/ Sci-fi / Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Sci-fi Completado 1,781 Capítulos 3.1M Visitas
Autor: Eight O'clock At NightTraductor: AtlasStudiosEditor: AtlasStudios

3.31 (61 valoraciones)

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Chu Nan was just an ordinary student, but because of an accident, he obtained the data collection, analysis and processing ability equivalent to the most advanced optical brain.
In his eyes, everything in the world could be analyzed with the most accurate data. Any attack by the enemy was only a combination of countless data points. Even the flow of Internal Breath in his meridians could be accurately quantified with data.
With the help of such extremely accurate data, he could use his physical strength optimally and also create the most suitable internal cultivation method for himself. Following this, his strength naturally advanced by leaps and bounds.
After such a sudden event, his life was completely changed.


  1. dMb12
    dMb12 Contribuido 40756
  2. Cloudaka14
    Cloudaka14 Contribuido 40618
  3. LongSlumber
    LongSlumber Contribuido 40231


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    LV 13 Badge

    Hav u heard of Nano machine? ...............................................................................................................

    Ver 23 respuestas

    I like the concept, but it feels poorly executed. My biggest issue with this is just how dumb the MC is. Despite having a super computer computer for a brain he still makes obvious my stakes and doesn't think ahead at all. (They also don't seem to explain his powers well. like, does he think at the speed of a computer or not? if not, he couldn't interpret the immense amount of data in every interaction. if yes, he would live incredibly slowly compared to how fast he can think, which creates a dozen more problems for his character.) His stupidity shows early on and it is breathtaking. he gets attacked by strange assailants and can't imagine who he offended to deserve this, despite having, the other day, crushed the balls of an influential young master-type bully. their conflicts were clearly stated and there's no way he shouldn't have immediately thought this was related to him, but he ignores the obvious and is clueless for a while. later, he publicly earns a big reward that others cover and takes no precautions to ensure his safety concerning it. then he gets attacked upon returning home and his sister kidnapped by people after his prize,barely surviving it. when he learned that they were here for his prize and realizes that others would likely come after it as well, my immediate thought was 'oh, I guess he'll just upload this online to solve the issue. ge doesn't need the technique anyways, as he said so, and not doing so risks more people coming. he loses nothing and ensures his safety.' I expect that was the conclusion many reached, but this idiot has no idea what to do. he has to call his friend and have him sort out his problems. it takes him ages to figure out that exact solution, but he wastes time and resources, and risks his and his sisters safety yet again before stumbling on that conclusion. I'm sure I could go back and find more examples, but I don't want to bother with this novel any longer. I'd just roll my eyes at a normal dumb MC, but this guy's superpower is to analyse things like a computer, so it's especially distracting to have him actually he a total idiot.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 7 respuestas

    I feel like the author tried to "install" the cheat creatively, but failed. .

    Ver 8 respuestas

    Author tried to imitate Warlock of the magus world but he ended up creating a novel that has same negative qualities, cliches, idiocies of other low class martial art novels. In simple words "a low class novel painted with the features of a good A.I novel"

    Ver 7 respuestas

    ah yes, he has advanced optical brain, too bad his brain is inherently rotten, it can't be saved by any cheat and thus requiring literal divine intervention (called author's stupid plots) to save him.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    very interesting....a good read after working for hours and just want to relax..............................................................

    Ver 1 respuestas

    I know that the setting is like Nano Machine but he doesn't actually have a system, its just that he got the abilities from an A.I and has super perception type stuff, its not as overpowered as it seems and its actually really entertaining. The world building and martial arts are extremely similar to Super Gene, besides the other world part of it, the technology and the way humanity is across the galaxy is similar, and the martial arts of super gene are easily some of my favorite in the way its portrayed and explained out of most of any of the novels I've read, this definitely has the potential to be one of the greatest novels on this site I highly recommend. There are a few typos or confusion of if something "is" or "is not" but it happens like once every third or fourth chapter and is very ignorable, no nationalism or anything, I really hope this one gets picked up.

    Ver 2 respuestas

    Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain is a story about Chu Nan, a completely mediocre student who decided to become below-average due to useless pride/stubbornness. Luckily, God (the author) decided to save him by giving him an "advanced optical brain". This allows him to have very high calculative skills and a the ability to process this information extremely fast. I think I am genuinely becoming sick of reading Chinese novels in general. It's very obvious that there is a very severe lack of talented authors that write xianxia/xuanhua. Translation quality is mediocre. Theres many mistakes especially at the end of chapters. (3/5 stars) Story development makes it very apparent that the author only wants word count, nothing else matters. This novel incorporates two of the most annoying writing "techniques" that you'll find in these novels. First, repeating the same information from a different point of view, often taking up an entire chapter. The second is how every time the main character does anything, we are forced to suffer and read some random reaction of some random irrelevant special-ed kid who exists solely to insult the main character. Aside from all that, this story is rather directionless. The only goal is for the main character to get to a higher-tier academy. What awful and cliche settings. We go from school arc to tournament arc to another school arc. Seriously? Character design is awful as well. I feel like it's a waste to write another long-paragraph. We have the same cliche annoying characters as every other martial arts novel. (2/5 stars) World background is also abysmal. In sixty chapters, I don't even think that the author has mentioned the main character's family aside from saying he comes from a family of farmers. Aside from that, barely anything has been properly described. We are suddenly in a school arc with the main character making many improvements, and then thrown into a drawn-out tournament arc. In sixty chapters, aside from introducing more useless and cliche characters, as well as providing a very superficial understanding of the world, we know next to nothing. Very poor attempt. (1/5 stars) Overall, it's yet another novel where the author solely cares for word count. The only positives in this novel are solely coincidences that I doubt the author meant to happen in the first place. I give this novel 2.4 stars out of 5.

    Ver 1 respuestas

    Another CHINA number 1,china is supreme,chinese race is superior novel. japan/Europe and america are nothing but slave nation. for jesus Christ chinese people move on. what happen in wwII is part of the war don't blame japan to anything bad happen in your country is not their fault that you are weak in that time. i thought you are strong with exaggerated history like "romance of the 3 kingdom" like war lord lu bu kill 50million soldier. really? 50million?

    Ver 3 respuestas

    MC just castrated someone for being bullied and wonder why someone wants him crippled... But the plot armor is strong with him, like many others novels in this website. I wonder why the characters (MC included) are braindead ?

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Giant cliche, cant really become more cliche. Example: he goes to the market and finds a really amazing martial arts book and the guy selling has no idea how valuable it is, so the mc gets it for the cheap and the martial art stance isnt even creative, the first thing the mc does to practice it is just a horse stance

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 1 respuestas

    Main character is so naive, and doesn’t question anything. People take advtange of him and he willingly will help people that betray/go back on their word.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    A 100+ chapters and mc was still in 1st cultivation realm, most of the chapters was wasted because of unnecessary and repetitive information like how does body will achieve something like that, how can I control my internal breathing more freely yada yada, author focusing on word count literally destroyed this story haiist

    Ver 0 respuestas
    LV 15 Badge

    this is one of those novels where a decent story is ruined by horrible writing quality, inconsistencies and toxic masculinity of the author. The story is about a guy who lives around a 1000 years into the future and humanity has expanded into space, discovered the cultivation of martial arts and expanded into space. The main character, Chu Nan, somehow gets a super analytical ability that allows him to get very precise real time information about his actions and that of his opponents. He uses this ability to become stronger despite being judged to be too old. It is clear that the author barely planned the novel and as a result there is very little preparation for the next step. Add to that that it is not uncommon for some chapters to reveal things about what the mc is doing in previous chapters. For instance Chu Nan gets beaten into a coma and his body is severely injured. The chapter describing how he woke up and how he recovered his body is described over several chapters. During these chapters Chu Nan's parents are never mentioned but several chapters later you discover that he has parents, that they went to visit him when he was in a coma and when he woke up and that he even has a sister. Not only did it take the novel around 150 chapters to even mention that he has parents that are still alive but that he also has a sister (almost as if the author finally realized that Chu Nan also has a family). And there are several similar situations where the author suddenly realized that what he wrote earlier doesn't make sense and than starts to backtrack to fill in the blanks, these are signs of a badly planned storyline and the low quality reparations done to cover this up. The world building is almost as bad as the writing quality. A lot of things that in real life we know how it works are explained in a way that doesn't make sense and are based on a very simplistic view of how the world works. And it's not like they suddenly became part of fantasy and therefor it's logical they don't make sense anymore. For instance the authors understanding of muscle growth is completely wrong but doctors and athletes do know how this works and it is completely different from the explanation in the novel. When you work out you go over the limit of what your muscles can handle and you slightly tear your muscles, this is also called muscle pain and most people know this feeling well bc they experience it the day after, sometimes a few hours, after an intensive workout. The muscle pain goes away because your muscles are repairing themselves and in the proces of repairing themselves they make the muscles stronger, bigger, longer, etc. In other words muscle growth comes when you rest after overusing them. The author is working under the assumption that muscles grow by overusing them and he ignores the influence of rest. There are several similar situations where the author assumes how something works and based the story on that. I also strongly suspect that the author originally planned to write a story with a more traditional Xianxia world building but somehow decided to change his plans. Too many times is a collection of planets referred to as a country and most planets only have one or two big cities. The total population of humans from Earth is around 20 billion but that seems to me far too little given how many planets are under the control of the Earth Federation. In multiple situations I have noticed that the scales at which things happen are in conflict with each other. For instance one of the strongest martial arts techniques in the real world can produce the same kind of power that a person in the novel with a 3rd level overlord body can achieve. I know the author didn't want the difference between normal humans and overlord bodies to be too big but because the author failed to do a proper research he failed in his objective because now the people in the novel that should be stronger than people in real life aren't stronger. The story itself is neither innovative or original but it has potential to be not bad (if the writing quality was better it would have been a good story to fill your time with)

    Ver 2 respuestas

    Just average, went through mtl until the end, still thought stopping a few times. A few annoying moments such as repeating the same situation from point of view of MC and then other characters, just this alone could shorten the novel by 30% for sure and maybe even more. Another repetite moment is when optic brain solves everything, as opponent does something MC analysis through optic brain and just solves it, and its done. Moreover, another annoying thing is author forgetting parts of the story, not often but around 3-5 times, still impacts the experience. The ending was quite abrupt and anticlimactic, I am sure without all that repetite stuff the novel would have lasted much longer with better ending. I quite like the whole concept of assistance from a super brain in form of optic brain or some form of artificial intelligence, the best to date is Warlock of the Magus World where MC is already intelligent and the A.I. chip is just giving wings to the tiger, but in this case the writting is lacking. Still good effort

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Petition to bring back "I Can See the Lines of Fortune"! A wonderful story to try, especially now that pocket hunting dimension is over. An all around interesting read! Please resume the translation of it! (Trying this as it worked for World of Deities)

    Ver 1 respuestas

    Raw mtl : 光脑武尊 Auithor : 晚间八点档 Lv 5 Yo I am currently writing a Fan-fic about a Uchiha Itachi in the Naruto, if that interests you, please check it out. I strongly believe that if you read the first chapter, you will want to read the next chapter(s) too. I know, I’m shamelessly promoting myself using other novels, but a guys gotta get some exposure one way or another, am I right? Also, if you read this far and haven’t already checked out the novel you are now obligated to do so. Thanks to anyone who decides to check it out.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    MC is an idiot, doesn't question why people will pay a ton of money to him just for him to play a VR game despite him wanting to hide his brain AI. Just giving away his secrets for free. Dropped at chapter 124 (right after this majorly stupid move).

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Lack of imagination leads to shallow writing quality and the author only cares about word count. The only good thing about this work is how easily it makes you sleep.

    Ver 0 respuestas

    A lot of cliches and no history progression[img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins]

