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81.69% The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross) / Chapter 232: Chapter 232

Capítulo 232: Chapter 232


We left Gasper to his games and headed back to the Clubroom.

My two newest girlfriends were listening with rap detention as I explained about myself and where I came from. They didn't believe me at first, but a few demonstrations of my abilities and they were mostly convinced.

"Woah…" Rias said with stars in her eyes. I could tell she definitely wanted to visit my home, maybe even move there. Rias was an interesting one. She was a girl that craved a regular life, but at the same time she also thirsted for excitement. "Aliens…Space Travel…Alien Gods!? Your Universe sounds crazy! And you're trying to become a Goddess yourself?"

I nodded at Rias. I had mentioned to them that I was trying to become the Goddess of Angels. That required the Angels of this world to acknowledge me as such. Even if they didn't pray to me, belief would still send me Faith Energy. Rias and Sona were justifiably skeptical, until they found out that I could heal pretty much anything and even revive the dead! 

"Really!? Only G–God…Ow…was able to revive the dead in our world. Even then, he was only able to revive Humans or half humans like J–jesus…Ow." Rias said while clutching her head from the migrain saying those two names gave her. 

I quickly healed her headache with my Purger of Darkness and told her she could just refer to those two as Big G or Big J. That caused her to giggle.

Sona had been looking contemplative for a while. "You blatantly exposed the Supernatural to the humans of your world…and they actually accepted you?" Sona asked in surprise. She was under the impression that things should not have gotten that smoothly. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't they? What did you think would have happened?"

"We all thought they would have started launching nukes to kill us all off! That's one of the reasons why we try so hard to keep the Supernatural world secret. That's why we wipe the memories of any normal humans when they discover us." Sona explained. She thought that humans would never be able to accept the Devil's, because they used to eat their souls back during the Great War.

"I nodded at that. You would think that's the case," I told the two of them. "But you're forgetting one important thing." I said with a sly grin.

They both looked at me curiously. Rias tilted her head. "And what's that?"

"Both you and Sona are super hot." I told them. Sona sputtered at me with a red face.

I laughed. "Let's be real here, the majority of men tend to think with their little heads. If human men found out that there was an entire race, full of super hot women, that 'regularly indulged in sin,' do you think they would try and destroy that race? Or would they instead all try and hook up with the Sexy Devil girls?" I asked them. If I was an ugly Fallen Angel, my reveal to Earth Marvel would not have gone over as well as it should have. It did though, because I was ridiculously Hot, and half the planet wanted to fuck me. 

I accepted that fact a while ago…

Sona and Rias were both gaping at me for my question. Sona tried to argue that people were smarter than that, and that there was no way that could be the case. "War can easily be prevented just because I'm hot? There's no way that would work." She scoffed. 

I pointed at Sona. "You literally chose not to attack me, a Fallen Angel in the heart of your territory, because I am Hot." I told her. "…You're the same as them." 

Sona pressed her face into her hands and let out a muffled scream of embarrassment at being compared to the average horny guy.

Rias giggled at Sona's expense. She then had a pondering look on her face as she started muttering something about how millions of Otaku would probably betray their home country of Japan to defend their precious Youkai Catgirls if they found out they really existed…

She got the idea at least.

Our conversation was interrupted when I felt a massive surge of energy on the outside of the town. I couldn't believe I didn't sense it earlier!

I opened a portal to the edge of town. Sona and Rias followed me. 

I recognize the two magical signatures of whoever fought here. One of them was Vali, and the other was very similar to Isane Hyoudou. Was he fighting with Issei here? Some things were starting to make sense to me now. I had subtly asked Rias about the perverted trio earlier. According to her, they were three normal humans and one of them might possess a Sacred Gear, but she didn't know which one. They spend so much time together, that the Sacred Gear aura brushed off on all of them.

Rias was desperate to get a strong peerage, but she didn't yet know if she was desperate enough to recruit a blatant degenerate to her family. 

"What kind of fight happened here?" Rias asked in shock. Her eyes were wide as she took in the devastation around us. I didn't blame her, half the forest had been completely leveled to the ground. Trees were violently torn up and thrown around everywhere. There were craters scattered around everywhere that could only have resulted from many explosions. 

