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35.8% Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers / Chapter 29: Chapter 24.2: Side Story Asfi

Capítulo 29: Chapter 24.2: Side Story Asfi

Atop a tower amidst the numerous cramped and dilapidated buildings of Orario's slum district.

An area that was known for its crime, debauchery, and avarice.

Standing proudly atop a roof, a woman of elegance and majesty quietly pondered to herself as she was covered in the light of the moon.

The gentle glow of the night served to enhance her sky-blue hair accented with a patch of white along her bangs.

Asfi Al Andromeda. Captain of the Hermes Familia. Renowned item maker Perseus. and former royalty of an island nation far from Orario.

Many people, mortals, and gods alike have been charmed by Asfi from afar for her brilliant beauty.

Though she was no longer bound to the duties of a royal, she still carried herself as such. Portraying an image of confidence, intelligence, and ingenuity.

But beneath that veneer that has garnered the admiration of many...


She was simply an overworked laborer...

"That damn Hermes...leaving me with another pile of work just to canoodle with some bathhouses in the rural villages..."

Asfi cursed her god who had abandoned her with nothing but stressful tasks to indulge in his so-called '"man's romance". But she knew it was nothing more than sexual harassment...not that she could do anything about it in the first place...she has long tried and failed to curb the perverted god, and has long since given up, knowing Hermes activated his full brain-power to continue peeping no matter the circumstance.

"At least I've curbed on his desire to peep on me or the least I hope I did.."

Thinking about her god simply gave her more of a headache on top of having to deal with all of her extra work, so she simply moved on and forgot about him. Disposing of him as the trash she considers him to be.

"Haa...I wonder when Ghost will arrive?..."

Asfi stated as she continued to sense if the person she was meeting has arrived, to no avail.

Tonight, as with most other nights, she has planned to meet up with the Gray Ghost in order to continue their cooperation in keeping Orario's criminal underworld in check.

Asfi, ever since first meeting the vigilante in the raid against the Dolos familia, has grown considerably close to the masked individual.

Though at first she naturally grew cautious of him.

Her years of maintaining power as a royal, and her even more substantial years working the information network of the Hermes familia and being their god's right hand, have naturally disposed her to be untrusting of someone who wouldn't even give their identity to people they wanted to help.

But over the course of months, Bell's track records of respectable behavior and desirable results, coupled with how he would assist the overworked captain with her tasks have led the ice-cold queen of the Hermes familia to warm up to him.

'I think we're...friends?... we help each other out quite often and we even talk a lot when we're both free...'

In addition, Bell's track record and assisting Asfi with her workload...the activity which contributed the most to their current relationship would be their shared interest in item creation.

'His ideas are utterly fascinating...a concoction made from herbs of the Kaios desert "Flashbang"...another from herbs in Melen "Tear Gas"...coupled with my "Burst Oil" would round out my capabilities quite a bit..."

Asfi was ecstatic to meet a mind who was so similar to their own. The two would go on for hours about item concepts, creation processes, and possible improvements to her already existing items.

'He even suggested improvements for the metal alloy composition of my items...even my daggers... it's like he could understand all of my equipment simply by looking at it...'

The former royal was so used to being the pillar of support of others for so long...that when Bell arrived and was positioned so that she would chase after brought happiness in her heart knowing she had someone to rely on as well.

'I do wonder what led to him having such a specific skill set... Item creation magic...knowledge in item creation processes like metallurgy...but complimented with enough combat skills that he could solo hunting criminals with ease...'

Bell was a mystery to Asfi. Normally adventurers who specialize in creation fields like blacksmithing, potion brewing, and item making, sacrifice their combat potential in order to improve their skills.

Asfi was level four herself, but she knew that had she fully dedicated herself to combat potential, she would've been much stronger.

Not that she wanted to. Creating her flying boots Talaria was one of the greatest accomplishments and joys she ever experienced.

'...not that it matters much...I trust him plenty, so there's not much need to know the truth about his powers... I'm keenly aware that Ghost would rather off himself than kill more than necessary, even for his own benefit...I just hope he would eventually trust me...'

