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33.33% A Loners Creations / Chapter 8: Atlas

Capítulo 8: Atlas

Good-night all Author-Kun here I just want to know what you all think about the story so far please leave a review tell me what you think I hope I am doing a good job with the world-building as I want this fanfic to be original and unique as an author aspired to make my own original someday these fanfic are practice for when that time comes so please tell me what you think so far.

Aarick was in a really foul mood he wakes up to find himself in an unfamiliar place then to top it all off he wakes up to find himself inside the body of one of the strongest anime characters to exist don't get Aarick wrong he dreams to be like Rimuru but he didn't think he would actually become Rimuru.

Till he began monologuing inside his head as he follows Matilda's family to gods knows were.

"This is crazy to think all that shit I been through was not a dream".

"Then to make things worst this bloody word has practically become extremely annoying to me the air stink".

"The vibration of my skin is annoying".

"The sounds are aggravating".

"And the fucking worse thing of all germ and bacteria are all over the place".

"Why am I even alive".

"How the hell did I even reach inside these towers of monster".

"Why the hell am I even here".

"I'm just a normal person why the fuck do I have to deal with this shit this whole scenario is so fucking aggravating, it's annoying, it stupid and to make things worse I'm surrounded by people I don't even know like that Awww I just want to go home.

Change of POV

Matilda looks at Aarick wrapped inside a blanket as his cloth was burned off in his rage he was at least 20 meters behind them, which signifies that he doesn't trust them.

The group said nothing all of them were sweating in fear except Shiro but he is a special case till he said to everybody.

"Well shit his thoughts are leaking out and by the look of it he doesn't have a good impression on us at all". Said Shiro in a very happy voice

The other look at him while Quinn was the first to speak.

"It appears so even now his thoughts are invading my head it appears he seems confused and extremely wary of all of us but I don't think he is aware he even using his telepathy power".

Matilda then continues as she said.

"With what I have seen so far, his abilities trigger depending on his emotions, just like Aria her teleportation only triggers when she is near death".

"But doesn't that mean he is walking time bomb"? Said Aria to the rest.

But Shiro was the one to answer as he said.

"Give my boy some time he will adjust eventually". Said the happy boy clad in dark armor.

Everyone looks at Shiro in surprise as everyone was confused and the reason why they were confused and surprise was because by normal means Shiro is supposed to hate Aarick with a passion as the Hilarity family exist to destroy the emperor of Sorrow so why was he so friendly towards him and the first to ask was Nayeli as she said.

"Shiro I've been meaning to ask isn't Aarick practically your family mortal enemy why do you have such a good impression on him".

"I wonder why myself hmmm I just enjoy his company".

The other began to hear Aarick thought again.

"This is so stupid I just want to go home".

"Wait are those disgusting creatures there as well shit what the hell am I going to do don't tell me I will have to be on fire for the rest of my life if I want some piece this is bull-shit".


The other began to hear his internal rambling till Matilda said.

"His powers are giving him an extremely tough time imagine your force to see bacteria everywhere you go not just that his senses are definitely omega worthy are probably even transcendence worthy".

Quinn then said.

"I think I have a way to make him calm down why don't we carry him in the simulation room our technology is so advanced we can trick even the strongest omega senses with relative ease".

"That just might work". Matilda said

"But first we need to get that telepathy under control". Said Shiro as he walks up toward the miserable Aarick as Shiro then said to him telepathically.

"Aaric can you hear me". Said Shiro to Aarick

Aarick gave Shiro a cold look or it was more that he was too pissed to care how he looks at someone as he said.

"What do you want I had seen, hear, smell, and felt enough shit for the day please just leave me alone".

"No can do buddy I know you are confused and your afraid it's normal to react at such after all just yesterday you were a tier-0 human but you have t get that telepathy power of your under control it so powerful it forcefully enter my mindscape and your monologuing is getting really terrifying look at the blond thot hiding behind Matilda she scared because she hearing how you wish the world should be destroy".

Aria then shouted out.

"I'm not a thot you lunatic". Said Aria in anger.

Shiro then rotates his head all the way around it looks fucking creepy as his head was facing his back as he smiled and told Aria in a happy scary voice.

"Bitch if I said your thot then your thot now shut the fuck up before I yeeted you in shark-infested waters".


Aria became so scared she felt her life was been treating and instinctively teleported inside the simulation.

