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48.14% Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers / Chapter 39: Chapter 32: The Straight-Faced Wisdom Goddess

Capítulo 39: Chapter 32: The Straight-Faced Wisdom Goddess

"Hm? What's with all the noise in the academy?"

Athena spoke to herself as she walked down a secret path in the mountain leading to the magic academy. One that connected the academy to the Acropolis where she lived.

The goddess preferred to quietly enter the academy's library without anyone noticing. She grew tired of having to respond to every student and faculty's reverence towards her.

She was a goddess that composed herself with the dignity expected from a divine being. Still, Athena would much instead read a book than listen to the umpteenth praise a mortal had regarding her surface-level features.

"The commotion seems to be originating from the academy center, would you wish for me to find out about it, Lady Athena?"

A voice called out from beside her. The goddess wasn't alone as she usually was during her trips to the academy, but before she could reply, another voice cut in before the goddess could reply.

"Dad, I'll be the one to go ahead and find out. Mom has been complaining you've been overworking yourself lately, and you're the best guard for Lady Athena now that Freya's familia is in town"

Compared to the first voice which seemed neutral and composed, the second was much more joyful and exuberant in comparison. The difference in age between the two tones couldn't be more apparent.

"Telemachus, you're just looking for a way to skip your duties aren't you?"

Odysseus, the first voice which responded to Athena, looked upon his son with cold eyes. He had long gotten used to his antics of trying to get away from work.

"What? How could you father?! Me! Your son! Ditching the noble duty of guarding Lady Athena? I could, never,"

Telemachus began to slowly inch away from Odysseus and Athena. His desire to find out something interesting instead of accompanying the goddess once more to the library he found boring couldn't be more apparent.

But Odysseus wasn't having any of it. Pinching his son's cheek to drag him back to position to guard Athena.

"Your mother has spoiled you rotten. So it falls on me to responsibility make sure you grow up into a respectable person"

"AGH!- Father! My cheek! You're going to ruin my face!"

Telemachus began to cry in pain as his cheek started getting swollen. The boy wasn't in serious pain. His waterworks merely being crocodile tears.

'*𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩*... This father and son duo have such a weird way of bonding.'

Athena could only sigh as she saw two of the three pillars of her nation and familia act like goofballs when they aren't under the watch of the public eye, but she didn't dislike the fact they were close enough to be so joking with each other and in front of her.

Penelope. The governor of the bureaucratic affairs of Altena. An elf of a certain unique lost lineage. Possessing hair and eyes of striking violet.

Odysseus. The captain of the Athena familia and leader of the armed forces. A human of great strength. Possessing hair and eyes gray with red highlights.

Lastly is the son between Odysseus and Penelope. Telemachus. The vice-captain of the Athena familia, currently training to take over his father's duties in the future.

A half-elf of feminine beauty, despite his being a man.

His clear skin, silky short gray hair, and violet eyes have confused many men and women in Altena.

( i m a g e )

Wishing for their banter to stop before it escalates as it usually does. Athena halted Odysseus with a single phrase.

"Odysseus. If you end up bruising Telemachus' cheek unintentionally, she'll become quite mad, do you wish to sleep in the hallway leading to your bedroom once more?"

Hearing the words of his goddess Athena, and imagining the wife he so dearly loved becoming fed up with him. Odysseus began to break down in fear of the horrid word he dreaded with his entire being, "divorce"

"Yes, Lady Athena. My apologies for displaying such uncouth behavior, please do not tell Penelope of this."

Seeing his father become so sullen, Telemachus was about to gloat over him and begin heading toward the source of the noise to avoid work, but Athena too was able to halt the half-elf.

"Take one more step and I'll be sending you to sea border patrol duty for a month Telemachus."

Telemachus stopped in his tracks almost immediately.

Sea border patrol. A duty where one would be loaded into a boat, and simply wait at sea to deal with any rogue ships that trespassed on Altenian sovereign territory.

