A portal appears high over a huge alien-looking city where violent green fires raged and exploded from random points. Screams of terror and despair were an almost constant sound, along with the vicious roars of strange and barbaric creatures.
Michael falls from the portal and begins plummeting to the city below but quickly gathers his composure before employing Arctic Burn, conjuring large dragon wings made of ephemeral light and frost magic to form at his back, allowing him to glide down onto the roof on a nearby building.
"Huh, probably should have expected this with what I was aiming for..." he mutters to himself, taking a moment to marvel at the high-tech looking city that was primarily built from white/grey stone and huge gemstones that seemed to provide both light and power.
Unfortunately, most of the beauty of the place was lost with a million plumes of smoke rising from various parts. Not only from the city, but seemingly the entire world. Even the sky had turned a vile green and was almost entirely obscured by looming, ominous black clouds.
"Another apocalypse... Hang on, first Familiar of Zero which had a world-destroying dragon, then Skyrim which has Alduin, another world-destroying dragon, a zombie world, and now this... That's four outta four now... The fuck's happening." he mutters to himself, wondering if Tiffania's void magic was attuned to places almost completely destroyed.
He shakes his head, focussing on the city around him to see if he could figure out just where he was. He couldn't tell from just the architecture of the place, but looking down at the streets below, he could see a variety of creatures causing chaos. They came in all sorts of shapes and colours, but the thing that linked them all together was their use of the sickly green flames.
There weren't any local survivors around this area, having probably been devoured by these creatures earlier. Not even leaving a single corpse for him to take a look at.
He rubs his face and decides to wear the Morokei Dragon Priest Mask to avoid the acrid smoke lingering around the place. Not to mention its utility in passively regenerating magic when worn. "Alright Derflinger, Darth, ready to stomp some cunts?"
"Aye aye, Partner."
"By your will, Master."
He nods, giving his frost wings a brief flap before descending upon the city below, landing in a street and immediately getting to work destroying the creatures... Or demons, as he quickly learned once he'd understood their language.
"Geeet himmm! Killll himmm!! For the Looooord!"
"Fooor the Dark One!!"
"Yeah, how about no?" Michael remarks as he blocks a claw with Derflinger and shoots the offending demon in the chest with a Spatial Scatter, causing it to disintegrate once hit.
A fireball made of green flames is thrown toward him and he reacts by blocking it with Derflinger, only for the sentient blade to scream out in pain. "AARGH! HOT! HOT! HOT! Partner! That burns!" it exclaims while doing its best to suck up the magic contained within the flames, leaving behind a glowing green gas that quickly fades into the air.
"Alright, alright, got it." he says, thrusting Derflinger into the neck of a red-skinned imp of some sort, its glowing green blood spraying out as if he'd just performed a visceral attack in Bloodborne.
These demons were far, far stronger than the zombies he'd faced, or even the Overlord Draugr that'd once kicked his ass and almost killed him. He was only doing so well now because of his massively increased stats, and stacking bonuses from [Essence Shift], [Fiery Soul], and [Glaives of Wisdom]. Which were boosting his Agility, attack and movement speed, and Intelligence respectively.
The boost to his Intelligence alone was enough to essentially give him infinite mana while he was fighting, allowing him to consistently harm the enemy while healing himself with Restoration spells, keeping his health and stamina topped off.
Unfortunately, the good times don't last, as the trouble he'd been causing the demonic forces had been noticed by some of the stronger creatures. The imps, succubi, and weird dog things retreat as something powerful to Michael's senses approaches. Its steps visibly shake the nearby buildings as it gets closer and closer...
"WHO DARES FIGHT THE WILL OF THE BURNING LEGION!?" a voice roars as its owner stomps around the corner, revealing itself to be a huge winged man, standing on armoured goat-like legs that blended with his more human parts. His face was a distorted facsimile of pure rage and cruelty, with large fangs protruding from his face and huge horns extending from its forehead.
Michael was struck by a feeling of nostalgia for a moment, but it quickly passed and gave way to caution as its creature's very presence bore down on him. This was the first time in a long time where he actually felt completely outmatched, just by the feeling alone he had high doubts in actually being able to fight this thing.
"WELL!? SPEAK MORTAL!? OR HAS FEAR ROBBED YOU OF YOUR SENSES!?" it roars, as green energy gathers in its large claws.
"I was just wondering what happened first! If it was the bat, goat, or mole that fucked your mother first for you to end up like that!" Michael retorts, hiding his reluctance to fight the thing with his usual crude humour.
"SO YOU CAN SPEAK. GOOD. LIVE PREY ALWAYS SCREAM THE LOUDEST! I WILL TEAR YOUR SOUL FROM YOUR PATHETIC BODY AND DEVOUR IT, PIECE BY PIECE!" the winged demon shouts as he puts his hands together, causing the green glow to get brighter and brighter.
Michael Blinks away to a nearby rooftop to preemptively avoid whatever attack it was about to unleash, but is taken off guard as it demon thrusts its hands into the air, causing green projectiles to shoot upwards before changing direction to target Michael directly, like mortars that shot homing missiles.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Michael dexterously avoids the first green projectile, his enhanced agility allowing him to barely manoeuvre around it as it attempts to follow him, only to slam into the floor.