"What the fuck did I just watch". Aarick said in confusion

"Oh please don't mind that thing existence it just bitch in her natural habitat and as the one at the top of the food chain it is my job to the bitch in her place, after all, I'm getting paid to invoke suffering and discipline to an unruly child". Shiro said as he rotates his head the correct way so fast it looks creepy as fuck.

"Creepy". Said Aarick

"Oh, thanks for the compliment". Replied Shiro

"I'm sure that was not a compliment". Said Matilda in her head

Aarick watches Shiro as he said in a happy tone.

"Aarick in order for you to control your telepathy you must first get a feel for your physic force".

Aarick became extremely confused at his statement in all his life he has never heard of such a thing in his life as he thought in his head but of course, everyone heard his thoughts.

"What the hell is physic force". Aarick thought in his head.

"I'm glad you ask you are a very lucky person Aarick I so happen to be an expert in physic force control I don't want you to feel uncomfortable so I need you to trust me on this ok I will forcefully awaken your physic force and seeing on how your ability to enter the mind of people forcibly your potential is definitely omega level".

When Aarick heard that his potential was omega level he looked at Shiro with a confused face as he said

"How the hell am I an omega level I'm just a weak tier-0 human".

"That right you were a weak tier-0 human now give me your hand I don't want to hold the hand of a dude any longer than 10 seconds I ain't gay".

Shiro then extends his hand out to Aarick

Aarick has calmed down a lot he was still pissed he experience literal bacteria mounting his very being it was a shock how he did not develop a fear of germs or germaphobia Aarick then look at Shiro's hand as he extends his hands out to him.

Shiro then looks at Aarick as he said while holding his right hand with his.

"Ok now, Aarick I need you to listen to what I am about to tell you as it is important for one who shows sign esper-like abilities to know what an esper truly is".

"What an esper truly is what do you mean by that arent all espers just power awaken"?

"Ok, Aarick I will need to first explain to you what physic force is before I explain what an esper is and what makes them different from awakening ones".

"You see physic force is not the power of mana nor is it the power that comes directly from the abilities of the world where people are gifted powers by Terra it is something far greater, far complex, and far harder to awaken some physic users are capable of doing some rather insane things while other are just minimal at best".

"Things like what"? Said Aarick who was listing to Shiro.

"Let me continue I will get to that part soon".

"The power of the physic force is basically the finite power of the brain mental energy brought fort to reality with the assistance of the body and the mind or in layman terms, the imagination brought to the physical world in the form of an attack or a result".

"You see every living being has physic force within them but unlocking it is a 100 time harder that why this world depends more on awakening power gifted from Terra where it is believed all powers on Earth originate from".

"Just like mana for say you see the mana of this world those not come from Earth but from the Mother of all things she is calls Chaos it believes she is the one true omnipotence of everything along with God of eternal order or as we mortal call him Infinity or father of the cosmos these two beings both played major roles as they are the one true God and Godesses the reason I am telling you this is because the mother chaos created all energy mana, electricity, life force, ki, mental, imaginary she created it all as she is the one true God queen that stands upon all existence".

"Now like mana we define it as a plea for help or a miracle brought fort into a reality that defies the law existence once it reaches a higher rank in a sense things gets way more insane after acquiring magic call true magic which is the pinnacle of all magic and when one acquires true magic it becomes so strong that everything stops making sense from there, of course, all of this can only be achieve with the assistance of Chaos now Physic force is just like that".

"Well take me for example my physic force allows me to do basic telekinesis but that is not all I am capable of doing. The true power of my physic force is well let's just say I can increase the fear on not just me but my victims as well I can increase my fear to the point it is hard for others to breathe meaning that they become so afraid of my me they forget they had the ability to breathe, in short, it a killing intent on steroids while I can also increase the emotion of fear on my enemies to make them lose focus in battle by doing this their movement become sloppy and what was once a strong warrior is reduced to nothing but an amateur fighter with a lot of opening as there body reacting to the fear, either way, it's either a flight or fight kind of reaction I can make them do".

"But that also the weakness of my physic force if a stronger enemy senses or feel great fear the will raised there, guard and always stay focus that is what physic force is. Now I will explain to you what the difference between an esper and a awaken". Shir said with great pride impress by his own capabilities of being a teacher.