Though Asfi knew that everyone had their own secrets...she wanted deep down to become genuine friends with the masked hero... all her life she has yet to meet a person to whom she so closely attached herself other than Bell...

She did bond well with Hermes when she met him as a child, but any reverence she had for the man deteriorated after endless nights of deadlines and caffeine.

'Maybe all this work is messing with my head...when did I get so sentimental about stuff like this?...'

Just as Asfi was about to take her mind off of the subject...Bell had arrived at their meeting place...walking towards her as his body faded into existence.

"Hey, Asfi. Did I make you wait too long?"

Bell casually spoke to Asfi. She was a woman of punctuality...but Bell, was willing to bend the rules...if she became uptight to the only person who had reduced her work by so much...she would be disappointed in herself...she had the pride of a royal after all.

"Not by much Ghost. Even if you did, I wouldn't mind so much..."

"...but if you do feel sorry for making me about telling me how your magic item works~"

Asfi coyly asked Bell, to which he replied to her with something he had spoken again and again over the course of their relationship.

"Over my dead body, Perseus"

Asfi stared silently at Bell...


And Bell stared silently at Asfi...


Then the two laughed lightly, breaking the silent stare down.

Asfi would ask Bell about the machinations of his invisibility magic item, wanting to reference it for her own Hades Helm.

It was one of the driving reasons which pushed Asfi to talk to Bell outside of work. But Bell would simply reject it every time.

Asfi would've normally ended her attempts at interaction then and there...but she simply continued...finding Bell to be a great conversationalist with numerous shared interests.

Thus, Asfi asking for information about Bell's magic item became a greeting the two would use whenever the chance presented itself.

"It's nice to see you're well Ghost"

Asfi said with a kind smile to Bell. Simply happy at being able to talk to a friend she has learned to treasure over the course of a few months.

"It's nice to see you too Asfi...also mind cutting back on the favoritism? If you favor me so much, I'm afraid Hermes might stab me out of spite one day-"

Hearing Bell's worries, Asfi simply chucked and replied back with joy.

"The day Lord Hermes tries to stab you is the day I make him sleep in the street. So don't worry too much about that Ghost"

Bell grew worried for the god...cause though Asfi was laughing and one would assume she was joking to match the atmosphere...the coldness in her eyes showed every word was a threat hidden beneath a veil of comedy...

Asfi attempted to move on from the topic in order to move to their usual business of exchanging information...but...


Her consciousness lapsed and she lost her balance.

"Woah- You alright Asfi?"

Bell luckily caught her in his arms, Asfi taking her time to reorient herself. She was clearly dazed.

"I'm...alright seems I've been pulling too many all-nighters...hehe"

Beneath his mask, Bell narrowed his eyes in concern for the young woman.

'Hermes...I get that your captain is reliable...but this is a bit much don't you think?...'

Bell didn't openly spite the god. Though he did push work onto Asfi sometimes to indulge in his desire to peep at naked women...most of the time it was due to the fact he had more discreet work he needed to do...specifically for his grandfather Zeus...

'I hate seeing Asfi like this though...I'll pull an all-nighter for her...'

"Asfi. Hermes push more stuff onto you again?"

Bell asked in a serious tone, something which naturally drew Asfi's attention.

"Yeah...but its alright Ghost, I'm used to this anyways"

But before Asfi could dissuade Bell from worrying about her, the vigilante made his move.



Bell instantly faded into the air...only to appear right behind Asfi...carrying a she carried on herself to keep track of her work.

"So gathering some information on traders that might be related to Rakia and the empire...interesting"


Asfi immediately recognized what Bell was reading. It was the work assigned to her by Hermes.

"Hey! Ghost- Give it back!-"

Asfi immediately tried to grab the book out of Bell's hands, but he simply dodged each attempt with proficiency.

"What's wrong, Asfi? Arent we comrades? Just let me read a little~"

Bell spoke to Asfi in a joking tone, reminiscent of Hermes', which only enraged Asfi in reaction.

