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64.84% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 83: It's over..

Capítulo 83: It's over..

I immediately jump up as soon as I feel the tiniest ripple in the Magic underneath my feet, and do a corkscrew mid-flight, letting three swords barely miss me. Keeping myself in the air, I keep flying around, dodging the swords Hela was throwing at me, conjuring them directly from the.. Necroland she had created.

I glance at Hela, and see her standing there in her fully Divine Glory, wearing her iconic Helm that was imbued with her own powers. She was just smirking up at me, enjoying the show of me dodging her weapons as I kept fleeing away from her.

"Yes! Run, Mortal! Run from death!" Her grating voice yells from below.

All the while, sword after sword flies up from the ground to attack me. Thankfully, Hela didn't seem to have a Telekinetic hold on those swords, so she could only just send them flying at me and couldn't change their path.

I change directions to try and attack Hela head on, because I know that if I distract her, the sword barrage will stop, or at least give me a reprieve. But before I even start flying towards her, dozens of swords rise up all around me at once, all speeding towards my flying form in order to stab me. The swords were aiming at me, behind me, in front of me, and to my sides, leaving no place to actually dodge. I could go up, but that would just mean I give Hela that much space.

Guess I don't have a choice then.

With a ripple through the air, a spherical Telekinetic barrier forms around me, with a diameter just a little bit greater than my own height. The 70 something Necroswords that had flown at me from the Necroland slam into the Telekinetic force field, and stop right as they touch it.

I look at Hela, who looks annoyed at me catching the swords on my Telekinetic hold, and smirking, I spin around myself. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you need your weapons back? Well, take them!" I yell, as I turn the swords around in their place.

The barrier flexes, sending the swords flying one after the other straight at Hela.

Hela flips backwards, dodging the swords, and I keep flying towards her while throwing a few swords at a time. While mid flip, I see her glare at me, as she sends a large spear flying out of her hands. The spear was big enough that it could have completely stabbed through my body, vertically, and still have more than half its body remain outside.

I brace myself, and strengthen my barrier. The spear slams into my barrier, which trembles due to the force of the attack, but holds strong.

I clench my teeth, feeling my bones rattling with the force of the attack, but keep flying towards Hela while still attacking her with her own Necroswords.

Suddenly, right as I am about to reach her, Hela stops mid jump, and spins around, her hammer Mjolnir once again in her hand. She must've noticed that her swords weren't of much use right now, since my Telekinesis could pretty much stop them.

I recognise her goal immediately, when I see her aiming the hammer at me, but not at me at the same time. 

She wanted to use Mjolnir to shatter my Telekinesis forcefield.

I keep to my flight path, and right as Hela is about to slam Mjolnir into the Barrier, I disable the field. Hela, who had expected to hit an invisible Telekinetic barrier, overextends when she meets only air, making me smile.

Flying underneath the extended hammer, I tackle Hela, my claws digging into her stomach. 

"Argh!" Hela yells with pain, as my Gauntlet covered nails dig into her stomach, and lifts her hands to slam Mjolnir into my back.

Landing on the ground with my feet, I spin around and use the momentum to throw Hela away from me, and into the forest. But, I need to take care of this Necroland first, because this is a trap that will keep on getting tripped.

I summon my hammer, Tremor, to my right hand, and Glamdring to my left. Positioning the straight sword tip down on the Necroland, I slam Tremor into its handle. The sword digs into the Necroland, but only a few inches deep.

That's not going to be enough.

I lift the hammer up and bring it down once again. Unfortunately, all my senses flare up, warning me of an incoming attack. I start to dodge, and immediately get bodied by Hela, her fist in my face. Hela keeps her hands on my face, and stays flying. Putting pressure, she slams my head into the Necroland, while flying forward, making me cry out in pain as the Necrotic material breaks up and digs into my skin.

I punch at her liver, but she keeps her hold, and snarls, "You think you can defeat me at my strongest, mortal? Don't overestimate yourself."

I then get thrown away from her, and I feel myself flying above ground. As my face heals from being dragged through the Necroland, slowly thanks to the Necrotic Magic I was still infected with, I turn around, only to get my breath knocked out of my lungs thanks to the might Mjolnir hitting me in my chest, breaking at least four of my ribs.