    Ver 0 respuestas

    Volumen 1

    1. 1
      Happy Matter 2 years ago
    2. 2
      Statistics with Accuracy of a Micrometer 2 years ago
    3. 3
      Internal Breath Expert 2 years ago
    4. 4
      Infinite Repeated Battles 2 years ago
    5. 5
      This Is Not Human! 2 years ago
    6. 6
      Statistics in Real Life 2 years ago
    7. 7
      Different Mentality 2 years ago
    8. 8
      Not Necessarily a Good Thing 2 years ago
    9. 9
      How Will We Know the Result Until the End? 2 years ago
    10. 10
      Ruthless Kick 2 years ago
    11. 11
      Improving the Nine Revolutions Cultivation Technique 2 years ago
    12. 12
      Breakthrough! Third Stage! 2 years ago
    13. 13
      Martial Artist Exchange 2 years ago
    14. 14
      Hong Clan's Long Fist 2 years ago
    15. 15
      Successful Transaction 2 years ago
    16. 16
      Fist Practice 2 years ago
    17. 17
      Underground Ambush 2 years ago
    18. 18
      Internal Breath Activated 2 years ago
    19. 19
      Yuanlin, What Do You Think? 2 years ago
    20. 20
      You Brainless Earthlings 2 years ago
    21. 21
      Fist Technique, Mobilizing Internal Breath 2 years ago
    22. 22
      Can't Feel It 2 years ago
    23. 23
      Turning the Special Situation into a Normal State 2 years ago
    24. 24
      Visitor 2 years ago
    25. 25
      There's Nothing to Teach 2 years ago
    26. 26
      Star Cloud Academy 2 years ago
    27. 27
      I Still Want to Be a Man 2 years ago
    28. 28
      Actually, It's Because of Insufficient Strength 2 years ago
    29. 29
      Entering Martial Soul 2 years ago
    30. 30
      The End of the 30-Win Streak 2 years ago
    31. 31
      Hundred Consecutive Victories 2 years ago
    32. 32
      Transfer Student 2 years ago
    33. 33
      Don't Think You're Invincible 2 years ago
    34. 34
      Like a Precise Machine 2 years ago
    35. 35
      Don't Insult a Wild Bull 2 years ago
    36. 36
      Free Flower Pistil 2 years ago
    37. 37
      Kicking the Milky Way Kindergarten 2 years ago
    38. 38
      Initial Competition 2 years ago
    39. 39
      Who Said That Martial Artists Did Not Like Money? 2 years ago
    40. 40
      I Need a Lot of Battles 2 years ago
    41. 41
      Three Fights, Nineteen Seconds 2 years ago
    42. 42
      Kingdom of Kexley 2 years ago
    43. 43
      Country Statistics 2 years ago
    44. 44
      Strange Opponent 2 years ago
    45. 45
      Azalu 2 years ago
    46. 46
      So It's That Simple 2 years ago
    47. 47
      The Last Hope 2 years ago
    48. 48
      Internal Breath Merging with the Fist Technique 2 years ago
    49. 49
      Mutual Breakthrough 2 years ago
    50. 50
      Senior's Warning 2 years ago
    51. 51
      Fighting for the Federation's Honor 2 years ago
    52. 52
      Nine Revolutions Internal Breath 2 years ago
    53. 53
      Severe Situation 2 years ago
    54. 54
      Confidence 2 years ago
    55. 55
      Exchanging Injuries for Injuries 2 years ago
    56. 56
      Just Because of a Glance 2 years ago
    57. 57
      Cosmic Heaven's Gate 2 years ago
    58. 58
      Also From the Kingdom of Kexley 2 years ago
    59. 59
      Senior and Junior Brothers 2 years ago
    60. 60
      Black Rock Turtle Breath 2 years ago
    61. 61
      Might as Well Just Admit Defeat 2 years ago
    62. 62
      Finding Weakness 2 years ago
    63. 63
      Where Is the Real Weakness? 2 years ago
    64. 64
      Descendant Slayer? 2 years ago
    65. 65
      A Delicate Trap 2 years ago
    66. 66
      A Fortuitous Encounter Only Possible in Novels 2 years ago
    67. 67
      Why Not Create It Myself 2 years ago
    68. 68
      High-Frequency Vibration Internal Breath 2 years ago
    69. 69
      Abnormal Statistics 2 years ago
    70. 70
      Don't Be Too Arrogant 2 years ago
    71. 71
      Public Judgment 2 years ago
    72. 72
      The Specialty of the Earth Federation 2 years ago
    73. 73
      Special Fist 2 years ago
    74. 74
      Interview 2 years ago
    75. 75
      Inside the Lounge 2 years ago
    76. 76
      Special Reward from a Star-Grade Martial Artist 2 years ago
    77. 77
      Why Not? 2 years ago
    78. 78
      Imperial Wind Steps 2 years ago
    79. 79
      Why Can You Win? 2 years ago
    80. 80
      The Noctem Chamber of Commerce Arrives 2 years ago
    81. 81
      Cold Weapon 2 years ago
    82. 82
      Kaff Spear 2 years ago
    83. 83
      Nothing New Under the Sun 2 years ago
    84. 84
      High Frequency Domination 2 years ago
    85. 85
      Rengal's Answer 2 years ago
    86. 86
      He's Not the Only One 2 years ago
    87. 87
      I Want to Go to Star Cloud Academy Too 2 years ago
    88. 88
      Supporting the New Policy 2 years ago
    89. 89
      Opponent in the Semi-Finals 2 years ago
    90. 90
      Chess Piece 2 years ago
    91. 91
      Can You Win? 2 years ago
    92. 92
      Take Revenge in the Future 2 years ago
    93. 93
      Fulfilling Your Promise 2 years ago
    94. 94
      What Is the Overlord Body? 2 years ago
    95. 95
      Destruction, Repair, Destruction Again... 2 years ago
    96. 96
      A Domain No Martial Artist Can Touch 2 years ago
    97. 97
      Risk and Result 2 years ago
    98. 98
      The Possibility of Winning 2 years ago
    99. 99
      Battle 2 years ago
    100. 100
      Reverse Suppression 2 years ago
    101. 101
      No Weakness? 2 years ago
    102. 102
      Internal Breath Data 2 years ago
    103. 103
      Maruk Getting Serious 2 years ago
    104. 104
      Surrender? 2 years ago
    105. 105
      Punch! 2 years ago
    106. 106
      If He Can Stand Up... 2 years ago
    107. 107
      Waking Up 2 years ago
    108. 108
      The People Who Are Still Worried 2 years ago
    109. 109
      Visiting 2 years ago
    110. 110
      Screw That Supremacy 2 years ago