"It doesn't matter. Give it!-"

Asfi lunged at her, using her stats as a level four, hoping to catch the vigilante...


But Bell simply continued to evade her...

Bell continued to flip through the pages at a pace that would make one assume he wasn't retaining any information...but after using 「Reinforcement」on his eyes...he was able to retain each paragraph of information.

In a few moments, he was finished and instantly threw the notebook to the peeved blue-haired girl.



Asfi clumsily caught the book. Her reflexes as a level four were dulled somewhat by her lack of sleep, thus her balance was a bit off when she safely caught her notebook.

Seeing this opportunity, Bell did a light sweep kick on the disoriented woman for her to fall on her back.


Asfi immediately braced herself for an impact, but Bell moved quickly for it not to happen.


Asfi tensed her eyes in anticipation of the impact...but it felt...soft...


When she looked up...she saw that Ghost was looking down at her...with a pair of hazy blue eyes that many feared...but ones she grew to trust...


Bell called out to the confused Asfi.


Asfi replied on instinct...not knowing what was happening...

'Am I...resting on his lap?...'

This was the only explanation she could think of giving the sensations she felt and their relative positions...

'I figured he was a man...but his thighs are quite soft...'

Asfi unconsciously snuggled up to them, as if they were pillows, her desire for sleep overtaking her logic for a moment...until it came back to her.


'I'm sleeping on Ghost's lap?!-'

Asfi immediately moved up to move away from the position...but Bell simply held her in place and gave a curt command to the woman.

"You're staying here Asfi. You need rest, desperately"

Asfi recognized the concern in Bell's voice. Bell had distorted his voice quite a bit to hide his identity from others, but Asfi has long since been able to distinguish what he wanted to convey despite his voice.

"...I appreciate the concern Ghost. But I have work to do-"

"I'll do it for you"

Asfi tried to convince Bell to stop this entire situation using her work as an excuse...but Bell quickly rebutted. Saying he will take care of it instead.


"I'm just as capable as you are when it comes to gathering information deserve a break"


Asfi remained quiet but still held some protests in her heart...something which was quenched when Bell spoke about what he did next...

"After all...I'm the first person you feel you can rely on right? It's rather cute that you think of me as I better not disappoint~"


Asfi immediately became embarrassed. In addition to her work, Asfi would regularly journal her thoughts and opinions in the notebook.

None outside of Bell had been able to steal her notebook, so she naturally considered it a self-space...but now...her friend had just broken into her once impregnable fortress...


Asfi wasn't used to receiving such embarrassment outside of Hermes' antics...she would usually resolve it with domestic violence against the perverted god...but for Bell? She didn't know what to she simply crumbled into a blushing mess...

"HAHAHAHA You're so adorable Asfi~ So this is what the ice-cold queen looks like when she melts~"

Bell utilized his skills in teasing to the fullest extent. He had quite a lot of fun teasing Medea and Syr, but he always enjoyed teasing Asfi the most.

'The hardest prized are the most rewarding after all'

"S-Shut up Ghost!-"

Asfi simply shouted back in false anger...not knowing how else to deal with this situation...

"It's alright Asfi~ I consider you my friend too...a very close friend..."

Bell reduced the teasing tone of his voice to a more gentle one as he began to stroke Asfi's head...doing so with proficiency...he had always had an uncanny affinity for head pats and head rubbing...


Asfi quieted down as Bell did the same...a gentle silence fell over them both...the serene night wind brushing against their skin...gazing upon the endless night sky...

" how much did you read?"

Asfi broke the silence with a question...she wanted to know how much he was pointless to continue complaining about she would rather know the extent of the damage..

"Hmmm...all of it I guess"

Bell replied casually, something which Asfi doubted. He had only read her notebook for a few moments after all.

"In that short of a time? I don't believe it"

Asfi replied curtly to Bell. This was no longer a meeting between a vigilante and the Hermes familia...simply two friends...

"Well...I guess I should give some proof then..."