But no one dared to mess with Altena. Even if there were riches to be made, criminals avoided drawing the ire of the feared Altenian navy and magical artillery.

So to most in the Altenian armed forces, Sea border patrol was sitting around doing nothing in a boat for a month.

"I apologize profusely Lady Athena, please, anything but sea border patrol."

To the adventurous Telemachus, being stuck on a boat with nothing to do weighed heavily on him, but his experiences of a bunch of sailors staring at him with confusion and momentary determination traumatized him.

'I even think some people were saying "a hole is a hole.",'

Telemachus shivered as he didn't want to imagine what might've happened next.

Seeing two of her nation's pillars successfully tamed. Athena began to move forward through the path once more.

"I won't head to the academy via the secret entrance today. I have to show my face in the academy every once in a while right? I'm also feeling a bit curious today."

Athena had been slumped with organizing reconnaissance on the Freya familia who had recently arrived in her nation.

They hadn't been able to get much information. Treading the line between espionage and not sparking conflict with the world's strongest familia, hindered their capabilities greatly.

Frustrated with the lack of results despite her efforts, and has not indulged in her behavior of information sleuthing.

'Wait, if I remember correctly isn't today the release of results for the academy's rank exams? Is the noise centered around that?'

Athena began to investigate in her mind the possible cause of the interesting noise. Any tasks that required her intelligence were something she was quite fond of.

The goddess began to hum as she began to ponder, the two men of her familia following her with fear. The threats she held over the two of them brought them to their knees.

The goddess of knowledge was quite adept at cunning others to achieve what she wants.




The center of the Altenian magic academy is a place constructed in a tower above the water that connects to all the other nearby towers.

It is used as a meeting point and hang-out area. But at this moment, it is the place where an indistinguishable cacophony of noises is currently being held.

"Seeing so many elves actively making such noise, it's quite weird to see."

Telemachus commented on the situation he was seeing.

As a half-elf, his mother naturally far deviated from the practices and traditions most elves adhered to, but he was well aware of elvish culture through the efforts of his mother to keep him connected to a part of his roots.

"The scene is quite bizarre, to say the least."

Odysseus agreed with his son about what was currently taking place. He often dealt with the reserved natures of Elves as a representative of the Altenian nation. So the dichotomy between his memories and current reality brought a slight expression of confusion to his usually stoic face.


Athena began to observe and discern any possible clues that may have caused such an uncommon occurrence. The only thing she could get was a common alias the elves were using.

'Who is this "Blue Eyes White Dragon" that everyone is talking about?'

Athena discerned the name as a commonality among the endless conversations being held at the same time.

She tried moving around discretely to not draw attention to herself and to gather more information, but she was caught by a subordinate of hers that lacked situational awareness.

"Ah! Lady Athena! Lord Odysseus and Lord Telemachus! What a coincidence! It's so nice to meet you!"

A booming voice rang throughout the area. Immediately halting all the conversations being held, the crowd began to turn to Athena's group.

'Damn it Cecrops,'

Athena cursed her intelligent but unwise executive of her familia.

Cecrops, the headmaster of the magic academy, who was assigned to the post under the recommendation of Athena.

One of the last surviving members among the generation of followers when Athena had established her familia long ago.

A high elf who ran away from his family and attended to the goddess Athena in pursuit of his dream of becoming a scholar well-versed in many fields. Something he wasn't able to accomplish in the limiting confines of the high elf forest.

The hue of his once verdant green hair began to fade more into white as an indication of his age.

Too weak to stand on his own any longer, he now moved about the academy in a magical item of his creation. A wheelchair that moved in response to his thoughts.

'He's very loyal and sincere, but his ability to read the room and mood is absolutely abysmal

Pursuing nothing but academic knowledge, Cecrops was severely underdeveloped in more social-leaning skills in spite of his long age.

"My greetings Lady Athena! Lord Oddyseus! Lord Telemachus!"

