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64.06% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 82: Hela Once Again

Capítulo 82: Hela Once Again

A/N: Sorry for the late upload. My schedule's all messed up, so you all should probably expect a chapter every fourth day instead of every third day.

The reason is, I'm looking for a job! Wish me luck! 

I'm also trying to fix my sleeping schedule. Currently, for the last.. 8 months or something, I've been sleeping from around 6 AM to around 2-4 PM, depending on my tiredness. It's 5 AM right now, so as you can tell, it's not working too much. But if I hope to have a proper job, I need to fix my sleeping schedule.

Anyway, wish me luck, and read on!


Heimdall POV:

Heimdall was a young man of just 1000. He had apprenticed under the last Gatekeeper of Asgard and Guardian of the Bifrost. He was actually trained for it, unlike the last Guardian who was just.. drafted when a guardian was needed. Which is how he boasts the enhanced senses he now has.

The Sword he was given by the Dwarves, Hofund, just expanded upon those senses, allowing him to see all through the Nine Realms, and even some of the space around the Nine Realms. 

He had used his senses for the last 700 years to look for threats towards Asgard, and towards its Allies; Dwarves of Nidavellir. The only Realm to have allied with Asgard immediately even before the War began.

The War against the Realms was still going, with enemies still being rampant. And it was his job to spy on them, to weed out their own spies in Asgard, and to just Guard the Bifrost, making sure no one attacks Asgard without him knowing about it first.

And he had done it for the last seven centuries with diligence. His intelligence had recently allowed Asgard to capture Alfheim and bring it under the AllFather's rule. His intelligence had allowed the AllFather to attack Surtur on his lonesome, fight him one against one, and defeat him, thereby taking his Realm Muspelheim out of the War.

But while two of the Enemy Realms during the war were taken care of, two more still remained. Jotunheim, and Vanaheim. Nidavellir was already their ally, Midgard was forbidden to be attacked upon, and Swartalfheim and Niflheim were desolate wastelands. One a cold world, colder than Jotunheim even, and the other a Dark World.

But he was still new at it, still inexperienced. And so, there are enemies that know how to hide from his Sight. Vanaheim chief amongst them. Their closest relatives were their deadliest enemies, and it showed when they fought the hardest.

But this.. this is not something he had ever expected to see. Or not see, to be exact.

A few years ago, a mortal Mage had attacked Asgardians, helped along by some sort of Tiny Witches with pointy ears. They had done it while the Asgardians were in the middle of a hunt, which was certainly a crime punishable by Death. 

You don't just interfere in someone else's Hunt. Ever.

And when Princess Hela had gone to bring the dangerous mortal in, he had proven himself capable enough of fighting her. Sure, Heimdall knew that Hela was holding her strength back, but still. Even being held back, Hela was not someone to be underestimated.

Even when she held back, Heimdall knew he stood no chance of surviving a minute against her.

As Heimdall had expected, the mortal had died, although he survived longer than expected, his body destroyed by Hela. But Hela was not someone who just forgot an offense done against her. She knew that the Tiny Witches were still on Midgard, free to interfere in the next hunts.

And so, Heimdall was commanded to keep an eye out for them. And whenever he saw them, he was commanded to inform the Princess, who sent a few people to Midgard to capture at least one, in hopes that they may find where the other Witches were hiding. Alas, in the following weeks, the Tiny Witches had always managed to escape. And wherever they had escaped off to, Heimdall couldn't see.

But then, one day, they just stopped coming out. So, Hela, getting angry, ordered the Einherjar, Berserkers, and even the Valkyrie, to visit Midgard every week. They were ordered to visit places of Magic, and to seek the Tiny Witches.

Again, much to their disappointment and anger, none of the animals they interrogated knew about the Tiny Witches, or they refused to tell them anything, preferring to die. Heimdall didn't like the fact that he was helping hunt down someone who was most likely just defending their Realm from invaders, which he even kind of admired.

But, the simple fact that these Magical Animals, and even the Tiny Witches, could harm Asgardians, even kill them, scared him. And so, he kept his eyes open when looking at Midgard, for any signs of these Tiny Witches.

And this time, when the Asgardians went to Midgard, towards a place that Heimdall had seen to contain a race of Centaurs, they had encountered something else. Something that fought back.

Heimdall had seen from his Observatory, unable to discern the size, or shape of the being fighting with the group of Asgardians. Even when the being broke the Asgardian Steel sword of the Valkyrie like it was a stick, Heimdall couldn't see anything. He didn't know if it was a man or a woman, a mortal or another God, a Demon or even an animal. He was completely blind when it came to that being.