I cough, as I drop back down on the ground with a tremor, sending black dust flying all around. I immediately backflip while sliding to a stop, letting Hela slam the hammer on the spot I just was in, and jump up horizontally, letting the hammer miss once again.

I conjure Tremor back to my hands, and as Hela leans forward for another hit, I slam it into Hela's right elbow, making her drop her own hammer. I catch it, feeling surprisingly satisfied when it doesn't just drop me on my legs. 

It is heavy, sure, heavier than anything I've ever wielded, at around 200 kgs, but it is something I can handle short term.

Wielding both Mjolnir and Tremor, I slam them both into her body, as she remains disoriented from the previous hit to her elbow, which was broken. Tremor smashes into Hela's face, while Mjolnir slams into her chest, sending her flying at least half a mile thanks to the double hit. But probably mostly because of Mjolnir.

This is the chance. 

Now being away from Hela and her dense Magic which was preventing me from apparating, I apparate towards my sword, and with a loud yell, slam Mjolnir into Glamdring's handle, sending it hilt deep into the Necroland ground.

"YEAAARGH!" I yell, as I hear the satisfying sound of my sword digging into the metallic Necroland with a snikt.

Suddenly, Mjolnir flies out of my hand, the force of the pull dislocating my right shoulder and breaking three of my fingers. I look up in the direction the hammer had flown off to, and see Hela dropping down from the skies, hammer raised up to attack me.

If she lands a hit on me, I'm getting injured severely. If I dodge and the hit lands on the ground, my plan fails and only a small area will be destroyed. My sword will survive, but it will be damaged at least a little.

With a wave of my hands, I create a portal right at the last moment, and dropping Hela into an active volcano in Antarctica, I immediately close the portal on her. Good, that gives me some time.

My shoulder back into position, and my fingers healed, I point my palm at the hilt of the sword digging out of the Necroland, and shoot yellow coloured Magic on the area around it. Seven Runes brand themselves in a circle, with my Glamdring right in the center. The Runes flash once, connecting in a Heptagon, and then, a wave of bright yellow Magic flows out of the swords, and into the Necroland.

I had opened up a channel between the sword and the Light Dimension and kept it open, flowing the Magic into the Necroland. When the wave of Light Magic passes me, I feel it seep into my skin as the Necrotic Magic within my wounds is cleansed within a second and all my Hela given wounds heal within the next.

I smile, seeing the Spell work as the ground starts returning to normal Earth, as the Necrotic Magic is cleansed out of it. 

Feeling a wave of Dark Magic, I turn around to see a pissed off Hela running through a green and black portal that had formed behind me. 

As she starts swinging her hammer and sword combo at me, which I defend against using just my Gauntlets, she yells, "You dare wield my Mighty Mjolnir!"

I dodge one of her kicks, and as I land a punch on her face, I ask, "It's not Mighty if even a puny Mortal can wield it now, is it?"

Hela growls, even more anger showing on her face, and as I'm busy ducking under her punch, arm already extended to punch her armpit, she spins around and lands a hard kick on my chin, her back still towards me.

The kick sends me flying backwards, and I feel my jaw breaking. As it heals, I start falling down and dig my gauntlet claws into the ground to stop myself. I immediately start running, spells covering my fists, but before I even take a single step a barrage of Necroswords speed towards me. This time.. Hela didn't hold back at all, and I am faced with literally hundreds of swords, most of them normal sized but some.. some were as big as my Kasha form.

I slam my palms together, conjuring a gateway to the Mirror Dimension, and let the gateway absorb the shower of different sized swords. But then, when the swords disappear into the Mirror Dimension, I widen my eyes when I see it. There she was, Hela, mid jump with her hammer already approaching the Mirror Dimension gateway. The hammer was covered in inky black Magic, and just being near it without my Sword was making me feel like puking.

I conjure a Telekinetic force field around me just as the Dark Mjolnir strikes the gateway, and shatters it into million little pieces. Most of them ignore my Telekinetic force field as if it isn't even there, and cut into me, which I manage to ignore.