An elf bowed in reverence as he began to greet them with respect to the trio. Then another. Then another. It continued until the entire room now assumed a bowing position in respect of the goddess and her entourage.


Athena, looking at the realization of what she wanted to avoid, side-eyed the wheelchair-bound high elf with annoyance. She wanted to speak with him after sorting out the current situation.

Cecrops, noticing he had blundered once more due to his social ineptitude, began to laugh awkwardly as he prepared to face the brunt of the goddess he had known for so long.

The old man looked toward Odysseus, hoping he might be able to do something.


But the familia captain could only look back at him with a sense of sympathy for what was to come.




"Please forgive me, Lady Athena."

Cecrops meekly spoke as he asked for forgiveness from his goddess.

Taking a sip of her tea as she sat on a couch, Athena could only sigh at the sight of the supposed member of the royal high elf lineage.

"Once again Cecrops, it's fine. Just explain to me what was the cause behind all that commotion. Then I'll consider us even."

Seeing the path to his redemption, Cecrops eagerly began to explain what had happened to the goddess. Moving his wheelchair to his desk to gather some papers.

The group was now located in the headmaster's office. Odysseus and Telemachus flank Athena as she sat on a couch.

The room was filled with tall bookshelves and magic trinkets and antiques of various ages and origins. It was the very definition of a scholar's office.

"As you are aware Lady Athena, today is the release of results for the rank examination. A very important time for many students in the academy."

Cecrops states as he organized some papers in his hands. Athena replied to what he said shortly after.

"Yes, I'm well aware. Recent recruitments have seen a slight increase from the last quarter, but I don't recall any major factors leading up to the rank exam that might cause such a huge ruckus. I haven't received any reports of any concerns regarding the academy's situation, unless?"

Recognizing his goddess' train of thought, Cecrops cut her off by providing more contextual information.

"Nothing of the sort Lady Athena. The academy is continuing to function well in every aspect. We have simply witnessed the birth of another academic with the potential to leave their mark on these halls."

Athena replied with interest, but not much. She had seen her fair share of proclaimed geniuses in her life, and she was rarely impressed with them.

The goddess had to consciously lower her standards by a fair amount in order to be fair to the mortals she chatted with.

Expecting a mortal to impress her mind blessed with arcanum presiding over knowledge and wit was too tall a hurdle to place on the finite beings.

"Another gifted student huh? It doesn't surprise me that our academy brings in such talent. But what's so different about this one? I rarely see the elves discuss among themselves so exuberantly."

Seeing the same look of curiosity in the goddess and the familia captain and vice-captain, Cecrops smiled as he revealed the person at the center of the commotion.

"It's simple my lady. In the recent batch of students, we have recruited there many notable individuals. Valedictorians who have transferred from the imperial academy of the empire, others from the military institute of Rakia, and most notably, a forsaken high elf."

Athena didn't elicit a response from hearing valedictorians transferring, but her eyes briefly flickered with interest at the mention of a high elf.

"Snorri Ljos Alf. He is a descendant of a branch family of the royal line far down the chain of succession, but he was a child that inherited the royal eyes."

The population of the high elf forest was plentiful enough to sustain their civilization without concern. But though their numbers were high, not every individual in the forest was allowed the privilege to refer to themselves as a high elf.

One could only refer to themselves as a high elf if they possessed one or more traits that were hard to produce among elven children outside of the royal family.

The royal threads and royal jewels.

Essentially, verdant green hair and eyes.

Possessing both of these traits would immediately raise a child's status to nobility, being elevated to the royal line depending on their innate talent with magic.

The traits of green hair and eyes naturally gave an individual a high amount of mind and a natural affinity to magic, but only the creme of the crop would even be considered for succession of the crown.

A level that most other natural magicians would consider to be simply absurd.

A level only once in a century geniuses like Riveria Ljos Alf achieve upon their birth.