There must have been a very powerful barrier put up here. Otherwise, there's no way I wouldn't have been able to sense a fight like this going on nearby.

[Or maybe you were just too engrossed talking to your newest girls to notice…]

'Give it a rest system. I'm horny but I'm not that horny.'

My wings emerged behind me and I took to the sky to get an aerial view of the battlefield. It extended for a few kilometers. There was no way Canon Issei would have been able to push Vali this far in a fight. That settled it, I now figured out who the time traveler was. 

Sona and Rias were hovering next to me looking around. Sona suddenly cringed and looked off into the distance. "My sister is here…" She muttered quietly.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "How do you know?"

Rias giggled at Sona who was covered in goosebumps. "She always gets this way when Levia-tan comes to visit her precious So-tan!" she said teasingly. 

As she said that, I felt numerous Magical beings teleport nearby. I recognized one of them as this world's Azazel. He was with three very powerful devils, and two very powerful Angels. I flapped my wings and started making my way over towards them.

I cringed at the sight when we arrived. Azazel was standing in the middle of a crater. I could feel anger radiating off of him. Lying on the ground next to him was Vali…or his corpse that was. He was beaten black and blue and even missing his left arm. 

"Vali lost?" I muttered in shock as I descended.

"Rias?" "So-Tan!" 

Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan called out to their sisters as we all touched down. The two Maous looked at me standing between their siblings and started glaring at me. 

"And who is this?" Serafall asked while giving me a distrustful look.

Sona shifted awkwardly. "Hello, Nee-sama. This is…Layla of the Fallen. The Goddess of Angel's…and our girlfriend…" Sona trailed off. 

I smiled at her for that introduction. I wasn't the Goddess of Angels yet, but I appreciated her talking me up like that. Especially when Michael and Gabriel were also looking at me inquisitively. Upon hearing the word "girlfriend," both Sirzechs and Serafall's expressions darkened. I could definitely feel some killing intent directed at me. Ajuka Beelzebub merely raised an eyebrow, but otherwise didn't look that interested. 

Gabriel skipped forward and stood in front of me. "I don't remember you in Heaven and yet you are a Fallen Angel? Where are you from?" 

"An alternate Universe full of Aliens, Alien Gods, planet-eating Alien Gods, Eldritch Monsters and tons of other crazy stuff." I answered her with a smile.

Gabriel smiled back at me. "That makes sense!" she said in complete acceptance of my answer. 

[No wonder she and Asia get along so well.]

Michael spoke up. "What qualifies you to be the Goddess of Angels?" He asked curiously. I supposed his skepticism was justifiable. 

Despite that, I grinned. This was a good opportunity to talk myself up to them. "I can turn people into Angel's, heal pretty much any injury or disease, teleport unimpeded pretty much anywhere I want, …and revive the dead." I said that last one casually, as if it wasn't a big deal. 

--Faith Energy +1000!--

I smirked at that notification. I didn't know who that came from, but it was most likely Gabriel. She was looking at me in pure excitement from my claims.

Serafall and Sirzechs both blanched at my claims. 

After I spoke, I noticed that Michael had subtly stepped between them and me. Since I had just announced that I could create Angels, there was no way he would let me come to harm. 

"Fascinating…" Ajuka muttered to himself while observing me more closely.

Azazel turned around and spoke for the first time since I arrived. His attention had been completely focused on his son's body so far. "You can revive the dead!?" Azazel asked me. His voice sounded horse, but was tinged with hopefulness.

I floated down into the crater towards him and Vali. I focused on Vali's body. He had really been put through the ringer. I didn't think I could heal his missing arm, even with my Purger of Darkness, but thankfully I had the Rinnegan as well. "King of Hell!" 

Azazel stepped back with a look of shock as a gigantic head manifested nearby! The King of Hell looked very similar to the anime, down to the giant Rinnegan pattern in its eyes. I picked up Vali's body and tossed it directly into its mouth. It closed its mouth and started visibly chewing. It was pretty gross to look at, but that's how it worked. 

"What the hell are you doing!" Azazel shouted at me angrily! He conjured a Lightspear in his hand and was about to attack my summon. 

