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93.67% Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse / Chapter 215: A Quiet Growth

Capítulo 215: A Quiet Growth

"So? He willingly missed helping me after promising me a way to solve the major issue of the seal I'm developing?"

Orochimaru crosses her legs on Tsunade's couch and speaks her mind without concerning herself with Nono's presence.

Tsunade keeps her nose buried in the paperwork instead of indulging Orochi. While the original tackled paperwork, four of her wooden clones train in their training chambers—not mokuton per se—but just spars and practices. One of them even held back Nawaki to polish his skills a step further for reasons only known to the upper tier of the administration.

Needless to say, Hiruzen did not admit that the village would be attacked due to the conflict the Hyuga Clan may instruct their members to commit. There has already been one attempt on Mukai's life these past few weeks, so a tense atmosphere surrounds the shinobi-kind.

The Hokage credited their increase in defense to an unnamed spy in another village.

The Uchiha Police's work has increased by a notch, and other organizations under Hiruzen are no better.

While the Hyuga Clan denied any association with the attempt at Mukai's life, going as far as executing the member of the Branch Family who acted out 'vindictively' against Mukai, the Clan of the white-eyed elites is placed under strict watch.

"Did you fail to hear me?" Orochi questions as Tsunade looks up with an irritated expression.

"Go bother Kai's clone. He's spending time in the hospital with his team to let Nagato tutor them. Better yet, go bother your son, Mommy."

Orochimaru's brows twitch as she asserts.

"His clones don't seem to care all that much. And I don't suppose cornering shadow clones will get him out."

Kai's clones weren't shadow clones, but even the best would fail the difference since Wood Clones were the base for Shadow Clones.

"He has also stopped his usual check-ups on Fukushu. The literal head of the Jashin religion seems to miss him. And our workload has increased with the addition of Kakuzu and A's son."

Tsunade scoffs.

"Kakuzu and A's son aren't your work at all. I captured them. Anything beyond interrogation is for me to assign."

"Then assign them to me."

"That's why you're here, right?" The Senju Matriarch sets her paperwork down and signals Nono to leave. Nodding with a smile, Nono still questions, "Would you two like something to drink?"

"Not necessary," Orochimaru smiles back. "I won't be here for long."

Tsunade looks at her teammate with a raised eyebrow.

"You will keep nagging me either for Kai or those two, that it? How does Mitsuki handle you? Do you henpeck him to drink his daily cup of milk, and veggies, too?"

Orochimaru works her jaw and suppresses the distinct feeling of annoyance. The amount of mommy/daddy jokes and puns she's already endured from Tsunade, Jiraiya, Hiruzen, Biwako, and many others, including known doctors, is getting ridiculous!

"It is evident that whatever Kai is busy with is his utmost priority. I can respect that. But don't you think leaving a single mother hanging on a mere thread of hope is too cruel?" The snake sannin continues as she uses her 'weakness' as armor. "Or is it that you're somewhat envious that I have gone and become a mother while you…" She stares at Tsunade buried in her paperwork before shaking her head and sighing softly.

Tsunade loses her smile as a hollow chuckle vibrates from her throat.

"Hoho, careful there. I wouldn't want to strangle a single mother and do Mitsuki a favor."

Undaunted, Orochimaru shrugs.

"To be honest, I understand your fears. Even if he survives his duties, Jiraiya wouldn't have a family soon. And you must fear the highlight years of your life passing by without a child to care for."

Tsunade thins her lips in displeasure and snaps her fingers.

"You aren't getting Kakuzu or A's son. If you want to research, schedule your time with mine. As for Kai, again, bother him. He's been a recluse with Kushina or sometimes Nono."

"A recluse?" Orochimaru blinks in surprise. "That Kai, whose clone snipped a child's balloon using a wind-release jutsu in front of me?"

"Day before yesterday, right? Even Konan was talking about that." Tsunade scoffs a chuckle.

"Do you know what he is working on?"


"You two don't share small talk when in bed?"

"We haven't slept together."

"Even now?" Orochimaru muses as Tsunade scowls. "Got a problem?"