But if an individual were to only possess one of these traits. Their status would be improved, but it would stop at being a royal's servant at most.

Holder of only one trait possessed great mind reserves and affinity, but it couldn't even begin to be compared to those who were born with both royal traits.

As such, if a child is born possessing only one of the royal traits, and they didn't belong to a lineage that served the royal family intimately, most of them would simply travel beyond the high elf forest.

To a place where their status as a high elf would be more appreciated and sought after.

Such an act is seen as treacherous among the citizens of the high elf forest. Thus, their designation as a "Forsaken High Elf".

A moniker Riveria didn't accrue due to her being a former royal, but one that unfortunately befell her retainer Aina Tulle, mother of Eina Tulle.

"So this Snorri individual. He is the cause of all the commotion?"

It was a reasonable conclusion. Athena knew just how talented forsaken high elves were, so she considered a shut and closed case, but Cecrops wasn't finished.

"Not quite Lady Athena. It's about the person who beat all the valedictorians and even the forsaken high elf in a matter of a month. Ranking up faster than them all. A humble boy from a farming family."


Athena was left quite shocked by what Cecrops had said. Her interest reignited, and she began to probe for more information.

"Secret noble lineage he only learned about later in life?"

"No such thing my lady, he lived with his farmer grandfather. He doesn't possess any connections to any prominent houses."

"Adopted into a noble family on a whim by the head?"

"He had no such arrangement. His only guardian remains his farmer grandfather and a housewife named Idyia, assigned as his godmother."

"Prior educational history?"

"None. Our academy is his first foray into the world of formal learning."

"Hmm, blessed with falna?"

"He is bound to no deity, my lady"

Her bout of quick-fire questions fully answered, Athena's interest only began to grow more and more.

"What are his activities during his one-month tenure in the academy?"

Cecrops began to outline the list of achievements they were able to obtain about the figure.

"His schedule seems to consist of early morning classes of more popular lectures among the new enrollees. Allowing him to converse and learn from the professor with minimal intervention from other students."

"He attends a plethora of supplementary lectures in various areas of study. It would appear as if he wished to make the most out of all the resources we provide."

"His attitude has been well-commended and his knowledge more than keeps up with the recitation posed to him by the various professors. He has received twenty recommendations for surveillance in only one month, even among the more cynical teachers like Erectheus."

Athena's eyes opened slightly as she heard Cecrops mention Erectheus.

A professor handling the subject of ancient history and its ramifications.

He was assigned by the familia to discern talent through as brutal means as was possible by his station as a professor and the restraints of the academy's policies.

In all his time working as a professor, he had only given out his recommendation on two separate occasions.

One was around thirty years ago to an elf that got along with Penelope, and another just a few months ago to another who bore a striking resemblance to the first.

Athena knew full well about their backgrounds, so it wasn't a surprise to the goddess that only elves of their 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 were able to impress the professor.

But for a person of no notable boon to draw Erectheus' attention, it only further enhanced the intrigue of the goddess in this student.

"If that weren't enough. This student has been shown to spend large amounts of time perusing the first sector of the academy's library."

"His long hours of studying paling his skin and being born with blue eyes, the other students have taken to calling him 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' "

"The first two descriptors are of his appearance, and the moniker of dragon seems to have been made due to the tired and annoyed face he presented when other students find him whilst wandering around for more books."

Crecops concluded his report only for it to be met with stifled laughter.


Everyone in the room turned to Telemachus who seemed to be struggling to keep a straight face.

"Forgive me, but it's quite the hilarious descriptor."

Cecrops lightly laughed at the youth's sense of humor while Odysseus could only look at his son with narrowed eyes. The familia captain only seemed capable of laughing if the joke came from his wife, even if it wasn't that funny.


Whilst the other three interacted, Athena pondered heavily for a moment, then resumed her questioning. This time for a major concern of hers.

"Is this child being bullied?"