Liquid green flames flood out as the projectile collides with the floor, covering the majority of the roof with green napalm-like fire. Michael Blinks away to another roof and uses Counter Spell to block the next projectile, causing it to shoot back at its master due to the barriers redirection effect...
The winged demon easily catches it however, crushing it in its hand and throwing it back, hitting the roof Michael was standing on. That should've been it, but the green fire suddenly stood, drawing in stone rubble into itself to reveal its true body. Made of green fire and rock as it charges after Michael with a soundless roar.
Its fiery fist drops down atop him, but he Blink Strikes behind him and slams Derflinger into it, using [Glaives of Wisdom] and [Mana Break] to enhance his attack... Only for Derflinger to let out a muffled scream as the golem's flaming body licks at the sentient sword. The attack carves a good chunk of rock from it, but it isn't nearly enough to kill it.
Shaking his head, Michael Blinks away and thrusts his hand at the winged demon as it prepares another spell, casting [Spell Steal].
A magic orb is pulled from the demon and shoots into Michael's chest, granting him everything he needs to use its magic... "Right back at you goat-face! Infernal!" he shouts, causing a small green meteor to drop from the sky on top of the demon, crashing into it and revealing yet another Infernal golem, which raises its hands up to begin pounding on the demon.
Michael's golem is blown into a million pieces as the winged demon raises its clawed hand, blasting a green projectile into it with the force of a high-powered missile.
"YOU WILL FAIL, MORTAL! FACE YOUR WRATH AT THE HANDS OF LANNATOTH!" it roars as Michael fires two Laguna Blades into the enemy Infernal, finally killing it.
"You're name is stupid! You and your parents should be ashamed!" he shouts his response, avoiding the huge blast of green fire that's shot at him afterwards.
Suddenly, one of the Lannatoth's horns is grabbed by Darth, the shadow hand wrenching its head to the side, unable to break its neck but managing to use leverage to cause a distraction.
Michael takes advantage of this, casting [Monolith Wards] and using [Spatial Strike] to absorb them for what he hoped to be a finishing blow. Derflinger glowed an ominous black with spatial ripples around it as Michael Blinks forwards, jumps up, and tries to slam his blade into the demon's forehead...
It blocks with glowing green arms, its thick armour screeching as the two forces meet. Derflinger slides through the demon's flesh, but once it meets its bones it meets massive resistance...
"NOT ENOUGH!" the demon shouts, throwing its arms out and launching Michael across the city from the sheer force of the attack.
Michael barely keeps his grip on Derflinger as he tumbles through the air, somehow managing to use [Arctic Burn] despite his disorientation and quickly gliding in the opposite direction of the demon.
There was no point in having a slugging match with it while there was other EXP to gather. Once he was stronger he'd come back and curb stomp that piece of shit.
He flies for a couple miles but ends up attracting the attention of some flying demons, which he quickly begins fighting. Most of them die with a few slashes of Derflinger, but one puffs up as he approaches it, exploding as soon as Derflinger touches it, launching him through the air yet again... This time not giving him any chance to manoeuvre himself.
His body slams into a building, going straight through the stone wall and landing on a large map that was placed on a circular table.
"Ugggggh, fuck..." he groans, well aware that he'd just broken three ribs. He wipes some burning green goo from his face and opens his eyes, only to find himself surrounded by blue-skinned men and women with glowing blue eyes and small tentacles hanging from their jaws. Each wielding crystal spears in his direction, ready to strike.
"Mme0-ghas0g-sae!" one asks, Michael not immediately understanding their language. But one thing was for sure, he definitely recognised their race... These were Draenei from Warcraft!
His blurry vision quickly clears and he slowly looks around, his eyes straying slightly too long on the exotic Draenei women. Was he a freak for wanting to have a round or two with them? Some people have alien fetishes, right? Does this count?
"SPEAK NOW! Are you one of them, stranger!? Must we put you down like our corrupted kin!?" the largest male in the room asks, his height looking around 7ft with huge muscles to match.
"... I'm not a demon, if that's what you're asking..." he says after a moment, causing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief in response. Though, he could see some were still wary of him, probably because of his mask... Or maybe because of his voice and height? The only person his physique matched would be the Draenei females... Which is kind of embarrassing.
"You are against the invaders, correct?" a female asks and Michael nods, "Then you must come with us! We have to reach the Seat of the Triumvirate and seek help from our leaders!"
"This place is no longer safe. The breach in the wall must have allowed the invaders to catch our scent..."
Michael lets out a huff as he slowly gets to his feet, not having to use Restoration magic on himself as a Draenei female waves golden glowing hands across him, quickly healing him up.
"Er, who are y-the leaders again?..." he asks, wondering just what these people were aiming for.
"That landing must have knocked your senses out, our leaders are the Prophet Velen, Kil'jaeden the Wise, and the Master of the Augari, Archimonde. If we are to have any hope, we must find them and seek their protection!"
Michael palms his face, knowing full well the state Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are in right now. The two having betrayed their race and joined the Burning Legion. Not that he could tell these people that, not yet at least.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
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