Hela swings her hammer(still glowing with her Black Magic) once again, and hits my forcefield, the sheer power behind the hit sending me flying, the forcefield cracked.

I dissipate the forcefield as Hela once again starts running towards me, a sword and hammer in her hands.

Okay, time to finish this. I've proven to myself that I'm not weak. I've proven to Hela that mortals are not weak. Which means that the time for fighting fair is gone. Time to actually win this shit.

Gritting my teeth, I stand back up and conjure two Magic Silver daggers from my hand, out of Nowhere. As Hela extends her sword at me, I move faster than I ever did before, dodge the attack, and cut my dagger into her wrist, letting her blood coat my hand. Hela moves her hammer to hit me, and I do the same to that wrist.

She tries to kick me, but I step to the side and a bit to the front, and smash my forehead into her nose full speed. As she's disoriented, I banish the two daggers towards her body, and grin when I hear them dig hilt deep into her skin, both of them in her chest.

"Argh! You fucking bastard!" Hela yells, as she moves her empty hand towards the daggers.

I conjure two more daggers, not giving Hela the time to take the first two daggers out, and first punch her on her face with an exploding curse, sending her flying backwards while her helmet/crown explodes. A portal forms in her way, making her appear right in front of me, and I stab the two new daggers into her back, right below her shoulders.

Hela swings Mjolnir, first breaking the portal and then trying to take my head off in the same motion, and I duck low. Hela tries to kick her foot into my face, and I lean to the side, summoning two more daggers and stabbing them into her thigh. Her leg still swings backwards to hit me on the face.

Right as her foot catches me on the cheek, I hit Hela with a point blank banishing spell that sends her flying away from me. I open a portal as I myself get sent flying away from Hela, and appear above her. Landing on her shoulders with a kick, right as she's about to take the daggers in her chest out, I send Hela crashing into the ground. As she tries to get up, I stay on her shoulders, clench both fists together and slam them repeatedly on her head.

Hela reaches upwards, and catching me by my clothes, pulls me off of her and slams me down on the ground. Her hand still holding on to me, I twist my legs, locking her arm in them, and exhale with a lot of force. A dark blue ball of condensed flames exits out of my mouth, and catches her right in the face, making her stumble backwards.

I then twist my feet, tripping Hela into falling down on her back. "Aargh!" Hela cries out, when the daggers in her back dig deeper.

Spinning around in my spot, I send a kick at Hela's chin. She leans back, and conjures another Necrosword underneath her to send her upwards. She tries to stab me with the sword, but I create a portal right behind her making her stab herself in her heart.

I kickflip into a standing position, and summoning more daggers, stab Hela's other leg with them before she still manages to kick me away. I don't give her any reprieve, as she tries to take the daggers out, the Necrosword already disintegrated since it was her own conjured weapon.

Spinning up, I kick Hela's face, and as she takes a step back, I slam my palm into her exposed neck, casting the Cruciatus Curse.

For humans, mortals, that curse is the equivalent to getting every nerve lit on fire at once. It hurts so much that not a single person can last against a competently cast Cruciatus Curse for more than one minute. That's when it is cast by another mortal, within the same.. stage of Magic. Here, the situation is very much different. Hela is a Goddess, and I am an Ascended Mortal. 

I am not a God, nor a Demon, but I am definitely a lot more than a normal Mortal.

When I cast the Cruciatus Curse on Hela's skin, however, she felt as if she was being stabbed by very tiny needles everywhere on her body all at once. Which.. is tame, compared to the actual effects that are felt by mortals, but it still causes Hela to open her mouth in a silent scream, no voice coming out.

Conjuring two more daggers, I stab them into her right hand, and two more in her left. Pointing my palm at her, I pull with my Telekinesis, causing her to fly towards me, and then, I slam both my palms on her stomach, the daggers stabbing her body now making her unable to defend herself in time. 

I see her hands moving, but before she even does anything, the spells I had cast through my hands cause an explosion of dark blue fire that burns her to the core. It sends her shooting backwards, back towards the land where I could see my Glamdring still dug into the Earth, the place now back to normal.