And so, seeing that the Asgardians were losing the fight, Heimdall twists his sword Hofund in its place in a code decided upon long before his birth, blaring the Alarm all over the Realm. 

He needed to speak with the Princess, and the King AllFather. He needed to consult them over what needs to be done next.

When the 20 Einherjar Soldiers that stay on Bifrost, to help guard it in case of an aerial attack, come running to the Observatory, Heimdall orders one, "Go towards the Throne Room. If you see the King or the Princess, tell them that an enemy is attacking the Party sent on Midgard to look for the Tiny Witches. Also tell them that while the Soldiers down on Midgard can see the enemy, it is completely invisible to my own Sight. The rest.. prepare for battle, I am sending you down."


Mason/Atharva POV:

As I stab the broken sword piece into the thigh of an Einherjar, I jump back, letting the Berserker Staff miss me by a foot, and slam my Gauntlet covered right fist into another Einherjar's nose, knocking him out with just one punch, while the stabbed soldier starts limping backwards with a yell.

One down. Eleven to go.

Leaning all the way back, I let a Valkyrie's sneak attack pass over my body, and hold my hand out to catch the Berserker Staff of the first Berserker in my Gauntlet covered left hand. 

Huh, good to know the Staff cannot affect me when I'm wearing the Gauntlets.

I then pull the staff towards myself with a spin, and as the Berserker is pulled towards me, I slam my right fist, still covered in the Golden Prati Kavach like Gauntlet into his chin in an uppercut.

He gets thrown backwards, unconscious before he even lands roughly on the ground some 40 feet away.

Two down.

Storing the Berserker staff in Nowhere, I look up at the Valkyrie, all three of them flying above me on their Pegasi, while the three remaining Berserkers, and four remaining Einherjar Soldiers stare at me warily. One of the Einherjar had a limp still, from when I had stabbed him with the broken sword, while one Valkyrie now had the knocked out Einherjar's sword in her hands.

This wasn't a fight to the death. This wasn't even an equal fight. This was just me, taking my frustrations out on these people who just had the bad luck of being sent here today. Asgard is a dangerous enemy, which I don't want to have. I don't want to spend the rest of my life just watching my back at every moment.

And I didn't want my Magical Creatures to live the same way. I am the Guardian of Magic, and I will protect its people. And as long as Asgard considers the Elves its enemies, it won't happen. They will keep attacking the Magical Creatures to look for the Elves. Maybe they'll stop when Hela is banished. Maybe Odin will just stop bothering, but I can't take that chance.

And that's why this. Until I wait for Hela to actually get here. Using my body at its best, fighting with pure might and nothing else. No spells, no chi, no Mutations. Just me and these hands. Against Asgardian soldiers.

Golden gauntlets covering my fists, I slam them together, and grinning at the prey, start running towards them.

The Gauntlets covering my fists were something I created to replace the Prati Kavach. Made from the original Prati Kavach, some Magical Gold, as well as the Asgardian steel that made up the Berserker Staff I had stolen during the last battle, the Gauntlets were fairly similar to the original Prati Kavach. Only these ones can only form as my Gauntlets.

I didn't have enough time to study the Prati Kavach, and so I didn't have all of its enchantments back but I did manage to make it as tough as the original one, while also keeping the strength enhancement factor. I also gave it the ability to absorb the Magic within Magical artefacts to increase their own strength.

The last enchantment is what allowed me to snap the Valkyrie sword into two. There were more Enchantments that I wanted to add, but it will come later. When I have more time. 

The Gauntlets cannot move around, however, and can only reappear on my fists, conjured from the two golden bands that I was wearing on my wrists.

As I dodge around the 10 Asgardians attacks, however, while using my Gauntlets to parry their weapons, I can't help but feel that I've created a masterpiece beyond the Prati Kavach, although it is still incomplete.

For a minute, I keep fighting them, knocking one out after the other, without getting even a single scratch on myself. Despite them being in higher numbers than me, the strength and skill difference more than allowed me to completely dominate the fight.

The Berserker Staves I stored in the Nowhere, since I did want to study them more, while the Pegasi I knocked out by hitting them on the head with the Staff repeatedly. I didn't want to harm them, since they are so beautiful and Magical, but they're also completely loyal to Asgard, and the Valkyrie. And so, I was forced to knock them out.