    Volumen 2

    1. 111
      I'm His Idol 2 years ago
    2. 112
      Standing Up 2 years ago
    3. 113
      The Path of Martial Arts 2 years ago
    4. 114
      Breakthrough! Fourth Level! 2 years ago
    5. 115
      Why Pay Special Attention? 2 years ago
    6. 116
      What's So Special? 2 years ago
    7. 117
      Petty Virgin 2 years ago
    8. 118
      Masochist 2 years ago
    9. 119
      Kingdom of Kexley Again 2 years ago
    10. 120
      New Way To Use Internal Breath 2 years ago
    11. 121
      Unique 2 years ago
    12. 122
      Value 2 years ago
    13. 123
      Long-Term Research 2 years ago
    14. 124
      Good Brothers Band Together 2 years ago
    15. 125
      Returning Home 2 years ago
    16. 126
      What Is Heaven's Gate? 2 years ago
    17. 127
      Thief? 2 years ago
    18. 128
      Meeting in the VIP Room 2 years ago
    19. 129
      Illegitimate Son? 2 years ago
    20. 130
      VIP 2 years ago
    21. 131
      Sister Complex 2 years ago
    22. 132
      Federation Marshal 2 years ago
    23. 133
      Savage Cultivation Method 2 years ago
    24. 134
      Kidnap 2 years ago
    25. 135
      Be Obedient 2 years ago
    26. 136
      A Man’s Wealth Is His Own Ruin 2 years ago
    27. 137
      I Can Only Use Force 2 years ago
    28. 138
      Purple Cloud Eight Desolates Body Tempering Technique 2 years ago
    29. 139
      Desperate Battle 2 years ago
    30. 140
      The Last Punch to Decide Fate 2 years ago
    31. 141
      Can Still Be Rescued 2 years ago
    32. 142
      The Difference Between Meridian and Meridian 2 years ago
    33. 143
      Loot 2 years ago
    34. 144
      Banquet Invitation 2 years ago
    35. 145
      The Safety of His Family 2 years ago
    36. 146
      Cultivation Technique Specializing in Tempering the Body 2 years ago
    37. 147
      Private Security 2 years ago
    38. 148
      I'll Give You Some Reward 2 years ago
    39. 149
      I Heard You're Very Strong? 2 years ago
    40. 150
      Momentum Halted, Strength Exhausted 2 years ago
    41. 151
      Strange Enmity 2 years ago
    42. 152
      Marshal's Past 2 years ago
    43. 153
      Flowing Cloud Indefinite Palm 2 years ago
    44. 154
      Mercenary 2 years ago
    45. 155
      Unexpected Ruthlessness 2 years ago
    46. 156
      Become Stronger 2 years ago
    47. 157
      If I Give It to You, It's Yours 2 years ago
    48. 158
      Did Something Happen? 2 years ago
    49. 159
      Different People, Different Reactions 2 years ago
    50. 160
      Publicizing the Martial Technique 2 years ago
    51. 161
      Challenging the Internal Breath Realm! 2 years ago
    52. 162
      Multi-Linear Meridian Opening 2 years ago
    53. 163
      Breakthrough! Internal Breath Realm! 2 years ago
    54. 164
      It Might Hurt a Little 2 years ago
    55. 165
      High Risk, High Starting Point 2 years ago
    56. 166
      First Experiment 2 years ago
    57. 167
      A Brand New Meridian 2 years ago
    58. 168
      Increase by 10%! 2 years ago
    59. 169
      Xio's Private Manor 2 years ago
    60. 170
      Only If One's Mind Is Calm Will Their Anger Dissipate 2 years ago
    61. 171
      I Knew You From Long Ago 2 years ago
    62. 172
      Fully Opening 2 years ago
    63. 173
      The Impatient Marshal 2 years ago
    64. 174
      A Thousand Meridians Working at the Same Time 2 years ago
    65. 175
      Aunt's Place 2 years ago
    66. 176
      Fully Opened 2 years ago
    67. 177
      Drifting Cloud Martial Arts Hall 2 years ago
    68. 178
      Initial Assessment 2 years ago
    69. 179
      Leave the Test If You Lose 2 years ago
    70. 180
      Don't Embarrass Yourself 2 years ago
    71. 181
      Disorderly 2 years ago
    72. 182
      The Importance of Intent 2 years ago
    73. 183
      Ultimate Move 2 years ago
    74. 184
      Phantom Illusion Movement Technique 2 years ago
    75. 185
      Fled 2 years ago
    76. 186
      So You're a Perverted Lolicon 2 years ago
    77. 187
      Earth's Agreement 2 years ago
    78. 188
      Scientific Research and Martial Arts 2 years ago
    79. 189
      Gaming Capsule 2 years ago
    80. 190
      No Longer a Stranger 2 years ago
    81. 191
      Contract Is My Body, Credibility Is My Life 2 years ago
    82. 192
      Who's in Charge? 2 years ago
    83. 193
      Challenge 2 years ago
    84. 194
      Please Teach Me 2 years ago
    85. 195
      External Cultivation Is More Than Fist Techniques 2 years ago
    86. 196
      Complete Victory 2 years ago
    87. 197
      Outdated Hong Clan's Long Fist 2 years ago
    88. 198
      Quickly Seeing Through 2 years ago
    89. 199
      Will There Be A Second Person? 2 years ago
    90. 200
      The True Flowing Cloud Indefinite Palm 2 years ago
    91. 201
      Personal Disciple? 2 years ago
    92. 202
      Bet and Investment 2 years ago
    93. 203
      Don't Come Back If You Fail! 2 years ago
    94. 204
      More than 100,000 Experiments 2 years ago
    95. 205
      Coincidental Encounter 2 years ago
    96. 206
      Something to Note 2 years ago
    97. 207
      Busy Journey 2 years ago
    98. 208
      Did You Forget the Bet? 2 years ago
    99. 209
      Special Exam 2 years ago
    100. 210
      Crushing 2 years ago
    101. 211
      Try It If They Dare 2 years ago
    102. 212
      He's Not Strong Enough 2 years ago
    103. 213
      Who's the Hooligan? 2 years ago
    104. 214
      You Can Heal Too? 2 years ago
    105. 215
      Itchy 2 years ago
    106. 216
      Your Method Is More Brutal 2 years ago
    107. 217
      See You at the Test 2 years ago
    108. 218
      The Best One 2 years ago
    109. 219
      Important Guest 2 years ago
    110. 220
      Summoned by the Marshal 2 years ago
    111. 221
      Quickly Breaking Through the Encirclement 2 years ago
    112. 222
      Lolicon Has No Future 2 years ago
    113. 223
      Guards Legion 2 years ago
    114. 224
      Battle on the Ice 2 years ago
    115. 225
      Healing 2 years ago
    116. 226
      Another Star-Grade Martial Artist 2 years ago
    117. 227
      Bone Repair 2 years ago
    118. 228
      Deal With It Again 2 years ago
    119. 229
      The Mysterious Chu Nan 2 years ago
    120. 230
      The Marshal's Test 2 years ago
    121. 231
      The Marshal's Personal Experience 2 years ago
    122. 232
      Magical Self-Healing 2 years ago
    123. 233
      Hungry 2 years ago
    124. 234
      Just an Example 2 years ago
    125. 235
      Tricks to Coax a Little Girl 2 years ago
    126. 236
      Crazy Master and Disciple 2 years ago
    127. 237
      Super High Research Value 2 years ago
    128. 238
      Black Girl 2 years ago
    129. 239
      Collision 2 years ago
    130. 240
      Night Demon Brotherhood 2 years ago
    131. 241
      Honorable Guest 2 years ago
    132. 242
      Don't Find Trouble with Uncle 2 years ago
    133. 243
      Star-Grade Martial Artist Mass Production Plan 2 years ago
    134. 244
      Method to Temper Bones 2 years ago
    135. 245
      Respective Gains 2 years ago
    136. 246
      You're Not Strong Enough 2 years ago
    137. 247
      Mature Elvy 2 years ago
    138. 248
      The Test Begins 2 years ago
    139. 249
      Opponent 2 years ago
    140. 250
      Test Content 2 years ago
    141. 251
      What If There's Danger 2 years ago
    142. 252
      Luck Is Also a Part of Strength 2 years ago
    143. 253
      Robbery 2 years ago
    144. 254
      Important Target To Nurture 2 years ago
    145. 255
      Danger 2 years ago
    146. 256
      A Group of Storm Killers 2 years ago
    147. 257
      The Real Test Begins 2 years ago
    148. 258
      Windfall? 2 years ago
    149. 259
      Abnormal Data 2 years ago
    150. 260
      High-Speed Killing 2 years ago
    151. 261
      Internal Breath Can Also Be Used to Shower 2 years ago
    152. 262
      This Is Spatial Energy? 2 years ago
    153. 263
      C-Rank Ferocious Beast 2 years ago
    154. 264
      Emergency 2 years ago
    155. 265
      Breaking the Gale 2 years ago
    156. 266
      Berserk Storm Killer King 2 years ago
    157. 267
      Eat You 2 years ago
    158. 268
      How Can I Be Number One? 2 years ago
    159. 269
      Absorbing Spatial Energy 2 years ago
    160. 270
      Change of First Place 2 years ago
    161. 271
      Proper First Place 2 years ago
    162. 272
      Is He Your Boyfriend? 2 years ago
    163. 273
      "Kill Stealing" 2 years ago
    164. 274
      A Mere Dog 2 years ago
    165. 275
      Bullying You Because You Don't Dare 2 years ago
    166. 276
      Let's See Who's Courting Death 2 years ago
    167. 277
      How About We Stop Here? 2 years ago
    168. 278
      End of the Test 2 years ago
    169. 279
      Unexpected Result 2 years ago
    170. 280
      Doubt and Challenge 2 years ago
    171. 281
      Royal Invitation 2 years ago
    172. 282
      Give Him a Year 2 years ago
    173. 283
      You're Special 2 years ago
    174. 284
      Experiencing the Breakthrough In Advance 2 years ago
    175. 285
      So Much More Genius Than Me? 2 years ago
    176. 286
      Youthful Supremacy Oville 2 years ago
    177. 287
      Who Said It Was Impossible? 2 years ago
    178. 288
      Used to the Pain 2 years ago
    179. 289
      How Can It Be So Easy to Learn? 2 years ago
    180. 290
      Cultivation Technique to Regain Youth 2 years ago
    181. 291
      Martial Artist Model 2 years ago
    182. 292
      Newayne Value 2 years ago
    183. 293
      Seeing Susan Again 2 years ago
    184. 294
      Who Exactly Are You? 2 years ago
    185. 295
      Bar 2 years ago
    186. 296
      Greeting In Advance 2 years ago
    187. 297
      "Reminder" 2 years ago
    188. 298
      First Time Alone 2 years ago
    189. 299
      Hardcore Fan 2 years ago
    190. 300
      I'm Only Four Years Older 2 years ago
    191. 301
      Relative 2 years ago
    192. 302
      Congratulations 2 years ago
    193. 303
      The Extremely Talented Chu Xiaoxi 2 years ago
    194. 304
      Leave It All to Me 2 years ago
    195. 305
      Trying to Breakthrough 2 years ago
    196. 306
      Accepting Real Combat 2 years ago
    197. 307
      Personal Comprehension 2 years ago
    198. 308
      Real Combat Is Very Fun 2 years ago
    199. 309
      Sixth Revolution Internal Breath 2 years ago
    200. 310
      Internal and External Combination, Successful Nine Revolutions! 2 years ago
    201. 311
      Elvy Is Missing! 2 years ago
    202. 312
      Captured? 2 years ago
    203. 313
      Interrogation 2 years ago
    204. 314
      Terrorist Organization 2 years ago
    205. 315
      Rescue 2 years ago
    206. 316
      The Power of a Punch 2 years ago
    207. 317
      Hostage 2 years ago
    208. 318
      Misjudged? 2 years ago
    209. 319
      Reinforcement Arrives 2 years ago
    210. 320
      I Want to Leave With Him 2 years ago
    211. 321
      Touching the Heaven's Gate 2 years ago
    212. 322
      She Already Has Someone She Likes 2 years ago
    213. 323
      Broken Internal Cosmos 2 years ago
    214. 324
      Servant 2 years ago
    215. 325
      Apology 2 years ago
    216. 326
      New Roommates 2 years ago
    217. 327
      Did You Kill It? 2 years ago
    218. 328
      Simply a Freak 2 years ago
    219. 329
      Attack Together 2 years ago
    220. 330
      Disappointing 2 years ago
    221. 331
      Weak Strength? 2 years ago
    222. 332
      Extremely Legendary 2 years ago
    223. 333
      Chu Nan Makes a Move 2 years ago
    224. 334
      No One Will Die Anyway 2 years ago
    225. 335
      The Perfect Leonardo 2 years ago
    226. 336
      No Confidence 2 years ago
    227. 337
      New Flame of Life Cultivation Method 2 years ago
    228. 338
      We Didn't Do Anything All Night! 2 years ago
    229. 339
      You Can't Learn It 2 years ago
    230. 340
      Cafeteria Situation 2 years ago
    231. 341
      Ice Mountain Beauty 2 years ago
    232. 342
      System Reform 2 years ago
    233. 343
      Exchange It All 2 years ago
    234. 344
      Class 2 years ago
    235. 345
      Modifying Martial Skills 2 years ago
    236. 346
      Points Application 2 years ago
    237. 347
      Doing Things According to the Rules 2 years ago
    238. 348
      Combat Trial 2 years ago
    239. 349
      You're Not Worthy 2 years ago
    240. 350
      You Will Cry 2 years ago
    241. 351
      Reward Obtained 2 years ago
    242. 352
      Someone Helped Him Cheat 2 years ago
    243. 353
      Report 2 years ago
    244. 354
      It Has Nothing to Do With You 2 years ago
    245. 355
      I Like You Very Much Now 2 years ago
    246. 356
      Can You Break My Arm Too? 2 years ago
    247. 357
      Like an Elder Brother 2 years ago
    248. 358
      Eternal Youth 2 years ago
    249. 359
      Give Me a Strand of Hair 2 years ago
    250. 360
      Setup 2 years ago
    251. 361
      Are You Still Human?! 2 years ago
    252. 362
      Request 2 years ago
    253. 363
      Official Trial 2 years ago
    254. 364
      This Is Not Fair 2 years ago
    255. 365
      Cheat 2 years ago
    256. 366
      I Don't Accept Suspicion 2 years ago
    257. 367
      Test 2 years ago
    258. 368
      Accept It Even If You're Unconvinced 2 years ago
    259. 369
      Ultimate Arbitration 2 years ago
    260. 370
      You Think He Can Win? 2 years ago
    261. 371
      Certain Defeat 2 years ago
    262. 372
      Wrong List 2 years ago
    263. 373
      Questioning 2 years ago
    264. 374
      Evidence 2 years ago
    265. 375
      Proving His Ability 2 years ago
    266. 376
      Have to Give It a Chance 2 years ago
    267. 377
      Odin Divine Fist 2 years ago
    268. 378
      How Is One Enough? 2 years ago
    269. 379
      Who Has Any Objections? 2 years ago
    270. 380
      They Must Be Blind! 2 years ago
    271. 381
      End of the Farce 2 years ago
    272. 382
      Change 2 years ago
    273. 383
      Farewell Advice 2 years ago
    274. 384
      Method to Construct an Internal Cosmos 2 years ago
    275. 385
      The Key Is Still the Body 2 years ago
    276. 386
      Simply Inhuman 2 years ago
    277. 387
      Take Off Your Clothes First 2 years ago
    278. 388
      Competition 2 years ago
    279. 389
      Unsettled Aftermath 2 years ago
    280. 390
      Perhaps There'll Be An Accident 2 years ago
    281. 391
      The Shape of the Internal Cosmos 2 years ago
    282. 392
      You're Even More Freakish Than Me 2 years ago
    283. 393
      Can't Be Impatient 2 years ago
    284. 394
      Sapphire Star Field 2 years ago
    285. 395
      Raising the Bar Again 2 years ago
    286. 396
      Another Hong Clan's Long Fist? 2 years ago
    287. 397
      Incomplete Palm Technique 2 years ago
    288. 398
      A Different Feng Mingxi 2 years ago
    289. 399
      I Owe You a Favor 2 years ago
    290. 400
      Long-Distance Battle 2 years ago
    291. 401
      Battle Between the Academies 2 years ago
    292. 402
      Long Time No See 2 years ago
    293. 403
      The First Actual Battle of the March God-Killing Palm 2 years ago
    294. 404
      Play More Games 2 years ago
    295. 405
      Large-Scale Healing 2 years ago
    296. 406
      Why Fight? 2 years ago
