/ Movies / Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)

Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) Original

Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)

Movies 128 Capítulos 3.3M Visitas

4.54 (90 valoraciones)

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A 25 year old man merged with the body of a 5 year old British child. In 1924. As a Wizard. Read on to keep up with his adventures in studying Magic!

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  1. HelloDarkness07
    HelloDarkness07 Contribuido 740
  2. OuyangShuo109
    OuyangShuo109 Contribuido 223
  3. ClarityDojo
    ClarityDojo Contribuido 186

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LV 2 Badge

The fact that the author has a better grasp of English than 99% of the people who post on this site is the only good thing I can say about this story. The MC is little more than a plot device, veering between competence and idiocy as needed to suit the plot. The fusion of the HP world and the MCU world is an interesting concept, but has been handled lazily and shows that not enough thought was put into worldbuilding. All this is symptomatic of the worst and fatal flaw of this story, that the author is unwilling or unable to deviate from the stations in canon. Starting the story in the 30s, well in advance of the main plotline of both franchises, should have given plenty of opportunities to cause meaningful changes. However, the author has gone out of his way to make his MC an over-confident and moronic imbecile whenever necessary, to make sure that all the major stations of canon will still happen. And what little original content there has been is so flat that it's not worth the constant Idiot Balls to make this story a glorified canon rehash. Basically, save yourselves the time. Just re-watch the HP movies, the MCU movies, and the X-Men movies and you'll get a more competently executed and enjoyable version of this story.

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Hi i wanna give my review on this story and I'll be doing that by comparing it with it's original counterpart, and his most recent dropped story celestial god, I am not sending the author hate it's just something that has been on my mind and if it can help him that's awesome. I'll begin by saying that the original could have done just fine had he planned accordingly to the changes he made to cannon, he said that he didn't know what to do because Mason was too powerful, well no, that's a lie just by being in Marvel i can say he wasn't that powerful and i could see a path ahead, he could have done some editing in the previous chapters and using the king's organization he could have gone for the kingdom building route by using Dorea and Helena. That's my main criticism about your writing style, in my opinion when writing a story you should plan in a methodical way and spend enough time reviewing that plan, that is not to say your writing has to be done in a robotic and mothodical way. to make things short, your writing style is amazing, the way you plan things is to write things as they come, at least that's what I got from the author's notes that you always do.(hope that makes sense dm me if you want a explanation, wold be a honor to talk to you) Now let's talk about the rewrite and why I'm getting disappointed with it, just like the original he gets power ups from marvel and completely forgets about it for most of the story, until the war that he insists in participating in it happens, now i don't hate the war, the author could just have gone another way with it, in my opinion the whole following Steve and Bucky trope is killing the story, if you don't wanna change cannon don't participate in a important war with one of the most important cast of Cannon characters in it, in my opinion you should have followed with the Logan and Viktor route, and that's not even saying that he low key hates England/Brittain because of his last life, why would he fight for something that would be won without any of his input and siding with a country he doesn't like, now there's also the fact that for plot conveniences you decide to nerf his intelligence, one time was a good learning experience for Mason but them he decides to go on and do it again knowing it's a trap, and it's not like he doesn't have the resources to plan beforehand, just a quick list of what he can do practically alone and he's done behind the scenes: time manipulation, enough magic power to create a personal dimension, has most of deaths artifacts, rune master, alchemist and so on and you're saying that he can't make a plan for an anbush, we know that he is a resourceful guy who has all the time and a lot of money to plan contingency plans all he wants. Now the last thing I wanna talk about is for the author to not have any fear in changing cannon, that's what fanfics are all about, in my eyes this fanfic was a masterpiece before the latest arc and he didn't even change cannon at the time and that was all that had to happen for it to be perfect in my eyes, i just wanted the author to have more confidence in his writing skills and imagination, i don't want this novel to fail because of the same reason as celestial god, where you apparently had ambitious plans but didn't plan enough, in the case of the rewrite, i can only see it being successful If he make changes to cannon according to the changes you made and that can be done, you just have to plan it. That's it, really hope that helped, will do a better review when you finish the story, i don't even know if you're going to read all this, thank you for your attention and the good times this novel has given me, have a little more confidence and you will be fine.

