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48.07% Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!? / Chapter 25: Loyalty and Fear

Capítulo 25: Loyalty and Fear

POV Panacea :

"Good morning Mr Hotaro." Amy greets with a polite smile.

"Morning, Miss Panacea..." he idly replies, eyes dark and brows furrowed despite having just woken up. "What is the appointment for today... Am I able to leave yet?"

She shakes her head, "You'll have to wait a few more days for observation, but there is good news..." she pauses, wondering if you could truly call it 'good', "Your granddaughter has woken up, if you'd like to see her?"

The man's eyes light up with barely concealed joy, "O-Of course!" he jumps out of bed with agility unlike that of a man his age, nor someone who had just recently had such horrific injuries.

"I... Will have to warn you though, sir... Your daughter has suffered badly from her injuries. Just remember that she will be different from what you are used to."

Panacea accompanies the man to Takeshita's room, and he soon rushes the occupant once he sees her.

Takeshita herself slowly blinks and takes almost five seconds to truly recognise her grandfather... Unfortunately, the damage she'd sustained in the attack had left her speech slurred, if she even managed to put together a comprehensible sentence... For all intents and purposes, the girl had been reduced to someone with a mental capacity half her age.


"A-ah, Takeshita! Your oji-san is here! Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you again! I swear it!" he exclaims, bringing the girl to his chest while struggling to stifle his sobs.

It was always hard for Amy to watch scenes like this, enough so that she usually avoided it like the plague... But this, here? She needed to see. To know exactly what she was letting happen with her inaction. The girl would never live a normal life again, and the already poverty-stricken family would likely struggle to survive from now on...

Government aid was only something that could be granted to American citizens, something Mr Hotaro and his grandaughter were not. Medhall's gracious offer to pay for all medical bills caused by the attack aside, they wouldn't be able to get any government assistance...

How she wished to just touch the girl and make everything better... Kieu's words the other day still weighed on her heavily, never before had she been so conflicted. Every day she questioned whether her promise truly meant anything, or whether she was just being a coward.

Shaking her head, she turns to exit and leave everything to the nurses when someone arrives with a package, a black suitcase with Murata Hotaro scratched into its exterior, with Kieu's name listed as the sender...?

She's even more baffled when a tentative Mr Hotaro opens it up to reveal stacks of dollar bills. At minimum, it had to have been fifty-thousand dollars in there! Where did Kieu get the money to afford that!? There was no way in hell he could earn that much by simply busking!

More confused and conflicted than ever, she steps out of the room ignoring the baffled Mr Hotaro with his granddaughter.



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♦ Topic: Protest on Docks in ABB territory?

In: Boards ► Discussion ► Brockton Bay

Karol_Diva2 (Original Poster) (Brockton Bay Resident)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

Sht's really going down in Brockton now! Idk if its well known yet but the ABB seems to have gotten their hands on another cape. Not only that, its a CASE 53! The Asian supremacists using some poor down on his luck guy without memories of his identity!

Now this is just what I'm hearing but apparently the cape is short as hell and looks like one of those old Japanese cat people too, though, he wears the typical ABB mask to cover his face. If anyone has any pics or sightings post 'em!

All I got rn is a picture my buddy drew after seeing the new cape run past his window.


► Not_Usual_Suspect (Cape Fanboy)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

That drawing is absolute dog sht. Is your buddy a five yearold or was he drunk drawing it? Why does the persons arms have ears, and is that a tail or a massive dong?

► Ash-Whole2 (Brockton Bay Resident)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

I've actually got a pic for my roof security cam



It might not have colour but it seems obvious to me that this is a kid... Just to warn you weirdos who want to sexualise them. Terrorist or not, this stuff has limits. Might not even be a guy in the first place!

Anyway, judging by their speed I'd immediately give them Mover and Brute ratings... Though, we'd need to see more to truly put a number on it.

► Not_Usual_Suspect (Cape Fanboy)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

Who's to say this is even a Case 53 in the first place? For all we know it could be a changer like Hookwolf or something.

► Scissor_Runner (Brockton Bay Resident)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

My friend (who is definitely not in any gangs) told me this Cape is as big as psycho as Lee or Lung. Half of the recent news stories about bloody massacres in the intercity are from this sick fuck tearing people apart.

Fast as hell, can shrug off getting stabbed or shot, and has claws that'll fuck you up. This isn't another Siberian, but sht the people who faced off against him look like they tried to fight the Nine.

► Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave) (Brockton Bay Resident)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

Ugh, just what we need, more psychos running around. I swear no matter how many you know down two more just pop up! It's never-ending!

I've heard of this guy but haven't been able to track him down yet. I've seen the stuff he leaves behind though, it's not good.

► 7Potatosack (Unintentional Loner)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

Anyone have a name for this new cape? As much as I like calling him/them/whateverthefk 'Catboy', they need something official.

That aside, is no one else bothered by the fact the ABB recruited a possible Case 53 child? The monsters who own brothels and sex slaves now have an exotic-looking cape that matches their culture... Either they're drowning in poon or getting assaulted by ugly bastards daily... Might be a reason they're so violent.

► Shiratoon2 (Brockton Bay Resident)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

Who cares about their fucking name when they're going around murdering people!? It's just like the bombing, the PRT won't do anything aside from those 'patrols' where they walk around the friendlier parts of ABB territory!

The ABB is only constrained because they only had 2 capes, but now they're growing in number and soon Brockton is gonna be slammed between two massive cape gangs!

You guys can go back and forth between what color socks this guy wears while I'm getting as far as I can away from the city. Shit I'd rather live in what's left of Japan than this place!