"Easy there, Azazel! It's fine! The King of Hell feeds on pain. He literally eats injuries. Just watch!" I shouted at him to stop.

Azazel gripped his spear tightly, but didn't make another move to attack. Everyone nearby flew down to get a closer look at what was happening.

"Fascinating!" Ajuka said as he walked a bit closer to the King of Hell. "I can detect that this being's dimensional signature is different from that of the Goddess of Angels. He comes from another Universe himself. And how does he eat pain? Is he eating the physical injuries or is he eating the concept of pain?" He started rambling to himself, lost in thought.

"Your summon is kind of creepy looking, Layla." Rias said to me.

The King of Hell's eyes shifted towards her and he actually glared. He was more sentient than I thought he was. A lot more prideful too. 

Rias shied away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry…" His eyes dismissed her and he went back to chewing. 

"She can't actually revive the dead can she?" I heard Serafall whisper to Sirzechs. "She's just blowing hot air right? Trying to trick our darling sisters!?"

"I dont know." Sirzechs whispered back. "But if she really can…"

"We won't be able to punish her for stealing our precious Imoutos!" Serafall lamented. "She'll be far too valuable when this information gets out!" Serafall turned to Michael. "Don't think we didn't notice that you were ready to attack us to defend her the moment she mentioned that she could create Angels!" Serafall told him accusingly.

Michael simply shrugged at them. His and Gabriel's eyes never left my back.

Half a minute later he stopped and opened his mouth. Vali's body was ejected onto the ground. It was covered in saliva, but was otherwise completely restored to. The only thing was that he was still dead. I thanked the King of Hell who actually nodded to me in response before sinking back down into the ground. I crouched down over Vali's body and placed my hand on his chest. This was something I hadn't done before, but it should be instinctive. Vali was dead, and I didn't want him to be anymore. I wanted him to live.

And he did.

His body twitched before his eyes opened wide! He shot upwards and started violently coughing! "What the fuck!" He exclaimed in confusion. He glanced around rapidly. "Where did my rival go, and why are all of you here?" 

"That was amazing! You really are the Goddess of Angels!" Gabriel exclaimed after watching me resurrect the dead!

"I thought only Father could do what you just did…" Michael spoke. 

--Faith Energy +10000!--

--Faith Energy +10000!--

I grinned at getting another notification so quickly. My plan for using the Angels of this Universe as "Faith batteries" was turning out to actually be feasible. I already gained 21000 Faith Energy from just Michael and Gabriel alone! Both of them were looking upon me with near reverence right now! It might be a bit cruel to exploit them like this and change their faith a bit, but at the end of the day, they were not my actual siblings and this was not my home Universe. The only people from here that I currently cared about were Rias, Sona and Vali.

I didn't want to exploit my own siblings' faith and change the relationship between us. The fastest way to become the Goddess of Angels was to get actual Angel's to believe me to be such. That's why I received so much more Faith Energy from them than I did from Kunou Alter. 

Thankfully for Vali, he hadn't been dead long enough to lose his Sacred Gear. His white Dragon Wings popped out of his back and Albion profusely thanked me for saving his partner. We let Vali take a few minutes to get himself acclimated to being back amongst the living before we started interrogating him on what had happened. 

He told us his story. It was quite a doozy. This version of Issei was even more messed up in the head than the last one I killed…

Vali was about half way through his story when Serafall started acting strangely. She put her hand to her ear and a small magic circle manifested by her ear. The scowl she'd been sending me subtly this whole time vanished and her face changed to one of panic! "The Sitri territory is under attack! Low Class Devils are being slaughtered by two people calling themselves the Children of Thanos!" Serafall declared.

I froze for a second upon hearing her words. 


An hour earlier…

His largest and most powerful vessel drifted in orbit above another version of Midgard. He sat on his throne contemplating his next move. His target had been very skilled at eluding him so far. What annoyed him the most, was that she wasn't even evading him on purpose. He had chased her all the way from his home Universe after she devastated Asgard and destroyed Midgard–along with a few of his precious Infinity Stones!

His loyal children kneeled before him in the throne room of his vessel. Sitting by his side, was his new loyal Queen. After some proper re-education, she had proven to be a competent woman to keep by his side. Despite that, the fires of vengeance still burned in her eyes. She wanted revenge against the exact same woman that he was after. 