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Power, be it political, magical or social, is the ability to influence a situation in favour of one's desired outcome; so despite the MCs myriad abilities he is truly powerless. The author consistently kneecaps Mason any time he has the potential to exert power and by extension be relevant, leaving us with little more than a recap of canon from a different perspective. A well written world held back by an author to concerned with holding back.

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LV 12 Badge

Very mediocre and incredibly boring. It's like a take of HP fanfiction that's supposed to be 'realistic' but still 'op' and due to that it's not realistic at all. It comes out as a bit of a mess, really.

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Loving this. Hope there is not 2 girls this time. Difficult to keep track. Loving so far. Loving this. Hope there is not 2 girls this time. Difficult to keep track. Loving so far.

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LV 2 Badge

I don't know what to Say, it WAS good but with each chapter was getting worse 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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i liked the previous one better. this has more details and all but in trying to make the mc not too op you made too weak even with all his powers. i mean he is a mutant, a sorcerror and a wizard who actually is physically strong but still got caught by someone and took so long to escape.

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BACK!!!! Side note, not gonna start reading until this has atleast 15 chapters . .

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the author likes to nerf the character to create new scenes, when the character is powerful enough the author makes him lose to a random mage who isn't even strong

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Not good enough. Almost follow canon and play safe. The concept of merging HP and Marvel is good, however Author nerf MC alot. Not good enough. Almost follow canon and play safe. The concept of merging HP and Marvel is good, however Author nerf MC alot.

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The Fanfic has improved over time so I think readers that want to read this story needs to give it a chance first before bailing out. Don't expect a Gary Stu MC, the MC is overpowered but so is every villain he faces and this is not a wish-fulfillment story so don't expect an easy time for the MC. The author does a great job of making a realistic MC and great supporting characters and villains and is great at character development. The author also does a great job of immersing you in the world through great World Building, The only problem here for me is the stability of updates sometimes sucks.

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Nice so far. Great long chapter. Hope the quality is maintained. Excited for more. Nice so far. Great long chapter. Hope the quality is maintained. Excited for more.

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Boring that's all I wish to say. I have been using this story to help me with my sleep problems. I'm still figuring out how it has 4 stars.

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While its a good story I personally dont enjoy it, Mc is way to nice and emotional for me. While I havent read past him being like 9 so not sure if it's the whole young body young mind troupe but I personally dont like Mc's who wpuld somewhat risk being exposed to tuen criminals in by mind controling then and than gain absolutely nothing from it... But It is a good story if you like lawful good type Mc's.

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I have waited my whole life for this.

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Hello to the author from Russia, I read all your fanfiction through Google translator, as well as the message that I am writing to you, I also write through it, why am I, because despite the incomprehensible text in places, I, like other readers, fell in love with this fanfic and your author's work, I will hope that you will not give up this business and continue to delight all readers, good luck.

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LV 15 Badge

One of the best fan fictions I have ever read. Normally with this sort of thing mc gets op way to quick or suddenly gets unstoppable but that dosnt happen here while he is op it is gradual and he dosnt suddenly become a god.

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The story is not the problem itself, the problem is that the author subliminally promotes the international LGTB agenda. Homosexuality is one of the ingredients in this story. I am NOT critical of anyone's taste or sexual preference, but the least I could do is add warnings and labels. It's already infuriating that Hollywood, Netflix and other media outlets force the LGBT agenda down their throats.

Ver 3 respuestas

Good so far love the development of the story, I love the concept of going that far back in time and his creation of the Repository. Can't wait for more chapters as this story has a lot of potentials and can't wait to see what Mason does next. If I would suggest anything it would be that you focus on a certain aspect of magic that you haven't extremely covered, that of Spell Creation. I believe that he could create tomes of spells and hide them at Hogwarts and set a few parameters so that when he eventually gets back to the present or for descendants or the Golden Trio to find it. Another aspect that I would love the MC to follow is Artifact Creation. I would love for the MC to create an active 'family tree tracker' and place it in the Repository. I believe that this would be a 'good' gift to the goblins so that muggle-born students could have the chance to trace their ancestors to a possible squib ancestor. I hope you implement these ideas but I won't feel bad if you don't. Can't wait to see what comes next. Sukuna

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