With the misunderstanding between the group and Christine temporarily solved, they begin moving towards the Sierra Madre Casino in the distance. The Casino itself was actually a couple miles away, and to reach it you'd need to traverse a long path winding up and down steep hills.
The terrain didn't slow the group down much, but it certainly slowed the Ghosts who were stumbling over one another and stupidly trying to go over terrain that was too steep to traverse... Hundreds of those creatures might've gotten stuck alone, yet, the numbers heading towards the Casino still seemed neverending.
The group continued to try to sneak around and past the Ghosts, the creature's limited hearing, and sight making it fairly easy for the most part. But the closer to the Casino the group got the denser the groups of Ghosts got... This eventually made it impossible to continue without attracting the attention of the Ghosts.
They were still halfway up the mountain leading to the Casino when a firework going off illuminated the area, causing all the Ghosts around them to slowly turn around and look at them... "Fuck." Afton spits when he realises half the Ghosts on the mountainside were now looking at them.
Without waiting another moment, he grabs Anja and Christine and hoists them above him out of the Ghosts grip before charging straight into the crowd like an American Football player. He easily flattens the first few who get in his way, and easily began rambling anything else that obstructed him...
Veronica had done the same, grabbing Dean and following the trail of bodies Afton had left in his wake. Fortunately, the Ghosts weren't as focused as they'd usually be... The Fireworks going off above them must have been distracting them to some extent. Blades, claws, and other makeshift weapons skittered off of her armour as she followed Afton.
This train of rambling continues all the way up the mountain, eventually managing to reach the Casino before any of the Ghosts had actually managed to... Afton sets down Christine and Anja while glancing a Veronica who was gulping in deep breathes, obviously exhausted.
Afton allows her to catch her breath and turns back to the Casino, scanning it for any hint of hostility... Truly, it was much, much bigger up close. He'd never seen a building so big in this world before... Even the Lucky 38 would be dwarfed by its sheer scale.
Along the walls were indentations that most likely hid the defences, the many auto-turrets Elijah had spoken about beforehand... Fortunately, he hadn't lied about the Gala Event deactivating them. He looks towards the door, which currently had a red carpet laid out for the guests and many shining lights flashing around. He was lucky he didn't have epilepsy, otherwise he'd instantly be having a seizure at the sight of the entrance alone...
"Nyx, any luck finding and gaining access to the Casino's systems?" he asks his AI after turning off his microphone.
"I have made many attempts sir, but it looks as if someone else is attempting to do the same... They have succeeded in some places, but the security of the Casino varies greatly." she explains.
Afton nods, "Alright, continue on that if you could." he says with a sigh, wondering if Elijah was already on the move. He turns towards the group and gestures them to follow him, having just noticed a few Ghouls shambling up the mountain, they'd reach the Casino in around half an hour if they were lucky, so it was best to try and find a way to seal the doors.
The group follows his gaze and quickly nods, following Afton as he jogs towards the Casino entrance. There were a few Holograms standing either side of the doors greeting them and attempting to explain the Casino's rules, but the group just ignores them and enters anyway.
Once through the doors, Afton feels himself gaping at the sight before them... An absolutely humungous room completely filled to the brim with Holograms, Casino tables, Games, and other things. There were even Hologram guards walking around, one actually approaches the group and looks Afton up and down.
"Weaponry is restricted, please visit the reception and remove your weaponry, or suffer potential disintegration." it states.
Afton holds his hands out placatingly, "Alright, alright... I'll get on that." he says, not wanting to attract the ire of all the Holograms in the Casino. Fortunately, it seems that the Ghosts would also be having a bad time upon entering as well.
Afton coughs into his hands, "Where is the reception may I ask?"
The Holographic guard just points at a desk right next to them with a blank look. Afton is about to walk over when Dean steps up, surprising the group.
"Now hold your glow-in-the-dark panties... Do you know who I am?" the ghoul asks.
The Hologram nods servilely, "One of the singers Mr Sinclaire invited, Dean Domino."
Dean grins and crosses his arms, "These people are my bodyguards, I am sure they have permission to keep whatever tools of self-defence they carry." he explains.
"Processing." the hologram states in a robotic manner, clearly trying to find whether or not this is acceptable.
"Confirmed, bodyguards have been giving temporary permission. Enjoy your stay Mr Domino." the Hologram says before starting to walk away, only for Dean to step in front of it again. "Is something bothering you Mr Domino?"
Dean nods, "There is a group of assassins outside all wearing black suits, gas masks, and wielding weapons. I would appreciate it if you disallowed them from entry into the Casino."
The group's heads swivel towards the door where a black clawed hand emerges from the gap in the door... The Ghosts had arrived far faster than Afton had expected...
Afton draws his recovers and starts firing as a couple Ghosts shamble into the Casino, blowing their brains out. And causing them to temporarily fall to the ground as their bodies move to regenerate the damage.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Chris Lindsey
Michael Jarrett
Nazlican Erdem
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