After getting ambushed by 2 War Para-jellys class 1-C was trapped and beaten up with Shino being controlled by one of them.
Ryueki's plan failed miserably on him and everyone thought they were going to die. That's until.
He had came.
Miku: Higanbana-kun!
Kaneki: Raaa~
Kaneki glared at the jellys.
War Para-jelly 1: SCREEEECHH!
War Para-jelly 2: SCREEEECHH!
Kaneki didn't move same with the jellys
Ryueki: what the hell is happening?!
Itsuki: i think he's going to fight them!
Everyone: fight?!
Natsuki: this isn't good!
Everyone was worried because if they fight Kaneki might hurt Shino real badly.
Natsuki: Higanbana-kun! Shino is being controlled! She's in pain!
Those words triggered Kaneki.
Para-jellys: ROOOOAAR!!
Shino: RAAA!
Para-Shino charged at Kaneki.
But she was stopped.
Miku: wait aren't those?!
Natsuki: tentacles?!
Kaneki wrapped her preventing her from moving with his own boney tentacles.
Kaneki: RAAAAAA!
He then charged a the other one.
War Para-jelly 1: SCREEEEEEECH!
it lunged towards Kaneki
Yuuka & Miku & Natsuki: Higanbana-kun!
The other one wanted to use Kaneki as its host but.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Kaneki used a Gun but not any gun.
???: hey?! What happened to your arm!
His arm became a gun. Made out of his blood vessels, bones and iron.
After instantly killing the first War Para-jelly it instantly vaporized leaving the infected Shino left.
She was still being controlled by the War Para-jelly. So Kaneki went closer since she was still binded by his tentacles.
Kaneki: Groan... Grrr...
He was about to attack.
Miku: Higanbana-kun wait!
Kaneki: grr?
Miku stopped him from attacking.
Miku: Shino-Oneechan is being controlled please save her!
He didn't respond but.
He opened his mouth.
???: wait what is he doing?!
He took in some air.
Natsuki: wait isn't that?!
And it became fire.
Yuuka: Higanbana-kun WAIT!
Natsuki: DON'T!
Kaneki blasted Shino with a Green fire.
Everyone: Tanaka-san!
after that she was burning but the Para-jelly was still alive.
War Para-jelly: SCREEEEEEECH!
Kaneki stabbed it once it let go of Shino.
With that the 2 Jellys were dead.
But everyone besides Ryueki was crying.
???: Hey! Higanbana! You killed Tanaka-san!
he wasn't responding but he walked to the still burning Shino.
???: hey what are you doing?!
Kaneki said 2 words.
Kaneki: Fire... Die
The green flames died revealing Shino who wasn't burned.
Miku: Shino-Oneechan-
As Miku tried to get to Shino Kaneki stopped her.
Miku: what's wrong?!
Kaneki the started to talk.
Kaneki: she... Has... Been... Poisoned.
Everyone: what?!
Miku: what do you mean poisoned!?
Itsuki: Para-jellys are known to have poisonous touch but War Para-jellys have way more lethal poisons.
???: no way!
Chikao: does that mean?
Natsuki: Tanaka is going to die?
Ryueki: lets leave! Go to a hospital!
Kaneki: won't... Help...
???: what?!
Kaneki: poison... No antidote.
Miku: no!... Shino-Oneechan! Get up please!
Ryueki: there's no use... Leave her!
???: what?!
Ryueki: there might be more of those things we can use her as ba-
Kaneki: no leave... One behind.
Ryueki: Higanbana! Do you want us to die or-
Kaneki: me... Kill.. all monsters.
Itsuki: but what about Tanaka-san?!
Keiko: yeah! What about Shino?!
Kaneki looked at Shino again before walking to her body.
Kaneki unsheathed Sword-san.
Sword-san: [poor Shino-chan, Kaneki-chan you know what to do]
Ryueki: hey what are you doing?!
Kaneki stabbed his own abdomen using Sword-san.