Before Hela can stand up, I appear on top of her, and start punching her face with the gauntlet covered fists. Each punch sends her head deeper and deeper into the ground bit by bit. Spinning in place, I lock my leg with hers, which had tried to stab me with the dagger sticking out of the front of her thigh, and stab another dagger into it. 

And then, I keep punching Hela repeatedly, taking all of my anger out on her. She had sent her soldiers at my people, just because she believed that the fact that Elves can kill Asgardians, even with help, was not something she liked. She was behind the killing of hundreds of Magical Creatures in this half decade alone. 

She was just pissed that a mortal managed to hurt her, and so.. she put her army after the ones I care for.

And even if I don't like to admit it, she made me feel weak. She made me feel as if I cannot protect myself, let alone those I have decided to protect. I needed this, taking my frustrations out on someone stronger than me.

Raining down punch after punch, I tearfully glare at her, and yell, "SEE THIS?! I BEAT YOU! I… beat… you! You.. a Goddess.. got defeated by me.. a Mortal!" 

I see Hela's hand flex, as I hear the sound of something flying towards her and I instinctively catch it before it can reach her. 


I first slam the hammer, Mjolnir, into her face, one side first and then the other, and then throwing it aside, continue punching her face.

While smashing her face with the hammer will hurt her more, breaking her face with punches is even more satisfying. Hela's fingers keep twitching, as I keep punching her, but she doesn't yell in pain, or even move.

Conversely, despite my punches hurting her, her skin doesn't break, nore does her nose bleed more than a few drops. I might be a faster healer, but Hela here is more durable. And that's just pissing me off more.

I look at her, making sure her eyes meet mine, and say, "Do you feel that? The entire venom sack of a Basilisk emptied into your bloodstream? You won't die by that, you Gods are far too resilient for that to work, but you will be unable to move for a while. At least, until your Magic manages to cleanse the Venom out of your body."

Smirking, I add, "And that's not happening anytime soon, I will be making sure of it."

Standing up, I kick Hela on her chin, sending her sliding forward through the ground, and now right next to the Glamdring still digging down. The Runes had disappeared when their work was done, the ground cleansed of the Necrotic Magic. And so, there was just my sword in its spot, and nothing else.

Slapping my palms together, I focus, conjuring seven new Runes into the Earth, keeping my sword in the middle, and Hela right beside it. The Runes light up, as seven blue rods, made completely out of dense Magic, rise out of them, each showing just a foot or so above ground.

And then, the rods light up even more with blue Magic, as thick lightning shoots out of them. The lightning immediately swerves towards Hela, and catches hold on to the Daggers sticking out of her. Hela's body spasms, as the sheer might of the Thunder Realm's Cosmic Magic flows through her body.

Thank you, blessings of Gaea. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have been able to cast a spell this strong with full control. 

She remains conscious, as she glares at me with hate, unable to say anything thanks to the Venom and the Lightning paralyzing her.

I look at her spasming body, with a lot of satisfaction in my heart. 

"I… defeated… you.. Hela Odinsdottir. Remember that. I, a mortal, Atharva Joshi, defeated you." I say, with a lot of satisfaction showing on my face.

I take a few steps back, resting my back on the tree, as I feel the tiredness kicking in, just to watch Hela continue spasming. The number of spells I had cast today wasn't much, but the sheer Magic I had to put in each of them, to make sure they actually harmed Hela, was too much.

As for my body.. well when you take repeated hits from Hela, while she had Mjolnir in her hands, and recover within seconds, your body somehow still hurts despite healing. She's a Goddess, that's all I can say. She hits fucking hard.

I turn my Time Slower off, as I sit back and enjoy the show, while my body slowly recovers.

I knew that even with my Gauntlets, my stronger body, stronger Magic, and even Tremor, I wouldn't be able to deal with Hela while fighting a fair fight. And not at all if I wanted to beat her at her strongest.

So, I first taunted her, baited her into showing her full strength. I used everything in my arsenal to make her angry enough at me that she shows her true power. Before that, I had already confirmed that my Magic works on her now, at least a little. 