    297. 407
      Test Tube Martial Artist 2 years ago
    298. 408
      Elvy Is Unconscious! 2 years ago
    299. 409
      Do You Want to Kill Her? 2 years ago
    300. 410
      He Has This Ability 2 years ago
    301. 411
      Sleep Talking 2 years ago
    302. 412
      A Big Discovery 2 years ago
    303. 413
      Used to Being Hungry 2 years ago
    304. 414
      The Problem 2 years ago
    305. 415
      Perfect Body 2 years ago
    306. 416
      How About Buying a Gaming Capsule? 2 years ago
    307. 417
      No More Problems 2 years ago
    308. 418
      The Conspiracy Behind Martial Soul 2 years ago
    309. 419
      Must Be Completely Confident 2 years ago
    310. 420
      No Room For Regrets 2 years ago
    311. 421
      Space Journey 2 years ago
    312. 422
      Heaven-Defying Expert 2 years ago
    313. 423
      Create Your Own Cultivation Technique With Me 2 years ago
    314. 424
      Not Worth It 2 years ago
    315. 425
      Hurricane Technique 2 years ago
    316. 426
      Summoned by the New Director 2 years ago
    317. 427
      Sad Angie Prairie 2 years ago
    318. 428
      I Suddenly Admire You 2 years ago
    319. 429
      Rookies Fighting 2 years ago
    320. 430
      People Without Dreams 2 years ago
    321. 431
      Guidance 2 years ago
    322. 432
      Too High a Requirement 2 years ago
    323. 433
      Buying Cultivation Techniques Online 2 years ago
    324. 434
      Virtual Arena Match 2 years ago
    325. 435
      Arena Challenge 2 years ago
    326. 436
      Expert Who Suddenly Came Over 2 years ago
    327. 437
      Two-Star Arena Master 2 years ago
    328. 438
      Experimenting with the Internal Breath Cultivation Method in Battle 2 years ago
    329. 439
      Fusion of Hard and Soft 2 years ago
    330. 440
      Cultivation Technique Fusion 2 years ago
    331. 441
      Breakthrough! Sixth Level! Mastered a Divine Technique! 2 years ago
    332. 442
      Don't Take the Risk Alone 2 years ago
    333. 443
      Let Them See Your Breakthrough 2 years ago
    334. 444
      It's Only an E-Rank Martial Technique 2 years ago
    335. 445
      Martial Arts Research Expert 2 years ago
    336. 446
      Can We Go Together? 2 years ago
    337. 447
      Underground Fist Fight 2 years ago
    338. 448
      Way to Fight People 2 years ago
    339. 449
      "Bull" Wharton 2 years ago
    340. 450
      I Only Want an Opponent 2 years ago
    341. 451
      Don't Run If You Dare 2 years ago
    342. 452
      Coming For Us? 2 years ago
    343. 453
      Already a Dead Man 2 years ago
    344. 454
      Angel 2 years ago
    345. 455
      Everything Is Ready 2 years ago
    346. 456
      Take Them Away 2 years ago
    347. 457
      Instant Defeat 2 years ago
    348. 458
      Let's Go Together 2 years ago
    349. 459
      Divine Protection 2 years ago
    350. 460
      Unless a Star-Grade Martial Artist Comes 2 years ago
    351. 461
      The Gap Between the Internal Breath Realm and the Void Break Realm 2 years ago
    352. 462
      Let's Breakthrough Now 2 years ago
    353. 463
      Something A Man Must Do 2 years ago
    354. 464
      Life Explosion 2 years ago
    355. 465
      Becoming a Cosmos 2 years ago
    356. 466
      Heaven's Gate, Broken! 2 years ago
    357. 467
      Who Told You That I Can't Perfectly Break Through? 2 years ago
    358. 468
      Die Without a Complete Corpse 2 years ago
    359. 469
      Chase 2 years ago
    360. 470
      Distinct Relationship 2 years ago
    361. 471
      If I Can't Come Back... 2 years ago
    362. 472
      Destruction 2 years ago
    363. 473
      The Price of Arrogance 2 years ago
    364. 474
      Sudden Change in Situation 2 years ago
    365. 475
      There's Still Hope 2 years ago
    366. 476
      Tearing the Sky 2 years ago
    367. 477
      The True Void Break Realm 2 years ago
    368. 478
      God 2 years ago
    369. 479
      Seeking Help Everywhere 2 years ago
    370. 480
      Underground People 2 years ago
    371. 481
      Lily Blossom 2 years ago
    372. 482
      Suspicious Background 2 years ago
    373. 483
      The History of the Rand Clan 2 years ago
    374. 484
      Old Friend 2 years ago
    375. 485
      Dong Fang Is Here 2 years ago
    376. 486
      Obey the Arrangement 2 years ago
    377. 487
      Found a Treasure 2 years ago
    378. 488
      How to Save Her 2 years ago
    379. 489
      That Kid Is Here Again 2 years ago
    380. 490
      Defeat Them 2 years ago
    381. 491
      A Single Person Can't Help You 2 years ago
    382. 492
      Prove Your Value 2 years ago
    383. 493
      Xiu's Charm 2 years ago
    384. 494
      Cultivation Method Infused With Spatial Energy 2 years ago
    385. 495
      Perpetual Motion Machine in Battle 2 years ago
    386. 496
      It's Your Turn to Choose 2 years ago
    387. 497
      Night Exploration 2 years ago
    388. 498
      Escape 2 years ago
    389. 499
      Do You Want It? 2 years ago
    390. 500
      Therefore, We Have to Be Strong Enough 2 years ago
    391. 501
      Auction 2 years ago
    392. 502
      The So-Called Elemental Power 2 years ago
    393. 503
      Let Me Do It 2 years ago
    394. 504
      Prince 2 years ago
    395. 505
      Successful Auction 2 years ago
    396. 506
      Heavenly God 2 years ago
    397. 507
      Hope to Continue Breaking Through 2 years ago
    398. 508
      Let You See Something New 2 years ago
    399. 509
      So This Is How To Use It 2 years ago
    400. 510
      Help You Take Another Step 2 years ago
    401. 511
      They Ran Away Again 2 years ago
    402. 512
      Holy Mountain 2 years ago
    403. 513
      Female Driver 2 years ago
    404. 514
      Where's the Holy Mountain? 2 years ago
    405. 515
      Traditional and Old-Fashioned Rand Clan 2 years ago
    406. 516
      Holy Mountain Is Attacked! 2 years ago
    407. 517
      There Are Still Experts Left 2 years ago
    408. 518
      Who's the Primitive? 2 years ago
    409. 519
      Sky Dome 2 years ago
    410. 520
      Ruined 2 years ago
    411. 521
      Shield Disappears 2 years ago
    412. 522
      Causing a Huge Commotion 2 years ago
    413. 523
      Foreign Thief 2 years ago
    414. 524
      High Priest 2 years ago
    415. 525
      Are You Going Or Should I? 2 years ago
    416. 526
      At Most, I'll Try Again 2 years ago
    417. 527
      Personally Taking Action 2 years ago
    418. 528
      You're the Most Important 2 years ago
    419. 529
      The Most Cruel Method 2 years ago
    420. 530
      He's Already Dead 2 years ago
    421. 531
      Miracle 2 years ago
    422. 532
      They're Not Outsiders 2 years ago
    423. 533
      Tricked Again 2 years ago
    424. 534
      Deal 2 years ago
    425. 535
      Do You Want Me to Be a Pervert? 2 years ago
    426. 536
      Violation of the Milky Way Convention 2 years ago
    427. 537
      If You Die, I'll Destroy the Entire Planet 2 years ago
    428. 538
      Not Much Time Left 2 years ago
    429. 539
      Only an Idiot Will Believe You 2 years ago
    430. 540
      What's Wrong? 2 years ago
    431. 541
      Isn't It Cool? 2 years ago
    432. 542
      You're Doomed 2 years ago
    433. 543
      Still Became a Pervert 2 years ago
    434. 544
      Black Cloud and Lightning 2 years ago
    435. 545
      This Is an Illusion 2 years ago
    436. 546
      I Told You to Run, But You Didn't 2 years ago
    437. 547
      Don't Use the Same Move a Second Time 2 years ago
    438. 548
      You're Scared 2 years ago
    439. 549
      He's Dead 2 years ago
    440. 550
      Fulfilling Your Promise 2 years ago
    441. 551
      New Way to Use Spatial Energy 2 years ago
    442. 552
      Deep Research on the Elemental Power Cultivation Method 2 years ago
    443. 553
      The Mystery of Transforming Spatial Energy 2 years ago
    444. 554
      Preparation 2 years ago
    445. 555
      "Eagle Head" Grek 2 years ago
    446. 556
      Communication Across the Spiral Arm 2 years ago
    447. 557
      This Is the Good Disciple You Taught? 2 years ago
    448. 558
      Saintess Skell 2 years ago
    449. 559
      Who Knows If It's an Act 2 years ago
    450. 560
      Retreat or Not? 2 years ago
    451. 561
      Don't Be Impulsive 2 years ago
    452. 562
      The Generous Noctem Chamber of Commerce 2 years ago
    453. 563
      Wanting to Fly Faster 2 years ago
    454. 564
      You Want to Be Bare Like Me? 2 years ago
    455. 565
      Too Fast! 2 years ago
    456. 566
      Toying With Them for Fun 2 years ago
    457. 567
      It Must Not Be Him! 2 years ago
    458. 568
      Flying Fast Is an Advantage 2 years ago
    459. 569
      Courting Death 2 years ago
    460. 570
      One Against Three 2 years ago
    461. 571
      Color of Life 2 years ago
    462. 572
      Exterminating Heart Technique? 2 years ago
    463. 573
      Black and White 2 years ago
    464. 574
      The Feeling of Death 2 years ago
    465. 575
      Fair Now, Right? 2 years ago
    466. 576
      Nonsense! 2 years ago
    467. 577
      Do You Want Him to Die? 2 years ago
    468. 578
      That Kid Is Here Again! 2 years ago
    469. 579
      The Greatest Talent 2 years ago
    470. 580
      Dangerous Battle Method 1 years ago
    471. 581
      Astonishing Talent 1 years ago
    472. 582
      Reunion of Old Friends 1 years ago
    473. 583
      The True Strength of a Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    474. 584
      Don't Come Back If You Can't Kill Him 1 years ago
    475. 585
      Who's Playing Fair With You? 1 years ago
    476. 586
      Blood Sea Cloud 1 years ago
    477. 587
      Strange Battle Technique 1 years ago
    478. 588
      Descendant of the Royal Family of the Declan Empire? 1 years ago
    479. 589
      Recovery in Battle 1 years ago
    480. 590
      Run If You Can't Win 1 years ago
    481. 591
      What to Do? 1 years ago
    482. 592
      Thoughtful 1 years ago
    483. 593
      I Want to Breakthrough Too 1 years ago
    484. 594
      Story of the Past Forty Years Ago 1 years ago
    485. 595
      Where There Is Life, There Is Death 1 years ago
    486. 596
      At All Costs 1 years ago
    487. 597
      Finishing Work 1 years ago
    488. 598
      Idol 1 years ago
    489. 599
      The Arrogant Rudy Karl 1 years ago
    490. 600
      You Won 1 years ago
    491. 601
      Certified Sign 1 years ago
    492. 602
      It's Only Interesting If It's Difficult 1 years ago
    493. 603
      Boring Banquet 1 years ago
    494. 604
      A Good Horse Doesn't Turn Back 1 years ago
    495. 605
      Failed Ambush 1 years ago
    496. 606
      Infiltration 1 years ago
    497. 607
      Rescue 1 years ago
    498. 608
      Why Escape? 1 years ago
    499. 609
      Easy Kill 1 years ago
    500. 610
      Information Black Hole 1 years ago
    501. 611
      Getting Help 1 years ago
    502. 612
      Pursuit 1 years ago
    503. 613
      You Should Run 1 years ago
    504. 614
      Power of One Person 1 years ago
    505. 615
      Saving His Life Is More Important 1 years ago
    506. 616
      Shortest Line Between Two Points 1 years ago
    507. 617
      Fight to the Death 1 years ago
    508. 618
      Invincible 1 years ago
    509. 619
      How to Save Him? 1 years ago
    510. 620
      Malicious Earthling 1 years ago
    511. 621
      He's Not Courting Death 1 years ago
    512. 622
      Mage 1 years ago
    513. 623
      Saving Uncle Mu Luo 1 years ago
    514. 624
      Life Spiral 1 years ago
    515. 625
      Pulled Back From the Reaper 1 years ago
    516. 626
      Pointless Trial 1 years ago
    517. 627
      Imminent Battle 1 years ago
    518. 628
      Inspiration from the Life Spiral 1 years ago
    519. 629
      Death Spiral 1 years ago
    520. 630
      Successful Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    521. 631
      Deserved Reputation 1 years ago
    522. 632
      Battlefield Doctor 1 years ago
    523. 633
      You're More Useful This Way 1 years ago
    524. 634
      Reinforcements 1 years ago
    525. 635
      Strength Suppression 1 years ago
    526. 636
      The Shadow Behind Them 1 years ago
    527. 637
      Idle Days 1 years ago
    528. 638
      Shopping 1 years ago
    529. 639
      Not Acting According to the Script 1 years ago
    530. 640
      You Have an Idea? 1 years ago
    531. 641
      Dangerous Negotiation 1 years ago
    532. 642
      Glib Tongue 1 years ago
    533. 643
      Kneel! 1 years ago
    534. 644
      Solving It With My Fist 1 years ago
    535. 645
      The Power of High Circulation Spatial Energy 1 years ago
    536. 646
      You Win 1 years ago
    537. 647
      Boundless Future 1 years ago
    538. 648
      Taking Advantage of the Situation 1 years ago
    539. 649
      Fish That Jumped Out of the Pond 1 years ago
    540. 650
      Martial Artist Crossing the Stargate 1 years ago
    541. 651
      Cosmic Pirate 1 years ago
    542. 652
      Sand Eagle's Scheme 1 years ago
    543. 653
      Surviving in Space 1 years ago
    544. 654
      Second Tempering of the Body 1 years ago
    545. 655
      Target, Cosmic Battleship! 1 years ago
    546. 656
      Slowly Climbing Back 1 years ago
    547. 657
      Heaven Control Body 1 years ago
    548. 658
      Meteorite Descends 1 years ago
    549. 659
      Becoming a Pervert Again 1 years ago
    550. 660
      Causing Trouble 1 years ago
    551. 661
      Going into Space Again 1 years ago
    552. 662
      Battle Between Star-Grade Martial Artists 1 years ago
    553. 663
      The Heartless Angie Prairie 1 years ago
    554. 664
      The Amiable Grek 1 years ago
    555. 665
      You Want to Leave? 1 years ago
    556. 666
      Defecting to the Enemy Is Also a Choice 1 years ago
    557. 667
      Of Course You're Going to Die 1 years ago
    558. 668
      Really Want to Rope Him In? 1 years ago
    559. 669
      We're Here to Serve You in the Bath 1 years ago
    560. 670
      You Want to See a Live Performance? 1 years ago
    561. 671
      Must Become a Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    562. 672
      You Will Decide Their Lives 1 years ago
    563. 673
      Choice 1 years ago
    564. 674
      Please Behave Yourself 1 years ago
    565. 675
      Deciding Victory With a Punch 1 years ago
    566. 676
      Can't Let Him Do As He Pleases Anymore 1 years ago
    567. 677
      Opportunity Arrives 1 years ago
    568. 678
      You'll Be the First to Die 1 years ago
    569. 679
      Hungry Dantian 1 years ago
    570. 680
      Unsatisfied Body 1 years ago
    571. 681
      Seventh Level Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    572. 682
      Unexpected Situation 1 years ago
    573. 683
      Who Told You I Can't Help? 1 years ago
    574. 684
      Risk That Must Be Taken 1 years ago
    575. 685
      You Can't Stop Me 1 years ago
    576. 686
      Fire at Me 1 years ago
    577. 687
      Remove the Turtle's Shell 1 years ago
    578. 688
      It's Simply Like Playing a Game 1 years ago
    579. 689
      Enemy Retreating 1 years ago
    580. 690
      Pursuit in Space 1 years ago
    581. 691
      Hide and Seek in the Asteroid Belt 1 years ago
    582. 692
      Where's the One-On-One Duel? 1 years ago