"Not really. Here is an unsolicited piece of advice to return the favor for your talk about Mitsuki before we left for our mission: You aren't getting any younger, but he will get older."

Tsunade rolls her eyes. Orochimaru's words are factually wrong. Tsunade returned to her biological prime, so she does get younger.

"I'm not like your off the mill Kunoichi," The matriarch scoffs. "We'll check that box after we get married."

Orochimaru looks at Tsunade strangely.

"Did you forget you can do clones?"

"Shut up!"

"Anyway, I don't plan to leave until I get one thing or the other. The roots of the tree housing Takigakure are still under a long period of cultivation, and I dropped Mitsuki off at the orphanage to let him mingle with children his age. So, I have all the time to kill."

Tsunade stares at the obnoxious bimbo quietly before huffing in annoyance.

"Go train Nawaki. We'll talk when he can beat my clone at my usual strength and skills. And don't worry about A's son or Kakuzu getting misplaced during the predicted skirmish. Kai is in charge of my personal cell and lab's security."

Orochimaru considers the proposition before sighing and shaking her head.

"Consider my side here. I've let myself get strung along for some time now. And researching Fukushu's jutsu is easier said than done. That man's ritual still makes no sense. The Cerberus' research is long completed and not exciting after Sensei sourced the beast to Inuzuka to have them try and breed its pups. I mean, talk about a simple task."

"So you get bored, and I must suffer?" Tsunade sighs and gets back to her paperwork.

"Ignoring me wouldn't help you."

Tsunade ignores Orochimaru and calls, "Nono, get back in here!"

The room was soon surrounded by the noise of shuffling paper and scribbling quills as Orochimaru quietly lay on her side of the couch with a listless expression.

She truly has no other areas of interest to research. Now, her pragmatic side toys with the idea of continuing her primary research without Kai. And it is certainly possible. But she is somehow mentally exhausted.

"What exactly are you doing?" Nono curiously questions as she jots down the day's finances.

"You're still young," Orochimaru replies. "You wouldn't understand the mental exhaustion of your adopted creation… well, adopted son, bringing a school of other orphan children in your living room and creating a snotty ruckus. No wonder Kai has a vendetta against orphans."

"Well, I'm old enough to understand that Kai's recluse involves a spunkier, cuter, and more obedient redhead who cannot keep her hands off him."

Orochimaru and Tsunade look at their arguably more evil counterpart who would certainly surpass them in years.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Nono muses with a smirk, always ready with new and spicier gossip. "Kai is abducted by our resident jinchuriki. In his lab, no less."

'Which intrudes on my time of planning things with Kai.' Nono adds bitterly.

She may adopt a superior position in their little harem with her fake glasses and uppity attitude, but the reality is that Mikoto is far scarier when she needs to be, and Kushina may be the only one who could make Kai do almost anything with just one whiny request.

'Huff, I'll make him do stuff, too.' Nono promises to herself internally.

'We've been planning for many contingencies every night for the past few weeks with the information Kai scourged daily. Talk about muddying the waters. The Uchiha Police, T&I Department, and even the Research Facilities cannot trust each other deep down. Branch Family Member—Gyoyo Hyuga's—attempt on Mukai's life made the situation even more constrained.

The trio busy themselves with their tasks—Orochimaru's being—annoying Tsunade with random illusions of Kai taking different forms of Tsunade.

Not that it annoyed Tsunade.

Her mind is tempered by the likes of Kai and Jiraiya.





Kai's grunt echoes in his spartan lab. Straddled atop him, facing him, are long locks of red hair matted on her sweaty back as Kushina slams her eager hips down on his cock while mewling hotly. Next to him are Kushina's clones.

Two, to be precise.

Both clones nibbled on his ears with a hungry look as their voracious original half kept bouncing on Kai.

With his hands filled by the pair's full perky bottoms, Kai could only leave himself to Kushina's ministrations. It has been quite a while since they got together, but Kushina simply has no intention of stopping. And Kai did not mind this at all. It's not like it was stopping his training or impeding his routine in any manner. If nothing else, Kushina helps him by—

His thoughts are cut short as the clone on his left pulls him for a sloppy and wet kiss.