Finally, within two minutes of actually beginning the fight, I held the last Einherjar by his neck, lifting him up into the air. All the other Asgardians that had come here to threaten the Centaurs into giving the Elves up, were unconscious.

Some had broken sword pieces sticking out of their bodies, but they will live. I am a Healer, I can tell.

I then look at the Einherjar in his eyes, and ask, "Is this how you expected this visit to go? Or did you expect it will be just like the last hundred times? You threaten my Magical creatures, hoping the Elves would come rescue them, so that you can capture them? How many Animals did you needlessly kill in these years? Hm?"

The man says nothing, since he can hardly even breathe through my hold on him. Sighing, I slam him into the ground, and with a punch, knock him out too.

This fight was boring, but it also told me that I am still not as physically strong as Hela, at least the one I had fought before. She could have defeated them all within five seconds. But, I also didn't use any skills other than my pure physical talents. No Magic, no telepathy, no Telekinesis. Simple hands and fists. Which means, that my stupid plan just might work.

Shaking my head, I fly away towards a tree that had fallen during the fight, and sit on it to wait. I sit down barely a second, when the Magic of the Bifrost builds up again. When the light clears up, I see 19 more soldiers, but no Hela in sight. Guess Asgard wants me to beat them up too.

Feeling some sort of otherworldly sight on me, I snap my head towards one of the soldiers staring at me warily, only to see that his eyes were.. different. His eyes were Golden, but even without knowing who the soldier was, I knew.

Those are not his eyes I'm looking at.

Grinning, I say, "Glad to see you join us, All Seer."

"Who are you?" The fair skinned soldier asks, as the others start fanning out to surround me.

Ignoring the movements, since they won't be of much help to them anyway, I say, "You know who I am. You saw your Princess fight me a few years ago. Tell her.. tell her I want a rematch. And if she doesn't show up here, well, I have entertainment, but I could get bored and accidentally kill someone."

"Impossible. The Mage died. I saw it, the AllFather saw it." Heimdall says, using the body of the soldier as a puppet.

I shrug, and say, "You sound like you haven't seen anyone fake their deaths before. What Hela killed was just a Golem created through Alchemy. Now, time is moving fast. Get Hela, Heimdall."

And then, the Golden eyes retreat, showing me just the confused brown eyes of a soldier, who still returns to his fighting stance. Cracking my neck, I sigh, enjoying being the Anti-hero for once, and start running. Hopefully, Hela won't take too long.


Heimdall POV:

As Heimdall retreats from using the senses of the Einherjar, he frowns, thinking over what he just heard. That someone managed to fake their death is not surprising. Odin AllFather himself had taught many of their stronger soldiers how to do that successfully.

No, the fact that a mortal managed to trick his AllSeeing Sight, and even Odin AllFather's eyes was what bothered him.

"What is it, Heimdall?" Odin's voice booms, as he walks into the Observatory, the great spear Gungnir in hand. Behind him, stood two guards, with Hela right next to him, looking at Heimdall with annoyance.

Heimdall doesn't care for it, she is a Princess, and he just disturbed whatever she was doing. He instead says, "The foe that Princess Hela fought a few years ago, the mortal Mage, he has returned."

"Don't speak lies, AllSeer. His survival was impossible. I killed him myself, I felt him die." Hela drawls out, not believing it in the slightest.

Heimdall bows, and says, "I just had a conversation with the man, my Princess. He recognised me for who.. what I am, and he said my name even. He has no disguise on, and I felt his Magic for what it is. He is not lying."

"You said you conversed with the mortal? What does he want?" Odin asks, as he stares out of the Observatory and towards Midgard, to watch the mortal fight 19 of the finest Asgardians, and dominate the fight. 

Heimdall could tell that even Odin couldn't see the mortal, and that bothered him, but none of them say anything.

Hela looks towards Odin, and asks, "You can't believe this, Father! The man is dead, and there's no way he could have returned. The curse on my blades should have killed any contingencies he had."

Heimdall nods towards the frowning Hela, and says, "He said that the man you killed was just a Golem, created through Alchemy. He also asked the Princess to come to Midgard, so they can have a.. rematch."

Hela clenches her fists, becoming angry, and asks, "He dares to order me?!"

"Silence!" Odin simply says, but Hela immediately becomes silent, knowing that despite the fact that she's a Goddess of Death, Odin could still defeat her.

Still staring towards the fight, while Heimdall keeps an eye on it himself, Odin asks, "Is this the man who hurt your ego so much?"

"He didn't hurt my ego." Hela hisses out, angry.