"Now first thing first the term esper was giving to those who can lift thing with their mind many people think these people are powerful awaken ones call espers now that bull shit as the reason I say this I will also explain later as the name espers were just giving to us".

"You see you have the ability to enter and forcefully enter people mind in some cases this can be caused by normal awaken abilities with many restrictions but in your case, I can sense the pure Ki coming off you and it's amazing this is evident after your resurrection your Ki points or vessel was open up I wouldn't be surprised that you open up all of them already but even so your vessel are all virgins and have not been introduced to proper awakening that why I will use my physic force to forcefully awaken it this will make you have absolute control over your telepathy".

"But off that topic, for now, you see the difference between an esper and an awakened one is that an awaken received their power from Terra while an esper earns their power by immense training by opening their ki points to achieved physic force the more ki points you open the more powerful the ability you receive from your physic force and please remember every esper physic force is unique and can't be replicated by normal mean although I tell you the ability of my physic force you don't understand how scary mines is you see my physic force is called [Fear of the unpredictable] the fear I give was birthed from my destructive desire of death life a pain you now but it doesn't matter what I do I can't die so if I can't die I will kill all the baddies before me".

"This ability is so strong it can make the god of this world tremble as well you see I have unlocked 30 of my ki points I only I have 4 left and after that, you can still get stronger by strengthening the ki point and train till your limiter are removed after achieving this state the legends say one while achieving the gift of enlightenment and be blessed with a body with infinite potential erasing you from the curse of the God that no matter how strong a human is they will never step into true transcendence".

"But the most important thing I want to tell you is what other people call espers we call ourself practitioner or cultivator we strive to reach enlightenment or what other would call Nirvana state take it any way you want to take it but by the end of the day all practitioner like myself all live by the law of the jungle in the end only strong rule but the good news is only student at diety academy knows about the existence of physic force but it too hard to awaken without proper ki points and the training to unlock it is merciless but your seem very strong anomalous strong if you ask me".

Aarick listing to Shiro's very described explanation surprisingly he didn't felt confused nor lost he took in every information perfectly he is even confident he could repeat word to word exactly how he said it but he wants to be sure of one thing so he as Shiro the question boggling his mind.

"You said that your physic force awakens to your desire right".

"Yes, that right".

"Why is that and will I also get a power according to my desires"?

"Well remember your physic force awakens from the imagination so it reacts your desires so cling to your innermost sacred desire be greedy, be insane, let loose of everything you have boggled inside you don't stop there pure everything into your emotion your feeling let the power corrode you and bring fort a strong ability remember a physic force ability is a manifestation of the imagination so let run wild".

When Aarick heard it he could not help but think that all his life was nothing but a torcher he wanted some clarity that he was capable of achieving the impossible to show everyone he wasn't such a loser he wanted to clarify that his life actually meant something even if it was a tiny bit.

Aarick then looks at Shiro signaling he was ready.

Shiro then said.

"Now relaxed think only of power as I will forcefully push my ki withing your ki portal awaking your physic force".

From there Shiro grabs Aarick hand tightly as Aarick began to a crimson bloodthirsty aura surrounding Shiro Aarick danger sense was off the charts the fear engulf him but strangely he didn't felt threaten just meagerly intimidated like he was been protected by something far worse within him.

From there Aarick felt foreign energy enter inside his body as he feels a hot sensation burning him from the inside out.

On the inside of Aarick body, something amazing happened as all 999 of his ki points were absorbing Shiro physics force at a rapid rate within his body all his ki force we swirling at extremely fast speed to the point it was surpassing light normally Shiro energy cant do this so the only person with this much power was Pandora as she was feeding Aarick ki points while fusing it with Shiro energy Pandora was feeding all ing point with a huge source of her blood which non-existent liquified anti-matter of that what she calls it.

The energy became extremely dense till all his ki points were so dense and compress with the energy they literally transform into black holes until they collapse into a singularity of themselves.

Meanwhile outside.




Aarick began to feel immense power dwelling in him so much so the glass starts to break and floating into air lockers, draws, doors, vents, everything starts slamming over and again cups drop and brake light blow up the dirt to float and even Aarick meanwhile Aarick was in conflict as he was thinking in great pain and began screaming.

"What the hell is this it feels like my inside felt lie there melting".

"My organ feels like a balloon and ready to burst at any moment".

Aarick then began to scream in pain.