    583. 693
      Destined to Die Here 1 years ago
    584. 694
      Insurmountable Difference 1 years ago
    585. 695
      Flying into the Stargate 1 years ago
    586. 696
      Falling Into Madness 1 years ago
    587. 697
      0.001% Chance 1 years ago
    588. 698
      Controlled Berserk Spatial Energy 1 years ago
    589. 699
      If You Don't Breakthrough, You'll Die 1 years ago
    590. 700
      A Video 1 years ago
    591. 701
      I'm in a Very Bad Mood 1 years ago
    592. 702
      Take Me to the Leppler Star System 1 years ago
    593. 703
      Key to Breakthrough to the Seventh Level 1 years ago
    594. 704
      The First Step to Success 1 years ago
    595. 705
      How Can It Not Succeed? 1 years ago
    596. 706
      Physical Reconstruction, Seventh Level, Breakthrough! 1 years ago
    597. 707
      Finding the Exit 1 years ago
    598. 708
      Escape from the Alternate Space 1 years ago
    599. 709
      Lightning Giant Spiritual Bull 1 years ago
    600. 710
      There's Always Someone Better 1 years ago
    601. 711
      Clumsy Young Man 1 years ago
    602. 712
      Everyone Is Very Mysterious 1 years ago
    603. 713
      Survival in the Wild 1 years ago
    604. 714
      A-Rank Beast 1 years ago
    605. 715
      Two Fire Clouds in the Night Sky 1 years ago
    606. 716
      The Girl and Her Cultivation Technique That Devours Everything 1 years ago
    607. 717
      Abnormal Meridians 1 years ago
    608. 718
      Problem Brought About by the Strange Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    609. 719
      Strange Internal Breath Like Wild Bees and Butterflies 1 years ago
    610. 720
      Strange Reaction 1 years ago
    611. 721
      Reverse Deducing Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    612. 722
      Illness Again 1 years ago
    613. 723
      Employment 1 years ago
    614. 724
      S-Rank Internal Breath Cultivation Method 1 years ago
    615. 725
      New Move After Fusion of the Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    616. 726
      Heaven Control Assassin 1 years ago
    617. 727
      Dark Green Energy Light Ball 1 years ago
    618. 728
      Number One Cultivation Technique in the Milky Way 1 years ago
    619. 729
      What If I Can't Save You? 1 years ago
    620. 730
      Almost a Miracle 1 years ago
    621. 731
      Captain 1 years ago
    622. 732
      Gift 1 years ago
    623. 733
      Family 1 years ago
    624. 734
      The People Who Should Be Notified 1 years ago
    625. 735
      Highest Diplomatic Immunity Certification Authority 1 years ago
    626. 736
      Energy Light Ball That Devours Everything 1 years ago
    627. 737
      Major Diplomatic Event 1 years ago
    628. 738
      Private Contact with the General 1 years ago
    629. 739
      Going Home 1 years ago
    630. 740
      Determination to Practice Martial Arts 1 years ago
    631. 741
      Time to Get Married 1 years ago
    632. 742
      Partial Body Reconstruction 1 years ago
    633. 743
      Does It Hurt? 1 years ago
    634. 744
      Systematic Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    635. 745
      Confession 1 years ago
    636. 746
      Seeking Compensation 1 years ago
    637. 747
      As If His Body Had Been Empty 1 years ago
    638. 748
      Heaven Control Realm 1 years ago
    639. 749
      Deep Influence 1 years ago
    640. 750
      What Do You Want to Do to Me? 1 years ago
    641. 751
      Fame in the Federation Army 1 years ago
    642. 752
      He's Actually Still Alive! 1 years ago
    643. 753
      Do You Mind If I Touch You? 1 years ago
    644. 754
      Fake Experience 1 years ago
    645. 755
      Leaving Earth 1 years ago
    646. 756
      Returning to Leppler 1 years ago
    647. 757
      Revenge Battle Across a Thousand Light-Years 1 years ago
    648. 758
      Can't Even Hurt My Skin 1 years ago
    649. 759
      It's Really Not the Exterminating Heart Technique? 1 years ago
    650. 760
      It's My Turn to Have Fun Now 1 years ago
    651. 761
      Secretly Learning 1 years ago
    652. 762
      Ruining the Last Trace of Hope 1 years ago
    653. 763
      The Last Palm 1 years ago
    654. 764
      Three Things 1 years ago
    655. 765
      The Truth Is Not Important 1 years ago
    656. 766
      Where Did You Kidnap The Girl? 1 years ago
    657. 767
      Summoned by the Marshal 1 years ago
    658. 768
      Take a Trip While You're At It 1 years ago
    659. 769
      Extreme Cold Land 1 years ago
    660. 770
      Naked Legend 1 years ago
    661. 771
      Fist 1 years ago
    662. 772
      You've Already Lost 1 years ago
    663. 773
      A Good Opportunity 1 years ago
    664. 774
      Generous Garden Hunting Assembly 1 years ago
    665. 775
      Many Benefits 1 years ago
    666. 776
      Announce the Truth 1 years ago
    667. 777
      The Same Suggestion 1 years ago
    668. 778
      Conditions Can Be Negotiated 1 years ago
    669. 779
      Roller Coaster 1 years ago
    670. 780
      Returning to the Academy 1 years ago
    671. 781
      Directly Obtaining an S-rank Martial Technique 1 years ago
    672. 782
      Golden Arhat, Firm as a Rock 1 years ago
    673. 783
      You'll Know After Fighting 1 years ago
    674. 784
      Battle Technique From Chu Nan 1 years ago
    675. 785
      Chu Xiaoxi's Life-Risking Battle 1 years ago
    676. 786
      Method of Suicide 1 years ago
    677. 787
      I Won't Let You Die 1 years ago
    678. 788
      Fight My Way In 1 years ago
    679. 789
      Havoc at the Clubhouse 1 years ago
    680. 790
      Is It That Scary? 1 years ago
    681. 791
      Coming to Solve the Problem 1 years ago
    682. 792
      Not All Star-Grade Martial Artists Are Good People 1 years ago
    683. 793
      Thug's Paradise 1 years ago
    684. 794
      Showing His Strength 1 years ago
    685. 795
      Supremacy by the Lake 1 years ago
    686. 796
      Don't Blame Me for Not Being Patient 1 years ago
    687. 797
      Trade with an S-rank Martial Technique 1 years ago
    688. 798
      Great Light True Body 1 years ago
    689. 799
      Holy Son's Descent 1 years ago
    690. 800
      Suspicion of Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    691. 801
      Is This Kid Still Human? 1 years ago
    692. 802
      Transaction Established 1 years ago
    693. 803
      Superstar Chu Nan 1 years ago
    694. 804
      Move Away 1 years ago
    695. 805
      First Come, First Serve 1 years ago
    696. 806
      The Competition Is Coming 1 years ago
    697. 807
      Tiago's Invitation 1 years ago
    698. 808
      Small Angel of Light 1 years ago
    699. 809
      Cultivation Method Stronger Than an S-rank Cultivation Method? 1 years ago
    700. 810
      Not Satisfied Other Than Being the Champion 1 years ago
    701. 811
      Clown 1 years ago
    702. 812
      Offending the Crowd 1 years ago
    703. 813
      Perfect Body 1 years ago
    704. 814
      They're Coming For Me 1 years ago
    705. 815
      Why Find Trouble With Me? 1 years ago
    706. 816
      One-on-One or Group Battle? 1 years ago
    707. 817
      Red Cloud Covering the Sun 1 years ago
    708. 818
      Who's Being Dealt With? 1 years ago
    709. 819
      Sparring With You 1 years ago
    710. 820
      Supremacy Melanie 1 years ago
    711. 821
      Oville's Good Friend 1 years ago
    712. 822
      Leave It to Me 1 years ago
    713. 823
      Manipulated 1 years ago
    714. 824
      The Reaction of the Students of the Earth Federation 1 years ago
    715. 825
      The Way to Use Spatial Energy 1 years ago
    716. 826
      Analysis of Cultivation Techniques 1 years ago
    717. 827
      Star Cloud Formation 1 years ago
    718. 828
      Different Star Clouds from Different Structures 1 years ago
    719. 829
      Need More Opponents 1 years ago
    720. 830
      0.1 Second Difference 1 years ago
    721. 831
      Why Don't We Make a Bet? 1 years ago
    722. 832
      Bet 1 years ago
    723. 833
      Special Attention 1 years ago
    724. 834
      Strength Reversal 1 years ago
    725. 835
      What Strength Does He Have? 1 years ago
    726. 836
      Attention from the Empire 1 years ago
    727. 837
      Powerful Enemy 1 years ago
    728. 838
      Will He Lose? 1 years ago
    729. 839
      Purple Lightning Flash 1 years ago
    730. 840
      Do You Think He's Dead? 1 years ago
    731. 841
      Hit Me Again 1 years ago
    732. 842
      Fulfilling the Bet 1 years ago
    733. 843
      Search Notice for the Milky Way 1 years ago
    734. 844
      I Don't Want to See You Die 1 years ago
    735. 845
      Multiple Spatial Energy Structure 1 years ago
    736. 846
      The Distracted Chu Nan 1 years ago
    737. 847
      Simplicity Is the Most Profound 1 years ago
    738. 848
      Perfectly Constructed Star Cloud 1 years ago
    739. 849
      This Is Not the Nine Revolutions Technique 1 years ago
    740. 850
      The Youngest Heaven Control Realm Expert 1 years ago
    741. 851
      Star Cloud Formation, Reaching Heaven Control 1 years ago
    742. 852
      Who Wouldn't Want Him? 1 years ago
    743. 853
      The Popular Chu Nan 1 years ago
    744. 854
      Who Told You No? 1 years ago
    745. 855
      What Can You Teach Me? 1 years ago
    746. 856
      The Mystery of Spatial Travel 1 years ago
    747. 857
      The Simplest Fist Technique 1 years ago
    748. 858
      Make You Convinced 1 years ago
    749. 859
      Senior, What Can You Teach Me? 1 years ago
    750. 860
      Come Make a Deal 1 years ago
    751. 861
      Crossing the Spatial Wall 1 years ago
    752. 862
      This Kid Is Courting Death! 1 years ago
    753. 863
      Shy Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    754. 864
      Actually, You've Already Lost 1 years ago
    755. 865
      This Is a Scam! 1 years ago
    756. 866
      Turning Point? 1 years ago
    757. 867
      Deposit 1 years ago
    758. 868
      Farewell Gift 1 years ago
    759. 869
      Tiago's Answer 1 years ago
    760. 870
      Not Willing? 1 years ago
    761. 871
      Perfect Body Sample 1 years ago
    762. 872
      Absolute Space 1 years ago
    763. 873
      Simultaneous Missing Cases 1 years ago
    764. 874
      Bright Moon, Star Cloud 1 years ago
    765. 875
      Beehive 1 years ago
    766. 876
      Another Dried Body 1 years ago
    767. 877
      Where Are We? 1 years ago
    768. 878
      Breaking Out 1 years ago
    769. 879
      Cooperate Obediently 1 years ago
    770. 880
      Threat 1 years ago
    771. 881
      Go Out and Fight If You Dare 1 years ago
    772. 882
      Snowflakes in Space 1 years ago
    773. 883
      Easily Cracked 1 years ago
    774. 884
      This Kid Is Really Crazy! 1 years ago
    775. 885
      Little Monster 1 years ago
    776. 886
      The Greatest Miscalculation 1 years ago
    777. 887
      Simulated Energy Shield 1 years ago
    778. 888
      Naked Young Man and Woman 1 years ago
    779. 889
      Internal Strife 1 years ago
    780. 890
      Don't Want Your Previous Efforts to Be In vain 1 years ago
    781. 891
      Chu Nan Is Swallowed! 1 years ago
    782. 892
      Explaining the Situation 1 years ago
    783. 893
      Where We Are 1 years ago
    784. 894
      Dilemma 1 years ago
    785. 895
      Exploring the Star Map 1 years ago
    786. 896
      Starry Sky, Stargate 1 years ago
    787. 897
      Flesh Crossing the Stargate 1 years ago
    788. 898
      Naked Expert 1 years ago
    789. 899
      Unexpected News 1 years ago
    790. 900
      Not So Easy to Die 1 years ago
    791. 901
      Communication Across the Two Arms 1 years ago
    792. 902
      Questioning Grek 1 years ago
    793. 903
      Outsider 1 years ago
    794. 904
      A Better Plan 1 years ago
    795. 905
      Monster Battle 1 years ago
    796. 906
      Nowhere to Dodge 1 years ago
    797. 907
      Hiding Place 1 years ago
    798. 908
      Unexpected Discovery 1 years ago
    799. 909
      Invitation 1 years ago
    800. 910
      Nothing Strange 1 years ago
    801. 911
      Buying Time 1 years ago
    802. 912
      Real Motive 1 years ago
    803. 913
      Surrounded by Ferocious Beasts 1 years ago
    804. 914
      Everything Is Ready 1 years ago
    805. 915
      Beaten Up 1 years ago
    806. 916
      Why Didn't You Surrender? 1 years ago
    807. 917
      Nine Revolutions Star Cloud 1 years ago
    808. 918
      Fighting Like Children 1 years ago
    809. 919
      Successful Rescue 1 years ago
    810. 920
      Really Not Waiting for Him? 1 years ago
    811. 921
      First Kiss 1 years ago
    812. 922
      Stop Being Wishy-washy 1 years ago
    813. 923
      Let Me Tell You a Story 1 years ago
    814. 924
      Destroying the Stargate with a Punch 1 years ago
    815. 925
      Retreating the Way Back 1 years ago
    816. 926
      Unexpected Reception 1 years ago
    817. 927
      I Won't Let You Wait in Peace 1 years ago
    818. 928
      Two Heaven Control Laborers 1 years ago
    819. 929
      Testing Ability 1 years ago
    820. 930
      Let's... Retreat First 1 years ago
    821. 931
      New Structure, Star Cloud 2.0 1 years ago
    822. 932
      Dirt Can Eat Life Force? 1 years ago
    823. 933
      Underground Cave Full of Life Force 1 years ago
    824. 934
      Supremacy Oville, Resurrection! 1 years ago
    825. 935
      Growing an Arm 1 years ago
    826. 936
      Body Reincarnation 1 years ago
    827. 937
      There's a Road to Heaven, But You Won't Take It 1 years ago
    828. 938
      Supremacy Oville's Doubts 1 years ago
    829. 939
      Why Run? 1 years ago
    830. 940
      Uninvited Guest 1 years ago
    831. 941
      Do You Know How Much to Compensate? 1 years ago
    832. 942
      The Way Home 1 years ago
    833. 943
      Let Go 1 years ago
    834. 944
      Is It Really Good to Like Him? 1 years ago
    835. 945
      Study Chu Nan With Me 1 years ago
    836. 946
      The Attitude of the Noctem Chamber of Commerce 1 years ago
    837. 947
      Paying Attention to You 1 years ago
    838. 948
      Ending 1 years ago
    839. 949
      Returning to the Academy 1 years ago
    840. 950
      I'll Definitely Catch Up to You 1 years ago
    841. 951
      Temporary S-Rank Student 1 years ago
    842. 952
      As Long as Your Points Are Enough 1 years ago
    843. 953
      Star Cloud Chain Explosion 1 years ago
    844. 954
      Domino Effect 1 years ago
    845. 955
      What If He Leaves? 1 years ago
    846. 956
      100,000 Points 1 years ago
    847. 957
      Invitation to Visit 1 years ago
    848. 958
      The Academy's Celebrity Idol 1 years ago
    849. 959
      Angie Prairie Is Missing 1 years ago
    850. 960
      Where Did She Go? 1 years ago
    851. 961
      Frustrated Heart 1 years ago
    852. 962
      Farewell 1 years ago
    853. 963
      I'm Back Again 1 years ago
    854. 964
      Arhat Overlord Golden Body 1 years ago
    855. 965
      Be Careful 1 years ago
    856. 966
      The Same Move 1 years ago
    857. 967
      Angie Prairie's Whereabouts 1 years ago
    858. 968
      Big Trouble Called "Chu Nan" 1 years ago
    859. 969
      A Small Help 1 years ago
    860. 970
      Invading the Base 1 years ago