Odin looks towards her, and asks, "Then why are you still ordering my soldiers to go to Midgard to destroy the Magical beings that attacked our people? Despite my direct orders to never attack Midgard directly?"

Hela sucks in a breath, and asks, "And what should I have done then, Father?! Forgive those Witches for killing two Asgardian soldiers? Forgive these Mages for stealing the property of Asgard?! Forgive the Midgardians for interfering in an Asgardian's hunt?! What I'm doing is for the good of Asgard!"

"What you're doing is GOING AGAINST A TREATY OLDER THAN ME!" Odin booms out, silencing Hela with a startle. He says, "Midgard is one of the only Reams out in the world with not just one race of Gods watching over it, but dozens of them. Long ago, in the times of my Grandfather Buri, we all came to a decision to never try and rule it directly. We will protect it from our own enemies, and in return, if some otherworldly threat comes, we will help each other. You know about it, you learned about it in your history lessons. You learned about the Brood, and about the Godkiller."

"You going to Midgard and attacking its people could bring about a War if it is found out! I allowed the time you went personally, because our soldiers were in danger. I even commended it. But when you send MY soldiers to act as your interrogators on Midgard, you disobeyed my one law. Midgard is off limits, haven't I told you that before?"

Hela opens her mouth to defend herself, but before she could do so, Odin turns away from her, towards Heimdall, and says, "The mortal wants a rematch, he will get it." He then turns back towards a surprised Hela, and says, "You will go there, you will give this Mage his fight, and you will kill him. This time, ensure his death no matter the cost. If he manages to escape, Asgard won't just be facing a War against other Realms. It will also be facing a War against other Gods, Mages, Sorcerers, your Tiny Witches, and even the Magical creatures that you want to see extinct so desperately. Do not fail me daughter."

"I won't." Hela says, and nods at Heimdall to turn on the Bifrost.

As Hela disappears through the Bifrost Portal, Odin asks, "You have anything to say, Gatekeeper?"

Heimdall hesitates a bit, but after a moment's thought, he asks, "Why send the Princess, my King? Why not deal with the matter yourself?"

Odin snorts, and asks, "I want to teach Hela a lesson. She cannot create enemies wherever she goes without dealing with them. Asgard either rules over its enemies, or kills them. There is no sparing them. Besides, me going to Midgard and fighting a Midgardian? It would have summoned Gods from all over Midgard to stop me."

Heimdall nods, and doesn't say anything more. 

Odin, however, sees the disapproval on Heimdall's stoic face, and says, "We're conquerors, Heimdall. The Midgardians call us Gods. If one Mortal can get over his fear of us, and dare to challenge us for a fight, what makes you think others won't? This way, the war ends with the Death of one Midgardian before it even begins."


Mason POV:

Picking an Einherjar up while holding on to his ankle, I swing him towards the only other Einherjar still standing, sending them both flying towards the trees. Flying towards them, I land a punch each on their foreheads, knocking them unconscious before they even try to stand up.

Letting out a breath, as the tiredness slowly leaves my body, I look around the clearing, and the carnage that I'd left behind. One Aesir was sticking out of the ground, half his upper body digging into the Earth, while all others were spread around the forest, everyone unconscious.

And in return, I only had gotten cut by their swords a dozen times, and stabbed four times. They had good teamwork, that's for sure. Speaking of swords stabbing into me, I pull out the two swords still in my stomach with a wince.

As my wounds start healing, I take a few steps back just as Magic starts gathering once again. This time, when the Bifrost drops down and retreats, I see what I was hoping to see. Hela Odinsdottir, with a murderous look on her face.

"How are you still alive?" Hela asks, curiosity barely showing past her angry voice.

I shrug, and say, "I faked my death with a Golem that replaced me." I then pause, as we both stare at each other, and say, "You caused us a lot of problems, you know? You and your army of dumb brutes killed a lot of Magical Creatures. They hurt a lot of Elves too, and all of that just because of your bruised ego, and the hurt pride of the Asgardian army."

"And what will you do about it, mortal? Flee once again after faking your death? Do know that now that we know you can do that, we won't stop looking for you. And we always find those we are looking for." Hela says, and starts walking towards me.

Smirking, I start my own walk towards Hela, and say, "Flee? Oh darling, I am not going to flee. I am going to kill you, and I don't even care if I die while doing it."

Hela starts running, and says, "You are right about one thing, mortal. You will die trying."

And then, we both meet each other in the middle, our fists hitting one another with a loud explosion of sound. Hela's punch sends me a bit backwards, but I move with her punch, and strike my palm into her stomach, making her stumble too.

