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86.27% Pokémon : A Rough Start In Kanto / Chapter 44: Hulk role play

Capítulo 44: Hulk role play


The Raticate was flung back across the white forest floor with loud meaty thumps before it came to a sudden stop as its rammed back first into a snow covered tree.

3 Ratatta equally as damaged and unconscious laying not to far away.

Their opponent, Beckys Marill, stood there barely conscious covered in nasty bruises and puncture wounds, bleeding heavily while trying to keep its feet under it…


Becky cried out, clearly very distressed seeing her bruised and battered mon, she almost jumped into the fray herself or had butterfree help Marill a few times but i put a stop to that.

"Butterfree heal him!"

The big butterfly that was hovering over her protectively flew over to start conjuring up what looked like balls of greenish Cotten candy and stuffing it into the water mouse's mouth who was barely registering it..

But all of a sudden the snow behind becky started getting blown aside like being plowed at high speed, Becky noticed the noise and made to turn but it was already too late as suddenly…



All it took was a moment before phanpy was standing there, childish glee all over his little elephant face, holding a branch in his trunk as he stood behind Becky who was now cradling her back, it's barely a second before butterfree was floating between her and the pigmy elephant with clear anger on its face..

"Ooof….That's gonna leave a mark…."

I remark standing near a tree with Persian and Slowpoke by my side with a smirk on my face as Becky tries to rub out the pain…


Butterfree threatening gestures and moans to both phanpy and myself only for phanpy to be to distracted playing with his stick in the snow to notice and me just giving him a raised eyebrow…

"You left her unguarded bud, be thankful it was a phanpy with a stick and not a mankey pulling out her spine…"

That took some of the wind out of butterfree's sails as it looks to beck to try and comfort the girl still in anguish….phanpy wasn't gentle even when I asked him to tone it down a bit….but with the insane strength of his trunk…I'm surprised the stick didn't break

Marill recovered a little as its wounds started to close after eating the "pollen puff" and started to get his bearings, a major improvement from looking like he was at deaths door a moment ago…


Becky moaned still trying to rub the pain from her back, laying face up rubbing her back into the snow trying to reduce the stinging.

"Survival training…."

"I get that part….but why did you have phanpy hit me?!"

"To learn?"

"But he didn't have to hit me so hard!"

"Well….pain is a great teacher, bet you won't be leaving your back exposed like that in the wild again"


Seems like the pain was settling down as she started to stand up, still rubbering her back but not at the furious pace she was before…

"….I still don't like you made Marill fight all 4 by himself….look how hurt he got….he could have died…."

"He was fine…I had Slowpoke watching carefully….listen becky, I've said this before and I'll say it again…pokemon training and this "journey" you're gonna go on is no joke….people die everyday to the dumbest of mistakes…and Pokémon battles in the wild? You think it's always going to be a 1 on 1 like the battles on tv?….wild Pokémon aren't playing the same game as us, people go on a journey for power and glory or whatever they are risking their lives for….for Pokémon it's fucking survival and if they think killing a trainer is the best way to get out of their predicament, then that's exactly what they're gonna do"

"….I know…."

"….You know what Becky….I'm only alive due to sheer, absolute dumb luck, by all odds I should be dead in the ground right now…I should have been dead my first trip into the "abandoned zone"…. I came out here with no protection, dragging carts of food and supplies that would have had any Pokémon who ran across my path well fed for months….I was under some delusion that Pokémon probably weren't that dangerous because of some childhood fantasy…"

"But it all worked out though right?"

"Yeah but it shouldn't have….you know how I got Persian here to join up with me?"

I said while having to reach up to pat Persians neck with him standing at 5'3 on all fours and me being 10 years old and all

"….no you never shared that…."

"I was wandering back home after picking up the hot water heater from a destitute warehouse when I came across a pack of Ratatta surrounding an injured meowth and my dumb ass thought "hey let's try and interfere with this and get a meowth, worst case scenario I can just outrun the Ratatta""

"So you rescued him from being killed by gang ratatta pack?"