Bell cleared his voice as he began to list the things he read in the notebook as Asfi continued to rest her head on his lap.

Each explanation Bell gave was detailed and precise...something which embarrassed Asfi quite a bit...but in a way that only served to cause some humor between the both of them...

They continued in this banter...until Bell mentioned a part Asfi didn't know how he would react to...

"You also wrote how you would one day like to know my identity...for me to trust you enough to share it..."


Asfi immediately grew worried from the laid-back atmosphere they were sharing...

'Does...Ghost feel offended by it?...'

Asfi was worried she might've jeopardized her relationship with Bell...she knew that some people hold their identities rather close to their heart...she could use a certain waitress elf she knew as a prime example...

She was afraid of what might happen next...but she continued nonetheless...

"Yeah...I want to know who you truly are...otherwise...I don't know if what we have could be considered friendship..."


Bell knew that Asfi was right...unless two people were able to enter into parts of each other's that left them would be hard to truly consider such a relationship as 'truly close'...

He knew it all too well...closing off his heart out of fear of rejection...keeping others at arm's length for an unfounded sense of consideration the other never asked for...hurting others in their self-imposed isolation...Bell knew it all too well.

She knew it all too well...distancing herself from others as royalty to maintain the dignity of a ruler...measuring connections and bonds through tangible benefits rather than emotional ones...being naturally suspicious of people who approach, and being naturally wary of people you approach...Asfi knew it all too well.

This was Bell and Asfi's first time encountering a person they so naturally got along well with...

This was Asfi's first time being so vulnerable to a person she didn't consider family...

This was Bell's first time connecting with someone he didn't expect to be so close with, originally assuming she would be an acquaintance and nothing more...

And now they're facing a major determining point for their relationship...and they were both too afraid to see where it leads...


Asfi quietly waited...but Bell simply spoke nothing...

' was a bit too much to push on this...'

"Hey, Ghost... it's don't have to-"

But Bell cut her off...

"I can't reveal my identity right now..."

Asfi froze as he spoke...

'His voice...its less...distorted...more...clear...'

Bell's voice had begun to resemble his original's...but not to the point that it could be easily recognizable...

"I'm...not yet strong enough to reveal my identity..., especially with all my enemies as a vigilante..."

Bell continued to speak in a slow cadence...wanting his intentions to be conveyed to the blue-haired woman.

"But...I wanted to show how much I trust a might not be much...but I hope it can convey my sincerity...I do want to trust you...and I do see you as my friend...I hope you can understand..."


Asfi simply stared into the eyes of Bell...looking up from his lap where she rested her head...

'He young...'

Asfi was well-versed in profiling people with the smallest amount of she definitely knew that Bell was younger than her...

'Younger than me...but carrying so much much care and kindness...even taking care of me...'

Asfi didn't know much about how to deal with emotions...she simply acted on a basis of ally died in a mission or in the dungeon? Focus on the objective, mourning can come later...what to do on a weekend? complete more work to lessen next week's work...

The bespectacled adventurer didn't know what was the best way to continue from this point...

She was happy...very very wasn't what she wanted...but knowing how much it meant to a vigilante like Bell...even showing the slightest hint of his true made her happy that he could trust her just as much.

But at the same time...she was also sad...sad that someone younger than her had to face a weight as heavy as being a hero...

She didn't know what drove him...but she knew it meant everything to Bell...she desired to fly freely across the sky as a child...and thought Bell portrayed himself as enjoying what he did and the effect it had...Asfi knew he was chained to his duty...

He couldn't simply smile in glee and soar upon the clouds as she once did...Bell wasn't free of his burden...he was probably filled with the most burden out of all the mortals she had ever known...yet...

'He continues to remain considerate of others...placing themselves before himself...'

Asfi began to remember the words of her late captain...the person who took the mantle of familia captain before herself...described as being Hermes' twin...she was the ray of sunshine among the members of the familia who regularly dealt with Orario's vile darkness...