She looks up at me, wide eyed, and gets a spinning kick to her face in return, sending her stumbling backwards. She gets out of her shock, and we keep on exchanging hits. Punches and kicks hit one another, as my bones break and repeatedly heal thanks to her hits.

But unlike last time, I notice that I am not completely helpless here. While Hela was still stronger than me, my hits weren't exactly useless. They were also causing her harm, making her stumble. It was as if she wasn't too used to fighting strong enemies.

Which is highly likely, since she is an army killer. Her enemies mostly consist of cannon fodder. Well cannon fodder to her.

As Hela punches her right hand towards my head, I duck underneath it, and hit both my fists on her torso, sending her flying backwards.

Hela lands on her feet some 20 feet away, and skids to a stop. "You've gotten stronger. Pity, it won't help you." She says, as she starts running towards me once again, this time with swords in both her hands. Seeing that, I conjure the Gauntlets back to my fists, and let Glamdring appear in my right hand.

Within half a second, both of us meet in the middle, my Sword blocking one of her swords, while the gauntlet in my left hand blocking the other.

Hela looks at the Gauntlet with wide eyes, seeing it block her sword without getting any damage, but gets out of the shock immediately after. She leans back, making me lean towards her, and then kicks out with her knee. I had seen it coming, however, and I jump up, above her leg and her body, swinging my sword towards her chest.

Hela diverts my sword with her own, and as I land on the ground behind her, she waves her hand, sending four conjured Necroswords at me. Separating Glamdring into the Orcrists, I slap three of the swords away. Catching the last one in between the two swords, I send it flying back towards her.

Hela, who was in the middle of running towards me, steps away from the sword and keeps running, two more swords in her hands.

As our swords keep striking each other, I can't help but smile in exuberance, at how much of a match I actually am to someone like Hela. I am not her equal, no. As I said, my strength is significantly beneath her, but my speed, my fighting talents, and my instincts more than made up for it.

Ducking under another one of Hela's strikes, I sprint forward, my swords cutting through her liver. Unlike last time, while I'm still gaining injuries that heal after a few moments, Hela is not as uninjured as she would like to be.

"You.. you managed to hurt me!" Hela says, staring at her wound which was closing up along with her armour, and I see that despite hating me so much, Hela is actually impressed. She then turns towards me, and says, "You've gotten stronger, mortal. No doubt another of your Rituals. But.. it won't be enough. Because you're still a mortal, and I.. am a Goddess!"

I smile, and say, "And that's where you're wrong, Goddess of Death. I am not a mere mortal anymore."

And then, I start running once again. Jumping up, I spin around, landing right in front of Hela, swinging my sword at her throat. Hela leans back, and kicks my wrist, sending the sword flying upwards. She then tries to elbow my face, but I catch her elbow in my Gauntlet covered hand, and try to stab the other sword in her stomach. Hela uses her own sword to divert my stab away from her body, and in the same motion locks our arms together.

She kicks her left leg towards my guts, which I block using my own left leg, and before she can even start moving her right leg, I lock its movements with the same leg.

Each of us tries to dominate the other, but unfortunately for me, she's stronger than me. So, while my right hand fails to get out of her lock, Hela's right hand manages to get out of the hold of my left hand, and slams her elbow into my forehead, forcing it to snap backwards.

She then lands a kick on my stomach, sending me flying away from her, followed by four Necroswords all aimed towards my limbs. My wounds heal before I even start falling, and I catch two of the swords she threw at me in my hands. Using the two swords, I hit the other two swords so they flip backwards, and kick them both towards Hela.

Hela had used the space I had given her to conjure Mjolnir to her hands, and uses it to hit her own swords, which causes them to turn to dust. Goddamn, that's some weapon, turning Hela's conjured weapons to black dust with just one hit.

Seems these won't be of any use in my hand then. I store Hela's Necroswords in the Nowhere, as I finally drop down on the ground, and conjuring Glamdring in my right hand, start running towards her.

I dodge away from the conjured swords and knives Hela keeps throwing at me, and within a few seconds, reach her position. She swings her hammer at my head, and I smile. Opening a portal right in front of my head, I allow it to pass through. The hammer comes out behind Hela, and hits her on the forehead, sending her stumbling forwards.

Will she ever stop falling for that, I wonder?

Taking the opportunity, I clench my right fist, the sword still in it, and hit my fist on Hela's right cheek.