"Hnnaaaa~!" Kushina groans as she orgasms on Kai. Feeling a little weak, Kushina rectifies the situation by letting a cloak of orange-red chakra cover her body. The small locks matted on her forehead rise a little in two small clumps that mimic a pair of fox ears, and her violet orbs morph into vertical pupils surrounded by red irides.

Kushina only dispels her clones once she feels Kai's thick erection throbbing inside of her powerfully before letting out jets of orgasm that paint her twitching interior white!



The second the two clones disperse, Kushina is hit by their memories and the sensations they experienced, forcing her to flinch and cum again with a throaty moan vibrating from her mouth.

Not minding the scent of sex or the hot mewls of her tailed beast, Kushina leans back on Kai's chest and exhales hotly. Her chakra cloak disappears, too.

"Did you get it?" Kushina whispers in between her pants as Kai hugs her waist while she continues to sheathe him with her piping hot, foxy quim.

Kai scoffs a chuckle. His clothes are already ruined, so he doesn't mind the cum spilling from the corner of her wet folds to his pants.

"I already got the composition two days ago. So, stop acting like you didn't almost tap out a moment ago without Kyubi's help. And while we're at that, stop using Kyubi's chakra for this, will you? I still need to know what a 'Ten-Tails' is."

Kushina pouts and cutely snorts while nuzzling further in his embrace.

"Why should I stop, Dattebane? And I know you like it when we do it with my chakra cloak activated."

"No doubt about it," Kai exhales and kisses the back of her head.

Kai has been equally busy.

Be it preparing for the Hyuga event, grinding the seals from the Uchiha Stone Tablet, or finding a source of strength, he did not stop.

"Want to get ready?"

"5 more hours!"

"Usually, it's five more minutes, and no!" He has to practically pull the clingy Uzumaki away. Again, he digs the attention. He really does. While Mikoto is willing to spice things up with costumes and roleplay, Kushina is kind to fuck it all and does it wherever he pleases. And something suggests to Kai that it's not just the fabled honeymoon phase but Kushina's sinful nature itself.

And again, something Kai looks forward to. Who wouldn't?

"Come on!" Kushina turns around and straps him back on the chair with a tight hug while bringing her lips to his in a short but passionate kiss.

Smirking and pinching her bottom, Kai pecks the tip of her nose.


Kai refutes and seems to look past Kushina.

"And you should be thanking me."

"Slut, tell that bastard he can have his lungs skewered."

Comes the reply for 'Slut' aka, Kushina to mediate, who smiles sweetly before pecking Kai's jaw lovingly.

"Kyubi says she enjoyed it!"

Both the monsters grow silent as Kushina enjoys every moment of their discomfort. She is well aware that Kai is simply unaccustomed to the thought of banging an animal like the Inuzuka Clan's wet fetish, so she knowingly brings it up constantly.

For punishment, of course.

"Yeah," Kai huffs, "Sure she does."

His chances of knowing about the so-called Ten-Tails continue to slip away. But it was either knowledge or abstinence…

Something Kushina made easier.

"Just forget about that lying mess," Kushina mewls and starts grinding her sloppy entrance on Kai's very persuasive cock. "I promise this will be the last time!"

"Are you kidding?" Kai scoffs. "No way this is going to be the last time. I have some work to do, and after our dinner, we'll do it again!"

Kushina grins and finally gets off.

"Fine, dattebane! Huff, you are so greedy, you know!"

Kai gives Kushina a side-long glance while cleaning himself up to look presentable for his father-in-law.

Once ready, he leaves the lab after another peck from Kushina.

"You and Mito are the same," growls Kyubi while Kushina hums and continues to clean herself in the shower. His and Tsunade's lab has an extensive installment for the prevention of any contamination, including seals, so Kushina has no trouble getting ready or making a mess of his lab.

"I'm talking to you!" Kyubi snarls.

"Oh, please! Just like you can hear my thoughts, the more I use Chakra Cloak, the more I sense you. So, I, too, feel your thoughts sometimes! Do you really think I would force you into doing this? Or, don't say that you have no way of isolating your senses. You are literally a buttload of chakra given form!"