The others were far away but even they began to float as they said while been attack by Aarick bright purple aura that manifested meaning his physic force has been awakened.

"His power is amazing". Said Quinn holding his eyes protecting them from the bright aura.

"What is this tremendous physic force". Said Matilda trying to get down

"S-S-So this is the power of a double emperor". Said Nayeli in awe and fear.

Meanwhile, Shiro was the most shocked.

"The hell he eating the very life force out of me haha well I did say be greed well then bit take as much as you want I have plenty of life to spare but still this physic force is abnormal this confirm it you are not human nor a dragon nor a phoenix nor a god you are anomaly with the potential of surpassing the Gods how much ki point do you have to be taking this much from me 50, 60, 190, 250, 300, 580 my lord the number just won't stop it going up by the second".


Aarick body began to trembles as his crown became vantablack almost like a black hole while his fist produces a weird black smoke making a black could like smoke coming from it from there Aarick and everyone else began hearing cracking sounds and wh look his wing began to transform and from there the purple aura died down as everything that was floating drop to the floor.

"Ouch". My butt said Nayeli rubbing her ass

"Aww, my head". Said Matilda as fall and knock her head.

"MY LORD IT'S BEAUTIFUL". Said Quinn as he was so captivated by the thing he was seeing he didn't even realize the sting pain in his back from dropping to the floor.

When Matilda and Nayeli look at Aarick they jaw drops.

"Amazing". Said, Nayeli

"He was born to be perfect". Said Matilda who was crying as she has never seen anything with such beauty before.

Shiro looks at the new Aarick after awakening his spirit force and when he saw it he began laughing as he held his head back.

"Hah haha haha hahaha You ton bunch or surprised arent yah".

Meanwhile, Aarick felt Shiro let go of his hand, and then he heard his other self in his head which sound just like him he was confused and just remember that he heard this version of him before right after Pan...

"Pandora was the first thing that came into mind when he heard this version of him as it said".

[Thought of the Loner have transformed due to the awakening of the main body physic force]

[Unique physic force unlock]

[Congradulation due to the awakening of physic force you unlock a unique ability]

[The physic force ability Isolation of the stars has been achieved]

[Due to body edit your blood has been transformed to non-existent liquify dark matter]

[Due to body edit your wings have been promoted to Cosmic wings]

[Due to body edit your vein has been promoted into Chaos veins]

[Due to body edit your Crown and rule has been Promoted from Progenitor level to original originator of the Fallen Monarcha race]

When Aarick heard this he was shocked but a question plague his mind from the very begging till he began questioning it again.

"What the hell is Fallen Monarcha if I am right wasn't Rimuru a slime so arent I a slime". Ask Aarick in his mind and just like he wish for it he began hearing the voice of himself again.

[Does the main body wish to access the information from the Askashi record for information on the Fallen Monarcha race]

"What the hell who are you".

[I am you in short a split personality of yourself simply created to aid you when you are confused or in danger]

"Wait what you are a split personality".

[Yes at first I was a simple subconscious security system for your body but after your evolution to a Fallen Monarcha I was gifted the Original skill [knowledge of the cosmos] from the all gifted, all-knowing mother Pandora-Sama so I have access to many knowledge as it comes directly from the Akashic records]

When Aarick heard this he was shocked.

"So whoever or whatever Pandora is the reason for the current me".

[Affirmative when you were killed by the undead lord she resurrected you and save you from Terra as she was planning to use you as a tool]

Aarick did remember a weird dream where he was been called worthless by the Earth Goddess Terra or so she says she was that why he can't get rid of the feel of the world mocking him.

He then said to his other-self.

"So in short she did not only save me from literal true death, but she also saves me from Terra who was going to use me as a puppet, and to top things off she also gave me this new body and also this amazing power including whatever the hell happens to me earlier".


"But why would such a powerful person do that for someone like me". Asked Aarick in great confusion.

But the answer he got next shock him greatly

[Because she fell in love with you]

"Wait what I didn't think I heard that correct what did you say"?

[She fell in love with you]

"Why though before this I was ugly.

[She found you extremely handsome she still would even if your face was burned off]

"But I'm fat and chubby practically overweight which girl would want a man like that".

[She found you rather adorable even then]

"But I have zero sex appeal, no friends, extremely antisocial, suicidal and an otaku".