She wasn't as affected by my spells as a normal Mage would have been, but she was affected. Explosions didn't harm her much, but they still sent her flying backwards. The Torture curse might not have actually tortured her, but she did feel the pain of being stabbed repeatedly.

And now, using my Time Slower to give me a boost in speed, I stabbed her with a dozen Magic Silver daggers, all having been imbued with a lot of Basilisk venom. Together, they all had absorbed the total Venom sack contents of the Basilisk I had caught in Alexandria, during Tatiana's fight with Herpo.

A single drop is enough to kill a man, but even the entire Venom Sack only paralyzes a God. How unfair.

All of this.. so I could make her bleed. So I could show her that I can kill her. And I will. I am just waiting for something first.

My ability to lift Mjolnir was something I was gambling on, since Odin hadn't cast that spell yet. But he could have also bound it to Hela, which thankfully wasn't true, and nothing stopped me from lifting it. Besides its unusual weight, that is. 

It is not easy, lifting 200 kgs in one hand, and swinging it around as a weapon. But, as I have realized, I am far from normal.

I feel Magic gathering in the space near us, and as the Bifrost slams down once again, I see something which I was waiting to see. Odin AllFather, standing over his defeated and bound daughter spasming in pain as a lightning around 50 times stronger than natural Lightning coursed through her body.

He had his spear, Gungnir pointed towards me, as he calmly says, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you where you stand, mortal."

I chuckle, and show him my palm, with a Runic Spell already drawn on it. Drawn with Hela's own blood. The Blood Killing Curse.

Still too tired, I drawl out, "You can't. A single burst of Magic in my body, and your beloved crazy bitch of a daughter over there dies."

Odin looks at the Death Curse on my palm, the one I had used to kill the Kuronin so long ago, and says, "Your mortal spells will not work on a God."

I shrug, and say, "Suit yourself, Odin AllFather. I'll just cast the spell then. Let's find out if the Goddess rules Death, or if Death rules the Goddess."

I look at my hand, as I hear Odin start running towards me, but then suddenly, before I can activate the Death Curse, a hand holds my wrist tightly, as the Magic I was gathering to activate the Curse dissipates. Instinctively, despite my tiredness, I pull my hand, and the one holding it, forward, and punch at their face.

But then, I stop myself, recognising the face as belonging to someone I am.. acquaintances with. The person looks at me with wide eyes, probably surprised at me having managed to actually pull her forward, and whispers, "How?"

I sigh, and ask, "Why did you stop me, Lady Bast?"

Bast, the Cat Goddess, and the Patron God of Wakanda. 

As I drop my attacking hand, Bast drops the hold on my own wrist, and says, "Believe me, Mage, as much as I myself believe that the Asgardian Goddess of Death deserves to Die, I cannot allow you to kill her."

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Odin booms out, seeing Bast and I just ignoring his presence to have our conversation.

I look at him, only now realizing that I was taken through a portal just around 20 meters away from Odin and the tree I was resting on, which was now burned to a crisp. And in between Odin and I, stood Master Ayesha, with her hands behind her back.

For any stranger, she might look relaxed, but for someone who has known her for decades, I can tell that she's pissed off. And for once, it is not directed at me or any of the students of Kamar Taj.

She stares Odin down, which is impressive considering she's like one and a half foot shorter than him, and says, "Stand down, King of Asgard."

He stares at Master Ayesha with rage, points Gungnir at her, and says, "Move aside, Sorceress. I have no quarrel with you. This is a personal matter."

Goddess Bast, who was still sitting right beside me, says, "It was a personal matter between your daughter and the Mage, which was about to be resolved with her death. When you jumped in, and attacked the Mage with the intention of killing him, it went from being Personal, directly to War. And that's not counting that your daughter just tried to claim a piece of Earth as her own."

"How is it War if he's just one man?" Odin asks, now glaring at Bast, ignoring the Crime committed by Hela.

Bast scoffs, and asks, "Is he just one man? You know what he is, you know what his designation is. He is the Guardian of Magic, Lady Neith herself deemed it so when she gave him her blessings through my Herb. When you attack him, unprovoked, you declare War on Terran Magic itself. Do you truly want that, Odin AllFather?"