► Guest5555555555555555 (Guest Account)

Posted on March 31st, 2010:

His name is Kaibyō and he is one of us. Enemies be warned, we do not accept mediocrity like the so-called 'Purists'. Kaibyō even as a child is decimating the pathetic bands of inferiors in the Empire and Merchants. Within time he will be a force to reckon with, let us see how the cards will show.

You feared us for Lung and Oni Lee, but now, you will fear us for so much more. Be warned citizens of Brockton Bay, disobey us and you will our full force without mercy. The bombing was only the beginning, stand against us if you dare.

[TennōheikaBanzai.png] (Displays an unclear picture of Lung in his dragon form facing off against the Leviathan during the sinking of Japan)


POV Kieu :

It's been a wild couple of weeks as an ABB cape... Most of my time was spent in the dojo while the rest I was running around doing grunt work. Acting as security for ABB properties, beating down anyone that dares speak up, and even the occasional raid or counter raid.

Add my nightly excursions hunting ABB grunts and I'd gathered quite the amount of BP, even if it wasn't as much as I would have liked. I could feel it though, how close I was getting to the 'Son of Sparda' skill... I was around or slightly above halfway if I had to put a number on it, which might not sound like a lot until you consider the fact I'd killed over fifty people within a couple weeks.

Progression or not, currently I was nervous... Rubbing my hands on my knees from my seat as I glance anxiously down the hallway... Nishihara had asked I come here as 'He' would like to meet me.

I'd met Lee a few times and I'd started to get used to his presence. The psychopath never really said anything and didn't bother anyone unless he had to. He was like an executioner's axe hanging over your head, you can ignore it all until it finally drops.

Lung however? I had no idea how to go about it. He was big on respect, that I could tell, but what he expected from me was up in the air. I didn't even know if he saw me as 'Asian' or not. Or if my identity as a Case 53 perturbed him at all.

I knew for a fact the Empire Eighty-Eight was all disgusted by Case 53's, declaring them inhuman and impure creatures. The ABB hadn't said a word on the matter, though my presence may be causing them to hold their tongue until Lung made his thoughts known.

I didn't even know why I'd been called here... Maybe he just wanted to meet me? Or maybe it was something else?

"They want to see you, Kaibyō-san." a working girl suddenly says, ushering me towards Lung's office.

Inside I see the man himself still in full costume. Only wearing jeans and exposing his heavily tattooed upper body, along with his metallic dragon mask. Idly, I wondered if he always looked like this, or if it was only for me to make sure I didn't expose his identity.

"Kaibyō-kun, come, sit." Nishihara offers the chair next to him, opposite where Lung was drinking a pint-glass of some sort of clear alcohol.

The elderly Asian man's arm drops onto my shoulder as he looks at Lung, "Handsome, isn't he? Surprising given his unique circumstances."

Lung doesn't immediately reply, staring analytically at my face for many minutes. Nishihara just stays where he is, face neutral as if this was common. Finally, Lung raises his mask slightly and sips his drink, "You are lucky. Had you looked as freakish as your kin, your end would not have been well."

I go to respond but Nishihara's grip on me tightens, shutting me up and allowing Lung to continue.

"You have displayed disloyalty at many moments. Fighting against my people, insulting us, assisting rebels... How am I to believe you will be true, this time?"

I quirk a brow at him, "Because I don't have a choice."


He nods, "You do not respect me, but the fear is there. So long as you remember what is at stake, we can work... So, I ask, have you given me reason to punish you?" he inquires, not giving away anything in his tone.

I glance at Nishihara but the man remains stoic, not even meeting my eyes.

"No." I answer with my heart beginning to speed up at the thought of him discovering my treachery. Lung was not someone I could fight, I knew that for a fact. Even now, in his unpowered state, there was no chance of me killing him. Someone had shot him in the head once, yet even with his brain staining the ground he'd got back up and started transforming.

The video of the incident had put a stop to such assassination attempts, especially after Lung razed part of the city...

"Twelve men, dead. No evidence of who is responsible. Beginning around the time you joined the ABB." Lung drawls, swirling his drink.

I stay silent, allowing him to continue. Everything so far could be put up to coincidences, the bombing had been recent so retaliation against the ABB was expected. Either he was trying to goad me into admitting something, or lead up to something unrelated...

"We are aware you are related to these deaths." he states, instantly causing my spine to straighten. How did they know? I'd been incredibly careful with every target! Every location!

"I'm not sure what you mean...?" I reply unsurely.

Lung turns his head to Nishihara and shrugs, "You were not informed, Kaibyō?"

"Informed of what?"

"You are being targeted. One of Kaiser's pathetic soldiers is responsible for the murders."

Nishihara nods and continues, "Claw marks on one of the dead's face mean either Stormtiger or Hookwolf is responsible. I'd put my bets on the former, as Hookwolf is far more 'noisy' in his attempts, even if intel suggests otherwise."

I force myself not to breathe a sigh of relief, I'd forgotten about that one incident. The guy had caught me jumping down at him and raised his arm, and was about to scream. I covered his face but the action caused my claws to pop out, wounding him. I'd tried to cover it up by cutting him up with a knife but it seems they'd figured it out regardless.

"What should I do?" I question earnestly, or as best I could present it.

"Our message over PHO has drawn much public attention, which will force the PRT to act. We intend to use them to protect our territory while we seek revenge against the Empire." Nishihara states.

"Won't that leave our businesses vulnerable...?" I ask, surely the PRT would take out all the brothels if they were left undefended... Or maybe not? They are fucking worthless after all.

Lung quietly snorts and Nishihara speaks for him, "We have bought the police. Acquiring permits for 'legal' businesses is not difficult. The PRT still operates under the law, they will need a warrant to search and seize any property unless we give them just cause. The girls will be given a day's vacation when the time comes."


Niggross Niggross

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to :, I'd appreciate it.

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :


Faruk Ereng

Peter Evans

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