???: no way! Did he do Seppuku?!
Kaneki: bleurgh! Haa... Haa...
Ryueki: hey! Kill yourself later! We need to run-
Kaneki: Demon... Knight... Arts, Higanbana Cure.
Saying those words he removed Sword-san from his abdomen and he pointed Sword-san at Shino then. the blood that was on Sword-san began to float and some blood from his abdomen began collect into one big blood ball.
Miku: what the?!
Natsuki: its glowing! And floating?!
It began to float towards Shino.
And when it was on top of her Kaneki activated the ability completely.
Kaneki: Higanbana Healing Poison!
The ball of blood began to go inside Shino's body through the scratches and wounds.
Miku: Higanbana-kun what are you doing?!
Kaneki: healing... Friend...
Everyone: friend?!
Ryueki: what do you man healing?! Nothing is happening!
Natsuki: no look!
Everyone looked at the ball of blood again.
Yuuka: what! Its changing color!
Itsuki: of course!
Chikao: he's using his blood to remove the poison and not only that!
Natsuki: he's using his blood to fix her injuries.
Ryueki: but wouldn't that give her Demonitis?!
Chikao: no, if it did the Demonitis will only become the common fever.
1 minute of after the ability was used all the poison within Shino hasbeen removed and all he injuries were fixed.
Kaneki: done... De... Acti... vate
After releasing his ability the ball of blood got destroyed.
And Shino woke up.
Shino: Oww~ what happened?!
Everyone: TANAKA-SAN!
Miku: Shino-Oneechan! You're alright!
Yuuka: thank goodness!
Shino: what happened? All i remember is being in the War Para-jellys control.
Itsuki: you should Thanks Kaneki!
Keiko: Yeah! He killed the 2 Jellys and he saved your life!
Shino's thoughts*
(He saved me?! But why?)
"We're friends... Right?"
"I saved her but because of me she was hurt!, if I didn't fall sick this wouldn't have happened! I wished I could've talked more to Shita-chan!"
(Are these Kaneki's thoughts?)
Shino: Where is Higanbana-kun?
Natsuki: he's right there.
Shino: Higanbana-kun!
Kaneki didn't respond.
Shino: no way, is he unconscious?
???: he was just awake earlier.
Ryueki: whatever! Get him already and lets leave! Before any of those-
Shino: no way!
???: there's more!?
Shino: Higanbana-kun?! What's wro-
"What were those monsters?!, they sounded and smelled so familiar!... Wait those were War Para-jellys! No... Why are they here?! I thought I've destroyed all remaining War Para-jelly labs!"
"I can't let anyone get hurt anymore.... I WILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!"
(Kaneki... What are you going to do?!)
Itsuki: no way! Up there!
When they looked up they saw a frightening sight.
Everyone: AHHHH!
at the top of the cliff was an army of War Para-jellys.
Shino: this can't be!
Natsuki: are we going to die?
The army of War Para-jelly jumped from the top of the cliff and heading towards them.
???: Nooo!
Shino: someone please SAVE US!
They all closed their eyes out of fear
Everyone: what?
Natsuki: why are we on the cliff now?
Itsuki: I don't know how, but this is our chance to escape!
Yuuka: everyone evacuate!
Everyone: yeah!
They all began running besides one.
Shino: wait! Where's Higanbana-kun?!
They all looked behind seeing him on the edge of the cliff.
Ryueki: hey! Do you want to die or what?! We have to run!
Kaneki: I'm going to kill those nightmare.
Everyone: what!
Shino already knew what he meant so she tried to stop him.
Natsuki: Higanbana-kun don't!
And Natsuki did the same.
Since he was on the edge the ground cracked.
Before falling he said something.
Kaneki: i promise to save all of you...
Natsuki & Shino: what?!
And as he said that he fell to the bottom of the cliff with the hundreds of War Para-jellys.
Kaneki: I have a score to settle with you nightmares!
Everyone: Higanbana!!!/Kaneki!!!
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