Her loaded question caused Telemachus to stop laughing. It was a natural concern given the situation.

Valedictorians from other centers of learning throughout the continent tended to be individuals connected to prominent houses, in other words, individuals with a ridiculous notion of pride and honor.

Athena was well aware of how the nobility of the lower world would abuse their status to ensure they were the only ones placed in the spotlight.

Though she enacted numerous measures to make it near impossible for bullying to occur on the grounds of the academy, she couldn't do the same for what lay beyond it.

Athena employed many of her guards to keep track of suspected bullies and victims, but by the time they can make a substantial case, the damage would've already been incurred.

Even if the goddess placed the harshest treatments afforded to the academy upon the students, nobles would simply move back to their previous school. Maintaining their bastardized definition of dignity was far more important than being labeled unfit for the Altenian magic academy.

'Even though I made sure that any individual blacklisted by the academy would have a hard time associating with Altena and her allies, they would have no substantial academic nor magical career past a certain point.'

The repression of knowledge and learning. It was something Athena despised with her entire being. It was a sin that she could never forgive with the authorities she presided over.

Though the goddess constructed an academy that required the payment of tuition, she also constructed a public library that housed enough material for an individual to improve themselves, or garner the funds to enroll in the academy.

Athena was even formulating a system for free standardized education for children.

A plan that she wanted to employ in the next few years if their funds continued to increase as they currently did.

'A simple boy of humble background surpassing fools with egos? It's simply a disaster in the making, I wouldn't even be surprised if that forsaken high elf was a part of it.'

As Athena began to formulate plans in case the student she was interested in was already harmed, Cecros dissuaded her fears entirely.

"As per the investigation of the faculty, staff, and even the city guard who kept tabs on him, this student hasn't faced any bullying of any kind."

"... Huh?"

Athena was left surprised once more by this revelation. She simply couldn't believe it.

"Cecros, this student outshined nobility from the empire and Rakia, and even a high elf, correct?"

Athena asked with a tone of disbelief.

"Yes, my lady."

Cecros replied as if nothing was wrong.

"Those people, didn't even decide to make a move on the student? The humble commoner that upstaged the nobility?"

"Yes, my lady."

Athena began to ponder once more. Asking another question.

"Any sign of injuries or healing magic? Any indication that this student may be hiding their strength?"

Athena began to consider that the student may be stronger than how he presented himself to be. It was a rather common occurrence in her academy. One she didn't know why it happened with such frequency.

'It always seemed to happen during the entrance exams, that was a large reason why we abolished the system so long ago.'

'A noble bullied another student, and another student who was hiding their powers showed up and embarrassed the noble. Eventually leading to a duel, the logistical hurdles of having to arrange a dueling platform and stand-by medics proved to be too much, so we removed the event which caused such idiocy to happen altogether.'

Recalling the headache-inducing financial statements after the impromptu event, and letters from the noble families calling for the extradition of the students for the sake of appearances, gave the goddess' forehead a vague sense of tension from just recalling the memories.

But much to her relief and added confusion, Cecrops denied her suspicions.

"No signs of such a scenario have been found, Lady Athena."

The goddess was slumped on the anomalous situation of this student.

High potential. Humble origins. No encounter with extremist envious nobles.

'I can't figure out why, but my intuition is telling me that there's something more to this.'

Athena began to close her eyes in concentration. She knew better than to distrust her instincts, and as she continued to analyze the situation, she recalled the words of a goddess she had encountered weeks prior.

'Calm down, dear Athena. There's no need to worry about that anymore. That was just a momentary whim. I have moved on to more, eye-catching pursuits,'

The voice of Freya began to form in Athena's memories, and soon, under the influence of her immense wisdom, it all began to fit together.

'A student with immense potential, Freya arriving at Altena, her finding a new interest, and the student seemingly unharmed despite all the ire accrued, it's as if.'