Asfi too relied on her former captain, choosing to learn from her to better lead and delegate. She hadn't always been the respectable leader she was today...she was once scorned as a person who was too rigid in her leadership and delegation...

As she recalled memories of her late captain...Asfi remembered something she once spoke to her about friends...

'What is a friend? That's easy! People who can communicate without communicating!'

Asfi at the time couldn't understand such a vague concept. How was one supposed to be close to a person when they can't talk?

'It's simple young Asfi! You just feel it! You feel that they will have your back without feel their emotions clearly without needing to make a sound...knowing without knowing at understand each other so deeply...that its sometimes scary HAHAHAHA'

Asfi merely dismissed it at the time...but now?...

'I clearly feel Ghost's trust in me...and he can clearly feel the trust I have in him...'

Asfi continued to look up at Bell...Bell looked back at her...his tension and fear were apparent...

'Even though I don't know anything about his past...I can clearly feel...the sentiment his actions carried...'

Asfi began to understand...emotions in a way she hadn't felt before...

'I feel these things so why do I need to confirm it?...we both...understand each other...knowing without knowing at all...'

Having finished her epiphany and seeing the nervous Bell...Asfi simply smiled and spoke.

"Hey, Ghost...lay down next to me"


Bell was broken out of his tension with Asfi's gentle voice, the request confusing him in his stupor.

Asfi narrowed her eyes playfully and simply dragged the vigilante to position with her hands.

"Just listen to me ok~"


In an instant, Bell laid down beside Asfi, her finesse and combat stats allowing such a thing to be possible while he was dazed...

As Bell continued to process what was happening...his eyes began to look upon the starry night sky...

"It's don't need to tell me your past Ghost...I can already feel the trust we have...the bond we share..."

Bell turned his head as Asfi spoke...meeting her brilliant deep blue eyes...her smile clearly conveying her gentleness and kindness...a smile he had never seen on the familia captain before...

"I'm not really that experienced with I always figured I needed something tangible to confirm our bond...but now I know that isn't necessary...the emotions we share with each other...that's all that matters right?"

Asfi said as she broke out a huge grin...something which made Bell's heart skip a beat...


Bell continued to remain silent...not knowing what to do with these emotions he was feeling...

Asfi heard his silence...but simply continued to smile...she knew Bell was there with her...and that was all that mattered...

"Since you showed me so much trust by revealing your voice...I thought I would share something personal of my past before I was a princess of an island of stargazers..."

Bell was broken out of his daze by Asfi choosing to reveal her past...

'We didn't get much information on her past outside of some tidbits...but it was shown that she didn't like talking about it much...she...trusts me that much...'

Bell began to feel guilty at continuing to hide his identity while she talked about the past she would rather not talk about...

Sensing what Bell might be feeling, Asfi simply put her hand on his cheek and spoke.

"Don't think about that Ghost. Just keep your eyes on me...ok?"


Bell unconsciously agreed with her...breaking out of his slip into guilt with her sincerity and beauty...his heart skipped another beat...

'Damn it Asfi...that's not fair...I might...see you as more than a friend at this rate...'

Bell secretly thought in his heart. But didn't confront it...he didn't want to ruin what they both had...

Knowing that Bell's attention on her was confirmed, Asfi smiled once more as he began to regale her past...

Hours flew by for the two of them...Asfi continued to speak endlessly...her tiredness was no longer present as she wanted to spend time with the closest person she had known...

She described the quaint island the water was clear and it shimmered at if it were filled with jewels on the horizon.

She pointed to the sky to talk about the stargazing knowledge her people had cultivated...constellations...their symbolism...their stories...their relation to the world...she spoke of it all to her closest friend...

Hour continued to fly until...


"You're asleep huh?"

Asfi turned around and noticed Bell had long since fallen asleep. She chuckled to herself at the realization.

"I thought I was going to be the one resting tonight~"

Asfi playfully talked to herself as she watched Bell sleep covered in his armor.

She couldn't see it physically...but she knew Bell was sleeping peacefully...without worry...