"Yeah but the point was, in my head I would have been fine if things turns bad and the pack turned on me….god that was dumb…outrun a ratatta pack? My brain must have been fried, they would have been on me before I made it 10 steps"


" what I'm saying is, you gotta think before you do shit. Engrain caution into your everyday life, for instance why would you expose your back like that if you could have simply balled Marill and bailed or have butterfree double tap the Ratatta and Raticate from a distance incase they were playing possum before moving in with him to heal up Marill….there were other options but you chose to expose yourself in the middle of a dangerous forest with absolutely 0 protection if something snuck up on you…which they did….with a stick"

"…..sorry, I just panicked when I saw Marill so hurt"

"And I get that….but you only have 2 Pokémon at the moment so you gotta keep your shit together…you know as well as i how hard it is to kill a Pokémon from just injuries, he looked pretty beat up and tired but far from dead…."

"…yeah I know….I'll get better I swear…"

"Mmmk, let's head back I'm getting hungry and me and the mons have an afternoon training sesh, the snows said to be clearing up next week and I gotta start working on some stuff with Zigzagoon.."

"Sounds good"

Becky balls Marill but leaves butterfree out as she walks over to me before Slowpoke entrapped us all in pink energy that seems to be fading in colour further with each day of practice, trying to get his teleports to be silent and without a pink energy build up. And suddenly we were just south of the butterfree forest…

We traveled a little north of the butterfree forest, with the ok of the butterfree mind you, don't need to be starting no more gang wars. We started walking south towards home, just enjoying the scenery and getting some exercise while letting Becky sort out whatever's in her head.

Suddenly theres a crashing sound followed by a bellow


Ugggh….This guy again…..

A pretty large aggressive dark pink rhino with rabbit ears launches himself into our path, sliding itself directly in front of us about 20 meters away, snarling and huffing while stamping his front paw…foot?, hoof? While trying to posture aggressively…

"We've been through this mate, didn't work out well for you last time and this time I won't be sparing you if you wanna try it again…"

About week after my trip to pick up persian and Miltanks adjustable training vests, while out on a "patrol" we were ambushed by this very same Nidorino without a lick of warning…or we would have been if Slowpoke didn't take my advice of "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" To heart after me nearly getting my head taken off by a sneaky bear…

He barrelled out of a dilapidated building straight for me, even with all my mons surrounding me, the fucker only had eyes for me and ran straight at me with his horn aglow..

Naturally Slowpoke took offence to that and before anyone else could put the overgrown rabbit in its place Slowpoke decided to use psychic to role play the hulk by introducing his body to the ground back and forth repeatedly…

Only for a blueish rabbit rhino to dive out of the building in front of the brutalised Nidorino to try and protect him.

In my mind at that time I wasn't worried about splitting lovers up and sparing either of them because they were doing cliche couple shit trying to rescue each other, no I was just going to merc them both….that Nidorino was aiming to kill me so I wasn't fucking around.

But again out of the building that seemed to hold unlimited Pokémon a small pack of both male and female Nidoran ran out to run to their presumed parents, some in a protective manner and some to cower behind them….and again I was happy to just get rid of 'em seeing how I really wasn't looking to pick up any new Pokémon at that moment….even if Nidoking was one of my favourites…

And I wasn't heading into the black market yet or had any idea what nidoran would be worth so I wasn't planning on keeping and feeding them for who knows how long.

But fortunately for the family and unfortunately for me, Phanpy was with us and watching and given his history of having his mother brutally killed in front of his eyes I was a little gun shy of him reacting badly to it if I just ended the family.

So with a rather annoyed tone I very carefully let the whole family know that I was letting them go this once, and only once. If they tried shit like this again I'd just bury them..

A threat they took to heart if the fear in their eyes they directed at Slowpoke was any indicator….and for weeks we've had no issue and for him to jump out like this must be a death wish..

But before things could heat up Nidorina came out walking on its hind legs, Nidorina being able to do that before evolving unlike Nidorino. She was carrying a small, rather thin looking female nidoran that was breathing heavily with what looked to be frothy saliva dripping from its small maw and half lidded eyes that looked delirious….