"He's being protected by a higher power"

Athena's words brought confusion to the people around her, but the goddess began to smile lightly.

"So this is your game, Freya, how interesting..."

Athena needed to observe the situation more. But she was confident that this student is not only the center of disruption in the academy but in the entire nation of Altena in the last month.

"Everyone. Our conversation is to never spread outside this room, and no one is to approach the student without just reason. Make special note to not have anyone from our familia approach the student to recruit them into our ranks."

Athena knew just how far Freya would go if her territory was intruded upon.

With the Freya familia executives present in the nation. Athena would need to prepare thoroughly and extensively before making first contact with the student at the center of everything.

Odysseus, Telemachus, and Cecrops all swore an oath of secrecy in response to her commands.

"Odysseus and Telemachus, you two will form a tailing unit for the student. Only the best our familia can provide or afford. Take note of every single individual he makes contact with. Compile a list, then cross-reference it with the archives our the Acropolis."

Athena commanded the captain and vice-captain with regality.

"As you wish, Lady Athena."

To which the two replied with unquestioning discipline.

Athena knew Freya would assume a fake identity.

If she wasn't openly attaching herself to the object of her desire, then Athena concluded that she was taking a more passive role. An observer from afar.

'Freya will naturally use her charms and connections to build an extensive background for her new identity. She would even manipulate our records to provide a more solid basis for her new identity.'

'But no matter how well constructed, a lie is still a lie. There will undoubtedly be a flaw we can use to identify her with and consequently unravel her entire operation.'

Athena began to visualize her current predicament in the game of kings.

Her opening development was unfruitful. She had spent too long chasing a detrimental path of development.

Athena and her familia spent a month chasing a dead end, while Freya and her familia had a month to freely establish their position on the board.

But a game isn't decided solely on the first few moves. Athena simply had to make up for lost time with whatever trades can better solidify her current messy structure.

'Freya won't make any drastic moves from here on out, and I too can't do anything drastic as well. It will be a long-haul game. The only advantage on my side is that I know their target, and the opposition doesn't know that they have been exposed, or at least, can't do anything about the fact they are.'

'I have to quietly move to secure this student, once I have captured him, the endgame will be much easier for me to navigate through.'

Athena was confident in her strategy, but it wasn't a victory that she was looking for, it was a stalemate.

To simply have her nation and familia survive now that Freya and her forces had taken root in their soil.

'A battle of wits where I am disadvantaged, against a goddess whose cunning I can respect. Along with a mortal whose mind interests me greatly, it may have been a headache earlier on, but this is turning out to be more exciting than I expected.'

A smile began to appear on the face of Athena. Something that shocked the people around her.

The goddess of knowledge didn't display a smile of kindness or joy, but a smile one made in the face of a challenge they can enjoy.

'It's been so long since I've seen Lady Athena smile like that, when was the last time? Oh yes, when we waged war against the empire and Rakia after repelling their allied assault if I recall, Lady Athena described the combined efforts of their generals' strategies as, amusing.'

Cecrops began to smile as he saw his goddess spring to life with vigor and determination.

The war goddess that only showed itself on the rarest of occasions. A persona Athena only donned when a situation that awoke her intelligence appeared.

Telemachus could only watch in awe as he was beginning to witness the wisdom of war beginning to take over Athena.

He had been raised with stories of the goddess' exploits during the less peaceful times of their current homes.

The gods and goddesses looked upon her with fear as they all recited an epithet given solely to her.

'Athena Ambulia.'

Though it was only his thoughts, Telemachus made sure the title was treated with respect.

That particular moniker of the goddess Athena held major significance for all Altenians.

'Ambulia, a title given to those who delay death, generally reserved for those who save the lives of numerous warriors with a single step of their heel.'

Odysseus thought to himself about the implications of the epithet.

There was no doubt that Athena saved many lives with her actions.

She defended her people from invaders and monsters as they made their home on the island they now stood on.