" surprised me a bit you know? That you're younger than young and yet so responsible...I must be a weirdo to feel so close to someone younger than me..."

Asfi didn't know how old exactly Bell was, but she knew it was around the age of maturity for the world...the age of sixteen...

"For someone as feared as the Gray have quite the cute voice you know?..."

Asfi continued to play with her sleeping friend...but the sleeping Bell did something she didn't expect...


"I'll...never let go...of you..."

He had taken hold of Asfi's hand...Bell was dreaming of the titanic due to how much Asfi talked about shipping and sailing in her homeland...but to the familia was something else entirely...

"...what is this feeling?..."

A faint heat began to be felt on her face...a new sensation she hadn't experienced personally...

Asfi was quite logical...but when it came to new experiences...she was quite lost...

'I have a feeling as to what this might be...'

But she wasn't without the intelligence to be able to infer what her confusion meant...

'So Lord Hermes' prediction was true...'

Asfi stared at Bell...he mumbled something about an iceberg...which only made her laugh...

"Hehehe...I don't know how much younger you are compared to me Ghost...but...if it's you..."

Asfi spoke quietly...

"I wouldn't mind trying romance for the first time..."

Asfi's eyes began to glitter with the night sky...her eyelids getting heavier and heavier with each passing second...

'I and Ghost are both wearing we should be fine sleeping together like this...'

Asfi was fading into unconsciousness, but a memory surfaced in her was when Hermes explained her alias as an adventurer to her...

'Perseus! It could mean an item maker of great skill in the gods' language...but it's also the name your people give for a fated one right?'

'Since you're so headstrong Asfi~ I bribed a bunch of the gods to give you the alias Perseus! Not only are you a skilled item maker~ But your fate will be yours to decide as well! Feel free to praise your god~ I know I'm quite a poet- ACK-'

Asfi lightly smiles as she remembered beating Hermes for inflating his ego so much...but the memory allowed her to do one last thing in secret...while Bell wasn't aware...she had been feeling a bit mischievous with all the emotions she currently felt...

" Perseus..."




"Good morning Asfi~ I'm back!"

Hermes loudly proclaimed his return by slamming the door of Asfi's office.

"Man...those ladies in Melen were quite the treat...I even saw a lady with triple D's-"

Hermes immediately raised his arms up in anticipation of his familia captain's domestic violence...but there was none...Asfi simply remained at her desk...head down...with what looked like steam coming out from her head...


Hermes continued to observe Asfi...

'Her ears...are red...and yesterday...she was supposed to meet with...HMMMMMM~~~"

Hermes, sensing a chance to play around with her ever-serious familia captain...slowly walked to her side...positioned his mouth by her ear...and spoke...

" I gonna have a son-in-law soon?~~"


Immediately reacting to Hermes' provocation, Asfi beat him so hard it would make a deadbeat dad kneel in reverence.




Asfi breathed heavily as Hermes began to twitch in pain...her office door was still open, and her familia members witnessed the beatdown and moved on with their was a regular occurrence at their workplace and home...


The realization of her actions became as clear as day when she had woken up...she was no longer on the roof but situated on the couch in the lobby of their familia base...Asfi speculated that Bell must have dropped her off while she slept...

She was happy at the sentiment...but as each memory began to flow back to her mind...each one caused her to be filled with embarrassment and happiness...

Asfi was a walking time bomb of emotions and Hermes fiddled around with its trigger.

Asfi would continue to try and resolve her emotions in the following days...only meeting Bell after a week had passed...their first meeting in a while was quite awkward but they eventually got back into the dynamic they had before...just a bit closer.

A flicker of passion became alight within the ice-cold queen's frozen heart...the beauty of what lay inside of it forever entrancing Bell in his mind.





Bell decided to confront and handle his going on a one-man murder spree on the middle floors...

Adventurers would call the week where the Gray Ghost would slaughter monsters whilst screaming in pain "The madness of the seventeenth floor".

Authors Note:

1 or 2 side chapters left before I go back to the main story. Thank you for reading!

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