Aarick other personality heard this as he said like he knows the obvious as he imitates Pandora's voice.

[She would simply reply with darling is darling regardless of what he is or what he becomes I will still love him]

When Aarick heard this, he was extremely surprised that never in his life has anyone treated him with such love and affection.

"So where is Pandora".

[Inside your soul]

"Wait for what why is she inside my soul".

[Well to save you from death she had to repair and recreate your almost erase soul by using her own soul the end result is that you two are now and one and the same but two different individuals at the same time]

"She actually went that far for me I don't know what to say".

[Take it any way you want]

"So why do you speak like that you sound really emotionless".

[My purpose is to be your guide and so emotions are not necessary]

"I see so what can you do"?

[I have access to literally millions of information that have been discovered or have been lost within the universe although I don't know everything that lies in the vast infinity I'm still capable of giving you information to start a universal war between many races from different planets including this one]

"I see well for starters can you tell me what a Fallen Monarcha is".

[A Fallen Monarcha is the evil version of a regular Monarcha you see a Monarch in a sense were the first angel to be created by the Cosmos for the initial purpose of being a guardian for their safety or fix anomaly within itself that needs to be annihilated the Monarcha race has existed long before even the Gods were born hell they were born even before time was created you see When a Monarcha is born they are born without any emotion cold-blooded for say but in time they grow]

[They eventually evolved through countless battles more time went on the develop emotion and awareness some grows to love while there were some that were tired of been Pawn and slaves to these Cosmos as Cosmos are practically the celestial body in space after a Monarcha kills their creator they fall from grace and become a killing machine that hungers for battle these types of Monarcha are called Fallen Monarcha and that what you are and after a Monarcha kill their creator they absorb a piece of the celestial powers withing themselves]

"Wait what so you are telling me I have been reborn into a Celestial killing machine".

[Yes but you are different you are an Origin Fallen Monarch Meaning you have the body with potential the far Surpass the first Fallen Monarch as before your Physic force Awakening you were a fallen Monarch with 3rd Progenitor capabilities and rule over the Fallen Monarch race butt after the awakening your race got promotion now you need to train and fight many battles to the death as a Fallen Monarch biostructure work in a way that every time you kill a fraction of their power will go to you to strengthen you further and even when you are near death or receive horrible wound you will come back with power boost]

When Aarick heard this he was shocked he was just a normal human just yesterday and now he was up in a body that thrives on killing but he had to ask this one question.

"But feel normal I don't want to kill anyone except Hu-Chan I hate that guy I just want to draw".

[And draw you shall you will understand what I mean by that later but let me tell you something after you take the life of something for the first time with your own hands you race battle urge will kick in that feeling will be like a drug it a feeling you can't fight against so your destine to become a battle maniac or the perfect killing machine that love fighting strong oppents]

"What a bother"

[But the good news is you will you have attained a means of defense by the way would you like me to adjust the world around you to be like a game information wise that is]

"I see so you can totally do that right".

[If the main body desires it then I can indeed make it so you can see the world information as a game]

"Then please do so I want to see my stats I need to see how much I have changed".


[Configuring knowledge of the cosmos into status bord according to the main body desires and altering it to this world standards]

[Cofiguration complete now uploading and showing status board to the user]

[Affirmative now showing stats]


[Aarick Sicilian Dawn]

Race: Pillar of Loneliness

Subrace: Origin Fallen Monarcha

Power level: 150,000,000

Wives: 1

Occupation: Emperor of Sorrow and Sloth, The non-existent

Class: Avenger, Saber, and Caster

Tier-Level: Tier-10

Strength: Tier-8

Speed: Tier-7

Stamina: Tier-8

Vitality: ∞

Intelligence: Tier- 8

Magic: Class-X

Total Ki points open: 999

New ki points: 1001 (Locked)

Physic force type: Unique

Physic force ability: Telekinesis

[All skills]

[Body editing, Eyes of fate, minion creation, Race control, and Progenitor control, Flight, Chaos manipulation, Omnipotent senses, Cold-blooded, Respawn, Soul regeneration, Pandora, Eternal loneliness, Umbrakinesis, Emotion manipulation, Density manipulation, Genetic manipulation, Misfortune manipulation, Manifestation, Technology manipulation, Pain Manipulation]

[Martial arts]

[ ]


[The Breath of Sekhmet, Mana control]

[Body Edit Log]

[Chaos veins, Cosmic wings, liquefy non-existent blood]


Aarick instantly skips all the things on the stat board and just watches on all the skills he had and he was shocked really shock, extremely shock.

