/ Fantasy / Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?! Original

Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Fantasy 218 Capítulos 2.2M Visitas
Autor: LazyAngel

4.39 (43 valoraciones)

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The story starts on earth, after some unknown circumstances, the world was suddenly invaded by monsters from other worlds. Many died and even more turned into zombies, starting what many would call 'The apocalypse Era'.

Rin, a normal teenage boy who lost all of his family members was on the verge of falling into despair when a goddess appeared and sent him to another world that was very similar to a game Rin played before the apocalypse.

Her goal from this was simple, trample on all the protagonists and become the strongest creature in that world for a chance to get back what he thought he lost forever.

Accompanied by a cold beauty, both of them embark on a new journey to become stronger, get back to their world and fix everything.


My take on the isekai genre, so it's nothing new idea-wise. But, I wanted to make a serious, fun, and thrilling story out of the ordinary isekai you see everywhere.

It will be heavy on romance, action, and some smut here and there for the cultured weebs. Don't expect a full-on smut book though since that's not what I want to do.

The first 4 chapters are the prologue to set the tone for the book, it is crucial but you can skip it if you don't like slightly sad stuff. It will build the two main characters (Rin and Elise) well as a start.

Anyway, support the book and add it to your library as help for this poor soul :)

(also, for those interested, I just dropped my newest book. Its name is 'Supreme Warlock'. It's very different from SM but I hope it will be enjoyable for you.)

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  3. Hunedoara
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    Chapter 1-50 Review ***Possible Spoilers*** First things first, I applaud and thank the author for putting themself and their creation out there for us to read, enjoy, and criticize. The purpose of this review is not to bash the author in any way but solely to equip potential readers with a better understanding of whether this novel is a right fit for them. First I will start with the pros: 1) The Writing is well done. Sure there my be a few typos here or there but there really is no issue with being able to both read and understand the author's intentions. 2) At the time writing this review its seems that the novel is being updated on a regular bases. 3) The author has "hinted" at a large world (or worlds in this novel) that should hopefully provide many chapters worth of world building and entertainment. 4) I like that the MC is not a sociopath, borderline psychotic, or straight up evil as that seems to be the trend lately. CONS: 1) The MC is pretty dense and I 'personally' have a hard time with dense MCs, especially if the book carries the romance and harem tags. 2)If you came to the book because of the Romance and Harem tags you will need to be very patient. The only "romance"(if it can be called that) we see is very one sided, or does not involve the MC at all. And while there is more than one girl that is interested in him, 'Harem' implies for more than just interest and multiple women following him around. With the MC's current mindset I don't see true romance or a harem even remotely close. 3) The MC is more of a 'damsel in distress' MC, meaning he is always the one being saved not doing the saving. 4) The MC fails the 'litmus test". The MC, who is loved by a goddess who secretly wants the MC to become a god so she can be with him, gives him a super powerful god's powers and to top it off he also has a system at his disposal, yet, he is still the weakest character in the book while at the same time being told that he is meant to be the strongest and a ruler.... it's more than a little frustrating. Also, he is slave to both his system and his power has he has no control over either and both will and/or has, punished him in some way and neither have helped in any significant way. So far the system is really just there for the MC to banter back and forth with. As you can see most my issues stem from the main character. It just feels like the author is not in the MC's corner. Also, not necessarily a CON, but it almost seems that one of the heroines is being introduced as a second lead, who basically is "favorite" child of the author, as the benefits she gets from the smallest of tasks put the MC to shame. He spends 3 or 4 days doing quests as well as completing a dungeon just to rank up one stat. She gets her first quest, completes it in 5 mins and gets enough to rank up two stats. As everyone's opinions differ on different topics please take this review with a grain of salt. I have come to realize I am pretty picky when it comes to a stories MCs so it's possible I could be being a little too harsh. Reviews tend to always be heavy on the negatives, but overall the premise of the story is good and has a lot of potential, so with that in mind I suggest you read the free chapters and decide for yourself, you may find it very enjoyable.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 3 respuestas

    I read upto to 45 chaps till now and this novel has been great so far, world building and action parts are done very well, the battles were thrilling and exciting and plots are interesting and it's fun to read. And as for the romance and harem part it's nice but Mc seems a little dense but I hope that changes with time, since for a harem novel he got to be proactive to manage his harem in future as the girls seems to be yandere-ish. Hope there will be a romance arc for both Elise and Aria and each of the potential harem members in future. Last but not the least the thought reading part was done well, so I am looking forward to how aria and others use that for their own and mcs benefits. Overall this book is amazing so far. Keep up the good work author 👍.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Dropped at ch 110. This is a very average story, with lots of non-cohesive plot. Random things happen a lot, and even after 100 chaps, nothing is answered even a bit. I think this story will be like other Chinese stories, where nothing will be answered even after thousands of chapters. So dont waste time on this story.

    Ver 4 respuestas

    Great novel don't give up on it 👍 great novel don't give up on it 👍Great novel don't give up on it 👍 great novel don't give up on it 👍Great novel don't give up on it 👍 great novel don't give up on it 👍

    Ver 0 respuestas

    I read upto chapter 97 so far. And so far I would say the story is developing really well. The only complain I have so far is the protagonist of the world getting spared from suffering every time while troubling our Mcs Rin and Elise. It's kinda feels frustrating to see that delusional and disgusting protagonist suffering no consequences at all. I hope Elise and Rin could put that protagonist in his place soon.