Hela flies backwards, shattering trees and rocks, and even passing through the body of an unfortunate wolf. I smile when Hela flies back, and look at my fist, which was still glowing a bit from the spell I had just used. A Bombarda, the Exploding Charm, had been cast through my fist at the exact moment that my fist touched Hela's skin.

And unlike last time.. I didn't fail this time. My Magic didn't fail me. It actually harmed her!

My Magic.. my beautifully evolved Magic, was now strong enough to actually work on a Goddess of Death. Thank you, Matatabi!

"YOU DARE?!" An enraged Hela yells, as she jumps into the air from her position quarter of a kilometer away from me.

Smirking, I lean back, getting ready. As soon as she is about to land right on top of me, her hammer aiming for my head, I spin around, conjuring something when my back is turned to her. As I turn away, I enjoy the minute widening of her eyes, as I slam the object into her left cheek, once again sending the fearsome Hela flying backwards.


The sound of her jaw breaking makes me smile, and I look at the object I had just used. It was a hammer, similar in looks to Mjolnir,. except where Mjolnir is made by the Dwarves, out of Uru, my giant warhammer is made out of Magic Silver, by me.

Oh yeah, I was enjoying this. This was personal, since she broke my Prati Kavach using Mjolnir the last time. My Sword is no match to Mjolnir, even without the Thunder it would be known for in the future. So, I created something to match it. Another War hammer.

Hela crashes into the ground after a lengthy flight, Mjolnir flying out of her hands, and I am already there, waiting for her. Right as she's beginning to stand up, I slam the hammer I'm calling Tremor into Hela's crossed arms, sending her flying once more.

As I apparate to the other side, Hela spins around midair, while I ready Tremor for another hit, and right as I swing my hammer, she catches my forearm, and swings her legs upwards, using the momentum to both land on her feet, and to lift me up into the air by my hand. Without a moment's hesitation, Hela then slams me into the ground.


I crash down on my back, sending tremors feeling all the way over the Centaur herd that was miles away right now. 

Hey, I was supposed to be the one causing Tremors. That's why I named my hammer that!

Hela then raises her arms, conjuring a large sword in one hand, and summoning Mjolnir to the other. Already knowing what she'll do, I create a portal right as the sword is above my heart, and the hammer strikes it. The sword flies out through the portal behind Hela, but she's ready for it, and catches it by the blade in her empty hand.

She keeps her foot on my stomach, putting pressure on it making me a bit uncomfortable, and snarls, "You think the same tricks will work again and again, Mage?"

Choking out a cough, I say, "No, but I made you look."

And then, my preparations complete, I send out a pulse of destructive Magic from everywhere on my body. The destruction magic flies away from me in a sphere, destroying everything within 20 feet of me in all directions.

Even Hela's armour gets completely disintegrated, showing me a glance at her beautifully built body, and so do her Necroswords, but her skin and the hammer itself remain unharmed. She does however, gets thrown backwards once again, giving me space to breathe.

I feel almost a quarter of my Magic deplete in that one attack, and I jump back a few steps, to recuperate. 

I was still physically weaker than her, there's no doubt there. My portals will only work as long as I only make it random and don't take every chance that I get. My Magic works, but the damage doesn't stick. Hela heals from literally everything within moments, just like me. But where I have mortal(although somewhat demonic) magic, Hela has Divine Magic to back her up.

Which means that to defeat her, I need to use everything in my sleeves. And first, I need to deal with her nuisance of a Healing factor somehow.

But whatever happens, I am not fleeing out of this fight, or dying. Every Magical being on the planet is depending on me winning right now. Because if I don't win, they will all die.

As I stand back up, Tremor still in my hand, I see Hela do the same, her horned helmet now covering her head instead of just hair. She glares at me, as her armour reforms on her body, and a cloak forms behind her back, and says, "You wanted to face Death? You've seen her. Now you will die!"

With that, Hela slaps both her palms on the ground, sending her Magic through it. With her hand as an epicenter, a wave of dark black Magic erupts out of the ground, turning everything into a pure black material reminiscent of her Necroswords. Within seconds, the spell or whatever it was, covers miles and miles away, turning the ground, and even the trees, into the Necrotic material that her swords were made of.

'This just keeps getting better and better.' I think to myself sarcastically, as I feel danger coming from all directions.

Well, whatever it is, I'll find a way.


A/N: I wanted to finish the fight in this chapter, but felt that it would be too short. So, the next chapter will finish the fight. It also probably won't have POV changes until the very end, when we see Odin's reaction.

Any questions, tips, suggestions, advice are all appreciated!

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