"Am I seeing things other me"?


"So you are telling me I can now control people's luck to make their life a living hell".


"While also having the ability to control shadows".


"With the fucking ability to respawn"


"Including the ability to control technology and walk through fucking walls and literally fucking up someone's biostructure while altering my own".

[Affirmative everything you see there is real]

Aarick hears all this was it because his intelligence went 20 folds or the fact that he was too shock to the point that he didn't shout or anything he simply said in a soft voice.

"What the hell have I become".

[Regardless of what you have become you still need to train to master your powers so I advise you to go on a bloody hunt for some mystic within the Central dungeon if you want a good fight I suggested fight semi God beast to death on the 45th floor]

Aarick was so shocked yesterday he couldn't avoid an explosion now his other self is telling him to fight a semi-god beast.

He was so shocked but he disregards that topic for now till he said so you have a name I can call you.


[Sigh I guess I will call you Atlas since you are practically carrying all the information the universe holds]

[Affirmative I shall now be referred to as Atlas]

Aarick wanted to ask Atlast more questions but he felt someone rubbing his wing and in reflex, he saw both Matlida, Shiro, Nayeli hell even Quin was rubbing wings as they each said.

"It is so beautiful it like I'm watching into the night sky". Said Nayeli touch Aarick one single wing.

"My what hell is it even made off I need a sample one sample". Said Quinn trying to pull a feather of it but he couldn't pull it off.


"Really you are truly interesting Aarick". Said Shiro just looking at it.

In Panic Arick jump up from the ground as he literally reaches about 10 meters up standing on the wall like a flat surface as he shouted with his sheet still covering his body as he said.

"AWWW do you people don't definition of personal fucking space".

Nayeli looks at Aarick as she said.

"Ara, ara you seem mad but you have to understand how beautiful that one wing looks it's a piece of art so well done it even brought tears to Matilda's eyes".

"So Aarick do you have your telekinesis under control". Said, Shiro.

Aarick began thinking random thoughts as he asks.

"Did you hear anything"?

"Nope, that means it works". Replied Shiro

"So tell me what does your Physic force does". Asked Matilda

"I don't know". replied Aarick and even if he did now why would he tell them

"I see well we can always find out later but take a look at your current self". Said Matilda.

From there Shiro then creates a mirror using one of the many abilities he has in his arsenal a simple Tier-2 ability that does nothing but creates glass.

"Holy shit is that me".

When Aarick looks at his-self he was surprised he was still covered up in a sheet similar to how Rimuru was in his demon lord awakening as that the only clothes he had at the moment but his single wings were not blackish-purple but instead it was Vantablack with a glittering pattern that looks like stars hell if you look good you can see some space dusk and stardust with space clouds it was and all of was moving as well.

While on his head his crown still remains floating but above his head a was full-colored Vanta black halo while on both his hand turn full black with black vein going up it and weird black cloud loud like some was coming out of both his hands.

"What the hell is this Atlas"?.

"Which one"?

"All of them".


[A cosmic wing is practically a mini celestial in the form of a wing you can use it to fly at supersonic speed and store things inside it like storage only non-living thing though because if someone were to enter inside they will suffocate as no air is inside]

[While the black halo is proof of you been an Origin Fallen Monarcha it also gives you the ability to breathe in space levitate off the ground slightly but it most useful ability would be you can create a powerful barrier that can tank almost any attack at least for 3 times a day oh it also a universal translator you can speak all language now]

[While that black smoke is a chemical reaction that gave birth between your chaos vein which gives you a perfect body for martial art and also a single punch is capable of ripping through spaces if you punch something all out as the vein boost your physical prowess while also making you control the element around with 30 meters a domain for say]

[While the non-existent liquify dark matter blood is basically blood unique to you and Pandora this blood makes you immune to all poison, all plagues oh and if someone drinks from it with your permission of course they can acquire immortality and immortal youth your blood can also cure all illness but if someone drins it without your permission they will die or be cursed and by the way it makes great fuel put this baby in a car you will be traveling at light speed]

[But it also because your blood is formed from the nothingness an element that the chaos couldn't create when the two were put in you it gave you that dark cloud so if you punch something using that their indestructible skin will most likely rot]

"Nani doesn't that mean I can touch no one with these hands".