Athena was no doubt a delayer of death, allowing those under her care the chance to continue drawing breath for another day.

'But it also holds a more insidious meaning, surrounding your enemies on all sides, allowing them no chance at escape. No chance of surrender. No chance to dissuade the looming abyss that threatens to consume them whole.'

'One who delays death to toy with their enemies, to sear an existential fear into their souls, a savior to her people, and divine punishment to her foes, that is Athena Ambulia.'

Athena's divine construct began to spur within the deep recesses of her existence.

She too held a creation of heaven that held no peer in the field it excelled in.

Artemis possessed an arrow that reigned above all others. The strongest arrow of the heavens. An arrow that can pierce even the infallible gods.

「Orion Arrow: They Who Pierce」

Athena meanwhile possessed a shield with no match. The unbreaking shield of the heavens. A shield that can repel divine retribution.

「Aigis: Divine Body Boundary Field」

"Cecrops, while Odysseus and Telemachus begin to tail the student, I want you to look into furthering his rate of progress. The more eyes and people that are surrounding the target, the easier we can maneuver ourselves into a more advantageous hold. If his current achievement stays true to his potential he will have no problem with an increase in workload."

However, though it would be advantageous for Athena to simply shine an artificial spotlight on the target within her academy. The goddess refused to not comply with her morals for the sake of victory.

"However, should the target fail to keep up with your incentivized growth plan, do not give him special consideration to pass. He will be judged and rated like every other student in this academy."

Athena's decision may seem cold and pragmatic. Should the target fail, their confidence may plummet, and their remaining potential will be hindered. But in the eyes of the goddess, she believed it to be a form of mercy if he wasn't able to.

'So many people willingly dived into the jaws of death to become Freya's Odr. Driven to obsession at the possibility of having the divine beauty for themselves. If this student really can't keep up, it might be better he fails in the safe premises of the academy than in some monster-ridden area or the dungeon.'

Hearing the order of his goddess, the headmaster dutifully complied with her will.

"As you wish, Lady Athena."

Creclops complied with a small bow of his head, as he sat in his wheelchair.

The board was set. The pieces were pared. The stakes set. The rules are defined.

It was now a battle of which goddess possessed the better strategems.

'If I fail, I risk the existence of my journey in Gekai and the people under my familia, if Freya fails, I will have enough leverage to request her removal from Altenia, no matter how you look at it, this game is severely unfair.'

But though the odds were stacked against her, Athena remained unwavering.

'A situation that can test my ability and worth as a goddess of wisdom and knowledge, I wouldn't have this game any other way.'

Athena moved her pieces forward. The game has now continued.

The reversal has now begun.

"I will be leaving now for the library, but would you mind telling me the name of this student before I do?"

Athena asked Creclops who simply replied with a short name.

"Bell Cranel. That is the identity of the student, Lady Athena."

Athena took in the name that was said and began to resound it in her mind before pondering to herself once more

'Bell Cranel, so that's who you are, I wonder if you'll finally be the one Freya has been waiting for. The mortal who can take the goddess of beauty for his own, it would honestly save me a lot of headaches for the future of Altena if that wonton woman can finally settle down.'

If the ever-unpredictable Freya settled down and didn't disrupt the world order in her haphazard trips around the continent in search of her lover, then Athena would be able to rule over Altena with much more ease of mind.

'The myriad of political and economical issues she leaves in her wake have kept me up late at night for the last fourteen years, that is to not mention the ecological damage produced if her familia was ever brought to fight.'

Athena thought about how much easier her life would be if such a scenario came through.

Bidding goodbye to Cecrops as he resumed his duties as the academy's headmaster, and to Odysseus and Telemachus as they began to prepare the task force Athena had ordered.

Walking down the halls of the academy that led to the deep and wide library. Athena would unwind the stress she had accrued by rereading her favorite books in the collection her academy had amassed.