"Her power to jump between Universes with such ease is quite annoying, Father." Ebony Maw said to him. "Every time she jumps, it takes us days to follow after her! And then she's gone already before we get there!" He complained.

Gamora scoffed at Ebony Maw. "That's just because you're too incompetent to create a better method to travel across Universes." 

Her sister next to her also snickered at Maw's expense.

Ebony Maw glared at his lord's daughters in annoyance. "You two have no idea the difficulty of the task Father assigned to me! If even the slightest calculation is off, our vessel will be torn apart and lost to the eternal void forever!" 

"Whatever…" Gamora replied in annoyance before looking at him. "Father, this can't go on! We've been chasing this Layla of the Fallen for weeks now! We're wasting our time!" 

"We haven't wasted our time, she's on that planet below us right now!" Ebony Maw defended himself. 

Thanos stood up from his throne and looked at the blue world below. He grimaced in irritation. Layla of the Fallen, his target, was currently on that world somewhere below him and yet he couldn't attack her right now.

"The world directly below us is full of beings with terrifying strength. If our ship descends from orbit right now, I guarantee we won't last more than 10 minutes before we are destroyed." Hela the former queen of Asgard explained. She stood up from her own smaller throne and walked over towards her husband. She placed her hand on his large arm. "We need to fight her on our terms. We need to lure her into a trap. Maybe we should attack her home Universe?"

"We don't know which world her home world is though, Mother." Ebony Maw addressed Hela. "She's jumped to over a dozen Universes in the past month alone."

Hela smirked. "Then we will simply attack the world that she has jumped to the most. That's the most likely one to be her home world." 

Thanos nodded. "Yes, we shall do that. Maw, prepare our ship for another Universal jump. I tire of this endless chase as well. We shall attack her home world after all." Thanos declared and his loyal children all listened.


Alarms blared across Thano's ship. 

"Sire, we are detecting massive power surges on the planet below us. They are all coming from a small Island Nation. Our sensors have managed to pierce through an energy barrier for us to see and hear." 

A holographic screen appeared in the ship's throne room. Thanos watched, impressed, as a warrior in Red Draconic Armor battled intensely against another warrior in White Draconic Armor. The battle was very violent and close. In the end, the Red Warrior triumphed and slew the White one. 

Hela stood next to him as they watched. "The Red Warrior has a severely damaged soul. He has less than a month to live if nothing is done. I could probably heal him though." She said.

"I see little point." He replied. Thanos found the battle entertaining, but held little interest once it was over. That was until his ship's sensors picked up the voice of the Red Warrior speaking. Specifically, he was swearing vengeance against the same enemy that Thanos was after!

"He is preparing a teleportation ritual, Father. What should we do?" Ebony Maw asked.

Thanos grinned. "Lock onto his power signature so we know where he teleports to."

On the screen, the red Warrior vanished from the Battleground. The ship's computers took a couple minutes to calculate where he had teleported to. 

"Interesting," Ebony Maw commented. He had done as his Father asked and locked onto the Warriors power signature. "He appears to have teleported into the center of their world…" 

"I wasn't aware that midgard was hollow inside." Hela commented with a shrug. 

"Prepare our own teleporters." Thanos said. He turned towards Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive who had been relatively quiet so far. "You two will follow after the Red Warrior and recruit him. Wherever he teleported to, I want you two to cause as much death and destruction as you can within a short time. I want Layla of the Fallen to know you were there. Make sure you spread the message that we will be coming to her home next!" Thanos said with a wicked grin. 

"Don't take too long," Hela warned them. "We don't want to alert the powerful beings guarding this world of our presence."

Proxima Midnight bowed. "Your wills will be done, Father…Mother. We shall recruit this Red warrior and spread death in Father's name. Layla of the Fallen will finally know that her days are numbered!" She and her partner immediately left.

Thanos grinned to himself. He didn't know if the Red Warrior was worthy of being one of his new children, but he would prove a useful soldier at the very least. 


Thanks for reading! Big purple is showing up again after like 100 chapters! 

If you want to read ahead of everyone else, check out / Starwaves to read chapters ahead of this story. 

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