[Affirmative but your blood only act like this because from since you were up you were in semi battle mode making your blood boil in excitement simply think of all your accessories to disappears then it shall be done]

From there Aarick then follows Atlas command and command his one wing to disappears while his crown turns into a cute small hairpin the veins died down as well as his hands return back to normal the black cloud also disappear maybe because Aarick blood needs to boil in order for the chemical reaction to occur.

Aarick left the halo as he thinks it is useful that he could tank any attack even if he was immortal he would rather avoid pain as much as possible and especially since he is around that little devil Shiro for some reason he can't shake off the feeling that Shiro is more than meets the eye so he asks Atlas.

"Hey, Atlas I have been getting this bad feeling from Shiro ever since I waken up why is that".

[About time you ask let me tell you don't let your guard down around that thing pretending to be human he simply hiding what he truly is although he is currently human right now and has seal most of his tremendous power inside that scythe pretending to be a sword]

"Wait what so you telling me that Shiro is not what he says he is".

[Affirmative that old monster is a child right now he cants afford for anyone to now his true power nor his true existence because he been cursed if anyone or anything says his true name they will know where he is that why he disown his name so that he can protect humanity after all that thing pretending to be a child fell in love with human Millions of years ago and after her death, he promised to watch over the human race and if there kind were to face any danger he will eradicate that treat if it gets too dangerous]

"Wait wait you just throw a shit ton of information I wasn't prepared for wasn't he 10".

[Just don't ask about him please I don't want Pandora sama destroying multiple universes just to eradicate a simple group of 5 universe buster please I'm begging you that bitch is crazy I need you to trust me on this you don't want to go there I rather deal with them than deal with her I can take them as well with your body combine with my omniscience so don't worry about Shiro for now because if it is you that gets hurt even with your immortality Pandora would go as far as to erase existence". Said Aarick another personality in great fear].

"I thought you said you didn't have emotional".

[I have no emotions but before Pandora Sama, even an emotionless being like me can't help but feel fair she is just that powerful]

"How powerful is she"? Aarick asks in fear.

[If everyone across the infinite reality and dimension meaning the multiverse hell even the outerverse were to attack Pandora all at once she can kill them with a single clap of an ass cheek]







"Did I just heard that correctly"?

[Yes you did, existence owes you a huge debt Aarick as you are the only one capable of controlling Pandora you are like a really powerful SCP containing a stupidly overpowered SCP]

"And that woman is in love with me".

[Yes congratulations]

"Do I have a choice in this"?


"If I refuse".

[Bye bye existence so please take one for the team and put a ring on it]

"Bye my daily quietness".

[Thank you]

"Why do I sense Yandere vibes".

[I partially blame you though at first, she didn't care for anything then you had to walk and give the loli-gothic lolita dark chocolate and Bam the worst Yandere in existence is created your luck is horrible men no our luck is horrible because I'm technically you but more bass ass]

"Wait the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life is Pandora".


"How much Yandere is she Yuno bad or Kotonoha Katsura bad".

[If Yuno Gasai pull off fusion Satou Matsuzaka bad]

"Oh my God, this is bad really bad fuck my luck".

[look at the bright side you now have access to the greatest Pussy in existence if that helps in any way]

"But at what cost at what cost men at what cost".

[Well Pussy is Pussy, my brother, even if it's crazy Pussy]

"You don't sound very convincing sound emotionless while you say such words"

[Well she doesn't mind you having other women but her crazy is on a different level of existence]

"Sigh for now is there any way I can get some clothes".

[Just imagine the shadows wrapping themselves around you]

Everyone watches as all of Aarick additional parts disappear and the traditional Rimuru outfit formed around him but it was black, not blue Shiro saw this and then said.

"You see you are already controlling your powers already".

"I know Aarick was amazing" Said Quinn surprised by his talent

"Ara ara he is already adapting". Said, Nayeli

"We already waste enough time here Aarick I want to talk to you about something after we explain everything we know about your current situation".

Aarick looks at them and simply said.

"Fine let hurry 60% day at the supermarket and I cant miss that sale I just want to go home the quicker the better".

From there everyone leaves to go to the simulation room.

Retro_Senpai Retro_Senpai

Hope you enjoy the chapter

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