Kyubi falls silent before scoffing. Her deep and gravelly voice loses much of its timber.

"You shouldn't have let him understand the composition of your chakra cloak."

Kushina slows down a bit before sighing softly.

"Sorry, that's on me, dattebane. I should have kept your wishes in mind. But… can you fault me?"

Kyubi grows silent again.

"Be mindful next time."

"Wait, there is a next time?" Kushina frowns. "I thought I'm already a perfect jinchuriki."

Only a mocking scoff replies to her confusion.


[Indra's Tritya Panth (10/10): Forms seals and matrixes through molding chakra. The consumption of chakra depends on the matrix derived. Each level increases the speed of the formation of a matrix by 5%. Reduces the consumption of chakra at every level by 5%. Current consumption: 1100~???]

[Heavenly Blessing-Earthly Restriction (10/10): Isolates the chakra signature of the user to form a unique key of seal for a shinobi to curse a part of their body. Reduces the consumption of chakra at every level by 5%. Current Consumption: 15800/matrix.]

[Yin-Yang Chakra Cloak (2/5): Converts chakra into a certain proportion of yin and yang nature to bolster the mind and the body. Each level increases the three stats by 10 points. Each level increases the boost by 100%. Reduces the consumption of charka by 10% at every level. Current Consumption: 4500/sec.

Next Level: Consume 1530000/7000000 chakra or 25 SP.]

This was the result of his intense study for the past few weeks. Finding the right proportion of yin and yang nature in Kushina's chakra cloak was damn hard, but he made it work by putting in hours and all his wooden clones together.

The resultant skill is similar to the [Lightning Cloak Technique] except, the Lightning Cloak enhances his reaction time like no other. If it wasn't for his natural attunement to Nature Energy due to his biology, the Lightning Cloak would have been perfect for him.

But as things are now, the most meaningful use for the [Yin-Yang Chakra Cloak] is the increment of his stats. Especially his physique.

As for the cursed seal—[Heavenly Blessing-Earthly Restriction]...

"A part of me doesn't want to strip my clothes in front of the man associating himself with my daughter every night. She is, after all, my flesh and blood. And I pride myself to be quite handsome even now." Yata hums as he sits in the center of the sealing matrix drawn by Kai in the secret chamber of his house.

Not minding Yata's words, Kai explains with an equally peaceful expression.

"You'd be happy to know that Mikoto is sharing that responsibility with Kushina. So suck your sour grapes elsewhere."

"Why would I be sour? My son-in-law can tame a Jinchuriki without a Mangekyo Sharingan. Of course, I am right to assume that Mikoto must have spoken of it, no?" Yata burns the seals in his mind as his sharingan whirls into life again before assuming a unique three-starred, straight-edged shuriken pattern.

Kai observes the Mangekyo Sharingan of his father-in-law before voicing out, "Tame a jinchuriki? You're suggesting that a Jinchuriki can be placed in genjutsu?"

"Stop being coy. The Senju records must have extensive notes on Madara Uchiha's deed. It is practically a known fact to the higher administration of the village."

Kai nods calmly but doesn't add anything else.

"Walk me through this seal." Yata requests.

"It's simple, really." Kai etches the last seal of the matrix. "Since the main issue the Uchiha Clan will face is the safety of their own supposed freedom—"

"Supposed freedom?" Yata raises an eyebrow.

"Who's playing coy now?" Kai smirks.

"Fine, continue." Yata rolls his eyes.

"As I was saying, this seal cannot be controlled by anyone except the target. How that is achieved is quite simple. This sealing matrix forges a unique sealing key using the target's chakra signature. I developed this seal in this manner because not everyone can be expected to be adept in fuinjutsu to forge their own keys. Once this matrix is laid down, all you have to do is—" Kai grins suddenly and forms a seal with his hand, sending the web-shaped sealing matrix inverting upon Yata's pale body, who grits his teeth and glares at Kai.

"I forgot to mention this hurts like hell."