    861. 971
      Not a Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    862. 972
      Quicksand Cultivation Method 1 years ago
    863. 973
      A Great Opportunity to Temper the Arhat Overlord Golden Body 1 years ago
    864. 974
      Cultivation Technique as One, Large Success of the Golden Body 1 years ago
    865. 975
      Close Combat Fist 1 years ago
    866. 976
      My Turn 1 years ago
    867. 977
      Useless Guy 1 years ago
    868. 978
      Zelar's Nightmare 1 years ago
    869. 979
      Why Explain? 1 years ago
    870. 980
      Genius Gene Project 1 years ago
    871. 981
      Tag Life Science Chamber of Commerce's Purpose 1 years ago
    872. 982
      I'll Let You Be Buried With Him! 1 years ago
    873. 983
      Finally News of Her 1 years ago
    874. 984
      Unable to Wake Up 1 years ago
    875. 985
      Crazy Woman 1 years ago
    876. 986
      Infiltration 1 years ago
    877. 987
      Not In Their Hands 1 years ago
    878. 988
      Snatch 1 years ago
    879. 989
      Thief-like Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    880. 990
      Power of a Single Strike 1 years ago
    881. 991
      Willan in Madness 1 years ago
    882. 992
      Biological Gene Virus 1 years ago
    883. 993
      Where's Your Master? 1 years ago
    884. 994
      Exchanging Condition 1 years ago
    885. 995
      A Contract Is More Believable Than an Oath 1 years ago
    886. 996
      Fake Star Cloud 1 years ago
    887. 997
      Unexpected Reaction 1 years ago
    888. 998
      Not As Strong As You Said 1 years ago
    889. 999
      Chu Nan Is in Danger! 1 years ago
    890. 1000
      Potential Has Been Expended? 1 years ago
    891. 1001
      Meeting Angie Prairie Again 1 years ago
    892. 1002
      I'm Also a Heaven Control Martial Artist! 1 years ago
    893. 1003
      Power of Nature Harmony 1 years ago
    894. 1004
      Escaped 1 years ago
    895. 1005
      Have You Finally Decided to Molest Me? 1 years ago
    896. 1006
      Someone Is Attacking 1 years ago
    897. 1007
      Agreement to Steal Clothes 1 years ago
    898. 1008
      Deep Under the Sea 1 years ago
    899. 1009
      Can You Take the Pain? 1 years ago
    900. 1010
      I Won't Die So Easy 1 years ago
    901. 1011
      Unable to Escape 1 years ago
    902. 1012
      Supremacy Quediro Is Dead? 1 years ago
    903. 1013
      I'm Not Doing It 1 years ago
    904. 1014
      The Last Strike 1 years ago
    905. 1015
      Magnificent Alternate Space 1 years ago
    906. 1016
      I Must Let Him Survive! 1 years ago
    907. 1017
      You Seem to Have Grown Up 1 years ago
    908. 1018
      Genetic information 1 years ago
    909. 1019
      Star Explosion? 1 years ago
    910. 1020
      Clue 1 years ago
    911. 1021
      Senior from the Orion Arm 1 years ago
    912. 1022
      Let's Do Bad Things Together! 1 years ago
    913. 1023
      Three Conditions 1 years ago
    914. 1024
      Come Battle 1 years ago
    915. 1025
      Frost and Flame 1 years ago
    916. 1026
      Earth-shattering Punch 1 years ago
    917. 1027
      After All, It's a Small Country 1 years ago
    918. 1028
      Be My Boyfriend 1 years ago
    919. 1029
      Exploring the Star 1 years ago
    920. 1030
      Marching Into the Star 1 years ago
    921. 1031
      Spatial Energy with Extremely High-Frequency Vibration 1 years ago
    922. 1032
      Modifying the Star Cloud 1 years ago
    923. 1033
      Saving Supremacy Quediro 1 years ago
    924. 1034
      Endless Star Cloud 1 years ago
    925. 1035
      The Tag Life Science Chamber of Commerce Agree! 1 years ago
    926. 1036
      It's Indeed Not That Simple 1 years ago
    927. 1037
      Changing the Route 1 years ago
    928. 1038
      Ambush from a Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    929. 1039
      How Can It Be So Easy to Die? 1 years ago
    930. 1040
      Finally Here 1 years ago
    931. 1041
      I'll Give You a Chance 1 years ago
    932. 1042
      Let Me See Your True Ability 1 years ago
    933. 1043
      Be Serious! 1 years ago
    934. 1044
      It's Time to Fight 1 years ago
    935. 1045
      Another Star Cloud 1 years ago
    936. 1046
      Beehive-like Star Cloud 1 years ago
    937. 1047
      Despair! Collapse! Kneel and Beg For Mercy! 1 years ago
    938. 1048
      Four Minutes Left 1 years ago
    939. 1049
      You Forced Me 1 years ago
    940. 1050
      Supremacy Oville Reappears 1 years ago
    941. 1051
      Why Not? 1 years ago
    942. 1052
      Not Far From the Garden Hunting Assembly 1 years ago
    943. 1053
      Kill Her 1 years ago
    944. 1054
      Let Me Speak First This Time 1 years ago
    945. 1055
      Why Not Me? 1 years ago
    946. 1056
      Who Taught You to Do This? 1 years ago
    947. 1057
      Two Idiots 1 years ago
    948. 1058
      The Topic of Who Will Die of Old Age First 1 years ago
    949. 1059
      Creating a Full Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    950. 1060
      Details of Participating in the Garden Hunting Assembly 1 years ago
    951. 1061
      No Rush 1 years ago
    952. 1062
      Answer 1 years ago
    953. 1063
      Young Geniuses of the Milky Way 1 years ago
    954. 1064
      Experts Are Like the Boundless Stars 1 years ago
    955. 1065
      The Enthusiastic Tiago 1 years ago
    956. 1066
      Information to Refer to 1 years ago
    957. 1067
      The Key to Continue Condensing the Star Cloud 1 years ago
    958. 1068
      First Meeting with Elkart 1 years ago
    959. 1069
      Secrets Are Not That Important 1 years ago
    960. 1070
      Good or Bad? 1 years ago
    961. 1071
      Inquiring With His Own Fist 1 years ago
    962. 1072
      Ten Challenges 1 years ago
    963. 1073
      Beast Tide Test 1 years ago
    964. 1074
      Exciting Performance 1 years ago
    965. 1075
      This Damn Kid! 1 years ago
    966. 1076
      Successful Registration 1 years ago
    967. 1077
      Great Spatial Movement Technique 1 years ago
    968. 1078
      Arrogant Declan People 1 years ago
    969. 1079
      Miss Cardale 1 years ago
    970. 1080
      Stop Joking 1 years ago
    971. 1081
      Why Wouldn't I Dare? 1 years ago
    972. 1082
      What If I Don't Accept It? 1 years ago
    973. 1083
      An Enemy You Should Not Provoke 1 years ago
    974. 1084
      I'll Give It to You If You Want It 1 years ago
    975. 1085
      Just a Misunderstanding 1 years ago
    976. 1086
      There's a Difference in the Spots 1 years ago
    977. 1087
      Aren't You Afraid That I'll Cause Trouble? 1 years ago
    978. 1088
      Belief 1 years ago
    979. 1089
      He 1 years ago
    980. 1090
      Palermo Star System 1 years ago
    981. 1091
      His Highness the Prince 1 years ago
    982. 1092
      Intense Interaction 1 years ago
    983. 1093
      Challenging the Dignity of the Royal Family 1 years ago
    984. 1094
      Hunting and Being Hunted 1 years ago
    985. 1095
      Walking the Monkey 1 years ago
    986. 1096
      The Signal Disappears 1 years ago
    987. 1097
      Ask You A Few Questions 1 years ago
    988. 1098
      Opponent of the Same Level 1 years ago
    989. 1099
      Strongest 1 years ago
    990. 1100
      Strange Young Man 1 years ago
    991. 1101
      Ferocious Beast Core 1 years ago
    992. 1102
      Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger 1 years ago
    993. 1103
      Changing the Spatial Energy Environment 1 years ago
    994. 1104
      Lightning Star Cloud 1 years ago
    995. 1105
      The Path of a Martial Artist That Belongs to Oneself 1 years ago
    996. 1106
      Need to Improve 1 years ago
    997. 1107
      Cooperation 1 years ago
    998. 1108
      Enjoying the Lightning Attack 1 years ago
    999. 1109
      Stick to the Plan 1 years ago
    1000. 1110
      End of Bird Hunt 1 years ago
    1001. 1111
      Dividing the Spoils 1 years ago
    1002. 1112
      Still Unreliable 1 years ago
    1003. 1113
      I See 1 years ago
    1004. 1114
      Maintaining the Tradition 1 years ago
    1005. 1115
      Lone Star City 1 years ago
    1006. 1116
      Kill Stealing 1 years ago
    1007. 1117
      Entering the City 1 years ago
    1008. 1118
      All the Same 1 years ago
    1009. 1119
      Who's Stupid? 1 years ago
    1010. 1120
      Why Kill Them? 1 years ago
    1011. 1121
      Hired Assassin 1 years ago
    1012. 1122
      Targeting the Orion Arm 1 years ago
    1013. 1123
      Beautiful Life Destroyed 1 years ago
    1014. 1124
      The Consequence of Teasing My Sister! 1 years ago
    1015. 1125
      You're an Imposter 1 years ago
    1016. 1126
      Exterminating All Things, Severing Life 1 years ago
    1017. 1127
      Evolution in Battle 1 years ago
    1018. 1128
      Evenly Matched 1 years ago
    1019. 1129
      Wronged 1 years ago
    1020. 1130
      Is Chu Nan Dead? 1 years ago
    1021. 1131
      Black Gas Invading the Dantian 1 years ago
    1022. 1132
      Why Exactly Are You Here? 1 years ago
    1023. 1133
      Proof of Friendship 1 years ago
    1024. 1134
      Seeing Viennelle Again 1 years ago
    1025. 1135
      Unappreciated Kindness 1 years ago
    1026. 1136
      Purple Ring Star Cloud 1 years ago
    1027. 1137
      Hand Over Your Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    1028. 1138
      Find That Kid 1 years ago
    1029. 1139
      Cultivation Technique Is Also Important 1 years ago
    1030. 1140
      You Don't Know? 1 years ago
    1031. 1141
      Three-Ringed Mane Deer 1 years ago
    1032. 1142
      Give Me an Explanation 1 years ago
    1033. 1143
      Princess Romanti Is Not As Petty As You 1 years ago
    1034. 1144
      Let Him Know What Cruelty Is 1 years ago
    1035. 1145
      This Is Called a Little Too Many? 1 years ago
    1036. 1146
      Core and Internal Breath 1 years ago
    1037. 1147
      Internal Breath, Endless Life 1 years ago
    1038. 1148
      The Person Hiding Under the Lake 1 years ago
    1039. 1149
      Two Groups of People 1 years ago
    1040. 1150
      Battle Between S-Rank Martial Techniques 1 years ago
    1041. 1151
      The Reward Is Not a Complete Cultivation Method? 1 years ago
    1042. 1152
      What Are You Waiting For? 1 years ago
    1043. 1153
      Monster 1 years ago
    1044. 1154
      You're the Monster! 1 years ago
    1045. 1155
      I'm Not Interested in Killing 1 years ago
    1046. 1156
      You Don't Have This Chance 1 years ago
    1047. 1157
      Incontinent Prince 1 years ago
    1048. 1158
      He's No Longer a Prince 1 years ago
    1049. 1159
      All For Viennelle 1 years ago
    1050. 1160
      Aren't You the Uncle from Last Time? 1 years ago
    1051. 1161
      Teach Me the Exterminating Heart Technique 1 years ago
    1052. 1162
      Don't Think My Cultivation Technique Is Weak 1 years ago
    1053. 1163
      Could It Be That You Can Learn? 1 years ago
    1054. 1164
      Two People Attacking Together 1 years ago
    1055. 1165
      I Believe You 1 years ago
    1056. 1166
      Let's Do It 1 years ago
    1057. 1167
      Wake Up 1 years ago
    1058. 1168
      The Royal Sisters With Strange Worldviews 1 years ago
    1059. 1169
      Her News 1 years ago
    1060. 1170
      He Might Be Dead 1 years ago
    1061. 1171
      Dried Body 1 years ago
    1062. 1172
      Feng Mingxi Who Seemed to Be a Different Person 1 years ago
    1063. 1173
      Captured Alive 1 years ago
    1064. 1174
      Perfect Star Cloud 1 years ago
    1065. 1175
      Bring Him Back 1 years ago
    1066. 1176
      Who's the Prey? 1 years ago
    1067. 1177
      Dog of the Royal Family 1 years ago
    1068. 1178
      Stupid Geniuses 1 years ago
    1069. 1179
      Let Them Die 1 years ago
    1070. 1180
      Frequent Besiege 1 years ago
    1071. 1181
      Kill This Dog! 1 years ago
    1072. 1182
      You Fell in Love with Her at First Sight? 1 years ago
    1073. 1183
      Ultimatum 1 years ago
    1074. 1184
      Who's Stronger? 1 years ago
    1075. 1185
      I Choose to Leave 1 years ago
    1076. 1186
      Dead Descendant of Royalty 1 years ago
    1077. 1187
      Need to Take Action 1 years ago
    1078. 1188
      I'm Only Here to Inquire About Information 1 years ago
    1079. 1189
      The Use of the Royal Badge 1 years ago
    1080. 1190
      The Princes' Gathering 1 years ago
    1081. 1191
      So You're Also an Idiot 1 years ago
    1082. 1192
      No One Is Exempted 1 years ago
    1083. 1193
      I Know Her 1 years ago
    1084. 1194
      I Won't Give Up 1 years ago
    1085. 1195
      You're Courting Death! 1 years ago
    1086. 1196
      Try Leaving the City If You Dare? 1 years ago
    1087. 1197
      Shock 1 years ago
    1088. 1198
      Negotiation 1 years ago
    1089. 1199
      Take Ten Punches from Me 1 years ago
    1090. 1200
      Must You Be So Hypocritical? 1 years ago
    1091. 1201
      Stop Talking 1 years ago
    1092. 1202
      I'm Getting Serious! 1 years ago
    1093. 1203
      Not Only Equal 1 years ago
    1094. 1204
      Tenth Punch 1 years ago
    1095. 1205
      How Much Can You Use? 1 years ago
    1096. 1206
      True Strength Competition 1 years ago
    1097. 1207
      Teasing You 1 years ago
    1098. 1208
      Stop Talking Nonsense! 1 years ago
    1099. 1209
      Breakthrough After Letting Go of His Obsession 1 years ago
    1100. 1210
      Image Problem 1 years ago
    1101. 1211
      Protecting Him 1 years ago
    1102. 1212
      It's Her! 1 years ago
    1103. 1213
      Thank You 1 years ago
    1104. 1214
      Prince Salimore 1 years ago
    1105. 1215
      Let the Tragedy End Like This 1 years ago
    1106. 1216
      Only Let Me Be the Bad Guy? 1 years ago
    1107. 1217
      Unstable Foundation 1 years ago
    1108. 1218
      Only One Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    1109. 1219
      Some Adjustments 1 years ago
    1110. 1220
      End of the First Stage 1 years ago
    1111. 1221
      It's Not impossible 1 years ago
    1112. 1222
      Come to My House as a Guest 1 years ago
    1113. 1223
      I'm Not Here to Be a Deserter 1 years ago
    1114. 1224
      It's Not Shameful to Give Up 1 years ago
    1115. 1225
      Prince Consort of the Declan Empire? 1 years ago
    1116. 1226
      Personal Invitation 1 years ago
    1117. 1227
      Crisis of the Royal Family 1 years ago
    1118. 1228
      The Prince and the Two Princesses 1 years ago
    1119. 1229
      Who Said I Haven't Heard of It? 1 years ago
    1120. 1230
      You Don't Have to Worry 1 years ago
    1121. 1231
      I'm Coming Too 1 years ago
    1122. 1232
      Have You Considered Breaking Up? 1 years ago
    1123. 1233
      Why Can't You Hold On Anymore? 1 years ago
    1124. 1234
      She's Trying to Breakthrough 1 years ago
    1125. 1235
      I Don't Want to Tell You 1 years ago
    1126. 1236
      Who Said That You Can't Increase Your Strength in a Short Time? 1 years ago
    1127. 1237
      Movement in the Endless Abyss 1 years ago
    1128. 1238
      Your Palm Technique Is Not Enough 1 years ago
    1129. 1239
      Even Your Internal Breath Can Become Stronger 1 years ago
    1130. 1240
      Nowell Takes the Risk 1 years ago
    1131. 1241
      Reference 1 years ago
    1132. 1242
