royalty looks like, the nobles don't know either, and neither does the king, simply because they never interacted with them and they never needed to know.

However, as a trained spy from the Theocracy, this man knows exactly how elven royalty looks, their nation is at war with the elves after all.

And so the man swiftly walked, thinking: 'How am I going to explain this to my superiors?'

Meanwhile, with Momon and the group, the lady returned with papers for the group to fill out.

"Here is everything you need to fill out, please return once all the empty spots have been filed or if you have any questions."

"Thanks." Momon took the papers and sat down at a table with the group, but they all immediately realized something.

'Shit, I can't read any of this!' Momon cursed, it seems like his translation ability only extends to speaking and not reading.

Thoth meanwhile also didn't understand the text, he would if he was in his true or half-transformed form since they allowed him to see through things and understand all texts and words, but he was in his humanoid form, so he was also at the mercy of a kind soul.

Thoth looked up and saw the members of the group known as the Swords of Darkness, Momon was supposed to join them after they helped him fill out his form, and they were currently sitting at a table on the other end of the room while discussing something, they occasionally glanced at them and then got back to discussing in hushed tones.

After a very awkward minute of sitting and staring at the papers, the leader of the group, a brown-haired man, approached them.

"You seem to be having some trouble filling out your forms, would you like some help?"

"...Yes, it would be very much appreciated, you see, we are not from this area and don't read the local language."

"Ah... I understand, here, let me help." The man dragged a chair over and read out the things we were supposed to write down.

Luckily, they don't ask where a person is from, only name, strengths, abilities, and skills matter to the Guild, and also race, which Thoth and Aura filled out as elves.

After ten minutes, we all had our documents ready and handed them over, each one of us received a copper plate.

'Huh, after that show of strength, I expected us to be given silver at least, whatever, it doesn't matter.' I shrugged to myself, Momon meanwhile asked what the plates meant.

"It's a ranking of contribution and strength the Guild uses to give out tasks, copper plate it the bottom while Adamantite is at the top."

"Lo-*Ahem* Sir Momon should be at Adamantite level then!" Aura protested loudly, Momonga turned to her and spoke in a commanding tone, "Calm down Aura, it doesn't matter."

Before Aura could complain further, Momonga asked the receptionist to give them the most difficult copper plate quest they had available.

Momon then asked the receptionist for a cheap place to stay, which she recommended to them.

The group then promptly left to finish their first task, which was to help gather some herbs.

A rather boring job, though it gave me time to think at least.

Things have changed a bit, we didn't go with the Swords of Darkness, instead, we are doing our own thing, which makes sense, with such a large and seemingly well-balanced group, there is no need to join anyone.

We have a "druid," a magic caster, a warrior, and a "priest."

Though Druid and Priest are not our actual jobs, we can easily fill in those roles with our powers, so we don't need anyone else.

That's probably for the better, at least those guys won't die a painful death to Clementine.

Since Aura and I are now known as elves, we should be more careful if we ever head to the Empire since elves are enslaved there, but that is far in the future, at that point we will be renowned adventurers, and we probably won't go there without adventurer identity anyways.

I feel like I'm forgetting something important here but I can't remember...

Suddenly, Ainz called out to me: "Thoth stop gathering, Aura already gathered more than enough for all of us!"

I turned around and my mouth opened in shock.

Aura could be seen with a large sack full of herbs, the thing is about as tall as she is, and it was full, it looked like it might explode.

"Great job Aura, though next time, make sure you leave something behind for the other adventurers as well." Aura beamed a smile as she was praised, and quickly nodded.

She doesn't understand why Sir Momon is so caring about these vermin, but there is a reason beyond her comprehension for it for sure!

"Right, let's return to E-Rantel now and give these herbs, there should be a hefty reward for this many."

And indeed, they received 50 silver for their efforts.

Nice, now they could stay somewhere decent, but that isn't great.

How is Thoth supposed to drag Nfirea over if there is no convenient adventurer lady to piss off by breaking her potion and replacing it with something else?

Desperate times call for desperate measures it seems.

We entered the mediocre establishment which asked us for two silver pieces for our rooms, Momon paid and mentioned not to bring him food. The staff didn't bother questioning it, adventurers are known to be eccentric folk.

Ainz ordered each of us our separate rooms, meaning I could now freely teleport myself as I desired.

I cast [Perfect Unknowable] on myself and then left my room via the window.

I need to find Nfirea and that adventuring lady, things have to go according to plan.

First I found some random guy in the streets and decided to experiment on him with [Memory Modification], I couldn't risk failure with the important people, but this random dude would suffice.

I accidentally broke his mind about four times, but after an hour of effort, I managed to get the hang of it.

Next, I used scrying magic to find the adventurer lady.

I found her asleep in her room, good, she won't be able to defend herself from what is coming.

I broke in through the window after casting [Silence], I then cast [Mending] to make everything look normal, both very basic spells of only the fourth tier.

I put my head on her forehead and cast [Memory Modification], I would need to brute force this.

After I was done I left a red potion on the table near her and took her blue potion away, I also made sure she wanted to go specifically to Nfirea to check the potion in the morning.

Next, I teleported to Carne Village, I made my way to Enri's house, and I put down a red potion with a note saying: "This is a potion from Lord Ainz, use it carefully.

I then teleported back to the inn, where Ainz, in his divine-grade caster gear, could be seen standing in front of the door waiting for me.

"Where were you, Thoth?"

I kneeled immediately and told him exactly what I did.

"I see, but shouldn't you tell me when you are about to leave? What prompted you to think leaving without any warning in an unknown environment was a good idea?"

"I apologize Lord Ainz, but this is not a foreign environment, I've had spies here for days now."

"Those two angels? They are only level 20, they could be easily manipulated with illusion or memory-changing magic."

"..." I mean, he is correct, not much I can do but apologize.

"You didn't give them items to prevent such things did you? It seems not judging by your expression, so you put your blind trust into a loose end, am I correct?"

"You are correct. I apologize."

"It's fine, make sure you use this as a learning experience."

"Thank you for your mercy Lord Ainz."

Ainz waved me off and got up, before he left he said one more thing.

"Also, next time before you leave so suddenly, make sure to message me at least, I need to know when you leave."

"I understand."

That was a close call and certainly stressful. I guess there is a first time for everything, including being reprimanded by Ainz.

I was worried he would question me for my strange behavior, but it seems he either doesn't remember my personality or he doesn't care, either way, that is good news.

From Ainz's perspective, he considered questioning Thoth more, but such a thing he decided was unnecessary. He had done nothing so far to warrant suspicion, his behavior could be considered strange, but it is just as if not more likely that he simply got Thoth's backstory mixed up.

In fact, the Guardian was being proactive in helping Nazarick, if anything, he should be rewarded for his efforts, though they were not perfect.

So with this in mind, Ainz teleported back to Nazarick, not willing to stay in the inn the entire night.



NAZARICK NPC's (0): NONE (1 USD/month)



SUPREME BEINGS (1): ElusiveBucket (6 USD/month)

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