'What should I read?, perhaps the section on spirits in sector three, it has been a couple of decades since I last went there.'

With her destination decided upon. Athena approached an elevator that began to descend to the deep floors of the library.

As the lights flickered past Athena's figure as the elevator descended. The goddess remained quiet in her voice and thoughts, but deep down, she held another expectation for the student that had caused such a disturbance.

'Will he finally be the one I'm looking for? A source of knowledge I could find nowhere else in this world?.'

Athena descended into the lower world for one thing and one thing only. To further expand her knowledge of the world.

Thus far her efforts have proven to be, less than fruitful.

Athena encountered interesting phenomena, but they were merely variations of principles she was already aware of.

She witnessed the birth of miracles, but they didn't capture her interest for long. A momentary glitch in the rules governing the reality of the world held little importance in her mind.

Athena sought new systematic knowledge. A new field and area of study that she could learn. An academic pursuit defined by definite conditions and relations.

One that could be built, applied, fused, and referenced upon to the rest of her collection of knowledge and wisdom.

Athena was born with everything that was to know about the world, her desire, and the romance that she so desperately sought.

'Even though I have learned to care and cherish the people under my care and watch over them as they grow, I cannot deny my selfishness, I wish for my desire to come true.'

Athena wished to learn.

To start from nothing and build up from there.

The sensation of the unknown. The feeling of learning what you can't comprehend. The frustration of the process. The satisfaction with the result.

For Athena who knew everything and encompassed the pinnacle all students strived for, she was deprived of what made the process of learning so enjoyable for scholars.

'I wish to experience the joys of breakthroughs, the sadness of failure, the throes of intellectual passion and pursuit.'


The elevator rang a pleasant chime to indicate that the determined destination had been reached.

The caged doors began to open, and Athena began to walk the halls of the deep sector of the library.

No sound was made, no presence to be felt.

Simply a goddess surrounded by a prison she was shackled to since her birth.

Born with everything, she was deprived of the joy of the journey that led to the attainment of what she possessed.

What enjoyment could she derive bereft of the single factor which gave actions and their results meaning?

What joy could be found in having the world in the palm of your hands without working a sweat?

The pinnacle Athena had reached, was not one she attained for herself, it was given.

In the face of academics who spend their finite waking hours in pursuit of a goal, they can never realistically reach in their lifetime.

How could she, in the face of such academic integrity, call herself the pinnacle of all knowledge without working for it at all?

"How blissful it could be if my desire was now in reach."

Athena walked deeper into the field of parchment and leather, surrounded on all sides by shelves upon shelves of literature.

With no one but herself and her thoughts. Athena spoke out a poem she remembered. One that encapsulated her desires for millenniums past and millenniums henceforth.

『I hold it true, whatever befall,』

Athena walked in a cordial rhythm, never once deviating from the order she had set upon herself.

Looming shadow wherever she looked, the simple flickering of lanterns bringing the only comfort.

『I feel it when I sorrow most...』

Unchanging, unmoving, she pursued what others thoughts impossible, and her will began to falter.

To struggle and frustrate, to breathe with heavy breath, to admire in childish wonder, to admire in unrelenting awe. Exploring a path she never knew of before.

『'Tis better to have loved and lost...』

The measure of life is the struggles of one's journey. For her who was born with everything, she wished to experience that she wasn't given.

If such was true, Athena who was born with everything and knew naught of struggle, prayed for evidence,

『Than never to have loved at all...』

That she too was alive.







Thank you for reading this chapter!

I hope you enjoyed the characterization and struggle I want to portray Athena with for this chapter. The new issue goddess therapist, Bell Cranel, will have to resolve this time HAHAHA

I might not post another chapter for a day after this one. I want to rest for a bit. Catch up on the books and fanfics I haven't read in a while.

Also I wanna see if any of u guys picked up on the vocaloid reference with the title.

Thank you again for reading this chapter, hope you look forward to the next one, and have a nice day!

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