"Unprovoked? UNPROVOKED? HE THREATENED MY DAUGHTER!" Odin yells, as he takes a step forward, the simple step shattering the ground underneath him.

Master Ayesha takes a step to the left, to come between Odin and I, and says, "And it was no business of yours. If Hela had died in battle, she would have had a good, honourable Death according to your own customs. Your own laws deem your interference as an unprovoked attack, Odin. Now.. stand down!"

Odin glares at Master Ayesha, as she refuses to cow in front of the superior enemy, and then turns towards me. If I didn't know he didn't have Heat Vision, I would have thought he was aiming to kill me.

He then says, "What then? I step aside and let this mortal kill Hela? Do you truly want another one of his Kind to have that kind of power? Another Godslayer External?"

Ah, Maya. So he knows about her then.

"If I had wanted that, I wouldn't have stopped the Mage from casting his Spell." Bast says, glancing at me. She then says, "Besides, my father has been keeping an eye on the fight. He knows you're here, so I suggest you refrain from attacking any one of us. I suspect the other GodKings are doing the same as well."

Odin scowls, and looks as if he's swallowed something a lot more unpleasant than his usual stuff, and says, "Do not expect any gratitude from me, Daughter of Ra." He then turns his head towards me, and orders, "Take the Spell off your hands, boy, and I will let this matter be forgotten."

I snort, and ask, "Don't want to piss off a bigger God than you, Odin? And I think you're misjudging the situation for what it is."

"And what is it?" Odin asks, as he once Again glares at me, his hand clenching the spear tighter.

I smile, show him my blood covered palm, and say, "This is now a simple Hostage situation. I have the life of your Daughter, your heiress, in the palm of my hands. Literally. You know how it goes, I name my conditions, you accept them, and then we go our separate ways to live happily ever after. If you don't, I will kill Hela without a moment's hesitation. Do you understand?"

"You don't have the power to kill Hela with that spell, boy. Don't forget who taught you mortals Runes." Odin says, dismissing my threat.

I grin, and say, "Usually, that would be the case. Your Mastery over Runes far exceeds mine. But you see, a willingly sacrificed Soul will empower the Curse enough that it will definitely kill Hela. After that, Hela's own blood has power enough that it will just.. speed things along. Tell me I am wrong, go on."

Odin grits his teeth, not admitting I am right, and says, "Say it then. Speak your terms, boy."

"Really now, insulting my age again and again. You're just insulting your own daughter, you understand, because she lost to me. A Daughter of Odin, lost to a mortal boy, as you like to put it." I say, and then muse, "I wonder what happens when I spread the story around."

Odin takes a step forward, but Master Ayesha once more gets between us stopping his charge before it even begins. He takes a deep breath, and keeps staring at me, expecting me to name my conditions.

Enough taunting, I suppose. This is the King of Gods I'm speaking to over here. He probably could kill me within seconds, if he actually attacks me. Bast is no match for him, I saw that now. And Master Ayesha, she might be able to delay him, but Odin's control over his Magic is legendary. He can just speak Enchantments into existence. The other Gods, when they eventually come, will be too late to save me. 

But, if that actually happens, Odin will definitely face a war with the other Pantheons. Not just for attacking Ayesha and Bast, but for breaking whatever laws the Gods have to govern them. So, yeah, there will be a war.

Like, 100% surely. And he won't win. That's probably the only reason he's actually restraining himself.

Lady Bast nods at me, so I say, "I would like nothing more than to demand complete withdrawal of Asgard from Midgardian affairs, but I know that it won't go well with the other Gods. A mortal demanding an entire Divine Realm to step back. So, I want only Hela barred from entering Midgard, or get anywhere near it, magically enforced by you yourself."

Odin scoffs, but says, "I will ensure that my daughter never steps foot here."

I snort, and say, "Try again. Don't think I'm blind to you leaving loopholes for her to take advantage of later, Odin."

Odin glares at me, and says, "Very well, Hela won't be allowed anywhere near Midgard. I will enforce it through the Odinforce."