Nidorina walked past its mate and towards us while persian stood in front of me with its lips peeled back and fangs bared, making no sound but the threat was implied "back off before I sashimi your ass"

The Nidorina practically ignored the warning before coming a bit closer before laying down the sick Nidoran on the ground and looks back up with a desperate and begging look….

She has a sick child and it looks like it won't recover naturally so she's putting away all semblance of control and asking for help..

"Why would I want to help you?"

Nidorino didn't like that answer as another aggressive snort left his nose that roused the snowed under him with his fangs bared.

I wasn't feeling particularly generous with these things after our last encounter, sick kid or not…. But Becky on the other hand….

"Come on Gideon, can't you see it needs help…"

I turn to eye becky with a critical look.

"Just to state some facts you might not be aware of….if that Nidorino caught you without me with you he would have very happily and probably very easily torn through both butterfree and Marill to kill you….so why would we help them?"

Becky was a little hesitant after that but still continued on

"….I know…'s just….it's not the nidorans fault, and it costs you nothing to have Slowpoke heal it….so why not try?"

The only reason I'm even hearing this is because is phanpy with with me again, Miltank might frown a little if we didn't help with her being a nurturing type of Pokémon but she's hardened up a little after the bear incident…

I look to phanpy….he looks up at me

"If I do this….and they challenge me again I'm going to end them, baby's with them or not….got it?"

He just lets out a little trumpet with a nod of his head as he turns to the Nidorina and his eyes go from innocent and playful to almost hardened….well as hardened as a baby pigmy elephant can anyway…he gets it…

I turn to Slowpoke and give him the sideways head tilt that's universal for "go on, do it"

Suddenly a pink energy swirls around the sick Nidoran and its breathing got a little easier…and after a few more heal pulses it got a little better….but it was still sick….something heal pulse can't solve it seems.

Both parents watched with laser focus as the heal pulses faded only for their sick pup to still be sick…

"Well it seems it won't be of any help….looks like you need actual medicine, something I don't have and won't be getting, so….good luck I guess…and if Nidorino tries that alpha shit with me again…"

The threat was implied.

I was about to walk away before becky stoped me….again….that's getting old

"Can't we take it to a Pokémon center?"

"We aren't trainers so it would cost money, that's before the medicine comes into it….why would I go that far for a wild Pokémon?"

Nidorina let out a desperate "Naaa!" While pointing to slowpokes pokeball around my neck

" you want me to catch her?"

Nidorina nods while her partner seemed less happy and was about to make it known before she turns to him with a very guttural and threatening "NIIII!!", shutting him up before he could object…

"I'm not interested….."

"I'll take her! I'll take her to the Pokémon center!"

Becky blurts out…

"And do what? Tell them you caught a wild nidoran, get it help and medicine and I'm the asshole left holding the bill…."

"I'll….ill pay you back! I swear!"

"Like with everything else?"


"That conscience will get you in deep shit one day...FINE!!, catch the fucking thing and let's go"

I really don't want to do this….mostly visiting a pokemon center, especially given our specific circumstances, and it's not I'm a pushover when it came to Becky it's just not worth all the whinging and teenage girl bullshit I'd have to put up with until I snapped and kick Becky out, which would probably lead to more problems… and I'd rather not kill her….I've killed before but I definitely don't enjoy it…

I hand becky one of the empty pokeballs I always carry around, she quickly balls the little rabbit thing and the parents leave quickly after, mommy with gratitude and daddy with a chip on his shoulder….one that's going to force me to kill him if he tries anything again…

We wander on home before dropping off phanpy, miltank, zigzagoon and skiddo to hold the fort while we are away and port into an empty viridian alleyway….time to see a Pokémon center I guess…


I'm doing skips and the story the way that I am is because I don't want to be 300 chapters in and still be 10 years old, I'm just trying to give a feel for personalities and some backstory before his journey begins.

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