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    I enjoy this type of story similar to heavenly villain type of novel, to me its quite fun and this is the second novel where the Heroines can hear the main character and I'm really liking it. -Also to the author could you please update the discord link, it hasexpired and I would like to join the server

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    LV 4 Badge

    Hmm the explanation of chapter 3 is not the sadness that I got but whether the MC's head has been kicked by a horse I mean why his mindset is so ridiculous. It was true that what had happened couldn't be repaired, but why didn't he just leave the group was the MC an idiot masochist. Hope his character got developed ASAP, well nobody wants to see MC beta and idiot

    Ver 2 respuestas

    ngl...author u f*ckwd up the mc's anti hero character...first 50 chs were all amazing but then u ruined it....why make the mc suddenly trust Emelia after knowing her for a few weeks that he gives out a big secret to her....u have also made the mc a pervy(a little) shonen hero instead of the anti hero ... seriously this book would have been wonderful with a harem of just 3 to 4....but with the voice hearing part there are gonna be a lot ..I hope u will remove the heart voice from the book soon as the story currently would do even better without it or at least make Elise also hear him ...I still like this book and hope to read more with a bit better fm leads... update soon

    Ver 5 respuestas

    Reading this novel feels like winning the lottery, or a fair game lol. Writing Quality: Author definitly knows how to write in English, and write well. Besides the occasional mishap reads well and easy and has a great flow. TIP FOR AUTHOR: When writing try to avoid moving/changing point of views (POV) within a chapter. Also make sure what you are saying fits POV of character. (i.e. don't state emotions of other characters, rather their physical reactions) both of these will add a bit more depth to your POV writing. Story Development: Author plays with time well. Skims when necessary, provides flashbacks/dreams to explore past, and draws out the intense action. Author also seems to have a plan already and has set some foundations for the plot. Not much advice to give here. My only worry is about how long this story can get and if the author has already planned far enough ahead. Character Design: This is a big thing for me, to often the MC is the only character that has depth and changes. This author breaks that stereotype and provides depth to many characters (will not spoil it). Each character has their own goal and vices/problems. AUTHOR TIP: some of the flashback info seemed to come out of nowhere. Make sure to foreshadow or show the eefects of what has happened. Updating Stabability: As long as the writing quality stays as good as it has been the updates can change...(though I would reeeeally like to read more now.) World Background: This seems to currently be the weak link, though recent chapters are suggesting otherwise. While the monsters are unique, the world is currently your average magic/fantasy/academy city world. However, as I said before, recent chapters have started to unveil more info about the world...might be more apt to say teasing. My concern is that it is more to do with the plot, and less with the world itself. AUTHOR TIP: for some good examples of built worlds that deviate from the norm check out Brandon Sanderson's books or Robert Jordan's. One suggestion (especially for worlds with different tech/magic from ours) how does that affect society at large (maybe all those with magic become nobles). I know there is a generic framework that many novels have gone off of but find what makes your magic system unique and what effect it's had on society. Thanks for the great read!

    Ver 3 respuestas

    I like the 2 different protagonists, not something I’ve seen before much, especially in apocalyptic novels I like that there is little grammatical errors I like the character development, first few chapters were exceptional I like the world background, 10 different worlds to write about sounds like a handful but I definitely hope to see you pull it off I like the update stability, around 14 a week is optimal Hoping to see more heroines that can hear is thoughts and use it in unique ways, although Aria is a a amazing character, the way she uses his thoughts is kinda bland. Hoping to see Elise and Rin falling in love, it would be kinda awkward to have to different protagaimsts going on different paths Although there hasn’t been,a completely lewd scene, the ones that are available now are definitely not disappointing Some referemce images for the main characters would definitely help with the immersion in the story This novel has tones of potential and I hope that you continue to write, your definitely a good author Merry Christmas btw

    Ver 1 respuestas

    i like that in this novel FMC is going to get her own part with system and also feels like she has her own revenge story which will be interesting to read. mc is cautious one which is good and i wanted to know what happens in old world so hope author make a chapter to tell the ending on earth. Update is also good and great novel give it a try

    Ver 3 respuestas

    so there are two mc in the novel each having there own system and i know that both will be lovers in future . until now i am enjoying this novel and can say that it has great potential. and yeah certain girls(most likely heroines) can hear his voice but i think the main FMC can'

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Good novel nothing to criticize right now apart from the fact that Elize reincarnated with the Mc, they are not even lovers and the First World Rin came from was interesting.

    Ver 1 respuestas

    I think it's just me, I find how the story played annoying, I didn't like how they deal with the characters, to the story etc. please don't mind my commen I just had to vent what I felt after reading 60+ chapters of this novel, I just don't like how the author wrote the plot and how the mc deals with the "mc"

    Ver 3 respuestas

    Read 7 chapters and can already tell this will be an absolute gem of an novel.

    Ver 2 respuestas

    It's a hobby of mine to give other author story a 5 star rating, no matter if the story is good or bad, no matter if it's about something that i know or not, since as an author myself, i know how much joy does a good review brought to the writer. Also, as far as the story goes, it is good, but it's not my cup of tea.

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    I really like the character devolpment and world building, I also am a big fan of how you are doing the magic system. Really good work author, keep it up!

    Ver 0 respuestas
    LV 3 Badge

    just don't give up on this story. okk

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    I have to say that I was fairly surprised at how much I just couldn't put this down. It's like similar novels in a certain sense but for the most part it's been very original. I really look forward to the future and I honestly can't tell where it's going because the author does such a good job keeping you on your toes.

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    Well I was really interested in this story…too bad it paywalls. Guess I’ll just go find a new story instead. That doesn’t hit a paywall with 35 chapters.

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    Autor LazyAngel