      This Is His Majesty's Request 1 years ago
    1133. 1243
      Content of the Second Stage 1 years ago
    1134. 1244
      I Don't Need Companions 1 years ago
    1135. 1245
      A Surprise Awaits You 1 years ago
    1136. 1246
      Don't Be an Eyesore Here 1 years ago
    1137. 1247
      Helper at the Heaven Control Realm 1 years ago
    1138. 1248
      Surprised? Shocked? 1 years ago
    1139. 1249
      Let Me Do It 1 years ago
    1140. 1250
      Even Stronger Angie Prairie 1 years ago
    1141. 1251
      Officially Teaching the Flame of Life Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    1142. 1252
      As Long as You're Happy Now 1 years ago
    1143. 1253
      The Secret of Body Rebirth 1 years ago
    1144. 1254
      Exchanging Cultivation Techniques 1 years ago
    1145. 1255
      The Throne Is Not a Candy 1 years ago
    1146. 1256
      Positive Reaction from Different Cultivation Techniques 1 years ago
    1147. 1257
      Complementary Cultivation Techniques 1 years ago
    1148. 1258
      Bridge of Communication 1 years ago
    1149. 1259
      Be My Companion 1 years ago
    1150. 1260
      Are You Scared? 1 years ago
    1151. 1261
      Cultivation Method and People Are Different 1 years ago
    1152. 1262
      Deliberately Luring You Out 1 years ago
    1153. 1263
      I Have Conditions 1 years ago
    1154. 1264
      We're Innocent! 1 years ago
    1155. 1265
      Kidnap 1 years ago
    1156. 1266
      Taking Revenge for the Humiliation 1 years ago
    1157. 1267
      Challenge Game 1 years ago
    1158. 1268
      Then Go All Out 1 years ago
    1159. 1269
      Instant Kill 1 years ago
    1160. 1270
      Breaking Through 1 years ago
    1161. 1271
      I Did It On Purpose 1 years ago
    1162. 1272
      Who Said I Want to Be Fair to You? 1 years ago
    1163. 1273
      Evolution in Battle 1 years ago
    1164. 1274
      Beginning to Counterattack 1 years ago
    1165. 1275
      Prince Nocanti (Monster) 1 years ago
    1166. 1276
      An Unbelievable Idea 1 years ago
    1167. 1277
      Unable to Remove the Transformation 1 years ago
    1168. 1278
      Situation Reversal 1 years ago
    1169. 1279
      Not Early, Not Late 1 years ago
    1170. 1280
      Cultivation Method Compensation 1 years ago
    1171. 1281
      Two People With Ulterior Motives 1 years ago
    1172. 1282
      Effect of the Oath 1 years ago
    1173. 1283
      Another One Leaves 1 years ago
    1174. 1284
      I Don't Take in Disciples 1 years ago
    1175. 1285
      Black Beast 1 years ago
    1176. 1286
      Departure! Endless Abyss! 1 years ago
    1177. 1287
      Choosing the Entrance 1 years ago
    1178. 1288
      Press Conference Venue 1 years ago
    1179. 1289
      I'm Here to Announce Something 1 years ago
    1180. 1290
      Abnormal Space 1 years ago
    1181. 1291
      To the Next Level 1 years ago
    1182. 1292
      Very Like the Stargate 1 years ago
    1183. 1293
      Interplanetary Teleportation Gate 1 years ago
    1184. 1294
      Not Scary 1 years ago
    1185. 1295
      Cooperation Between the Empire and the Noctem Chamber of Commerce 1 years ago
    1186. 1296
      This Is a Test for Them 1 years ago
    1187. 1297
      White Bones Appear in the Wilderness 1 years ago
    1188. 1298
      Giant Worm 1 years ago
    1189. 1299
      Can Also Be Eaten 1 years ago
    1190. 1300
      Distant Cousin of the Worm 1 years ago
    1191. 1301
      Temporary Inquiry 1 years ago
    1192. 1302
      You Are More Concerned About Him Than Me 1 years ago
    1193. 1303
      Fusion Monster 1 years ago
    1194. 1304
      Man-made 1 years ago
    1195. 1305
      There's Something Wrong With These Monsters 1 years ago
    1196. 1306
      Dangerous Battle Method 1 years ago
    1197. 1307
      There's a Code Name? 1 years ago
    1198. 1308
      I'll Follow You 1 years ago
    1199. 1309
      Beast Tide? 1 years ago
    1200. 1310
      Different Style 1 years ago
    1201. 1311
      How Can It Not Be Proficient? 1 years ago
    1202. 1312
      Could It Be the Declan Empire? 1 years ago
    1203. 1313
      Don't Tell Me They Ran In Fear 1 years ago
    1204. 1314
      True Ferocious Beast 1 years ago
    1205. 1315
      Just a Small Injury 1 years ago
    1206. 1316
      Regular Meeting with Mutated Beasts 1 years ago
    1207. 1317
      Retreat Too 1 years ago
    1208. 1318
      Manual Traces 1 years ago
    1209. 1319
      Mutated Beast Core 1 years ago
    1210. 1320
      Need More Mutated Beasts 1 years ago
    1211. 1321
      Wanting to Take Advantage 1 years ago
    1212. 1322
      Living Core 1 years ago
    1213. 1323
      Dangerous Experiment 1 years ago
    1214. 1324
      Shooting Into the Sky 1 years ago
    1215. 1325
      It Feels Good to Be Flying 1 years ago
    1216. 1326
      Who Don't Have Brothers? 1 years ago
    1217. 1327
      Meeting Hasol Again 1 years ago
    1218. 1328
      Adultery 1 years ago
    1219. 1329
      I Don't Trust You 1 years ago
    1220. 1330
      Distress Signal 1 years ago
    1221. 1331
      Powerful Indeed 1 years ago
    1222. 1332
      The Mercurial Kasyapa 1 years ago
    1223. 1333
      It's Indeed You 1 years ago
    1224. 1334
      I'm Here to Teach You 1 years ago
    1225. 1335
      The Same to You 1 years ago
    1226. 1336
      All With Backing 1 years ago
    1227. 1337
      I'll Join Too 1 years ago
    1228. 1338
      Do You Believe It's Talent? 1 years ago
    1229. 1339
      Finding the Way 1 years ago
    1230. 1340
      What a Pity 1 years ago
    1231. 1341
      Let's Go First 1 years ago
    1232. 1342
      Where's the Weakness? 1 years ago
    1233. 1343
      A Chrysanthemum Blooms 1 years ago
    1234. 1344
      So Filthy 1 years ago
    1235. 1345
      Thousand-Year Kill 1 years ago
    1236. 1346
      Too Smelly 1 years ago
    1237. 1347
      Mercenary Group 1 years ago
    1238. 1348
      I'm Not Used to Crowds 1 years ago
    1239. 1349
      Battle of Ideas 1 years ago
    1240. 1350
      14 Times Gravity 1 years ago
    1241. 1351
      The Teleportation Door Is Gone 1 years ago
    1242. 1352
      How to Go Back? 1 years ago
    1243. 1353
      Tracking the Strange Bird 1 years ago
    1244. 1354
      Deep in the Cave 1 years ago
    1245. 1355
      Familiar Door Lock 1 years ago
    1246. 1356
      Man-Made Monster 1 years ago
    1247. 1357
      Is This Guy Still Human? 1 years ago
    1248. 1358
      Far Stronger Than You 1 years ago
    1249. 1359
      Second Form 1 years ago
    1250. 1360
      Really Becoming a Monster 1 years ago
    1251. 1361
      Playing Again 1 years ago
    1252. 1362
      Monster-Fighting Game 1 years ago
    1253. 1363
      Do You Think You're Not a Ferocious Beast Now? 1 years ago
    1254. 1364
      Stop Acting 1 years ago
    1255. 1365
      "Resurrection" 1 years ago
    1256. 1366
      Raising a Group of Pets 1 years ago
    1257. 1367
      Level One Threat 1 years ago
    1258. 1368
      The Doctor Is Back 1 years ago
    1259. 1369
      Carola's Secret 1 years ago
    1260. 1370
      Protecting the Secret First 1 years ago
    1261. 1371
      Supremacy Can't Make A Move 1 years ago
    1262. 1372
      Exposed 1 years ago
    1263. 1373
      The Last Choice 1 years ago
    1264. 1374
      Morse Code 1 years ago
    1265. 1375
      Happy Cooperation 1 years ago
    1266. 1376
      This Is a Foolish Choice 1 years ago
    1267. 1377
      Inviting the Supremacy to Appear 1 years ago
    1268. 1378
      Outstanding Prince 1 years ago
    1269. 1379
      Prince and Special Formation 1 years ago
    1270. 1380
      Reliable Intelligence 1 years ago
    1271. 1381
      Can Gather a Group of Four 1 years ago
    1272. 1382
      A Perfect Portal 1 years ago
    1273. 1383
      Killing a Way Out 1 years ago
    1274. 1384
      Try Going Into Its Stomach 1 years ago
    1275. 1385
      No Other Way 1 years ago
    1276. 1386
      Slipped In 1 years ago
    1277. 1387
      Abnormally Brainless 1 years ago
    1278. 1388
      Seeing Supremacy Mal Again 1 years ago
    1279. 1389
      Time to Fight 1 years ago
    1280. 1390
      Overflowing Hatred 1 years ago
    1281. 1391
      Combined Chain Attack 1 years ago
    1282. 1392
      Escape 1 years ago
    1283. 1393
      Escaped 1 years ago
    1284. 1394
      Chase Or Not? 1 years ago
    1285. 1395
      Give Me Your Body 1 years ago
    1286. 1396
      How Unbelievable Is It? 1 years ago
    1287. 1397
      Kill Her 1 years ago
    1288. 1398
      I Don't Agree to Take the Risk 1 years ago
    1289. 1399
      Forced to a Dead End 1 years ago
    1290. 1400
      Courting Death 1 years ago
    1291. 1401
      Black Cage 1 years ago
    1292. 1402
      Going All Out 1 years ago
    1293. 1403
      No Mistakes Are Allowed 1 years ago
    1294. 1404
      Supremacy Mal's Determination 1 years ago
    1295. 1405
      Finally Waited For This Moment 1 years ago
    1296. 1406
      Revenge At Long Last 1 years ago
    1297. 1407
      Supremacy Mal Is Dead 1 years ago
    1298. 1408
      Way Back 1 years ago
    1299. 1409
      Who To Go? 1 years ago
    1300. 1410
      Homologous Gene Cell Tissue Splitting 1 years ago
    1301. 1411
      Someone is Touching Me 1 years ago
    1302. 1412
      The Other Side of the Portal 1 years ago
    1303. 1413
      Communication Across Space 1 years ago
    1304. 1414
      Can't I? 1 years ago
    1305. 1415
      Brainless Merchant 1 years ago
    1306. 1416
      Sending Someone Over 1 years ago
    1307. 1417
      Failed Experiment 1 years ago
    1308. 1418
      Difference In Information 1 years ago
    1309. 1419
      I'll Go Look Forward 1 years ago
    1310. 1420
      Exploding Another Teleportation Gate 1 years ago
    1311. 1421
      Who's More Like a Girl? 1 years ago
    1312. 1422
      A Good Opportunity to See the Secret 1 years ago
    1313. 1423
      Not Failed 1 years ago
    1314. 1424
      If Only Prince Lekas Would Experiment 1 years ago
    1315. 1425
      Creating A Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    1316. 1426
      Successful Crossing 1 years ago
    1317. 1427
      His Highness Is Coming 1 years ago
    1318. 1428
      Four People's Nine Revolutions Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    1319. 1429
      Unharmed Crossing 1 years ago
    1320. 1430
      Marching Deeper 1 years ago
    1321. 1431
      Pamela's Situation 1 years ago
    1322. 1432
      New Directive 1 years ago
    1323. 1433
      They Crossed the Line 1 years ago
    1324. 1434
      Special Area of the Galactic Center 1 years ago
    1325. 1435
      Discussion on the Domain 1 years ago
    1326. 1436
      Inexplicable Crisis 1 years ago
    1327. 1437
      Pope Lockmarton 1 years ago
    1328. 1438
      Taming Mutated Beasts 1 years ago
    1329. 1439
      Resurrection? 1 years ago
    1330. 1440
      Save Me 1 years ago
    1331. 1441
      Mutated Virus 1 years ago
    1332. 1442
      Trap 1 years ago
    1333. 1443
      Sneak Attack on the Pope 1 years ago
    1334. 1444
      Crazy Antu 1 years ago
    1335. 1445
      I Need a Promise 1 years ago
    1336. 1446
      Don't All Want to Leave 1 years ago
    1337. 1447
      Reason to Not Kill Them 1 years ago
    1338. 1448
      The Whereabouts of the Royal Children 1 years ago
    1339. 1449
      Lurking 1 years ago
    1340. 1450
      Successful Rescue 1 years ago
    1341. 1451
      Trap in Advance 1 years ago
    1342. 1452
      Escape 1 years ago
    1343. 1453
      Please Believe Me 1 years ago
    1344. 1454
      No Way to Escape 1 years ago
    1345. 1455
      The Desperate Prince Lekas 1 years ago
    1346. 1456
      Creating a Chance to Fight One-on-One 1 years ago
    1347. 1457
      Shaking Hand and Making Up 1 years ago
    1348. 1458
      Pamela's Whereabouts 1 years ago
    1349. 1459
      Invitation from the Headquarters of the Noctem Chamber of Commerce 1 years ago
    1350. 1460
      It's Not Impossible to Learn the Exterminating Heart Technique 1 years ago
    1351. 1461
      Empty 1 years ago
    1352. 1462
      Let Me Tell You Two Secrets 1 years ago
    1353. 1463
      Showing Goodwill? 1 years ago
    1354. 1464
      Meeting Lorian Again 1 years ago
    1355. 1465
      Someone Behind Siennali 1 years ago
    1356. 1466
      Depressed Glurik 1 years ago
    1357. 1467
      I'll Give You a Chance 1 years ago
    1358. 1468
      Rat 1 years ago
    1359. 1469
      Cooperate Well 1 years ago
    1360. 1470
      Ambassador and Bishop 1 years ago
    1361. 1471
      Infiltration 1 years ago
    1362. 1472
      Alarmed 1 years ago
    1363. 1473
      Is It Pamela? 1 years ago
    1364. 1474
      The 20-Year-Old Pamela 1 years ago
    1365. 1475
      Can't Go Back to How It Was 1 years ago
    1366. 1476
      What If Amnesia Occurs? 1 years ago
    1367. 1477
      All This Is a Trap 1 years ago
    1368. 1478
      The Target Is Not You 1 years ago
    1369. 1479
      Why You? 1 years ago
    1370. 1480
      The Level of Attention 1 years ago
    1371. 1481
      Teleportation Door in Space 1 years ago
    1372. 1482
      Turning the Stargate into a Portal 1 years ago
    1373. 1483
      Defeat 1 years ago
    1374. 1484
      Mastery of the Divine Technique 1 years ago
    1375. 1485
      We Can Talk 1 years ago
    1376. 1486
      An Official Letter from the Two Forces 1 years ago
    1377. 1487
      Help Me 1 years ago
    1378. 1488
      "Complicated" Relationship Between the Three of Them 1 years ago
    1379. 1489
      Examination of Pamela 1 years ago
    1380. 1490
      Fusion of Genes and Cultivation Techniques 1 years ago
    1381. 1491
      Planet Lantis 1 years ago
    1382. 1492
      Wrong Place? 1 years ago
    1383. 1493
      Stop Messing Around 1 years ago
    1384. 1494
      Don't Dream of Escape 1 years ago
    1385. 1495
      Questioning 1 years ago
    1386. 1496
      Helpless 1 years ago
    1387. 1497
      Ask What He Knows 1 years ago
    1388. 1498
      Interspatial Gate 1 years ago
    1389. 1499
      Leaving This Damn Place 1 years ago
    1390. 1500
      Supremacy Oville Is Here 1 years ago
    1391. 1501
      Execute Princess Pamela? 1 years ago
    1392. 1502
      Stop Lying 1 years ago
    1393. 1503
      Then Don't Waste Everyone's Time 1 years ago
    1394. 1504
      Wait For The Trial 1 years ago
    1395. 1505
      The Strong Man in the Palace 1 years ago
    1396. 1506
      Don't Want Him to Die 1 years ago
    1397. 1507
      Trial Begins 1 years ago
    1398. 1508
      Close Relationship with the Royal Children 1 years ago
    1399. 1509
      I Testify 1 years ago
    1400. 1510
      Judgment 1 years ago
    1401. 1511
      What If He's Not an Outsider? 1 years ago
    1402. 1512
      There's Such a Way? 1 years ago
    1403. 1513
      Already Engaged 1 years ago
    1404. 1514
      Should I Agree? 1 years ago
    1405. 1515
      Everyone's Will 1 years ago
    1406. 1516
      I'm Only Replicating the Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    1407. 1517
      How to Prove It? 1 years ago
    1408. 1518
      Prepare to Test 1 years ago
    1409. 1519
      Where Did the Engagement Come From? 1 years ago
    1410. 1520
      Scandal 1 years ago