"I… can see that!" Yata speaks in between his spasms. The man has faced many perilous situations to let the pain get the better of him.

Of course, the pain only last for ten seconds even if it feels like an eternity before the seal inverts into a tiny blue dot in the center of Yata's forehead and disappears as if it never existed. But Yata can feel his eyes under a powerful restrictive force.

"Your eyes are secured as long as you live. The moment you die, your eyes and body will go out like a bang."

Yata frowns and questions, "What about Shinobi who can stop their hearts for a few seconds?"

"What did I tell you?" Kai smirks. "This seal is based on your charka signature. Even if you can conceal your chakra from outsiders, the seal is within you. It stays as long as you have chakra. Even if you put your heart in stasis and conceal your chakra, the seal won't activate. Needless to say, you can trigger the seal consciously, too, if Kyo is nagging you."

Yata thins his lips and snorts.

The Uchiha Patriarch did not bother questioning Kai about the seal's integrity.

As they say—Don't conduct business with whom you don't trust, and don't doubt the people you work with.

Once they are finished with their business, Yata wears his kimono again while chewing his lips ponderously.



"Mikoto is still busy with her patrols around the village after Mukai was attacked."

"I know."

"Do me another favor and look after her, especially in the next few days. As unprofessional as I sound, make my daughter and others you care for your greatest priority."

Kai stops and looks at Yata for a moment.

"They are always my greatest priority."

Yata sighs softly as Kai disappears after using Hiraishin.

"I have to re-ply to the entire room once again. Who knows where the devil has left his seal in the room. Lord Second really knew how to make the most diabolical jutsus."

The Uchiha Patriarch couldn't overlook such things after all, and what do you know, his fears aren't unfounded.

'Now I have to get the seal to Lord Third and the Hyuga Twins.'

And his own clan will make extensive use of it in the coming days. Even if Yata is kinder than his predecessors, he is intent on making this seal a mandatory accessory for everyone who awakened their sharingan, no matter how young or old they are.


Kai's Current Stat:

[Name: Kai

Age: 15

Title: Jonin Instructor

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Rank: Jonin

Hit Points: 100%

Stamina: 100/100% (50.1%/min)

Senjutsu/Chakra: 350014 (93189→ 10004+250%) || (3220/min) (890→ 920


Physique: 485→ 505/1000

Mental: 567→ 587/1000

Perception: 502→ 522/1000

Water: 55/100%

Wind: 33/100%

Fire: 21.3/100%

Earth: 46.8/100%

Lightning: 31/100%

Yin: 40.3→ 50/100%

Yang: 40.4→ 50/100%]

[Skill Points: 3050→ 3103]

[Reduction of Chakra Wastage: 100%]

[Reduction of Senjutsu Chakra Wastage: 54.5%]

[Yin-Yang Chakra Cloak (2/5): Converts chakra into a certain proportion of yin and yang nature to bolster the mind and the body. Each level increases the three stats by 10 points. Each level increases the boost by 100%. Reduces the consumption of charka by 10% at every level. Current Consumption: 4500/sec.

Next Level: Consume 1530000/7000000 chakra or 25 SP.]


Alternate Title: The Bored Mother of One; Motherly Puns—Orochimaru's New Pet Peeve; Sexual Recluse; Unhinged Uzumaki; The Bouncing Spinner; Banging the Beast Through Chakra Cloak; Passionate Milking; A Violated Lab; Growth Spurt; Finalized Seal; Yata's Got the Goods?; Explosive Trigger; A Fatherly Caution; Proud Father-in-Law; Coy Father and Son-in-Law Duo; Earthly Restrictions on Heavenly Blessings


A/N: Again, for me, the main difference between kcm, lightning cloak, and sage mode is their benefits. In may eyes, Kcm gives the highest raw boost, lightning cloak has the most insane reaction time; and sage mode is the best of both worlds when it is fully mastered. My main gripe is that I don't exactly know how the boost works in naruto and how much the various supportive technique boosts said skills.

And Lightning Cloak is a B-ranked Jutsu. So I made the Yin-yang cloak A-ranked because it is made from a single nature release but dual.


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