Satisfied, I say, "Secondly, whenever Asgardians come here, be it to celebrate your wins, to defend the normal mortals from your enemies, to seek someone, or to just relax, I want them to respect the culture of the place that they're present in. If the culture allows for hunting, then sure, have at it, but do remember that Magical creatures are out of bounds."

Odin says, "Unless provoked, all Asgardians will refrain from attacking your Magical creatures."

I could have included Mages too, but there are already Laws amongst Gods regarding that. Gods cannot attack Mortals without being attacked first. And even then they have to try and limit themselves to just maiming. At most cutting a limb off.

I nod, and say, "Thirdly.. you will actually punish your daughter and the Asgardians that terrorized my Magical creatures and the Mages while I was presumed Dead."

Odin accepts the last condition without any show of disapproval, making me feel that he was going to punish Hela anyway. But probably not for reasons I believe are true.

"And lastly.." I begin but get interrupted by a snort from Odin.

He says, "Don't forget your place, boy. Three conditions are enough."

I smile, and ask, "Are they? I feel like these are too.. lenient. This is the last one, and if you accept all of them, only then will I agree on not killing your daughter where she stands.. or sleeps, as it is."

Odin growls out, "Speak."

I say, "Lastly, you will personally look my Elves in the eyes, and tell them that they won't be attacked by Asgard whenever they're trying to rescue their animals. Give them your word, as the King of Asgard, that their lives aren't in danger of being forfeit just because they live their lives."

Odin looks like he's about to yell, but refrains himself for some reason. Taking a few deep breaths, Odin says, "Very well. Anything else?"

Nodding, I say, "Give me your word, with the Goddess Bast and the Sorceress Supreme as witnesses, that you agree on all four conditions, and that you will enforce those terms. When you do so, I will get rid of the Curse, and I will return all the Asgardians I have taken prisoner today."

Ah, the beauty of having Elves as friends. They took all the soldiers that I knocked out into prisons I had created underneath my Castle. 

Odin looks like he's sucking on a lemon, but he knows that unless he wants War with a hundred different Godly Kingdoms, or risk Hela being killed, then he needs to accept. Ah, it feels good to win against two Gods in one day.

I do regret not getting to kill Hela, but as Bast had said, there was no turning back from killing a God. While I didn't recognise whatever marked Maya as a Godslayer, I know that other Gods definitely must have a way to feel it. I wouldn't mind it, but maybe in the future I might have some need to work with Gods, and them being wary of me will be counterproductive.

So, a threat. 

Well, at least now, the matter is over. Not completely satisfactorily, but this will do. Asgard won't harm Magical creatures anymore. They won't harm Elves, despite them being a threat to their lives, and they won't try and kill me later in life.

And Hela won't be allowed to come to Earth, but I know it won't hold for long. I have nothing that can bar her, and Odin's spell will only work until he lives. Just like the Spell that supposedly will bind her to Helheim.

I would have preferred Hela to have killed herself when she stabbed her own heart, but alas, one can only hope.

And besides, I got.. 31 new Asgardian weapons to work with! And I also have like, one liter of her blood hidden within my Gauntlets. If she tries something later, I'll just kill her then.

As far as I am concerned, this went terribly well.


A/N: How is it? Good, or bad? Satisfactory?

Some questions/comments that I feel would be commented, and their explanations:

"Mason should have killed her." - Yup, he should have, he wanted to. But if he actually killed her, then Odin will double down on his attacks on Midgardians until there's an all out war between Gods. Odin won't win, but he will kill a lot of Magical beings before that happens.

"How did Mason get her blood hidden in his gauntlets?" - remember the syringe that Mason used to get Sprite's blood? Expanded on the inside. When Mason stabbed Hela with his gauntlets, they sucked in as much blood as they could before she threw Mason away from her. 

Well, those are the only questions that come to my mind right now lol. At least those that weren't necessarily explained in the chapter. If you have any doubts, please ask. I welcome questions!

Oh, do you guys want to see how Odin reacts or should I just leave that to your imagination, or mention it in a short para somewhere later?

Thank you all for your support, and the praises! Welcome new readers, and thank you for your support too! 


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