    1411. 1521
      This Is a Gamble 1 years ago
    1412. 1522
      Naive! 1 years ago
    1413. 1523
      You Have No Right to Reject 1 years ago
    1414. 1524
      The Female Lead Is Here 1 years ago
    1415. 1525
      The Indecisive Chu Nan 1 years ago
    1416. 1526
      Preparation Before the Test 1 years ago
    1417. 1527
      Really Like It 1 years ago
    1418. 1528
      Showing Intimacy 1 years ago
    1419. 1529
      Star Destruction Fist 1 years ago
    1420. 1530
      You Don't Understand This Fist Technique 1 years ago
    1421. 1531
      Convincing You 1 years ago
    1422. 1532
      Better Fist Technique 1 years ago
    1423. 1533
      Surpassing the Original 1 years ago
    1424. 1534
      Treat the Problem When It Appears 1 years ago
    1425. 1535
      Starting From the Beginning 1 years ago
    1426. 1536
      Indeed Convinced 1 years ago
    1427. 1537
      You'll Get In Trouble Sooner or Later 1 years ago
    1428. 1538
      It's Not Good to Eat Alone 1 years ago
    1429. 1539
      Hostility and Killing Intent 1 years ago
    1430. 1540
      Mutation of the Exterminating Heart Technique 1 years ago
    1431. 1541
      Only Can Be Used After Detecting Internal Breath 1 years ago
    1432. 1542
      You Seem to Have Forgotten Something 1 years ago
    1433. 1543
      The True Myriad Ant Demon Devouring Divine Technique 1 years ago
    1434. 1544
      That's It? 1 years ago
    1435. 1545
      Ten Thousand Ants Rushing 1 years ago
    1436. 1546
      Kill This Pervert! 1 years ago
    1437. 1547
      The Most Direct and Dangerous Battle 1 years ago
    1438. 1548
      What Can Stop It? 1 years ago
    1439. 1549
      Do You Really Want to Continue the Engagement? 1 years ago
    1440. 1550
      Test Paused 1 years ago
    1441. 1551
      I Just Want to Help Him 1 years ago
    1442. 1552
      Angie Prairie's Arrangement 1 years ago
    1443. 1553
      The Only Way 1 years ago
    1444. 1554
      A Little Change 1 years ago
    1445. 1555
      His Majesty Arrives 1 years ago
    1446. 1556
      Don't Think About Anything 1 years ago
    1447. 1557
      Test Continues 1 years ago
    1448. 1558
      Use the S-rank Cultivation Method to Test 1 years ago
    1449. 1559
      Trapped Beast in the Blue Light Net 1 years ago
    1450. 1560
      Breaking the Net 1 years ago
    1451. 1561
      Don't Provoke Me 1 years ago
    1452. 1562
      Unable to Back Down 1 years ago
    1453. 1563
      Going Back on His Words 1 years ago
    1454. 1564
      Give Me Some Time to Think 1 years ago
    1455. 1565
      Weaving the Net 1 years ago
    1456. 1566
      No Way to Change 1 years ago
    1457. 1567
      Guaranteeing With Honor 1 years ago
    1458. 1568
      Personally Going Down 1 years ago
    1459. 1569
      Higher-level Exterminating Heart Technique 1 years ago
    1460. 1570
      Fourth Level Exterminating Heart Technique 1 years ago
    1461. 1571
      You Can Use It Like This? 1 years ago
    1462. 1572
      Dispelling the Black Mist 1 years ago
    1463. 1573
      Exterminating Space 1 years ago
    1464. 1574
      I Seek Guidance, Your Majesty 1 years ago
    1465. 1575
      Gone Crazy? 1 years ago
    1466. 1576
      The Exterminating Heart Technique Is Not Powerful 1 years ago
    1467. 1577
      Amnesty 1 years ago
    1468. 1578
      Indeed Up to No Good 1 years ago
    1469. 1579
      The Thoughts of the Higher-Ups 1 years ago
    1470. 1580
      We Worked Hard Too 1 years ago
    1471. 1581
      Increase in the Chance of Successful Research 1 years ago
    1472. 1582
      Someone Wants to Kill You 1 years ago
    1473. 1583
      Real Motive 1 years ago
    1474. 1584
      Take Care 1 years ago
    1475. 1585
      Let's Fight in Space 1 years ago
    1476. 1586
      There's a Difference Between Star-Grade Martial Artists 1 years ago
    1477. 1587
      Red Lotus Raging Flame 1 years ago
    1478. 1588
      Chase 1 years ago
    1479. 1589
      If One Punch Is Not Enough 1 years ago
    1480. 1590
      Senior, Don't Leave 1 years ago
    1481. 1591
      I Just Came In to Retreat 1 years ago
    1482. 1592
      Imperfect Domain 1 years ago
    1483. 1593
      You're Not Allowed to Leave Now 1 years ago
    1484. 1594
      Attack on the Domain 1 years ago
    1485. 1595
      Domain, Break 1 years ago
    1486. 1596
      Amnesty Ends 1 years ago
    1487. 1597
      Seeing His Majesty 1 years ago
    1488. 1598
      Cultivation Technique Can't Be a Faith 1 years ago
    1489. 1599
      You Have to Take Responsibility 1 years ago
    1490. 1600
      Anise 1 years ago
    1491. 1601
      Another Type of Exterminating Heart Technique 1 years ago
    1492. 1602
      Eldest Princess 1 years ago
    1493. 1603
      Unrelated to Others 1 years ago
    1494. 1604
      Let Me Try 1 years ago
    1495. 1605
      Leave Your Contact 1 years ago
    1496. 1606
      Why Am I Stronger? 1 years ago
    1497. 1607
      Annulment 1 years ago
    1498. 1608
      You Lost Your Cool 1 years ago
    1499. 1609
      Counterweight 1 years ago
    1500. 1610
      Temporary Change of Heart 1 years ago
    1501. 1611
      Number One Lover in the Milky Way 1 years ago
    1502. 1612
      Cooperation Between the Two Powers 1 years ago
    1503. 1613
      The Marshal's Gratitude 1 years ago
    1504. 1614
      Only Wanting a Few Ships 1 years ago
    1505. 1615
      Your Return Is the Best Gift 1 years ago
    1506. 1616
      Are You Still Alive? 1 years ago
    1507. 1617
      Experiment About the Domain 1 years ago
    1508. 1618
      Twelve-Winged Angel 1 years ago
    1509. 1619
      The True Effect 1 years ago
    1510. 1620
      Making Another Deal 1 years ago
    1511. 1621
      Difficulty in Killing a Star-Grade Martial Artist 1 years ago
    1512. 1622
      Do-Or-Die Seclusion 1 years ago
    1513. 1623
      Teaching Cultivation Technique 1 years ago
    1514. 1624
      Call Me Sister 1 years ago
    1515. 1625
      Reciprocity 1 years ago
    1516. 1626
      Gift Snatched 1 years ago
    1517. 1627
      Teleportation Door Outside the Endless Abyss 1 years ago
    1518. 1628
      The Method Left Behind by the Enemy 1 years ago
    1519. 1629
      Strange but Similar Space 1 years ago
    1520. 1630
      Dark Star Field of Nothingness 1 years ago
    1521. 1631
      Nostalgic Star Field 1 years ago
    1522. 1632
      Another Portal 1 years ago
    1523. 1633
      Several Heavenly Gods 1 years ago
    1524. 1634
      Found Them 1 years ago
    1525. 1635
      Only Seven Days 1 years ago
    1526. 1636
      Supremacy Ottoford's Revenge 1 years ago
    1527. 1637
      Likely Not Bragging 1 years ago
    1528. 1638
      Teleportation Door Collapses 1 years ago
    1529. 1639
      Reason for Collapse 1 years ago
    1530. 1640
      Last Chance 1 years ago
    1531. 1641
      Possibility of Escape... Zero 1 years ago
    1532. 1642
      Fortunately, He's Dead 1 years ago
    1533. 1643
      Unable to Contact 1 years ago
    1534. 1644
      He'll Be Back 1 years ago
    1535. 1645
      Rebirth 1 years ago
    1536. 1646
      The Key to Supremacy Oville's Breakthrough 1 years ago
    1537. 1647
      Infinite Rebirth Experiment 1 years ago
    1538. 1648
      Ninth Revolution Eighth Level, Domain Control 1 years ago
    1539. 1649
      Fleet Fight 1 years ago
    1540. 1650
      Interfering 1 years ago
    1541. 1651
      Civil War 1 years ago
    1542. 1652
      Retreat Plan 1 years ago
    1543. 1653
      Send You Away 1 years ago
    1544. 1654
      Just Here to Fight 1 years ago
    1545. 1655
      Some Information 1 years ago
    1546. 1656
      Bad Situation 1 years ago
    1547. 1657
      I'm Still Alive 1 years ago
    1548. 1658
      Mr. Five Fleets 1 years ago
    1549. 1659
      Stargate and Teleportation Gate 1 years ago
    1550. 1660
      I Want to See Him, Dead or... Alive? 1 years ago
    1551. 1661
      Be Obedient 1 years ago
    1552. 1662
      Do You Have to Be So Careful? 1 years ago
    1553. 1663
      "Sent" Into the Teleportation Door 1 years ago
    1554. 1664
      Almost Impossible Mission 1 years ago
    1555. 1665
      Cultivation Method Show 1 years ago
    1556. 1666
      Declaring War 1 years ago
    1557. 1667
      Battle of the Purple Cloud Planet 1 years ago
    1558. 1668
      Touch Them All 1 years ago
    1559. 1669
      "Stagnant Water" Elvy 1 years ago
    1560. 1670
      I Give Up 1 years ago
    1561. 1671
      Impossible to Marry 1 years ago
    1562. 1672
      None of Us Are Satisfied 1 years ago
    1563. 1673
      She Has Already Become a Monster 1 years ago
    1564. 1674
      Come Research 1 years ago
    1565. 1675
      Powerful Reinforcements 1 years ago
    1566. 1676
      Not Worth a Hug? 1 years ago
    1567. 1677
      More Reliable Plan 1 years ago
    1568. 1678
      The Situation Deteriorates 1 years ago
    1569. 1679
      We're Here to Rely on You 1 years ago
    1570. 1680
      This Is Much More Useful Than Dissecting 12 months ago
    1571. 1681
      I'm Here 12 months ago
    1572. 1682
      From 30% to 70% 12 months ago
    1573. 1683
      Counterattack and Harassment 12 months ago
    1574. 1684
      Returning to Leppler 12 months ago
    1575. 1685
      Why Snatch? 12 months ago
    1576. 1686
      The Mystery of Feng Mingxi 12 months ago
    1577. 1687
      "Shrunk" Pamela 12 months ago
    1578. 1688
      "Living" Flesh 12 months ago
    1579. 1689
      I Don't Want to Become a Meat 12 months ago
    1580. 1690
      Goddess' Destruction 12 months ago
    1581. 1691
      Stabilized Situation 12 months ago
    1582. 1692
      The Last Battle 12 months ago
    1583. 1693
      Stronger Angie Prairie 12 months ago
    1584. 1694
      Fight to the Death 12 months ago
    1585. 1695
      Erehuana's Reinforcements 11 months ago
    1586. 1696
      Reversal of the Situation 11 months ago
    1587. 1697
      They Can Eat People 11 months ago
    1588. 1698
      End of the Internal Disorder 11 months ago
    1589. 1699
      Cultivation Technique Fusion 11 months ago
    1590. 1700
      Creating His Own Cultivation Technique 11 months ago
    1591. 1701
      Successful Test 11 months ago
    1592. 1702
      Meat Grinder Divine Technique 11 months ago
    1593. 1703
      The Familiar Person in the Blood Cloud 11 months ago
    1594. 1704
      Chased Out of the Orion Arm 11 months ago
    1595. 1705
      His Majesty's Visit 11 months ago
    1596. 1706
      His Majesty Gremayne... Ran Away 11 months ago
    1597. 1707
      The Deepest Place of the Endless Abyss 11 months ago
    1598. 1708
      Ferocious Beast Competing with a Star-Grade Martial Artist 11 months ago
    1599. 1709
      Scarier Than an S-rank 11 months ago
    1600. 1710
      Teleportation Door to the Galactic Center 11 months ago
    1601. 1711
      Higher-Grade Exterminating Heart Technique 11 months ago
    1602. 1712
      Hard Research 11 months ago
    1603. 1713
      Unexpected Guest 11 months ago
    1604. 1714
      Just Marry Them Together 11 months ago
    1605. 1715
      Stabilizing the Teleportation Door 11 months ago
    1606. 1716
      Random Transportation 11 months ago
    1607. 1717
      Cutting and Pasting 11 months ago
    1608. 1718
      People Cultivating in the Blood Cloud 11 months ago
    1609. 1719
      Self-Explosion 11 months ago
    1610. 1720
      Research Institution 11 months ago
    1611. 1721
      Him Again 11 months ago
    1612. 1722
      Feng Mingxi's Cultivation Path 11 months ago
    1613. 1723
      Do You Have a Clear Conscience? 11 months ago
    1614. 1724
      Name of the Cultivation Technique 11 months ago
    1615. 1725
      What Does the Lives of Mortals Have to Do with Me? 11 months ago
    1616. 1726
      Returning to the Earth Federation 11 months ago
    1617. 1727
      Supremacy Alahuk's Invitation 11 months ago
    1618. 1728
      Just Add Them 11 months ago
    1619. 1729
      Words Depend on Strength 11 months ago
    1620. 1730
      You Beast! 11 months ago
    1621. 1731
      Didn't Need to Use My Full Strength 11 months ago
    1622. 1732
      Hunting Alahuk 11 months ago
    1623. 1733
      Abundant Experience in Besieging 11 months ago
    1624. 1734
      Two Monsters 11 months ago
    1625. 1735
      Absolute Rationality 11 months ago
    1626. 1736
      I Will Definitely Kill You Next Time 11 months ago
    1627. 1737
      Ferocious Beast Attack 11 months ago
    1628. 1738
      Catastrophe 11 months ago
    1629. 1739
      Has the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance Gone Crazy? 11 months ago
    1630. 1740
      Thousands of Star-Grade Martial Artists 11 months ago
    1631. 1741
      Successful Mass Production of Star-Grade Martial Artists 11 months ago
    1632. 1742
      Unifying the Milky Way? 11 months ago
    1633. 1743
      Capturing a Star-Grade Martial Artist Alive 11 months ago
    1634. 1744
      Brilliant Results 11 months ago
    1635. 1745
      What Can You Block With? 11 months ago
    1636. 1746
      Withered Bone in the Palm 11 months ago
    1637. 1747
      Publicizing the Exterminating Heart Technique 11 months ago
    1638. 1748
      Victory in a Partial Battle 11 months ago
    1639. 1749
      Hard Decision 11 months ago
    1640. 1750
      "Customized" Cultivation Technique 11 months ago
    1641. 1751
      Destruction of the Alliance 11 months ago
    1642. 1752
      It's a War! Be Serious! 11 months ago
    1643. 1753
      Planet Covered in Red Mist 11 months ago
    1644. 1754
      An Even More Terrifying Fact 11 months ago
    1645. 1755
      Is There Something Wrong with Your Brain? 11 months ago
    1646. 1756
      The Power of Jealousy 11 months ago
    1647. 1757
      Why?! 11 months ago
    1648. 1758
      Goddess Descends 11 months ago
    1649. 1759
      This Is Your Self-Esteem? 11 months ago
    1650. 1760
      Breaking Into the Underground 11 months ago
    1651. 1761
      There's a Way No Matter When 11 months ago
    1652. 1762
      Not a Time Bomb 11 months ago
    1653. 1763
      Endless Panic 11 months ago
    1654. 1764
      Cultivation Technique to Resist the Blood Mist 11 months ago
    1655. 1765
      The Fate of the Whole Milky Way 11 months ago
    1656. 1766
      Milky Way's Mobilization 11 months ago
    1657. 1767
      I'm Invincible 11 months ago
    1658. 1768
      Not Battling Alone 11 months ago
    1659. 1769
      Passing the First Level 11 months ago
    1660. 1770
      Guest 11 months ago
    1661. 1771
      Wrong Posture 11 months ago
    1662. 1772
      Villains Die From Talking Too Much 11 months ago
    1663. 1773
      Retreat First 11 months ago
    1664. 1774
      Special Spatial Tremor 11 months ago
    1665. 1775
      Nuwa Is a Woman 11 months ago
    1666. 1776
      I Want to Destroy All This 11 months ago
    1667. 1777
      I Was Clearly the First 11 months ago
    1668. 1778
      Between Life and Death, Ninth Level, Ninth Revolution 11 months ago
    1669. 1779
      You're Actually Taking Drugs 11 months ago
    1670. 1780
      Welcome Back 11 months ago
    1671. 1781
      Do You Still Remember That Agreement? 11 months ago

    Autor Eight O'clock At Night

    Traductor AtlasStudios

    Editor AtlasStudios